THE MICHIGAN DAILY +iffff~fff~~d®°°°l T"lE MICHIGAN DAILY BEST GSAME OF YEAR. ntrd(Eneeasscdc liss i lttethe. An Yesterday aftternoon thibeshea game , I.H Wild /i Company zVst ArboroOfce.sedl-dain- theof basket ball, which has been played l a k t f ; Pu~~tblished dily (odaiy ecpe)duigtei*tegmaiu hsya, came olf f lge yirat 17 E. Wahington street, i legmaimaasa Leadling e ft an Tilrs" bsent floor, sidle entrance) Phase 892-3r between the sophomores anti junior -f Leadng ti __ _- -_-_--- teams; the sophomores winning~ by aI f : MANAGING EDITOR: score of 5 to 3. A small crowd was' PrelBlne __________________* GElY RI :lAO present to witness the game on ac- f OCEBUSINESSBHSO MANAGER count of the small amount of adver- Best While Ash Frames. SPRING CWOOLIENSI ---TO rising done, but she entbusiasm of the Clearest and Best Quality Out fPI~ O[N EDITORS: If acc few made uip for the absence of the Srnig For Suits, op Coats ad-AROBEeRTe..- f AoTse many. The line op of lie seams was: . Srnig ForSuis, opCoas ad fTease, -- - -- J. S. BALEY Juniors: -baskets, Miss Snourer, Miss Wrkmanship a n d inish drs ut llad ASSOCIATES:I Shafer, Misc Parnhall; centers, Misc Thrnaghout the Best Ever Trousers. Full drsssit a C iffreenso, Roty Peebles, Farnsworth, Misa Failing, Misc Hayec, seily Leusshow you A. M. Graver, Henry P. Ercin guards, Misc Dale, Misc Wiggins, Mica Pal Int a Tennis Racket. * specalty et usA. C. Peacn. A. lI. Ortmeycr. Safr ohmrsg our Loudou Serges, Loudou Joseph Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. Marc. Staar.Sphmre:gards, Mica 4 Ida M. Brownrigg. 5. Waite Jayne. Str, Misc Green, Misc Winsor; con- I Taull fSdad li offlies gaaod 4Chceviots, Scotchl Mixtures, Goa A. Osborn. Harald C. Smith. ter s, Miss Davis, Miss Renwicke, firstI poits in Kiloweus, Blarneys, High. lZ arry If. Andrews. Thus. A. Sims. half, Mica Wilson, second half, Miss *Thoas 13. lRoberts. Clyde L. Dew. Gleason; baskets, Mics Hawley, Mica Ilauds,Edinhuegha, Drum.- BUSINESS STAFF: Reywick, Miss Broadbridge. Mica THE PIM at $8.00 tcdiy's, McGugors, London: C. A. Thomp~gson. Wm. tl. Llayd Emily Stark was permitted to play enMt nrw Fates lo. . Ilily. HTsaoeee. today for she first time since she -AN ±la ± a ishelotelo splrained her ankle early thlis year,. Lontdon Cassimleres or Amer- - - - - - and to her work and influence is part-S. ADIG' GOLD MEDAL icon Serges. Please call and see= Editor todey-THOS. B. ROBERTS. ly due she sophomore victory. -- --Tbe ream-work dlone by bulb sides With Cover, $8.00. 2 Susieiei,,sTi,17wollars per yeer, ea sable im 1was good. Not one wild lthrow was a dvance. If delinqaent fter Nov. 1, 19003, $2.500md d __ __ __ _ f_(ld uring the game. The first___ f f* Sffica Searet-12:30 Iato 3 and 6:30 Ic 7:30 half closedl with tbe score a lie. Miss p. m. Daily. lr~il a-Iefrtlablo i j2G H. W l ~ idu Address-ROSCOEB. HUSTON, Business Han- sophomore side, and aftler the Mpss of Far sale at i d . WASHIfNGTON STREET. Telcphone, 46. guard coilr,,Ithree bans in othe ri-slur; WAHR'S BOOKSTORES fffffff~ff+ ff~f~lullw basket Passes sail a lonig caleb. --- ----- - - --- --_ --- N AB. Miss Agnes Snouver maide the first I- ®®fff~fi0f~~f f~f~~l asket for the junior sidle by a left- * -- . - handed ihroiw for basket. CALENDAR. Soii slier the half oplenled, Miss ®( >-roadbriilge noade a secondil lasket for I G~ay 6, 8 p. in-Northern Oratorical the sophloores andl within a tea-mini- SLeagile contest. liles, tbros-icgthe bull alnmisitfro ~ Sunuoay, May 8, 6:30 pI.-.MeMillan lbasket. Dulring.Ike re-mainderI o1 the ®*f Hall,1Rev. SWills R. Hotlchkiss, half 1M11s Shafer soil Miss Parnal TrPaveling t-rl yof tbe Stimnade two baskets flrth ul iniirs aind A en, olnterN-oemntwil - MissItenssick and 111M i IsoHaley 0>Sadays, May 8,1010 a.nm.Wo-Hawley tbrew for her iasketi I E I 3A main'~s League Election at Sarahfrmbhn.Atedutii1:st OExcitinq Flun For Everyone 0 Caswecll Angeli Hall. ind half tbe score remainedi5 to 3 for May 8- Wesleyan Guilid lecture byhesihonr.B 4May 9-Southern Club dance. beginning tll enid by111e ibh clas - May 12, 13, 1,-May Festival, team s-orb., aiudlthe excelleint1111oro f*®every play. 13o11:teams hasernItingiO to say of the conduct iii theiropo- - * Tonight Iichigosnilmilnowill Ibe given nents 1b1tlpraise. 1 0111 opportnitylito sho51w 1thell loyalty Pocket War "OaS for the 3*110torallry.Inasuchllloas lhe Wolver- * FIar East, 15C. 43(Ole r111111n1ivlie is 111 0111allfirst ho *copetitioni with reporesenivies fiomi ?soixoother uilversities, all01tuieneits S hollturn out.rin a 10bodlyltloight and give nin101 1a115 01111he Mtichigan yell SHEEH N & C;n, ooof1o1uli lrator. Here isth SH E* r W han~ceIlloleimolnstrate ourltcollege tioliers anod Enogravers. 1111elDsily regr ets th~at owing tol a c 320 South Stae S fEt.t y Iogr(hoC~ilcal errolr, Michigano tennis re. playe-rs were referred to as "racket 0artiss," 11111 givinog many readlers the if9sii@ ifN~~ff~pf-aw4fimplressionsthalt1100 article' referred 1MANN1S DRUG STOREIl NOTICE INTER-CLASS BASE BALL 213 SLJTI1 fr1AI ~* Thouugh some imistake the teams for tbePharmic and H omeopathic De- plartmemnis lllidlot appelar in the Correct ClotheS for Men scheidule of yest erday's issue. These teamls will hlay Ihis afternloon, Friday, V E R Y man 's Mtay l, altlb.- Fair Grounds. The - 1- \vwiiiier li thIis msatch will play ihe r'Wardrobe should. Dental Deplartiment, Thursday, May 12, s %1e contain a n at 4 p. m. ioi N. Ferry Fieldl. ,,, , Rain ----- - ------ Coat. Here's a U. of NI. Antiseptic Barber Shop real rain coat- AND BATH! k0151.. Coyrgh 103 A B that actually J.R. TROJAN{OWSKI, Proprietor. Coprihl llA..&e.keeps you dry Face Massage a Specialy. without heating you up or smell- 322 SOUTH STATE STREET ing musty. This label C. IH. "AJOR & co"1PANY I (ed en~a on 9Specialty of Fine 1~ ~~niam n (1Interior Decorating MAER %' NEW YORK C.oiiplete new line oh Wall Papers, " uar Paints, Oils and Varnishes.- 1E. Washington. Fhsne 237 antee everyc£oat. You don't have to wait for wet weather, either; BAILEY a% EDMUNDS. it's a stylish dry weather overcoat t in the bargain.f FISH NETS for Decorat-in'g Eqnal to ine gutom-made in all bat lei2 E. Liberty St. 4 price. The makers' guarantee, and * f ones, with every garment. We are Exlnsive Distributors in this city. CUTTING, REYER & CO. 9be ATH ENS PRE&SS Ieog=IilEast Wshington .St. 490pP rin14ter is 2md Fnoor-. Atem hs era B149. CIRCLE FRANCAIS. The plolicy of joining thie national alliance Francaise was takenilupliat the last meeting of the Circle Frail- cias, an11 sas very favorablly coinsid- ered. It is probabhle that the measure weill be adopted. There still be no more meetings Ibis year. ibe next one iot, being held hintil Octobler. All ef- forts arc noiw being direhcted towards the presentation of the last dramatic plerformance of the -Ctlulb, wshich sill te givenson11the thlid of Jhine. Too oise-act plays will be put on the stage, wih casts Ill two anid.-three persoiis - resptectively. Thoe plays are en-itled, "'t'hree Iell Rings' and "The Piano." CLASS GAMES TODAY. The Interclass baseball series be- gins tdasy switb two games. 'Phe '06 Lies will lay '07 at Ferry F'ielsd at 4 h'clock, sonllie '05 meldics will meet '07 at the Fair Grounles. Exchanged C. E. BARTHELL Tel. 761. 326 S. State St. Yous owe it to your face to usC Williamus' Shsaving Stick. DIIAN M. 51!A BOLT, M'anager ___ TI1LRSDAY, lAY 5 t i F F I WILLIAM A. BRADY'S GREATEST SUCCESS TO BE Seens here exactly as presenited illthme Larger Cities it ' Wary DownEat By LOTTIE BLAIR PARKER. Elaborated by Jos. R. GRISMRR A PURE" P[AY OF PAMORAL [IFE I nosdb lryadLiySale of Seats Oleos Tuesdayj, 9 a. m. PRICES :--- 25c, 50c, 75c, and $1.00 1 ' - -W 1i ee>e oeeeeeeeee ee eseeee +eeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeei TINKER & COMPANY. FURNISHERS and HATTERS.- 334 5. STATE, ST., Phone 342-2r.