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October 14, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-14

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The Michigan Daily



No. 14

Ono STAaTE NOR.AL TODA*Y + + + ++++++++++++++++ CREDIT IN DEBATING.
E* The O LchOAan Daily sent
TeMciaDalsetDiy to your address for theD a l
Plucky Team Will Line Up Against IObalance of Ist slemester Honor Men On Debating Teams Will
Yost's Veterans-Varsity Kicking Mai In your address to The ricbiqan Daily, or ihone 461 Be Given Two Hours' Credit in
mproving-Graver Still Out +kthe Literary Department.
-Maddock is Eligible.
ADRIAN. UNANIMOUS FOR AMBERSON At a meeting of the faculty of the
literary department on last Monday
The game today between the 'Var- A meeting of the Adrian students TICKET.
sity and te Ohio State Normal is the night it was decided to give all honor
second, and probably the last mid- at the University was held at the Sig- The annual election of officers of men in oratory and debate two hours
week game of the season. The days in Nu House Monday evening, when the 1906 Lit, class was held in room extra credit. By this means, all per-
are getting so short hal the halves the matter of providing lawyers for C of University Hall yesterday after- sons representing the University on
ust he greatly . shortened, and even Ray Baker, the freshman engineer noon and the Amberson represents- any of the debating teams or in any
then it is hard to distinguish the plays who is secused of asaulting an of- tive ticket was put in unanimously. of the oratorical contests will receive
titwardthe last of the game. ficer, was discussed. As a result Con- There were no other tickets in the as a gift from the faculty of the lit-
t he las ofcthe games gressman Smith of Adrian will prob- field and not a single other numbs- erary department two hours of credit
The Ohio Normal Schtool has a team ably also be provided with Attorney tion was made. The meeting was toward their degree.
averaing shou 1jug pot, and if Widemeir to defend Baker. called to order by the vice-president, This announcement wil be wet-
anything can be judged from the score It is understood that Officer Isbell M Stal h d Clifford
of 12 to it against Oberlin it will put is in a much more serious odition isss fer, w ho named ffr coed by all interested in this line
up a good game against Yost's husth-hnte tet eot emt n-Seesnfrte rsdn fie.o, college activity and to all who wish
up gtet gae gaistYos'shusl-thans the csrrent reports seem to in- A motion was mae aid carried thattuseMcia mininhrld
ers. The coach of the Normal School diate mte election te w smade nanious foa ovsee Michiganmaitin her lead
is E. R. Winegard, who has for thedihyasagedtsndadeg-h eeiobemdunnmsfr over other universities in debate and
past two years coached the Susque Thsy tatge to rsent A-gslte ticket in the field, oratory. Considering the fact that
pasttwo earscoaced te Suque-tot of Atrianites to President Angell T LeRoy Mibur reqsests that all mi h aetedhtn em
hanna University team, and who has T eo ibr eussta l men who make the debating teams
to propose that any student who came caididates for the football team hand
a reputation for good coaching. forward and make a cit-n breast of itt es ore elockn and who represent Michigan in the
Yost was out of town yesterday and all It knew about te nash shttlt be tir as th limustfe turnl Northern Oratorical League put a
did not return in time for the practice, 'xenpt frtm punishmeit. This prop- over a th e t the m etur gti great deal of valuable time and
which, however, went off in good style. osition is made on the startling asser- thought on their work it only just
The scrubs did some ve good work ate s n t the class football series. The follow- that they receive this practical ac-
The scrubs thel 'sevey guing tor tion that the Adrian boys kiow the ig successful officers were elected: knuwledgement of their scholastic
in oldng he'Vasit htirng hereal offender, He is not Baker. Presidetnt, Verne C. Ambersn; vice- aiiy
short scrimmage which followed the. PrsdnVre.Amrs; i- ability.
President Angell told the committee president, Miss Alice H Perry; secre-
kicking and signal practice. There that if any student wished to testify lacy, ement H, . easure- Michigan's record in debates and on
has been a noticeable improvement i.to behalf of Baker he mightt ds 5ta, XCVleer; E.Smoot treasurer, tory shows Michisiig rdiffetyion
ie team's kicking lately , as was without fear of being expelled, He W y Mnir; ta manager, L t e - ih Crepresentatives
shown il the game Saturday, and still stated that the faculty would take no y tiu; b aal manager, Loy o wn out against competing colleges.
more improvement may be expected. stlion and te students woil he free .S vidcne baseball manager, LeRoy Nor is this necessarily to Michigan's
During yesterday's scrimmage Heston from any possibility of expulsion. . disadvantage or to be taken as indi-
kept up his reputation for running by board, Broadus H. DePriest; toast- eating a lower gade of excellence in
getting clear of the bunch a couple of Hitaster, P'ul B. Oickey; orator, Et-a our style of public speaking. The
times, and Norcross also started for a N C. While;; Poetess, Miss Bita Bray- answer is that competing colleges
good run down the field. The September issue of the In- man; prophetess, Miss Maud M. Dur- have come to recognize the superior
I-aver will ntt be able ft get into lader tof this year is an unusually at- lin; historian, Miss Emily Stark; bas- kind of training used here and have
the game tomorrow on account of his tractive number, both in the contents ketball manager, Miss Lotta B. Broad- begun to adopt it themselves in whole
cut received in the Albion game, and and general appearance. bridge or in part. Consequently, Michigan is
his place will probably be filled by 'he coveri s simple and effective, finding it difficult to win from other
Reed, Thompson or Weeks. Maddock in light green, while the paper used is LIT. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. colleges with such clock-like regular-
is now eligible and will be back at his Of a durable bond variety. it as has characterized the work of
outdposition in the game this after- An excellent half-tone likenss of l'he 1905 Lit. class held its annualiy
d pst thg hs rProfessor Andrew McLaughlin adorns election of officers Tuesday afternoon her representatives in former years.
noon.Pf Un t h, th Pressor Trueblood, at the head of
tow i-r wompeyi aeshtby-a short est iate of Pru. was ny oie ticet in the field and the depatnent of itory and eloco-
u McL taughli by E W Dw the rumors current that an opposition tion, may be counted on to turn out
Michiga.i Position. Ohio Normal. Prf We cintritue s excel- wous a rise ust -oil withtut fou- winning material for our debates and
Redenk lent article entitled "John Davidson - dation. No opposing nominations oratorical contests, yet the impetus
L.... . .W. f Poet: A Fragment," written ii a style u-re nade to ay of the seuarate it- gives his efforts by the action of the
Cu rtiss e eoStewart full of vigor and just appreciasion. feis, so Hugo Sunnenschein, the for- faculty cannot be underestimated.
"urtis. . . ewa 'The Mask," by Ethelrt V. Wa- mer president, declared the election The vote of the faculty is not only
Sthultte- - - - -Potter dron, is an interesting psychological of the entire ticket, creditahle to them as showing their
C...... tudy, unsuualy wi-lI written. uRoom 1 of University fal1 was interest in this line of college activity
regory- - - - --.................Kohr 'rof. C. H1. Van 'yie, who takes tilled with atttut -it fellows of the but should prove good news to all
y . . . Pt-t. Mt-Ltghin's place in the de- lass it ueughty-tve, when President those who expect to enter these con-
Gooding- - - - -Metzgar partment of history at Michigan, con- Sonnenschein called the meeting to tests in the future.
H. T. tributes an able article on "The,Real order at 4:20 pi m. There was no
Maddock-Small, Capt. American Revolution." preliminary business, so the members GYMNASIUM TEAM.
H. H.Last is an amusing little sketch proctcded at once to the election. Following the custom of the last
Longman- - - -Dunipace entitled "Evan Cummings' C ourtsip," Winkler nomiuated the ticket with a two years another gymnasium team
L.. . -- by Stanley Waterloo, one of Michi. short speech, in which he lauded the will be formed this year and under
Hesto-nGieger gan's graduates, who has made a nominees. After the election the sui- the direction of Dr. May the team
R..H. name in the outside world of letters.c essful men made short speeches ii ought rapidly to round into shape.
Reed or 'Thompson--...... Mchersonresponse to calls of their clasmen. The number of aspirants for last
F. TO BAR ECKERSALL. Edwin J. Kenny, the president-elect, year's tan was especially large,
Hammond- - --........... .MCown The Associated Press htas sent out s a junior from Duluth, Minnesota. and as a result we had probably the
md.... . .the Asstiwingoct-rtdin Prgts utast otE He is a member of the Alpha Nu llt-est team ef the sot anywhere in the
Q. the following report in regardtoEk ay ceyndsadbtrfrmWs
Norcross or James-........:Longwell ersalt, the Hyde Park football man, on tit stiety l and as a deaer fron XWesr.
t---he University ittthicago earn: tbu attest-tv last y'ar win a place tnin t is itt. Say's earnest desire that
SIRPOLhSON IN HARVARD. "'ne'rsityOty hiW isco:sin at the Michigan team of the Central De- an even larger number of men turn
SIR POLLOCK'SSNI AVR. "h nvriyo icni t-utn ege htKnyi ufrti ersta.Eeyn
Two ions of the English nobility tetic authorities have requested Di- batng Lague. That Kenny is atsoutsaot-thsauyear'steam. veryone
have entered the Harvard Law school rector Stagg not to use Wate Ecker- strngman is his class can readily uehnequachance ard, besides the
at Cambridge. Both are graduates os tall, the star freshman quarterback teseend mtns hb fact that no one onUr cnectd with workationa well
Eugland's famous universities, and in the Wisconsin-Chicago game be- apagre against him in the cam- knwn rniversiy xrgieationn, the
their fathers are among the getest ,aDose the atter's suspension by the A tastn men receive as excehent training iii
leal authrties in mngand g A.ts U. thetor's Stgenss the Atu Following is the entire ticket as all manner of physical exercises.
legal authorities in England. A. U. Director Stagg says he cannot elected: Exhibitions were given a number of
The two entering students are John tee his way to comply" For president, Edwin J. Kenny; times last year no. only here but in
Pollock, a graduate of Cambridge Uni- A letter from Prof. C. S. Slichbte, it- iesidentM elle Jaen;oliesar onhere htan
versity, and Henry Gerell Barnes, an the Wisconsin representative in th scre-tresihiat Miss Isabee Partnal;, otber cities, ant at eatI perfurnance
Oxford graduate. Pollock is the son "Big Nine" faculty conference, was re- secetary Ralph Sttepet; tresurer, the team was enthusiastically cheered
of Sir Frederick Pollock of Lodon, a ceived by Stagg. Professor Slichter htaPiond C. Fumer; football man- by si appreciative tudience. It is
jurist of great reputation. Sir Fred- said that several of the Wisconsin agor, Paul M. Dimmick; baseball man- Or. May's idea to form a permanent
erick has written several books used football players wish to go to St.iger, that- H. Gundry; track team team here similat to ones at Yale and
by law students and treatises on me- Louis next year to compete in the manager, Irving K. Stone; basketball Princeton.
diaeval institutions,, which are quoted Olympian games which are to be run manager, Miss Ethel Shafer; toast -
as an authority. Barnes is the son of under the A. A. U sanction. Hie msaser, 11ugo E. Sonnenschein; inde- TENNIS TOURNAMENT.
Sir Jorun Gorel Barnes, a baronet, of pointed that if the Wisconsin men pendent member J. Hop committee, There have been rumors around the
London. Barnes, who is 21 years old, play against Eckersall while under A. Fred C'. Sptain Campus of a tall intercollegiate ten-
was grad ated at Oxford last year. A. U. suspension they will be barred nis tournament, but there will not be
Pokek hree years his senior. at St. Louis. NEW TREASURER' FOR S. L. A. one until next spring. Michigan lost
At a meeting of the S. L. A. board some of her best players last year,
WES YAN GUILD LECTURES. MICHIGAN NOTES. last night C. M. Harlan tendered his but with Capt. Lee, Hunt and other
The esleyan Gild has announced Fred Bliss, of the class of '02 and resignation as treasurer. Harlan felt promising men a good showing will
the following dates and lectures for '03 of the law department, is in the compelled to take this step through undoubtedly be made.
this year: President Cyrus Northrup, city for a few days visiting old friends, extra class work in his senior year. The doubles were not played In last
of the University of Minnesota, No- Mr. Bliss is on his way to Kansas, He is succeeded in the treasureship week's tournament, and although it
vember 14; Rev. Alexander McKenzie, where he expects to settle and open a by Earl V. Aldridge, of the class of was intended to play them they will
of Cambridge, Mass., December 13; law office. 1904. not come off now owing to the late-

Pres. Wm. J. Tucker, of Dartmouth ness of the season.
College, January 17, 1904; Rev. C. O.*+ +++A i , t ve y
Johnston, of Toronto, Can., February
14; Rev. Chas. B. Mitchell, of Cleve- * The kichigan Daily sent brary, delivered an address on the
land, March 20; Rev. Benj. L. McEl- 30c DilV to your address for the ID a iv j30c subject of "the Public Library Invest-
roy, of Columbus, Ohio, April 10, and next month for 30 ets. ment at the dedication of the new
Rev. G. Gordon, of Boston, Mass., May 1lail in your address to The "iChiqan Daily, or lhone 46 Carnegie Library at Elkhart, Ind., Oct.

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