THE MICHIGAN DAILY - -__-_-- - - -- - _- NOTICE. Spring Line of Puritan Shoes aild t Oxfords now in. See our new Tans in window, button or lace, in s the "New Spud Last." For lie benefit of our cusomners we wish to say that the- Puritan Shoe Co. bas been made very innch stronger by gong. M:47, into the hands of the factory--Geo. E. Keith Compay, Brockton as ereE et osnt oto h aePrtn u he flos 01501 lltzc~lt he (iii lsl1~s, patir115 ,- obdlo/otf7hich s'as n tidtoe/11(lose "'Pan"framous, He has always had the ex- - - ... clnsive rigt in making or sboes. When bnying yor Pritan I] Oxfords this sping be sre and bny tie OIGINAL, and not sonme M ofey L..oanel.dt inferior lbrand~ with tile Puritani label. Stock is all fresh; new o,4 shaps ad syle arrvin daly.Watches, Diamonds Or other persoial property o vale. Watches and al-rs Ie 1 THE OLD ORIGINAL PURITAN panrd.DInd bn n. ae~ l ice at residence, 111. Lib The Old Place, Ill South Main Street 1 erty Street, Ann Arbor,.Iloses8 * to 11:30 a.In., I to 3;is 1). m., a io 9 pnm. All Business I Oiliilsi ______1 tia.l JOSPHI C. WATS. 4 , R E NCENTTAS C HRNTSCHLR For anything in the line of 0' "The Niagara Falls Ifote" 'q' Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rensher, 4, THlE SHORT LINE~ 0 Phone 39-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. 4. ANN ARBOR to 41~~~ * CHICAGO BUFFALO SENIOR CLASS MEETING I THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. NEW YORK The Senior class met in Room C Furnishes mic for all occasions AND BOSTON ysltyftenoon to consider the11 Dance music a specialty. Addess L. with d-retcanes tinsoat Chiicao orhS ~t r: fItie Menorial committee ap D. Bates, manager, 808 S. Fourth ve-1 Louis. rK,, , lily.St. Pauoed sihe wet siiii siisiine ine ago, Mr. Harplam nue. 2-t Fec iforsasaion and tiroughi tisk-i on,_norharman__dthre__thicwa write 1(o IV. 1W. CAS E. Agent. Ace Acisi. ciamnriltectitwhcws iunatniouslycniciircsd in by liii re- Ticket for four shampos-$1.00. ChewingiCandyI l idrofte commiittee. Soft water. iss Vaughan, near Quar- Creall.Chmu ualuy It recommended jas a stitable me-ry's. k Salted Peanuts, lit luittered the- class, aplitinlg of Prnfessnrlien- Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar. Ptopcorn,, Cackejack Ieb ry Cariier Aiteiis, nf 'lie deprtment row's and Houyler's Chocolates alCush- daily. iti'Phray Calndy liiteeic ZB. 61[B[ RI. TtihalthgY ilctst itit s s Pamay 251t S. State s5. F1 "__________wllcotabot_$2_ _______________________________ and____ he(11 nttltedttwill ie htungei10 A pa inter paints wtith color, A ltti (ii, gitiiral library. Ptt. Atani is siciar, pints with sount;btit Ale- D", Y,A. A. & JRAILWNAY ,,tv olarlawit lesntiorclas 5111cc paints with a sun- .5r~fiD~kD TIJ5 adiilt tthe r tf te cttmmnittee- wee ligt portrait o yursel. Stuiio il St letiit et tttct lsu cilii s. i~iiadotedtiiwithotta0dissntintgviote, Athens Theatre Building. 117152. 6 r5 p. m 'bn. hioiuirlcy uit t i 1. lee Y~s- j~nrlcllsa ut roei 0.n1 . i . mti or FORl SALE -A new Steittlecul,never your eyes examined y an TileIl -a .10 ) m.and till tcm. wo1r1.1Sle G 1-4. .(all at 29 . ( expert optician. All the 1s- fsaiing som, Hursn St., W of Mas. Itngai tet..cIif es approved appliances and methods BASKT BAL NOICE. known to the profesion areemployed. 1YANNS DRUG STORE BAKT ALNOIE New eye glasses fitted, leses dpi cated, frames repaired. Hailer's Jew. A nimee tig ttth11,-basket all coi- elry Sore. f. muiti 'iwittlIbelhelt Tesday afterton ______________ 21 3 SOUTH .M~AIN SI..1a t 3to de.cide in regrdto llte re- Bath supplies of ant kinds at all -. -I -15i 11115t ie. srils. prices at Cushing's Drug store. tf. President.1ViPrsieit. K, W.CLAK,0505 lotiec. SWINGOUT TODAY. Chafing dishes at Haler's Jewelry FIRST NATIONAL BANK Store. tf. rholteailittl swing-ototh ie Seiohrs _______________ OF ANN ARBiOR, JVHIL wil oct1 cuit this afternotn at 4 oclock. Mnei tig,2 ee rfl CAPITAL - - $1Oo,oos lPresitent Aigell wilt give the adtreet-ss rr Mandlnsrn s2ctsps. ul SURPLUS AND PROFITS. - $4,005 tthe- class. ''he caps antI gowns st-n ro ui o wiltibe wrn by the Senisr, ait the A. J. WASON lsul nmarch aboult the canmpts will Chaffing dishes at Haler's Jewelry tale-place ater the execies. Store. f Q3rolvn in Turkey. Perfected in Lgypt. Enjoyed in America. "MOGULt SMOKEtSAILS EGYTI'TAN SMOKERS5 Arkansas, Texas, MIexico fand California... 4 Are bcsi reaches via St. Louis, World's fair City, Route t I 1our iii l tr-as totIHot springs. THE NEST lIP EVERYTHING5. WRITE MS. H.D. Aripstron,IT.P. A., 1?381 W ,sbt-tateAce., 4 Ann Arbor, Mich.4 BEAILEY '05X_1.DMUNDHS,e SFISH 'NETS for Decorating 9 121 E. 1-ibex-ty St. 6.1h ATHENS PRE&SS 4 aj rea llso. Ait. .c... .... ar smeimsiledwihsufeig.The strenuoustlift i, te ril esistuent Iini-ssetie f tutles-, cs.os tic e ltit and s 110 fo ly seills. T1situde510t bo has aothelefaoter br ie, Wavptua t icf e i (Vlt zsi- ts, briss, a r seastos uleeting-;n e li e e - ize o tlc e iousa madfl an sumeifby vaeis. -ofhs d rshsutheufcle-afte n ,aing.For ver l0 ytrs t htIs 1) a~ srnctvcr isappintedo. "'r + red. ,i leichust e w(CEPT NO USTITUTsoe- I W~1I P~per I'd~lT ProittiScutit wilt give a Oerman on a nd Oils Wttdnesdtayievenintg, lay 4. Past anti preseit studntis and friendls of the I~niversity Duncing Academy are cor- 216 [st Ilon Meet. ditally inviteti. W- -49-5. F. W. SCOTT. A. [[flBI[,Proif.ieritert Sadler gaves an ad- Forest Aveine Meat Mdarket. tdress before the yacht cltiltofDeri Firittey eveniing. Poultry, Game and Fishs in Season________ 530 Forest Ave. Phose 4seeI Fountain pens at Cushing's. if. Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plumbinag and Steam Work. All at Reasonable Rates and First-Class Order at J. F. SCHVH'S, 207 IM. Washgxxiton. PHYSICAL TRAINING IN WRITING, the hash for ollie sepple all tho time, i115i vcii t.nssfioc home improvement. Eso pg; illustrated, prce X61. Tested-:,15rears. Tbrce, mautin cresnenesorseb y author $7. her a brief lice t will sndsti iheoa aud,;,ars orf$1 I. \Vill lecture os physical traisisg is rapiO writing fecrl$1is. oro e (ek far$5(00. 0oucive te.heahth and positiecucre fur sad writing. Iudividual!iioeained Bsess Penman and JOB PRINTING- MEYERS. 21E Main SL. S. Phone 281. Chafing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry I Fresh Lowney's, Allegretti's, Spar- - row's, Huyler's, chocolates at Ciush- tug's Pharmacy. tf. Ba-ce yotubath a Vthrtossge at Trojy's? - if. NOCKIN6VAL[[Y otnusIsExeln ----YOU WILL FIND)-- FOUR TRAINS DAILY FROM1 TOLEDO Carrying Parlsr Cars o Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trais UNION DEPOTS ANIOUMU.N TOLEDO L. W. LIINN, 6i. T. A.,Deri Always Ahead in Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring