TPHE MICHIGAN DAILY ~c~+asal.~laals: 1*ala4.aI4ay TA KEZA LOOK At the Straight Front and Double Breasted Varsity-Hart, Schaff= ner & Marx Make. They are two + of the snappiest styles produced this season, and many of the best dressers like the doauble breasted style best for summner woar. $1.0t 2.0 Agency for THE GUVER $3 HATS DRESS SUIT CASES S THE,OW-PRIED~i, .01)11 11 AI sD1INSOT IVADU The New Stare-217 S. Main St. '' HANDBAGS, GLADSTONES, TELESCOPES < ,,---°TRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES . ALL MODERATELY PRICED The Cothie, ,M ACK & CO. ..dfI:IIIIIIl44 -I. __ __ _ _r____r_ i o.eH HOfH HOw® ss r® a® e e® ® s s r+ w I T 4he Greatetlest Gare Out Feotball-Poker hasall the S Mimaic Football Played waith Cards nteset andOexiesuntof the Easy toLean-Eaty ta Pity l 1f etaurungos Fan ter Twot-Pun ler a. Cowd frmees fie Old. blocked kicks,_ atsss .ss ssyssisesiefumsstouc-Phdons1ec A realgmessofFotbal plaed o aperigridiron"'and iseat bokntbones. Prir 3 e ftsa nhk els, o frnt tsde t si.densscisety-eeyyie r scssplayin Footeal-Poter Allilsstsatss iTrilnene.u-us Iat "An isteessem sndtistre game.-Direeor aird.,sMichiga. I '- THE REILLY IL BRITTON CO.. 84 Adams Si.. Chicago. 1111. P'fl WISH to call your attention to the fact that our en- Stire line of SPRING WOOLENS is on thi, tables and will further state that we are it a position where we can get all work otut prolmptly. Tbe vety fin~est of tailoring will pre- vail as usual at 01ur establishent. a Z BVRCHFIlD'S FINE TAIL ORING TRADE 106 Easat H urotv Street I I i4 ( Continued from page one.) Sigma Nu, hs reenstly been in- stalled here. This maes thirteen u- jJ1 > ' usuoal fraeriities now representei by L1N rr hapers in Chiag. RILEY 14. ALLEN. a ,. IOS~T-Ii tefiellsopsie the en trance ts Ferry Field, a pair of gold bo sswed nise glasses. Reward if re trned is Shig, 539 Forest avenue. 5.53 LOST-Thetas Dela thi Fraerniy 1 pins. Name G. A. Wees, 1901, en Trim Above raved in bak. Finder flease al nfi or ireiuris io 'Thea Dela Cii and the Iouse.-151-153 N eat R Rlg ta C~'Feet FISHERMEN ATTENTION. BRIGHITON FL A RTERS Isa 555 fl51repaed toilibil.if si FO0 lEN IHARIVEY STFlFELT, Tirqte s tsi ri i -t hai i 5 :-It,5 5 0-115 ]'noeh-361 2- 121 N. Main iir l, p , u si 5Iri , f..t ss - fuily i 5t 9. :usti us, fusIN LANDER. or5bisp ttttt i . f Is " Niiie is hereby given sir the annual xP 0 0 i'C Se-f ti,ititfiilt iueiig of ithe stckoslers of the SI 1 t ~t., i si 5 Isulaner P'iiblising Ciimupay, to o- ur Sauray, May 14, 1904, at 1.1 oclosck a. in., in Riom 8, of West Hall. ED)WARDI SAMUlEL CORWIN, tf Secretary. PARNVINE SENIORS NOTICE. Do you intend to teach? Secure a AT GRANOR'S, BY APPOINTMENT. position now by writing to or calling uon A. Pearce, 6115. Ingalla tree. Clatepss 'roruissiscy snigti., is i'titil U. of M. represntative Lewia Teach- Cisisitg isse iiiiiesu Agency. W. St. Fofntain pena at Cuhing'. tt. YOU CAN GET A 1tOiM NO NONN $At Ttttle's, 338 S. Sae We give tle bes Clothitg V dollars 01oilu Suit or Overt 1$ UIVRSTYDA-CINII ACADEMIY TROS[RS, f'fola1ri~n. 1 ALLEN, THE[ C[OTI OHIO CENTRAL LINES The Universi TOLEDO TO COLUMYBUS MICHIGAN .MICHIGAN( BANNERS If CO L OR S ...AT ..Schools of LOELL'S CORN[R STORE. "ThNt77ligara Falls Rute" TEE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO Eash chol ha a peial Cicclar of BUFFALO The Corses ins Medicine are given in sat NEW YORK College.TH AND BOSTON SUMMER QUARTER with direct csnnecttos at Chicags for St Jn 6&pebr Loufs, Kanasa City. St. Paul adteseWest JaetSplbe Fr informatonansdteahlessales write toaW. W. CASE, Aget.. Ant Aror. LOST-A large brindileid CreatL Iase .I. .5+I 3" ,+I"I.IuIaIa *+ .I.bIaal+ log. Filsder will fpli-ase notify Ro.H S. R. Wooi.ii,32Iirasllelsaw ave- 4- MONEY1 LOANED ON nule, Ann Arboir, o el-c noifiy tiss Wili.; ) ifd slfice. Dog had a collar hearing a I Si 153 sOill I Iins nsame RKeno" and name ofi owner.Cf'- Atte n Lieral rewarsd offeresd. 51f3 oi i i' siSeurity. NOTICE TO SOUTHERNERS. BUSINESS STRIICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. W. J. LOURIIM. 'rickets to the Southern Club dance {appositelook touse can be procured fromfIthse secretary oif4ais i 111 ci i ienninBoc. Phoeitissi t' lie cluib, Mr. Rex S. K. Wood, 11:12 a OaffSices hiszs , i:< i,Izto 4::30 Washstenaw avenues, or from members x"0051o55.3o of the eomittee which consists of 'Itt*i 0.+ ~ e++t:a +*.i°+s+G Roos, Batt, Tbsompson, Feelseri y, Chsrete, Searcy, Waters and Slparlin. tf- SENIOR ENGINEERS.. Ilassriailil-ractice ati lhe- Fair- groundlis eve-ry aftserfnoonsftus 1)p.ins i MANAf iER. FfR 1ItNT-.Ilhae-a large hosfe o fn Norfhlivsiesiofnsstre-t that I will b ass- remlffdto sufit frate-ritiy or sorfority. JAS. HRIBACH,. 45-63:1Lawrencew Block-I. University students desiring In so- cure poaitiona to teach will find it to their interest to write to James F. McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bld., Chi- cago. tf. L You will find the best strings for violin, mandolin, guitar and banjo at Root's Music House. We make a apecialty of the heaL. Try them. wfs VlIltI)SMACE - at Troijy's. Its great. tf. DR QUALITY", clues, saving you th~ree to five -out. Sprilng linle non' readly nd $15.00 ALL PRICES tIIER, W1AIN STREET ty of Chicag Law Medicine T.heolog Education Information whisk will he snt on request. anection with Ike work of MUSH ?MEDICAL JNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, ChicaEoa Illinois. jf New Brllllwick Tables. AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Pine Cicero tad Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Pesp. 312 Slate St., S. Ihisis 151 ',,ivtht Sist ad fini hest Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes s-sir itsoligt, it leietSy. Fine Lunches in Connection. Ever-ytiisso iitisssitClen 301 S. Stale Si. R. E. JOLLY VOYTER BAY SCATERING CO. : BANQUET HALL ISpecial Sunday Dinner Fromss 12.30 to 2 Oclock. Rot Shad, Frogs and Chicken, 35c 315S. tat St Phne467 IELECTRIC PAN5 lectiric Csa fifkg Dskes E~Llectr-ic Tabale Lawsni ro t. C lli h. u d spl ay..... WAMI[TINiW L~ll-T & POWPI( COMhPAY Cor. ashisngtn hl*4t+hsAve ho+27 WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE