THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wgild Companly ILeadillg Merchat TailorsI I SPRING WOOLENS S For Suits, Top Coats andI Trousers. Full dress suitsa specialty. Let us show yo our London Serges, London ICheviots, Scotch Mixtures: Kilowens, Blarneys, High - lands, Fdinhurghs, Drum- tochty's, McGugors, London jand St. Andrew Flannels, SLondon Cassimeres or Amer- ican Serges. Please call and see SG. H. Wild Compally 108 E. WASHINGTON STREET. S The Great Game PI Exiting Fun [or Everyone= 45c. " Pocket War Mras for the Far IEast, 15c. SSHEEHAN & CO., IUniversity Booksellers, Sta-* tioners and ngravers.3 320So uth State Street. !.! N"Ol~lOiM"N!A S The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Capital stck, $60,00. Surplus, $15,). esources, $2,00,00 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACT E. O r'is:CharlesE. ilsoc, Pres.; W. I. It rrts u Vice Pres;M I F1rit. l'shir [lowers Choice Cut Flowers aiid Plants iii seasoii COUSINS & HALL, Cor S. Univ Ave and 12th Street Telephone i151. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY CLASS BASE BALL CANDIDATES.1 Etred aeconsd-cassnattlie at the Aun The folowig is a conplee list o Abor Post Ottbs . the cndidaes for Ue bsae bal lears Published duily (Msslityex(secltedt surig list in the contest of Friday ani IMonday: College year, a li7 E. Washigotn strt, 105 Law-Hatch, Gerdes, Bnti, (basemet ftsr, sidc entrane) P hoe 81-3 r Blake, Maynari, usse, Reynolds, MANAGING EDITOR: towell, Qinn, titu, Carmichael, De- S. EMORY THOHASON Neffe, tBaso, Kerr, SRin, Plimime. BUSINESS MANAGER: '"07 Lit-Bliss, Botford,. Bradley, COSCOE . HUSTON ltiuchwater, Carter, (huret, Clacy, -- --Cor, Cowley, Davis, Dih, Dotbbs, EDITORS: Kinsteat, Hartma,HIeadten, Holmstt Athleics, - ROBtiERIT K. WALTOnLuLc,.Lntk arcPud News, - - - - -.1a. 5. iw all UeLtcPtrcs Iit ASSOCIATE: Sebsnti, Sicelair, St. Clair, Stark, Milordl Setlnso, oy Peehles, Wagner, Warren, J., Work, Zimmer- A. . CGraver, Hery P. Erwin man (Capt), Willis, David, Smith, A. C. P'sund. A. H. Ortieyer. Wol, Killifer, Johnson, Mgr. Jolseph Y. Ker, Stoddard S. Sore. A. A. H. S. Bal Team-XWatkins, ida . lrowrig. I. Waite Jayne Capt Whittigo, Janes, 'aft, Be- Cel. A. Osbrn. Harold C. Smth t apttBetknap ( BCeOe, May- -Harry H. Andrews. 'lic. A. Sis 0 a B' p( , g y Thomas B. Roberts. Cyde L. Dew ihew Lehman, Realt, Mobey, Rath- BUSIESS STAFF: hn(tg.,Scan C. A. 'rbomapso. We.l51. Loyd Of, Engineers.-G. Clark, L. Suter, .1S. Kotlit. . K. ,atorette CH Krelers, F. . Cron, C. . Benj. E. ittily. ho. L. '5eee PicM R.FsrCS.Kndy HaM ~iuteltell ic .K iheC .Kotty CS.Gtschalk, Etgar Lssy, i. S. Editor today-THOS. B. ROBERTS Hawley J. it. Nester, W. C. Allan, 11.R.Cuberton, Henry Tibs, 1. D-- Sutcripthsa Too Dotlro per sar, pale in1 FPge, HR. C. Davis, Co. A. Kirby adasice. if tdelnqentlafte tt. 1 1303 s57tWI RhmnanH. . Bcshinor, C.A. --)Fisher Francis Hollister, V.A.B- Hoic urs-12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 tu 7 30 1(11(1 XV W . Reid, . J. MlcDonetl W. p. m. Daily. S. Hal, K. . Taylor, . L osal Address-ROSCOE . HUSTON, Business En- 0F. H. Tuke.H.Aey ager, 331 Pakard Street. H'1.Tc.rsBHveahAey.CrkMie Teephone, dh.'17Kgtra HahCln Xtt ___________________________ Latrason, Morrisn M SolrioCurtil' - Stc~owan, yte, Mutrray t t 1011-010 -_ ;DeViser, Thomplsotno.Nisetsnt 0110eti, Kendig. Hammtnd reenan ('tsr--- - -tMarschner, Osborne, Cnt, Vat, Robt CALENDAR. ertson, Bece,Mitlls, HttS-tmoe itlw ugeMca,s Shoot May 7-S. L. A, election, Led, Adams, ButrchLarlart Qtrsl, Sundlayay , 1:0 it.m.-McMilan IrottiertlnStarr, GreneCuti-S Hall, WeilXltis . Sotchiss,trtene. Mtaager. TTraveinlg Secretary of he Si- '14IMetis ttitnoguteEn, Sink dtent Voltneer Movement wilt ad- Wilcox, ('lifort, Yale, K.SM Ader-tt dress U'niversity me. son, A. IE. AnderottBigg Teoey 4 Suntday, May 8, 8 p. m.-Rosini's Uric, l'netrich, Vatgan Lotnard Stabat Miter. St. 'Thomas church Heming, Light, CEllis, Hlss Crane Sattrday, May 8, 0:00 a. m.-Wo- Siliter, Wesan, Seybold Hs-it., nian's :Legule Eectito at Sarah Hse, Contrt, Houle, Hessltey Simsp Caswel Angell Hall. soni, Kant, J. Dl. SarsMr,15 May 8-Wesleyan Gild lecture by Wimot street. Dr. ordon of Boston. '6i Lit-L. E. Davitson Mgr.,L May 9-Southern Csb dance. HIi. arlianJ. I. Jonlson It K ( May 12, -13, 14,-May Festival. C'oitglin,Wit. MthersonTaStins 1)t ________________ Fleming, 1L. 0.Giters. CW.XL~ne (( at.W. B.Hotag. AB lilisF V. W.C. A.NOTES. J. ClarktC'.C'. Roomr, Hroldt Httie Jonitet-mat-tr, Fraitk F WSll" re 'rhe secretary sithtie Sate Y W R~Io Atins, tF. SM Sins, Abetrr C. A. visitetd the ottitelts' tranchin tBrns,5HornerS. Sarkett, Ut-trge'. Aim Arbotr last week. Dring Ier 'Ttorwoodt, IHerert eatHorcee stay, Miss Jonson met andl conferred Howard, S. . Alit-ti K. S. titti, . titlialt the omembierso h111iave been S. Kent, S. H.Laub, R. . l'ichirtiot. appoited on the new cabine. '15 Medics Marshall, ('Ct. Se Mrs. Hinsdiale, whosetrm1 of office ('rich.e, Manager. reen, Rttssel, on the advsteory boardi had just x- Hichsman, Hector, Setaort, Lastr, pired, wsaptrevaiettupotott aepeit sbcrntyre, NecdolsKiry, Dunlatp, a reapptitm~ent. Thte :addtitin of set-cwmn hml n, Lhilr ral iesv nembers tothle advisory 'Tayor ele, Mosrthose etltati, boardi hai beet lnnsed,buttit hasnt Glson as ytitt-endefiitey tdetdedi who le '7 y'oser reIt0t7 Mettls.-Sibley, Coad, Shitltr, memersareto e.lusmmer, iMacenzit,Thonas, Atoin- ger, W'ood,Siroat. Barr, SMcttiney S. L. A. ELECTION TODAY. Wiggins, Sctonalt, Finton, Htowar, Hughes, Spencer, McMichal, (amp- The eection of fficers for the S. L. bel, Calvert, Joets. Alnosw, Yafe, A. occurs tooay in Kornm C, U. H. Roison, OBriten, regory, Xels, Fols wiltits' open from 8:00 a. in., Soper, Johtnson, XWato, Seary Love untl i12:3011p.ixm. The Cot'ttest haa'iilsoin, . S. Wison, Mgr. been a bhoil ight fron ttie sunr ansid______ __ the resolt is in dobt, the candidates NOTES on both tickets claimning tie eecton- O llsa ______On__Sunday_ evening, Say 8, te chtir of St. Thomas' chrlch silt re- Itossinis Stabt -Staer, St. Thomas efterrnili fCossisSa Charch Snda eenig t 8 T~titabat Mater, which sas so welt giveto only t0 cents. For sae at Qarry's several weks ago. anti at Sheehan's. 54-55 lennis Rackets Perfec Balance. Best White Ash Frames. Clearest ad Bes Qualiy Out Sringing. Wrkmanship ansd Finish Throughout the Best Ever Put Ilo a TeBnis Rcket. 50) ltl oa]tt oothesoesgoodos poinlots ill THE PIM at $8.00 -AND- SPALDING'S GOLD MEA[ With Cover, $8.00. Fit sale at WAHIR'S BOOKSTORES t t IN HAT SOCIETY The "VARSITY" Movea in $5 Circles A $3 Proposition~ GOODSPEED S Hollers 7 117 S. Main If yotu valute your face, don't experiment with Shaving Soap. Use Williams' Shaving Stick. :I ITH[ STUD[NTS' [[CTUR[ ASSOCIATION I I TIES SPAC[ BELONGS 1TITH S. L. A. DEAN M1'. 5E7ABOLT, lMahauer _ MATINEE AND NIGHT ~AIJRAY,~"AY 7 HARRY SHANNON And his splendid conmpany in the heantiful 4-act conmedy drama LEGALLY DEAD Featurinig thse cleverest of all chsild artists HAZEL and HARRY SHANNON- PRIC[S-[vening - - - 139 23C, 35C, 50C srMatinee - Cbildren, I Oc; Adults, 25c . qw ISeason Tickets, $1.00 Ast A Single Admission, 25c i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ss $ i eeeeeieeeeeiee eeeoeeee+e eeeseeeeeeeeoii®eeseeee ei HENRY 6& KYER, MERCHANT TAILORS, N.9UNIVERSITY AVE.