THE MICHIGAN DAILY __... _ 1 e : MM' r "W"v1 _..--.. -S -3U 115 Owight B. Watkins,$ Mad Ic yor ttcatreandTYPEWRITI1rNG Maet ortiair n mhvrsrlto2 .Pt t orwr.A FIT GUARANTEED AT COOK HOUSE BILLIARD HALL Pul04 i Under New M1anageme ~ip~tII11New Billiard Outfit. U111I1I,, AU'UI N1 U.UChips given good for anywhere r ' "the house. Free Lunch.. CLOTHIERS, A. [It"IB[[ ,Hatters and Furnishers. Forest Avenue Meat Market. 109 and 111 E. Washington Street, Poultry, Game and fish in Season ANN ARBOR 530 Forest Ave. Phone 407 ALBERTI LUTZ S F S otr Reliable Shoe Dealer 124 S. Main Street I r v d ® r \ ....6 JET r] FRESIUh T , Suspenders work in perfect harmony with the wearer's every movement. Comfort, Style and Service ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED Trimmings cannot rust. Price 60c and $1.00, any store or mail, prepaid. THE C. A. 1A)GA7t'i ON AIFG. CO., I3oz 286 Shirley, Mass. A. J. WATSON Wall Papcr, a ntS im on { / ..srw / RI EtN T SC H L E R For atnythinteia the litne of +' Maker at Phtotographs Framing, (all ott Rentschler, 4' I a' Plicotne389-2r. Cornter MPain and Huron Streets. 4$ Itccrx Slccccccc s- cc sctio~nal THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. oxwrc vcdrama "cLegacly Deact,'' citl Oe rec c c atlccth1cAthceccs (cccSacccr- Furnishes music for alt occasions. day, la~v th, cticeeancigtct. Thc. Dance music a speciatty. Address L. :soy fth;play iscapstcivacti, wittc D. Bates, omanager, 008 S. Foucrth aye- , lc o nccise icc 'ccc, crisicg cat te nue. 29tf 01)(icof Eachc ,c ccc ccclticcax occccccf '' wodr 1 ~ x .''llecm i'c~-cy is bccgtcaccct Ticktet Ior four shamtpoos-1.00. ! cccl dc ' cantith 'cicccccc-sc, vivicd Soft water. Hiss Vaughan, near Quar- ccii awi t is cc icla c w cicch ccccccc'c ny's. c cc g cc c'ccc clcd f symcccthtcy. Sccccc' ccccoi iccingaccctcaccc'iccgst-c- Fresh towneys, Allegrettis, Spar- i l cci1w illhei ccct dcd ccwcichtcwilt row's and Hoylen's Chocolates at Cusht- Ccco c c c coccche cli 11'thcc'c'ecccocmancce. fing's Phannmacy. c c-'' 'c Seabcltc ccs ccc-crcncgc'ctfor'a s}c' t alcbargicic cccc ic ccfor laccie5s act Prof. Scott 'witt give a German otc cicic c c. Wednesday evening, May 4. Past attc present stuodents and friends of thce tO11t SA;t- A ices'Senor cacp, never Uoiversity tDancitcg Acactemy are cor- wcrcc. Sirie I6 1-4. tCstt at 209 S. disttly invited, Iccgatts cstcrcct. tf 49-50, F. W. SCOTT. dfl (" I A painter paints with cotccr, A mu- scciacn taints with sound; bcut Atex- , Your eyes examined by an acccecrcaicts with sunlight. Get a sun- r ' expert optician. All the lat- 216 Fast H1uron Street. tcgtcotcrrait of ycccrself. Stcudio in est approved appliances and methods Achcecs 'lhcatre Duilding. 147-152. known to the profession aneemployed. New eye glasses fitted, lenses dupli- Special Prices on t Bath scuppltes of act kinds at all rated frames repaired, Haler's Jew- 1ade up Pillows, Pillow' prices at Cushings Drug store, tf. elry TOMS and Ianincr°S Chafing dishes at Halter's Jewelry I ' ''tt 1 wt IS .Al' Store. ________tf. Coillifibia ulliversity At Darling & Malleaux's Mandotin strings, 20 cents per fall GRADUATE SCHSOOLS 't'icetI cstiesccltt'c- net-Ann Arbor Music Co. ical Sciecce, PhIilosophcty,ccccc I'trt-Scicecc'- -- tL tI1- tedc-aceicte raccgc'e ccres, ccacicc.tcccthecc-cl' --.s fA.1, n1h) (rdtsfo- gcsccr scieccntfc'ecsc s ca-c admedic w itch- Pitues ad ra es Chafing dishes at Halter's Jewelry sccc~excccicccccccc Store. tf. SCHOOL OF LAW'Thtrece-ycear csurce . t'cc- didates for admssionmsthcsgrmcdmtctesccecct cclers-cien ctic csccl crsowevidc'c E~t~W,5 ART JOBkL PRINTING -MIEYERS, 2156so qulenaict raicingc. ~~SJOBOL OF MEDtIINE t-ccr-yeccrsle. 2t7 S. Focccrttc Acc-cccc. tain Sc, S. Phone 281.,Catidi~ates cccscltcccaveccpetedsocc-ycrcctf _____________________work__inca cclcege- cr scietc-cific. schccc, o rs pacsstthesstated enrace x-c' rt~o Chafing dishes at Haler's Jewelry SCHO LS FAPIDSINEADAC .. * " ' * f "*"7 ++'4. ..4. MSore. tf. cccargy, I'Checcistry, I'icvcc, t1ccl-ct c cln _____________________ 5c-cIcccial Fc i c c-,icrin, i ccc Archtc tuc~re. Grcccid tsccof ccoe isgo'sccetfcscolra .. l 10 Fresh Lowney's, Atlegretti's, Span-usuccccly ccctc-r tcese cacss wicth advaced'c 4 row's, Hcuyler's, chocolates at Cuah- stanl n" TEACHERS COLLEGEtProfsicacccrct )E. . -' ltif., 11N t. ''ing's Pharmacy, f nEuaino ayig eghlaigt 'I' ___________________________ degreces ccncctdipiccccccs. Octudents wcllrcc'ive 111( o'tSccc .cc; dcis crceci fccc-crc-cclccccc- c c ollgcc sctt or :36+ i~npt it.tctccccc cc c-I cc. . I ccc- e ycccc hccd acVitcc-c tccscagc'at, schoosfotc hIe tracincincg ocei lccs. '1 - l 't'rcc( 's t F~cricnfcrccctincc swipy t tce liecretry ccl +i, + .i~ ~t.' H r "+tTt .' . r. a S t'.cctsschicc tcivecrsity,.7cc-ccYorts, N. Y. A ord 0OURPOLICY lo S tudentS lie bitiligtip of a Tclephione System withs every possible mod- issiprveeni;th givinig of better service thtan was ever thouight '(it 'tlnel ro 5 isnt.o0rsti ic beforc. To be honiorable, cousrteous and just itsecerny detail. Nscecd IwNlleecc iccic-cr c cccidics 5cco a atiite tcrecquiremenits. To overcomne impetdimcents.'T'o be satis- o,1r ra' ' . n> n"- Bed witic cothing short of the confidence and good will of every citizen D3ERCOLWEUS( l r toii itincthse counity. --- iiii5c'cicccccci 1 icice rT'tieORARiy Oc I Cc: Liberty street, near Fourth. Phrcc'si- c-i ci ccciii ic ic ic i - s accee re ccdyicccii er-ccc-tlc cc~c,itlo 40 dccc- c ctcc-c cis i It ( ioic.-. li, 1rcl'c icc C CA IT- ht and cscclicci wld t ur ciil e iic hi i as avn Uan ticile I i ii.lgit1ie ~tc co il s i 1i c til 1',-. ho1 adm, ' , ti'ac l c i , ; lct ,c- ci cc i ,tccici us -ctccE jroy ir n Amureic. Sir, Clcil's M r1ccgi tlciciscc 1 tt t we hcasevsscc,cc hc l il 1c-ccwe ill tDcC'ctcr cii's 'NctOsdl. SMOKEMAKLS LCYeTIAN SMOKLIS Mcgic l:_1iat )ia t t ii tticOicc-c circ cy icctte wittc lxlsiciegsrcccccli ccc1111it \ ilivei tM sscl ollc. If it Sal-s notl1y 1 ca11c t ri-c l Ile'1 fo15cents ttce hottle asdc illciirefacild yourc'cccccccy. />..Cnc isrPan h e Coueots. Quarry's Camlus Drug Store Lien'adCUFFS ARE THE BEST. Barker's Collars are stamped "Linen" Other brands advetised and Sold as Linen ae N4OT stamped 'Linen" Why? Sold by Wagner & Co.- 2 for 25 ca We've GotI A New FOLD COLLAR 4 Have You Seen It? WAGNER & CO. j Haberdashers ,AS $IHaters New KODAK CATALOGS Are In. Calkins 324 S" State St. Arkansas, Texas, Mexico 2 and Caliornia...# -- Ann bset reached via St. Louis, World's Fair City, Irn the Route Tco daily traino to California Three daity trains to Mexic.- Foucr diliy traino to Texas, Four daity trains to Hot Stcring(;s. -~Six daily trains to Little Rock, THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. 4 WRITE SME. 31. D. Armstrong, 1. P. A." t23:3 W-ahtenac Arve., * Ann Arbor, "ilch. MEL GILLESPIE teaches t'tandolin, Banjo and Guitar. 2t07 E. 'lashticcgtcccSt. Phtone7253 11an agecncy fcor Btrandt Mandolts, Farland Banjo and Martin Oulear. i J z- Always Ahead In Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring