THE MICHIGAN DAILY Prilan Shoes $3~ ON THE SQUAREn -- ' ~WE'VE GOT THE GOODS, YOU'VE GOT THE MONEY. E' NP LETS SAP 111t South Main St. - - Ann Arbor. t_ / ' {. \\ ' ' 5 f t !? i j Jfj " . !! A . s . . ,, 4 i ,.- !, The next painted picture on the banner ia that of the MOGUL Cigarette. a little roll of tobacco much beloved by the collegium studentum. Often taken to his room, where smoketh he them'" One of the lectures not in the course. Ten for 15Sc. Plain and Cork Tyip. 2 I wxmw WOOOF PENNYCOOK. Y The Confectioner. 310 Sonth State St. Fine Confections. Lunches, Why boy candies tianevnctic diecl- er doesot kowichow' og they Were nldo c henotaloiti clofresh, pur packedtoScit, ytorc lcin i fcor plancboes t in te ot coplete Cto- fee;tiottoty toarlorin tihe city. Ice Cream. Sofa Water. PENNYCOO0K, 311) Sooth State Street. P ICKWICK BILLIARD PARLOR AND BOWLING ALLEY REMODELED, SOW OPEN. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. 707 R. University Ave. S. ROTTENSTEIN, Prop. Do) YOU ViWANT A G(A) .iti $1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN ? Try the "UJNIVERSITY." Mann's Drug Store, 213 S. Main St. President.ViPtesdet FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN A11.13I~t, MICII. 'fi RENTSCHLER t1 Maker of Photographts ,'I Phone 389-2r. BULLETIN. Canditdates fior the Phlillilps' ('assi- cal Schttlarshtips will lit exatmittetd Satutrday, Gel. :17, ito rtom3, Tappttat boil, at 9i a. m. Appllicatioions torteii ecaminatiion shtotultbele eit iat:ne ito lte ansoflie. M. L DOoge, ChIairman of (Cot. The 'We C. KerilCoe 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. Caps nicd iowns matt o tc r dtet and rented. -.,._.IPenants fttrill ccoliegesintl Ill iii ,~ fratern ities carie c.d - .,.n.,e '.. Clas ins Classt-nand leoto y°°0 Sor, "s Send for Ctogotes } Y}{ 4 i}{ Q}}{ {} i} { {:} 5 U. of M. Antiseptic Barber Shop For anything in tIoe line of i'NcB~ikoM5 Framng, Call o Rentschler, f ADA}4H 0015 Corner Mlaiti and Huron Strerns. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Proprietor. ('} : } 47 r1" {it{ }i~ ?t} Sj {} }{1}{ } ,} Face Mtassage a Specialty. 322 SOUTH STATE STREET hltotrs for ecatmination, 2 to 4 p. too. D Y , tattt 7 to tJ p. m. f, ,'A A. &J, RAILWAY KEENE FiTZPtATRICK. STANDARD TttInr 1 Fortt o nitstIdr ot Iy ftocttt6:15 to. n{tot il NOTICE 1006 LITS. O:6:151t. Itl. Thettmttotttirl ttttttti 11.t For t si 'fle 10Ltli. t'lass electiono will ieb tet-hotttiton I sot 6 .15:E ,ccciiil.5 1.In hldo in coocciCOtiversity hall, 'l'ttto- Waiting Room, Huron St.. W. of Main. clay, Oct. 1), at 4:15 p. m. NELLIE E. SHIAVEtR,,MRS. M. A. FINGiIE, Vice-ptresidet.1 GYM. SUITS AND BANNERS. CAPITAL, - - SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $100,000o $40,000 State Savings Bank. cig cTooS. AV. . BiottthJotV. itt it is 'itt.i Artntto l itDr.V. 0. X i t t Jasc. Ii. iVatl I. 1t'.Miills Jn.o. Kyei Po.I.S crat FtranktP. iazltrer Chtisttintt l tttti The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Capital Stitwh, $50o,000. Sutrpo lus $15,000 Rtestourtttt,.J2000.000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. OFFRS:citatlnes IE. ItiSceeltPies.;XXW. D. Horrittait, Vice ltces.; M..1.bcFriCshier. SPALDING'S OFPICIAL < I INTER-COLLEGIATE 3 4. FOOT BALL 4 +Used by all the Leading Colleges. . Foot BalliPantsLattceirntet, hips atdtuneetipadded itiit ~ fitescediand th h withcane=otrt~olips. ,.lthgh ' A. G. SPALBING & BROS. 4 New York, Chicago, Denver. 4 4.Spalidintg'tOffiil Foti1 iotHalGde .. for 103,etilted bty Waltontoitip. Price 10 tett.« Universityj Notices. INOTICE. I Te :Jutioir lii t.etiit on as betet ('laos ieleclti115:Liti., Wedntesdayucy0laungedtifromtt Wedtnsy, atoind illibe 4:10 pi. itt. RototmtC'.tutd totday at 4:1.5 ip. 24, 1H. SONNENSCI1NiN. of Untiversit y ith1. _____ iiH(1O0SONNENSC'iIEN, NOTICE.lteiei. All stouientts desiring to compiete NOTICE! for placesonttohle buinesn staff ot the IAll members ittlant yearnsibanjot Michigan Dily repotto th us inessn clti ubs-owinictllegeitloaseosnthe lir matiager at It31.tRackardi street tbis#namiciesttotdl auddresses ttoft.FT tumps,. week. 12117 Willitreet. CLASS TEAMS, NOTICE! NOTICE!1 In accotrdan~e towit the rilesegov- ltExamintion ofiittcattoidtlen foirtoano ernin clans titamin,tll etrliots, toigeiih- cliii will bei hetl t 7 p. i. 'Vetiten- er with a cocmplete lint of playern,,1tina.,ito rotom 214iof Univsority i loll. musnt lie bandttloimce by line mana- C. tF. JIUMP, Leadler. gers before six o'clock Wedncenday evening. Oct. 14th. Nio frenhmnt NOTICE. teams will tie alloiwetd to onter thei All candiidtsoric1:r005lUt. fotutball clasneries an lie athletic matoage- leanttre tirgetdi Ito.beittt for firnt ment atool'Varsity coach hitve dd iratceest f tiem finsimthisoi ed ha th bstntress fiotbtall oft ernionat, 4 o'clockl. All tnatmen for too the UCiviernity demandolthat the tin-te ottiadl tiust litin beorte (Octer terents of all freshmen closnes be ccoi- 14. STRIAIN, M~atnager. ceniral~ed into he All-Fresho team.__________ H-ARIRY M. WiNK. 6014 lMtadisn Street. Bath Supplies of all kinds at all ______prices at Cosbing's Pharmacy. All fist year lito anti Engineers miont be examioteid physically before KOLLAUF, The Tailor, November 1. All others cot till later. 110 HuirotoSS. E. Give us atl opportuity to figture ont yotur lint. PRIC[S TALK. We can save yo01 money oil ~LAWBOOKS- wr CALLAGHAN & COMPANY, I on IImpot ad 114 MONROE STREET, CHICAGO. ANN ARBOR BRANCHI, 34o State Street, Opposite Law Bnilding Next (10ir'too I'll nsro llters, otner "lelanii thsstook 'tote 'e(I I 5$3 0per I ofin12 no ho UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street A PROFESSOe SCOTTn PeINIePAL JOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 205 M~aino SI. S. tPhoone 2111.. For Rent-Onela me :sntoge rotom tot getleman;oii tll imoudern inmprone- EU LE.4. Supplies Towels Wash Rags Sjsotuges >+. Hartl-Water-Soap ,I Toofaltn s 4 Toilet Watern Borax F veryth~iig 0o1neeod to ma'ket '. yousr bath enjoyable--Our +. prices arc always * j. lowent. o S324 SOVTH STATE. 9 Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Flnmbing and Steam Work. All at Reasonable Rates and First-Class Order at J. F. SCHVH'S, 207 IS. Washiegton. PHYSICAL TRMNING IN WRITING, 'rtebool,:lice alltie petople till irthtme.In coilvocrattiios;lonrihomic c' povmnctocec. 60 pp. illutatect prior 01. 'Tastedol.3Vros. Threimonths'c'rresp )tictune' tonrso icy 'author $7. Pb'tairiefirtimI'twillist'itdithebncoo lancreSot.$lXVi ItIIctenonci Sploysiecoltroicitogic raopid wntiti n, oltitJ. tiro0neweetplonrd$500.Conduotcie to iheolth asd positivecooiroe oiad weiitog, loctioidooltit etslilted. BusinesslPenmcoaottand one leccont,, Sit Address Prof. 0. BIXLER, Madison St. & Ogden Ave., Chicago. Ill. SRANDALL, THEt jHOTOORAPHER I _r2 l E. Washington St. : Always Ahead In Styles. MIL WARD1, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring.