The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1904. No. 151 N[WS [ROPI CI1IICAGiO S[NIOR SWING OUT [AWS ON T[AR PRACTIC[ GAiEfl New Law Building Opened to Stu- Successful Swing Out Took Place on Take Off on Lit. Swing Out. Two High School Defeated in Six Inning dents Recently. One of the Fin- Campus Yesterday Afternoon. Hundred Lawn Parade the Cam- Ga'Vart- Turner -dlureic Tried et Buildings in the Coon- Aout Four Hundred in pun Attired in Night Shirts Out as a Sustitute try. Inter-Fraternity Ln fMrh Base Ball Lieo Mrh and Pajamas. Catcher. League. Tebs almnejydavra ________ ~ IYserda1y afterntoin in the full Fr the first ime in four years he ''ittstiietu'siidaai- liry itf a typitlal spring (ay, the caintie was the senie of a tiriion in id-weiek t plracetic e 'yisteriay ChcgArl:31. padY owlic anbs e paae yt 1I'irim h 111 coo qa tlirei Ato haughty Senior dnned capangonwihrnbsle described by li the11b hotaai The new law srhoiol building was andI -stalkeid towarit the campus. vulgar bt expressive tit- f "sirtit th ti t It14to (0 iti a ala snigsg occupied by stutii fotitiet frstathela deti' h wlkdatfistfo til. tge fomit sanpon otau 51 01rldis fu.twr ilingfo ime ysteriday. Though a few minir stitihsil'hi-waledittfrstnor ail. Jugei foinitheet ailltti detilsarenutyetriitilleu, he lewas inot exatly at huntsm i sisnegligeeastirn',uimbrandet nuist Sholl detilln s ra t-ytira omyea etiyf rlasoing-tailedl gowt, which suinehtiw or te law satire tiisthe aual Switg I h ui ltwi akiIipr buildng ispractcallyreadyforcaister twas alwaystindter liot. Bit as iutitwas as uaduailteratedl success Tlmnshwdaareiipo- anti library wirlk. The boolisare toiwbenaethCapshseprec Threeesgteeattehg met serdyilterpaigor bein mued vettris th tnverilyni-t ~~'~s her llsysetru lienianilhist'atiitisvesre fromne 'lh-i'eUnisvatrsreitayth that ofi iiSatutrdauy. Otll'ii itnuedi builing whre ur te 5atttwi ye r g-tapace atd itslitcourage ai'ise at shoiol and marcedeitliithei-law hiili- buldng wer fr hepat woyers ,' sight f iilii'is i equal tdistress, ing. file thle shirts wete ~sicoiiii iiil Cat'.Reddenliltshowedl the law stutdents hare oetipileidre-ant inbitly, as lhe' narehedl tdiwntthe All torfs anilconitt tn f bet lmgit'pwll Iiilf ie ldli. Theliii ttldg of sinted anditinadequiiae iqiattet. a-t-iiIiitisl at i-ti tm llae pstei h ii ' te ttitirdeniirastatall Thatttcou lllit With the movitigfasl ftUnvestyHal liel cmeapaeltieretnthi inks ja d attit",et eler ethefore hiihtgitIti- herlit',ki' aws Pe;l i ws ts fgdyhi eegetdb willden enareottteLeirclsnewndlhoutinfai',vatfre tofe liir fitltertttheieunwhry ,on. o teWi. Robetrsn, chaiarmnan of Ite capt tiates whit pitssetsedtltilhitg but the i-it "t1Iiwit ie ti't'iit'ua-T'h'eiliat' m n e t tth by ustrik s, a th l t -ti h th th it i i t l e cl s t e u e e s ig s th haa esit li ip e rf eci' ii i 'l l 15 a t ,i shot i ng t t r a n ie g s e nt o h lu a v e lb y th e ie n . T e ult ohe a d i hth e l ."-rai n b o wtco] - dahserbulof ascurenelhed ash ifil arerig oete mongofalecthenttcse theLvsaresix year Medics wearing geen bws By the time the "htss eeli Aiotheri leitai e fatureiofithelii movngal te oos temeles gg "goss"weet f ribtti and the six year Laws wear- marching array, the numbers hailae>i ovrn nte atn e The main featre of the building i'uuihl.mrleh i eaaetenaiieti ytoe t ~i t1a rtt tiui - Thu telk iwas wivielet is the elaborate preparatinmdelittismrhd niartebetugetdblsoeefLrsadgous h eno nineswoe nier wowr ttatdbytee iga er yalo'tesud fr litrary work. The stuck rootm has gruais.eTe snet.renihseersowhuise ftugiee ofslatnavereatrrluety i' ilitaleitwoand'u'h'r'elaeitt eingqull ample spare for 175,00110volumes. Thersetfolwe retlntwith Pryenhwtt Lrt~edfylhepjaof riaetc a-tigecha'lked'urilt it-'Vtarity's ri-lit. library reading oitusis 11111feet long slttltvdn-l ihPeiltl e yIepjnattiae h t' Mcutittwo is ce o h lg b50fe vdadaonthwalMuthitardlanti :tRobert Fleshiem at their rademveud atsUniversity all antiliiteuulfrht il byad51)hetestfohile,00antI mes head. 'fle senio rt'nemaiuetd statding le Senlior Lit tbench, where a party Shohwvrofe rvda n at-urshelvesifor12.01111 volume.lrustet'intsof Chicagot is justly troudfthliile new tll liii'clst' ittPt-it. Stanley's pe- itcall antIgwn men tredl toimakse. - IJtiaitiiati5~ii i bod. l sransof An Abo" ea ils curlsasi, HeI i'is s ei-ettiilett nuimberthebslaw schtiotl has ept litethdetAgelhllraaaoe sthraof "annyeArstur"theifrupt''rasay fth-olee wrlr tace with the high standiarud set by AtrPuitttAiulhatrstathtuefu ua'o a elhtli'I-tlt wehra1vtimtotlt i eu-ais. H rhhs faclty mbhers, sait inthlet'news lasset'frustthth ible, Protf. )'ougs lutary. Nt auntedth by the trusu'tu siyuiIInli u iuu auutsttui hoim, thilcagot Lawv tmen will acktmaaeltthe inivocta in. PresiudetAn-iof authrity, Ithet'lue whteb u e s -lit-si-a it han-I liii 'lii nothing itt faciliies for gootd work -- --o ieni or Ptefer fit-u' inai Cu. Frank 0. Lowdleu,candidhuat ut fo* c i -myen uil'biuhiguuneit-all governiur ittthisstateI, addretssedthe lbsrdI astrltevtd-il is hlatak beuhindu stuents on W'edneusday afterntonuttuts ONC[ UN cal V[N Y[ARS thtibaitluringaprltii tfhut-;alotu Colonel Lowden gave a ptitn staight e______iodetgveTun_ forwarud tallk n his posittin and atatyotfrhipston Brds tititde on curreni.questiuna s. i-s t N rt erkra orc l [ea u e he nlya iltsbliltchtue u rwhicht-heut was esteialy notewuortyviews(A teamnow posleses and tutulwaiis it the fact that he hitsel is a cileeAhA N A B R h o ueo-.1n~hnmgti man, antI has nATr ANN AReresORnwi'l,uisa thuuti it'xcant at-ltu rss college agfates. e has always suttud mtatehi' a ''li foehiss bstin refortmumovem'ntss, C hittgt tomest etut-foriitheurt'uruts ansdtfrom tresett itdicatins will harteAM A YA 6 tLhgtttuotutuSaituiay- Theioutlookulsis a large number ot the sudnts' vttis. thlau thu t' estuuuawaill b lo is. 'fit' Two cunsecutive anti clean-ciut vc- REPR"1SENT1NG lite ip oulliithu teamii till be -te satuet tories in baseball have causeud fi-onSuraasttofytedy cago fans toifalse heart a little and re Seven Universities, SIX States, Twenty-Iwo YuS, 'rty's liteu tlts15asii tilltus: member that a bath start is nututalways thT'ilf ; Ur.I.h-ru'u-t .; C.amst- fatat in a, season's chances. In thur Thousand Students bls ol .0Bin .I. game against IWisconsin last Tuesuay, huIlrs.f.,; Ifithe.l.;thrut.; ia, .hu Captain Buiw's nen securedlthu ng ADMIS~SION, 25 AND 50 CENS atiut Wenudill, p. end of akl1t to I6 sctre by barth anud timely batting of lbs Badgeipitcher's ROSE VINDICATED curves. Today we defeateud Nebraska -I___ by 3 to 2 in rather a unique game. gel then suddresset'hehtsSeuiors. h-e j uumberetioveretwuo huntredlmarched T het'foullwungloiter asill noidoutiu Baring the fitst fouruu innings it lttotkeud saiud its tart, that this was a taricu- in the east andtut.ut the west tdottr o utitiet all dsussu'ioniiiiyu 'asiorus-cuitis ike a sugging match, as each teamutlaly auspiiotus tisetotgraduaiutehe- (is btuilding whie tos' at thur uesss ustowhitheu tue thrt-stor utu theu dhoe bath aftetr altlith-eli ceuter causttmiauy udoos art'now toteto hutokeduostuliht aaemet.ui - i townIutrs houithom'iiheyua '~lld i Il tor li's n- anti eft fit-Itt bututbotthptheruus st- cutllegigrauatues. Withinthut'lash Iemu wis notw litthtetbjectiv pint.i -TIe'Jtutu I -I...hSullivan theii'st-ary itf tflud ahowntantIhu inue tutthut'fastest yearsi cagetiafit pinutiountuhlstcone tmttuly crowdl surgeetdouwnut Sat' suretuo li'Amas tu' u t it' uuiuunion andulcutu- games seen tutuMarshall tFieldhfutr auovrth Ie worlduwith retspet to cillege adsuru iton sret, utuMahit Libety 111 s atlrcords ofa ittil-hit' peirormu- tong time, theCutnhusses 'set'sit-de-auhtual es, especallyhutntbusiuess ci- aud theutce tthuscanmhuus. Theywra rt--'ttuI'rfrIhut'offiial guiebok feated. Stilmanusstr freshman pth-Ilt es. Foruisrly it was thouught that a foululowedl by theusual rutwdl it''uttut--"tIi- itasl Expoitaioni e from Mutrgaun Part, cvereduleft.kmaiuowho this spatentsfouutyears in cu- cotmbaants, whit hit-tithe mnutt- S. Louis, Mi., 190ull field, anti tulutdtdownanappluaent.t itge'siuulud noti equainhubtusiuesssotne utuyiy tccasiottaly eitving tttetofitt St Loutia:41. April 2,19lttl. homeru-tn whe'n a hit wotuldthae whit haulspetuhithe saue fturuteyuars in heu'mart-ters iof his decrtlinst. ''it. thahres IBahid nAorut"Mih. brought two Nebraskans oventhe list-sive workl, butth heunudisutedsl it- 'tiscamluus lututkedtamIeto thelii' ''hotr Sir:--Vutur cmunuuuuuiuatsionuto plate. Chicagot shotwedup mttspetcially utuntutfurthut'colleuge' hrt-ti mansishu is- warers oithlii'whiter, sitanothetturipthanduadtnutedtuui-ladi II tnk tutu vry welttn infield llilts, ahie1uBuenemesspItsntsthe cntrary. hut thur lonmg (town twntwas tlannmedi situexetttu. tutuch ittfor iI ithe irmtincoutinedutt Nebiraska's hacksati, caught thehust rntut utd(iscipliner mndtuulis what is B theii-tinme thu camuus wis rachedt-thiritn. iy that- tay, diyu see heuu gains seen on ltsehlca diamtondtthis uecesary n lift- authis butdto if e=suc-fr thitssecuonudtime, thut'"ntigtuIts" atite ut'h1te Ntw YrklsSuniM o iPn- year. Eltworth tpitcheud tutu'Chicago cetd. - were cnsiderably wrsetutu' 'sam', ay asite iigesuiansittt ntlu'iew sithi and Morse bite Nebraskia. After the Presidet's aduress, tlbsometusoitthemn havnmg shruimuk tthe'setvrl It-tutle saig tatItRose' 1it The trackt men returnedufrom their fGles clubltsang twot Michigantsutngs, lproplortonstf a eck:-bandu. ntptu heii ht.ti I aweruntathitnm eastern trip lastMonuay. Youuare t than thut'Seniutrs autseasdmitrncheduantintei rviewuritheI ttwe-u'litheSututu be congratuulated on the men yonu senustuptou the Camiuus. The ine to- WOMAN'S LEAGUE ELECTION 'Tuesuay ight. Iwi-nth iteu-n(t" watch east, and Chicago feels glaud indeedulolweduthlbsdiagunapath in frunt of OttSatutrday May 7th, 1.0 a, imuthue itoseandamuseeuifIhet'did tuthe lt'shot. that aestern men won this ictutry.Tatupan Ball t State sreet ts Nutrfthamnual eetuu t unr u .I have behut-u-tchtintug ahtutttl-s tutu The great four-mite relay race was a tUniersity smithfoltowedl this t Bar- 2'lectioasmutfut-fricaersy tuu hut shah mans League willhe heldl hutSarati yer adh crail oie-ht popular victory. butur Gymnasiumnswhere it udisbanudeud.taswel AngelIat. Thus excutive-wh-un hiattih at recordund etrtulh Several trackteam hy-uts weseThe walkss were ineud with stecaoirs tlit'htutihenuithit udtutt'hut' extionut helth on Matshall Fieldl this uumrning. 5ath cameras wee inipltut-u. This w- tiutr, is icthe nouminaing tcuteemunuitc:mteelt.t n'athti sIIugt u s The only ight class peurforumsancc wasmten itt thuelass were uphotohgrstaphhas mteilb th flwing noutm tatt-s hollt s Ileums hft'. i yuuor1at the hunrud, in which Rice defetdhit ft-tnt oft Barboturti tyuuiasu'inu antiPd steuh-hluutc(ruouu it'i uu.. tuge tuftayuued ut ue gtIf 'auSit, Captain Blair in theint'ofttenIsiscs-n-this men in frotiotf 'TapptiintHal. iet~i, Anna Brootmhall ; rea-surer twoitgtacoy uufkTueayhuuigttu'sunteu onrds fiat. Pat" Henry ran twit miles Inifle evening thit men of the class Mabel Lwney; Crrespoaning sente N ill tyadgeI. op o ufo in 10:44, and Parry three's the hamnmer in cap andutgiwn gathered at Tapspan toyLuwus Bthorckiug u 127 feet. Oat.Theres they sang stngs anti gave lay"sts auel ttueulun Awully atrry yutuu cutuiutut htve The Inte-fraternity baseal league this 'Varsity el.Fomte aa r ywhIhbeit antenaumu m-mtuuiwthutut ttu I tt ht tm seasiun ohened itda. h-isas Theta huh marched ts the President's house and Ieaguefurtrhrsnmintatins usay beIm.smtglhit eathhrthtyuuuaru- ging defeated Deta hUsion smithAtha serenuadleudhim. It has liens planed nmade. uto acat '5godu Ishotwitg tint' oiithu Belta Phil deeatedt Signa Apha Ats- that this shalt e thus first itt a series hu uepansittrshiuui' . Intepae fMr olMs on, bouth by hangs scores. of sinmilar open air singling mestings Vaga.Ms.MYoy fls t una vt-nytruty, The Inter-fraternity league has essnitt the Seniors,nt Ms.siggnehsetemstu te il . I.ShLLVAN, reorganized into three divisions of aChoyhtadeprs rs a uie ittoftPysial Cultue." four teams each. Each team plays NEW INTERSCHOLASTIC MAN- adMsrs. boaurs.epine, MssBns, every other eam in its uiisiunanI AGER. ale and Miss Gombeg were chuse. S.C.A MEETING play in the finals, truth, C. M. Hayes, '05 E., was elected eigfit independhent representahivay, an-1 night aft16:4k5hum 7:t1,0'lThi, subiject in A new fraternity chapter, that of Interscholastic Manager in plane of one represenfative from each itt thise the "Esasentials oit Heligioun." Stpecial (Continued on page three.) Harry When who recently left college. sororities.} business meeting directly after,