T 11 MICHIGAN DAILY . +K ~:TKEALOK THEAGU.YfoR $3HATS ~DRESS SUIT CASES k At the Straight Front and Double ++" 'ilE LOWW-eRICEfl, ifit]It IM AND I 1'S' MADE f. Breasted Varsity--Hart, Schaff= + ner & Marx Make. They are two the New Stoe- 2175S. Main St. : ADAS LDTNS TELESCOPES of te snppiet syle roileedTRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES this season, and many of the best ,c f dressers lite the doublo breasted ; ALL MODERATELY PICED_, .# syebest for summter wearit. The Clothier ~IVI K ACK & GO. A ++j++a+4t+a -01 +,.qF+ i4t- 1 14 - $a++,-,I. + - 1;.'-lt-1l.4- 41.4+4 4 +-4.. . . . . its*. it. ..* +.. . ~RAND-ALL, THE .+f 121E. v Of P ER VA ashington St] . 'WEeWISIH to tail your attetitioni toilie fact flhnt our en- 1tir lut of SPRING WOOLENS is on the tables and will further state that we are in a position where we can get all workt out proumptly. The ser y finet of tailor ing will prte- vail as usual at ouir establishmuent. " 0 0 S 'T 106 E.%stHizr orx Street .* f t.*ir .- ~ .*k- S -S++*r° r.'tiSey5 -i+a.*rlo:4rIr 0S_ S .*s*F.S0 * *tiS + .*i* r+S *r* * Trim 1. Above and the Neat Fet BRI IION Ci SP ARTERS ashy ,-:ttt ii:(stiloi e i l~. ct PRI VATEOSNDA C G AT GOANIIIS, BY APPOINITMNT. Citit-prgn nTti e sdttt-s lightsit o O . 'Ic f YOU CAN GET A 0 At ttle's, 338 S. State t UNIVRSITY 01 . OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS MICHIGAN .MICHIGAN BANNERS Ifl COLORS [OVLL'S CORNEIR SOR. _I CHWAN CENTJMIA 11M agara Flls Ruste, THlE SHiORTYLNE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON wih diret coaneiansat Chieag fr St Lauss Knasi City, St. Pautad the West Fr informatinanedtrugh tekets e]If ser write is W. W. CASE. Aet. Ae Aror. (Continued from page one.) s. s.;uByle, ifd;(arrtheis, r fI ti'Blrieni 2nii;lTrner,'c.f. atid c. iWendeftIf.ItReddteni1I 'f.Ilirdifca .5t s f:-ohinsoni 3rdifKillifetr, . Utlty, 1sft;folin, s, s.; MeClinitoek, e. t.; Saniger and Nagle, p.;Hofmin, 1. f.; Road c.If.;tithing, 2nd. liiis'trt byfinins 1. 2 34 56 Varsiy...31 iliofit .... 1 0.0 4 0 4 10 fitt erie,-Wendiell, B~irdf, Tairnier, Sal--r. N'tgle andi Killifer. Umpire. G5lasser. Students Dasiring P-rafitable wiork fthIle sumtair eare itivitedI toicalflion 1..1. IHatrwotitt. Roomie12.,('toifi Iouie. atiff ofnice ithefit'aft ernootnitor eve- aing. 5)5; HOOSIIER CLUE ORGANIZED 'L OSTJ A fargoefirinidled Greai tae ir dv a 4f1Z frs " 's*¢+s i M log. Fitterwilffplease aotiy ON ' taut, AnntaArbotr, tie else tnttifly flits.s Wacs in d oiliee. Dog hail a coll'ir bttaingIti- fi trf ii u nme ''Keniioiandtnanie itf twner..,. tla: It'ittiitatnd Libieraf rewcari ffieredf. 31-53: iftctul iteeirity. NOTICE TO SOUTHERNERS. BUI'4+:R'LYCSPDtOIL W. J. LOURIM. 'rickets to the Southern C>'iludatnetuestsCah#as ean be procured frui thle secretrg os. ~ . 11( 11 11;; Bok. t'itti'e. lite club, lf..Rex S. K. Wioodi, 21;2 .f tttt< iOfftic S9(1:.s, thet ieitit. Washtenaw aveinue, or fromtimtinbes Yt t t5* itt the ecomfitie Which etiisiskfi +,4,i1t ttza taa"raj i Chrte, Seart,,y, Wiaterstaned hfiterfiti. tf- FR OtRENT-I hart' aliege hiutie oil NitrthDilvisioti street flint I will hav e reniotleidttsitfrtintity tie sorority. JAS. KRIIACrI, 45-63 Lanwrencet. Iftiel.. Yesterdfay afterntottn 25 of the lath- FISHERMEN ATTENTION. itta sudients met ini thle Alpha Nit :sio-iety grot ots anti trgattizediai-hits- I nmtagaintreardto furCisitiyo i-rchefifi. A cotnsiitittinwas aeoptedfif tltfine chituinnsormebfit.f aotitfficers elietetd.'Phie tollowiag IHARVEY STOI'+LI+FfET, u areta fiiocers: 50-53 Phliet-364 2-r 121 N. Ma inti r P'residenti, 5'redf C'iamiackoftirst-;e>Cml lie tresidtftW\. G. Stotter; sectotti You will Cfii the best strimugs for rvie priesidenii, C'. VW. Carmati; secre- violin, mandoliti.gutitar and banjo at__ tor. anir-irsastrr, oh Osort;Rest's Muaic House. We make ts tosmat r, .p.fimfs; h'itoia, . specialty at the heat. Try them. 1w ew B u swcfT be C. _________ropet,_._H_ Nicols University studients desiring tose M.W I L LIS R. H OTCH K ISS. cre positions to teach wiifCud it to AT ____their intereat to write to James F .51c.Wili l. liteflios agrili' McCulough, 639 Fine Arts Blg., Chi- REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Mr. illi R.Hotckiss a radute nePica trs and Tobancosco if Yaflu'dtiigthi- nineties, and af cage. tf JAS. W. REID, Prop, 312 State St., S. ficesottraviling si-iretafosrtoehe Feuntain pass at Cushings. f. St utitfs' Volunteer Moivement will __________ adrsste tdnt-dyStudyIitavtjsteiiutthuetulaiestttndtint' ntftsthesttatheiSardyINLANDER. lineo evesintgat 7oeelocitin Tappean HalltititiifTurkish Cigar ttsan Ppe '-tutitt.iVouteert -Bandf. neefing oflt-e sttckftlderfus-c iofte Fitia Leeches in Connecion. ic. iHotchiss was tine etf the mnetfInlanerePubltishinig Comptianty, f t -t-i Evrting ANet titCt-ti. enthuisticaned insiinitg speakers if cite Saturtday, May 14, .90fall.1as1.308 5. Slats Si. R. C. JOLLY te irent Stitdent s' contvenftin af. To- o'clock a. in., in Rototmt8, of West loll. contotwo aogrensao, and those talekig E'li W'AIC) il 1l. C'fllt~iN, ifdvatage of fteoptu~~ctnily i thear ttf.Secettary. ' A~ ®® A hint Safirday- eve-inig n-ill lie-well re- _______________p A taitd ftti their efttrt. NOTICE C. C. C. OYSTE HOW MUCH? $1,000 OR $100? The atnnutal mnit -igtfelccltiofficcrs CATERING CO. f oftihle Crtoss Cifntrg CibilIf rbe If istier ygeitoissag how matig St- ieltin Saturdanionui-g. lay 14, at, 40 -: fetf Body -Schotlarships will bheis- 1 iclocl:, li is telcufuIgetutroomit shall ust' whatever prizemoneg I win. 5f2-54 MfORRiIS A. II[AILL, ct-s. fro yourtt sibscrfiin t otihie Laths'' _______ ____ t' Houme- Journal or Thi- Saltrilag Eve-- Vueritnassuige- A't Tjy's. Its BANQUET HALL A ning Post for schitlarshtips andtI lb great. tf. .51 Ichfoaii Club Houtse. Yout electf the- bteneficiarg. ,LOST-Inthte' fieltd optpostite the eni- 0 C unlxODne SMeELDOiWNEY, '0a Law Itranice to Ferry Field, a airislefitold Sp* alSndy.ine 1-4 30Sf8 PackasrdSt. booed nose glasses. Rewsardl if rc- . Frsomi 12.30 Cs I Gecloek, * turned to Schug, 539 Forest avenue.*-a. NOTIC '05 ITS.21-2: t ~Roe Shad, Frogs a11d Chickenl, 36C OtiteIeam plays the fresh its at LOST-Theta tints Clii Fraternity S315 S State SI. Phone 467 SouthlbFerry Fielhulis f. gm. at 4:15. pin. Name CG. A. Weeks, l1ft06, en- .5 .Eveymeam will class sturit shousul gravedh sn back. Finuder plittseraftll 55.,5.....+..550055. lumen otmasethcherr Ament eam. sutie returnimto Theta hlsaClii AMuERSON. Houuse. Dewardl. ' AL L EN 'S F OR QU A L ITY" LCz zlS We give tihe best Cloting Valiues, saving you three to five elcticTale La psac d5oullsrs on your Suit or Overcoat. Spring line now readyern~ * 5 is fact, asyats 5.. Igke u yu $10.00 and $13300 sook,. alti is ad Caee rdtsplay..... TROUSERS, ALL PRIC[SWATNWLIH& j4 POWER COM5PANY. Z ALLE~N,1I1[ CLaO1II R,"A N STR [[ET Ce.Waaeiaasaeadsa5,Av. Pkhae.i& o4NN HN * N e oo0io sH® a5® + +45+ et+a..5.s..f0*a0 + WE ARE NEVER UMJERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE