THE MICHIGAN DAILY 71 NOTICE Spring Line of Puritan Shoes and t Oxfords now in. See our new Tans in window, button or lace7 in ;Jf the "New Spud Last." 1For the hbeeft of out customtersx xxe xx ix to ix tihat the l ' S Purithin Shoe Co, tas heexn'ade very tmutchistroiigxerhy going >4tlii it thte hanls of the factor'-Geo.I-E'. K(ixtitCompaniiiy, Broektonx * Mass. George t ?I Ketith loes not conttrol tieim 0 itO. Iittit, bitt * xxx,. 4 S 4 t iiioili i/o iiiixii( Iii rt cxii /iiio x. . He tax alwxaysx lid the ex- - cluivxe right in maxtkixng ourt shoes. Whlentt hiitg youxr Puxritan ~ I.. + Oxfiiidxixthis 5ioig lie xixre xxnii Cty tih e i(NAt,, andtinot xottxo e aed4 AC 4interior lbrandlxx'witi lie Iitritanx label.Stock is till fresh; tuw * ON+shpsadtyearingal.WtcsDmos " Or other personal property of vale. Wxatces and lexceirylIe- 4F- TrHU OLI) O iINAl. PURITAN paired. Bargains in Watelex St ____________________________________and Diamonds. 4 Office at residence, 331 IE.Liii- {The Old place, l l South Main Street t erty Street, Ann Arboir,. Hounds8 to1 :0*.i. 1_ o l0 I n., ; to _____ial. .JOSEPH C. WTS + e .++ -- --wa-t 4 -4w-K -* -s--+'' t . -.r -- oww4 CII3ARLTIT.S Q;rakn in Turkey. ,Perfected in Egyp. Enjoyed in America. SMOKE MAKES EGYPTIAN SMOKERS Cork Torla.ini. Save the Coupon. Th JW C. KernCo 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. Cpani 'GOx ns made to or- Pennu iiiefor iiil iillx ix(- m instuck. Cixiinis, Clxxsxanxxxii ai fendi fxr ( xixxixxgxx. rkansas, Texas, Mexico Ad California... Arc xcix reachecd via tLouis, World's fair City, xxx d i i~ixiiii iitrans t x ifo ... brddi y trx in, toii Alii i. I . . THE PEST'iiO>EVERYTHIIN. i,h'l V x.ix xxiii Axe., Alan Arbor, "rich., \I A\C " '"" RELETSC KiER For anything in the line of " 'iAXiagar aFalsx hnzex uP Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler,4 THittxtx. i P1 11N- honte 389-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets.4 ANN ARBOR to 4 CHICAGO --__ BUFFALO NOTICE C. C. C. I THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. It ixxiii xiYxOtRK iiu iifces Furnishes music for all occanionso. AND BSTONDance moxie a specialty. Adxdress L. wthi xdixex, xcxxnictioxnxsxiat.ilixitix CfixSitxoithexCrossxi0)[1111.1i-y ('iwiviill ie0. Bates, manager, 801 S. Fourth aive- L xix x i ,s i t alxxxiidx 14wi i e s'lx Forxixncfoirmioadixxxii xxiinxhtiixbxxi .scxl iiiixr Bodixi xxxi ti x iiyixmorninixg iIin lhxTx- ace. 29-tf write to Wx. NV. CASEAAgtiti. Anxrx Arixii.__________ Th VI I I+ <> 4 a xi iroomofxiatxranigymnium.~x xxi x iii ii xx ii xxii iA tIt I i iitt. . ITicket for four shampoos-$.00.1 Forest Avenue Meat Market, SPECIAL LADtIESi TEA. Poultry, Game and [fish in Season Ai ii i r _;l.xxxLaiecs. Tlea a 5,30 Forest Ave. Pxone 40a 'l ockx i xxe a.\'. xx . xiNi cixiey hall, Croc eiri . xll xxxii, xxix liii NN'orli A. J. liAISON I lat n lixr Chiildi." I ixiex x;rs rs iii ci. wall Paper, Paints x x a xxx. for its iorterxxx t or!ui anid 4jil (r I x oftIlidxixixgii wililibe xxiii .x a it xxixe xtio x f i in lixitex 216 East iloron Street. lii, 1'l-ml:x2xlox1. ill., oxi \\iiexsi xht dY a d'l xiii, ofi liis xvcl Cream Chewillg Caidy, x xrtnti ._AtToys Sxaitex l leitx, I llxtttx i _________ (IxxixIiii IxtixjuxiV.xi ~ x~ xii ixxiiit ii ~ .~ xxxx tox xxxti ixld, a paix it. ~teiti. x " [ .UIL6 I . xxix xi xi. l s axiss. itexwarditfi - - - .-... ____________ lxxxiixitox Schuig, >5>9IForest avers D,, Y, A. A. & dRAILWAY -. . -- 51a .5IANOA~fO 115TM 1IM,-i iTaxxlix lxxD lxa' Chixrtier For Derit, halfxiii urly front xi 5 a in urt i x x. xxcii i xxx . A. xti lcx190a iters xxi 9:15ipim. xxxi11:i5i1).xM.I xixixs. 151-15 "Waiting Ross,Huron tSt., W, of Hale. _______ __ tI niversity students desiring to S D UIQ ma cure poitiions to teach xii find IT (1 )RE their interest to write to -James McYulough 639DRneurts ldg. hcg.ohoxh t3:ieAraBd. 2'x3 bouynI frAIN b t il _ __ _ I ilsell tuy lxxxvlilirary xxf atb - -. , 275> x iixui(i.,iilive funitture, icl F.vN. itext HIZZW~oit x l l . x xi ate, anti a gooxd bixin Peiet .Peiet $1i S.W RS ON, sit attic' lfrx $50.ii A raxre. vlxa-vxi for a FIRST NATIONAL BANK xxxv- >xxittxg lawyer. ,Arlihhiis OF ANN A4tfilitC, MBhCtt. Wtexis-tit4.< ria tight pourtralitof youxrself. Studxioin .its < ," D o Athens Theatre Building. t47-152. '2eTixixii, rsity j ,, l111 v'no . A.Sui Tearz Blg.. lay, ., Your eyes examined by an x. e expert optician. All the lat-I est approved appliances and methods i} Itts ktnown to the profession are employed.I I. New eye glasses fitted, lenses dxxii.E 04 cated, frames repaired. Hailer's Jew" er tr.t.3 re- Bt supplies of ats kinds at all Bath' npprices at Cushing's Drug xxose. tf. -nity Clxi it to sF. Chi- ta. c- i3~x Chaffing dishes at Halter's Jewelry Store, tf. Mandolhin strings, 20 cents perr fall aet-Ann Arbor Music Cs, Chaffing dishes at Halter 's Jewelry 'tore. tf. JOB PRINTING- MEYERS. 2115 thMi St. S. Phone 281. Chafing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry Mtore. tf. 4i'resh Lowney's, Aliegretli's, Spar- tow's, Huyler's, chocolates at Cush- a rg's Pharmacy. if. Stave ayou' had a Vihronxanagt- at' trojy's? tf. Sophuxmore ori Friitshmanx-first ta.y at ru"ii loix I asi ii, xyou xare *just as i txuxiti ccdnaiii iixixxxiJuta rd'txio ixiuxuicixix ii xthexoldf xxxitxxdocto-to r( xxix u T tiiareixxmxnyx>ilsiixit .V x"d ix l tiijx , xxi" toiishlxii xxxi xx xl- vex e.ixixixxuix ii ixibeet xxx tu chestxxuvirstx aid'! xxxiillx ixeix-(xiu- xxinxh oe , xiiii it . xix d ncesi tye. l r in xx If hvevnve lksei - ix' s siutexxiif F,,:tr tuxForabxrxii r x 'y xliixb 't x.i xxtxtitxive ixN-xti xxxi uvn aceitux. is ia xi eayof2lllixxxxtion xai'i tiandapositixve cure. itxtxeesix b'rbuffxruwiIfr PHYSICAL TRAINING IN WRITING, the Sboob forext1thin pixpie all the iitein lit vocaxitious;; xxrhome imprvoveent. itU pits t "iniv rie vi e1.fsiet 0 C-itrs. fhrveieixixisy' x, itestuiaxixxnus eaxxby editih0£ex .isv a taieCrinswrit inniul cie ii xixd csaxxe ts4v ; f r . Wiltleteac tuhvssixI ruxsiti, lx rxiid xntit CivOt isv ii.. veti xi 5ii.Osduxeive to Seusithsi astipisitvextcu tvr ardwitinxg. lInlividaxxliixvvet. xxtilaxuixiss 'eunmans aex stieletos tlOs. Axhulvass Prfea. 0. ShIKLE, Madison St. & Ogden Ave , Chicago, Ill. HOCKING VAL[[Y TAN.EVC. ---YOU WILL FIND-- FOUR TRAINS DAILY FROM TOLEDO Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO L..LAMN .A, -AND COLUIMBUS. L .LNMN .T . Detroit Always Ahead in styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring