THE MICHIGAN DAILY -0-0-0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 10 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 * 4. 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0-0-4 NOTICE Spring Line of Puritan Shoes and Oxfords now in. See our new Tans in window, button or lace, in _ Cjrokmnin Turkey. Perfected in Lgype. Lnjoyed in America. 'MOGUL SMO KLAKS EGYPIAN SMOKERS . : W .a the "New Spud Last." Y - For the benefit of our customers we wish to say that the Puritan Shoe Co. has been made very much stroniger by going ' r into the hands of the factory-Geo. E. Keith Company, Blrockton, a 'in' 14 .5. *Mass. George E. Keith does not control the inme Puri tani,hut 8. lihe does own and c)o/ folo te lats, fcfOt'05lol ndfacort-f ohichl Oo4, goade thf/e name ''Ioeoitnn)" /arottoos. He has, always had theex elusive right ini making our shoes. Whleunbtiyinog your Puitan MsT A Oxfords this spriiig be sure aiid buy the ORieIiNAt,, anid not some M oneCT LdoanCU. iiiferior lbraiid with the Puritan label. Stock is all fresh; new yOn' 4 + shapes and styles arriving daily. 'Watches, Diamonds Or other personal }property oil; vale" .Watches anot .leovelr~y *l e- j THE OLD ORIGINAL PURITAN paired.:lBargains is Watches ___________________________________ ad.Diamonds. Offisce at residence, 331tl E. Lila The Old Place, ill South Main Street+ erty Street, Ace Arbor. [lars 8 to 11:30 a. in., i to :30 p. in., 7 too 9 p.mi. All BasiooessvColidn ..- .+-.".+.-c ..- .:. ... + al. JOSIPH C. WAT S. _ 0 IANC ~ r'~ lR E NT SC H L ER For anything in the line of "The Niagara Falls Route." + Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, tI' THE SHORT LINE- 0 Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. ~ ANN ARBOR to 4 CHICAGO BUFFALO WANTED. THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. NEW YORK AND BOSTON Agens- Artiries sell tpositively in Furnishes musie for aii occaionis. every liouose aondiplace of businsi~cs. O asce music a opeciaity. Address L. with directconectios at ehicago far St100lieicntpr('oftemn'sice county ver- 0. Sates, manager, S0S S. Fourth ave- Louis.,seansas Ctiy. St. Paul and the West For informatisonadthrough ticketsecall onsor gToiniteritory . \Vriie oefore Joine101st ne. 29-tf write to W. W. CASE. Agent. Ass Arhsr. wLeuiitiNE Sl'Pt'LY C'O., d. TheW. C.KerllCo, 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. Caps anti Gowns made toi or- item'and rented. - j-, onants for all colleges intl frate-rnities carried C latss Piss, It'lass asid teats i~~rka~?2arMeic it Send for Catalognes. andCaiona. St.LosWrdsfiCiy $ the Two daily trastoCa liornia. The bodaitraCitns tt NSeicXIo. 'Four- tdatly trainlo 10texas. Four daily tortins to SHot Sitrinkgs. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. - WRITE ME. - 1233 lVasittenaw Ave., Ansn Arbor, Mich. 4 V - -- -- 53-56 AlbtiotsMilcht. MYANN'S DRUG STORE .oii's taht l~ateSt hoa 213 80 TII M IN ST Iotnty lot ceits. totesalt' tt Qotarry's a O ~ ~AN ~ 'nd at Site'llan's. 54-55 Ca dy a ot iltobuy a spooleidl ping Salted Peanuts, Hot Battered elecrl ight tailt. Will a1l(0 sell 1 Popcorn, Crackerjack fresh Imroloog onterest it aither hgotood1100- daily. oo i ttplant toilarty alottbleo'fool ing Gau~dylStt t.t. [.B. GI [B[RT. is2 te0tdotn oaod tatting mersoital 301 . Satee 5chd1o... Aodoress, J. S. SiACtRBII.& e-O., D,, Y, A. A. & J. RAILW1AY 54-59. Mndok13d. hcg 5TA1{DARD TIMI!C Mandolin stringos 20n per foil set, Por Dtroit hotlf hourly frost 6:15to.a. io til Banjo sirings 25c per fuli set. Guitar t:i5 to. sn. Titen Hourly util i1:15. For Y osi IaOonly, at1:1.5a. a. tad . orx strings 30c per full set. Vislits strings Jteacsn0hourly frono i:ta a. mat.it017:00 u. m' 35ncerfol set. Th it :15 in.and 11:5 t. e itingRoo, uon St., W. of Matn, tf ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. A. [frlLE[, FOR11SAI.l4 -A handosoonocRaitno Forest Avelle Meat Market, & a ndolp$h detlcbnt.Go Poultry, Game and Fish in Season 923 Oiva0.0 ee.. 05456 030 Forest Ave. Phone 407 TO THE SENIORS. A. J. WATSON Sipeciaol sonioor rates too all seior odeipartmooe'tsatBotitotll's. Coomo'car- W alII Paper, Paints ly ando avooiothoe rosh. 54-59. anfd Oils lDrescool ait ou 000w11 iejoty dasc- ily Vto' class le'ssoins art' over with, 216 [ast Huron Street. boot carolsodatoot May led are goodot at Glanger's too Say 17th, Touesoday eve- -__.-__ ou.~ ns, S too 101ocloock. All assemblies Presideat. V. Presidest. wilt coomotinoue through too Joune'25t. 0. W. CL.ARKSOON, Castoier. 54-55. FRANN AROA M B .NK Comlplete stock of Brandt, Waldo, Washhon, Rega)l & Martin Mandolins CAPITAL, - $100,000 onhn. Piestelws. t SURPLUS ANDO PROFITS. $40,000onhd.Prcstelwt. f Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plumbing and Steam Work. All at Reasonable Rates and First-Class Order at J. F'. SCHVI VS, 207 .E. Was loxgioax. . Ticket for four shampoos-$0 .00. Soft water. Hiss Vaughan, ussr Qomar. ',_°®~+O -**.-*+A"+0+1 sry's. o BAILEY 'ea EDMiJnDS.f Fresh Lowueya, Allegrettis, Spar- FISH NETS for Deoatn row's and Huyler's Chocolates at Cuah- 1 a1s t;. ibay St. i ing's Pharmacy. ®-O®--O 4-O0O00+ y ..~y Your eyes examined by an+.;f+.;++14;,«4;l~.r: .+ expert optician. Alt the 1st- 5 *est approved appliances and methods t .6e 'ATHENS PRESS known to the profession are employed. y y n' lNew eye glasses fitted, lenses dupli- ;y4 f cated, frames repaired. Halter's Jew. Zssd ]EtLon. As .s Theatrn Blg. Bath osppie. ofam kiiads at nall 'I r s i r L~i1O 1qW "lE31+.1 L"lprices at Cushing 's Drug store. if. Chaffing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry Store. tf. Chaffing disheg at Hailer's Jewelry Sto re. - tf. JOg PRINTING- MEYERS. 216 Slain St. S. Phone 281. Chafing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry Store. tf. Fresh Lowney's, Allegretti's, Spar-, row's, Huyler's, chocslates at Comsh-j icg's Pharmacy. tf. Haeyou500hlad a Vibooiassago' at Trojys? tf. A sheet of paiter aoto a piece tot charcoal are all Alexander ileoos to maike a pictuoreof ybou.Itotwith atn upi-to-date camaera,- hackeod by moatuoral abiiity and tong exoeriencetoo caon matte a pohotographt of youo that is al portrait, a picture antI a work otf trt. Bait and see. A LEXANBOR. 153)-158 Athena Theatre Blidg. From awa yfcont ste ten,solicious care it ofote-atscools-osdyiin bard, eecisiinloarde, acidentosowOil some- timsehappoen. If at honto, asother ooi use Pon~d' Etrt-ti hcoldtfaooiy ,otor-anoothetotpoaiawoottdsoon aisht -toe istotry soon oeal. For ever IS yearsmotesiae esed pansand htoealodsoondsioburitotod ruises wth .ond's otat andothtave n'er bOn disoppooinoted ion it. Thtere issnoiremedy wthtith wiii take its plato-nosuobstitt. Bee afc'botttloandyrfor quc s.Sototoes sand f1Pce9eta.s rshstt etifain utter . (Orhvi . Watered - ' oltotiss- soatetimes cI M oq4i'ncd on p0acc of w' t'o,od's. Extrat-hsino ' ' ooo'idicinatttvaaue-is 'ct iosiioscysoorttnes. Roid' Etract CURES, 'fDIEos ai t it.. 0000 tore rsopridetis- NtsM..0ff n sonoone., AICCEPT' NO SIJBST'fl'TE. BIX ER'S PHYSICAL TRAINING IN WRITING, the bosh for all the people sit the tow, n aI t voncations;Cfor home imptroeatent.60 pp. illutustrated, price 3OL Tested 1,years. Thre no.athslorsorndenso toarse by asthorS. o r a brief slae i wlt send teokn cmd or ornfr 01 lbtletsrn physicat taliuig Israpid writin or ia $101 oron wee ont aJO.501Ooduoan tton 0 th one lesson. bOn. Address Prof. G. SIRLER Mad sonsat51 & Ogden Ave , Chiago, Ill I HOCKING VAL[[Y fly Continues ItsExeln - TRAIN SERVICE 5, ----YOU WILL FIND-- FOURl TRAINS DAILY FROM TOLEDO Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains .0 INAND COLUM IOLEO [. W. LANDMAN, 6. 1. A., Detroit __ _ Always Ahead in styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring