/ runtm ON THE SQUARE WE'VE GOT THE GOODS, YOU'VE GOT THE MONEY. LET'S SWAP! 111 South Main St. - - Ann Arbor. :' r ,. l a ~ qy :t G 17 9 .r' ,y' f d (. , 'o, r _. : r PENNYCOOK.: The Confectioner. 310 South State St. Fine Confections. Lunches, Why buy candies thaiteen the deal- Aeredoessnot know how long they were 5mad, wheoucansohtain fresh, pureI delieios coecetioss sod havethemt pake toSuit your taste tn faney or+ 0 RE NT S CH L E R For anything in the linseof t3s t Maker of Photographs. Framing, Call on Reetschler, t } }. Phitone3h9-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. als- ! Si, ot^ i , :;kiit }t}L} t}{}it ? i}i6t}t'..¢ ii i 1tt{' ,'ridVS ., panpons arlostheoinost eciycomplleteecon- fctiotsery pseo stesy MEN SEEK THE PROFESSIONS. Oct. 24-Drako Univ. at Ann Arbor. Ste Cream. Soda Water. Oct. 31-Minnesota at Minneapolis. It has been the occasion of remark N ov. 7--0. S. U. at Ann Arbor. -: PENNYCOOK, nmany tisses during the school year Nov. 14-Wisconsin at Ann Arbor. 310 Sooth State Street. that the number o1 young women tak- Oct. 21-Oberlin at Ann Arbtor. __________inn worx at thle University had veryj Nov. 26-Chicago at Chicago. Slargely increasedlbitt a little investi- Chicago. t + t + gation shows that this is only true to Sept. 25--Hyde Park & NorthiDivisioin. '+ 1"rr, 4+S4ooo~4ttl a certaini extent. Sept. 21-Lawrence Univ. at Chicago. SPALDINO'S OFFICIAL ~ This increase baa been steady toe Sept. 30-Monmouth Coll. at Chicago. ItNTER-COLLEGIATE + sooe years. The reasons that the pre-, Oct. 3--Indiana University at Chicago. FOOT BALL ptontderance ot the co-oil is noticeable! Oct. 7-Cornell College at Chicago. Used by ail the Leading X is that tier brothers are deserting the Oct. It0-Purdue University at Chicago. C otlaegas tceeto, . academsic department in favor of the Oct. 14-Rush Med. Colt, at Chicago. dips sod ksees patdded willh other dopartmients. Oct. 17-Northwestern at Chicago. tone carted hair sod thighs &~ The schoolt of pharmacy; all the tilt- Oct. 24-Illinois University at Chicagos. w tithscase strips. tsn oie A.. 5.. SPALDING&OS.gg ,;.,eret ou ae of engineering; the law( Oct. 31--Wisconsini Univ. at Madison. Incorpsorated. . school and the medical school showt Nov. 7-Haskell Indians at Chicago.i New York, Chicago, Denver. #4 large ietrease of registration. Nosv. 14-West Point at West Point. 4Spsldin-'s. Official hoot BallOuide 4. The new rules regarding the medi- Nov. 26--Michigan Univ. at Chicago. Car 1903: edited hy WalteCasap. . Price 10 cent. , cal course helps somewhat to keep up Minnesota. .the percenstage of young men in the1 Sept. 21-Carleton at Minneapolis. So+S.4050+Ot~oo~osotro~no~ootr~oohlower classes of the academic cosirses. Oct. 3--Grinnell at Minneapolis. The minority of the young men is Oct. 10-Ames at Minneapolis. especially noticeable in the langiuage; Oct. 17--Iowa at Mlinneapolis. State Savigs Ba k. casses, especially in Greek and Latin. Oct. 24-Beoit at Minneapolis. oztgrrvOgh History. Matheniatics and Economics Oct. 31-Michigans at Minneapolis. Wi. AssBoodhIen V. CSgeehns limlrg ercentages, even the his- Nov. 7-Laswrence at Minneapolis. Jas. H. Wade E. P. Mills tory classes show a growving prepon- Nov. 14-Illinois at Champaign. N. J. Kyer .ttshs Ilsarer derance of lie feminine element. Nov. 21-Alumnsi at Mliniseapolis. tos.Kc hesProfl.14. S. Carlssrt Frnol P. Glaszier Chrisian Marstin _______ Nov. 26-Wisconsin at Madison. FIRST FOOTBALL PRACTIC[ Wisconsin. E. a. stoNE, HARRISON SOUS rOct. 7-Northwestern Coll. at Madison. President. V.Presdent. (Comntied trom page otie.) Oc.1- wrneatMds. Sw. C oRSOso Casthiar. An effort is being made hr the eltan- Oct.17-LaHentcole at Malison. FIRST NATIONAL BANK agement to secure a gm o e-Oct.247-Belnox College at Madison. O AN AIOtMC. nesday, but. as yet mns teamo has been Oct 7 found willing to play. ENv 00o. 7 COhicagomaMlwatskeeo. CAPITAL, - - $100,500 While it is plain to be seen that No -slohNra tMdsn SURPLUS ANDS PROFITS. - $40,00 Yost still has a monumental task Nov. 14-Michigan at Ann Arbor. aha-o i-t-uldwn Nov. 21-Northwestern at Evanston. Th~~ Annhead of him to build up another wn-- Nov. 26---Minnesota at Milwaukee. DARLIN3 & MALLAEUX, Pillows, Penannts, Fancy Goods and Notions. 226 S. STATE ST, NOTICE. All candlidates foir the Michigatn fotbll team shld~it report; at Ferry f ,ield at 1.15 p. it. todlay. F. H. YOST. JOB PRINTING- MEYERS, 215 jSt. S. Phone 281. Fresh Lowney's, Allegrettis, Spar. row's .adusyler's Choculates at Cus- lug's Pharmacy. aJOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 215 St. S. Phsne 205. Hatls Supplies of all kinds at all prices at Cushing's Pharmacy. Balls Supplies of all hinds at all prices atOCushing's Pharmacy. Dress EComfort Dan McGugin 'says President Suspenders are the easiest he ever wore. Guaranteed "All Breaks Made Good." 50c and $1.00. All shopkeep- ers in Ann Arbor or hy trolpostasid fersm C. A. EDCARTON MFC. CO. Box 200, Shirlep, Moss. I r E I Capital Stotck, $10,000. Surplus, $11,001. Rtesources, $2,000.000 A GENERAL. BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. OrrFcCttS: Chasrles E. iiscot, Phers. ; v. '0. Hlarrimano, Vice Pres. ; . .Frito. Casshier. Offier 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Rtesi- dence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314. Ambulance on call. Me6 ATHEMS PRESS . rid Floo. Atil.O.Tkt.,r0nldy.4, and while two weeks ago the outlosok had deidely lue ing, te pos- Attention, 1907! Join the Pantoritsm pets are growing souse brighter and' lb the hopes of the sttudent body are rio- -__________ iag evecry lay, Alarm clocks, fotuntain polio, at Hal. The Albion game schedutled for last le's Jewelry Store. Saturdaiy was postponed at the re- qusest of 'Jimmie" Nufer, the Atbion KOLLAUF, The Tailor, coach andi former Micehigan track man, 110 Hturon St. E. and thuls the fi rat regular game will Goya o rg-0 anS.S be that with the Case Scientific School Oodarfrrtg-7MinS.. ott Cleveland next Saturday. We are never undersold-Goodyear's The scheduile of games for the sea- Drtug Store. 107 Main St. S. attn is as follows: Forget youmr brush? See Coodyear. 1902 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE.- Michigan. Granger's Acatenmy. The twenty- Oct. 3-Case School at Ann Arbor. first season opens October 3. No. 212 Oct. 7-Albion College at Ann Arbor. Maynard street, ground floor. Simple Oct. 10--Heloit College at Ann Arbor. dress for class work. Circulars at Oct. 17-Indiana Univ. at Ann Arbor. book stores. 2 dtsldsdctsusdddss0cauOcsutodsdaaststo .OsOsd dadoatd.dalaeaat 5 - -. - - -. PHYSICAL TRAINING IN WRITING, tlse booka Car att the peopresatlttse tsme, inall vacattsns, Cat ltaatt t se'os ets, H6t pp ilustrstedprier1ohTested 2Is es. ere ,mtotts'carresp todenscesourse by tut hosr $1Ftr a brief timss.It wil sethemissassle costsle forst$1.Wliietre canss phsheatrahslssg~s rapid witiog Car 0100, ste on esee os $51. Coductve to0Ihealths sod posvee -eaosrbad writing. lodividoalte rebsisned. .11sines'sse smansand tine lesson, 1hc. Addrerss Prof. G. SIICLER, Madison St. & Ogden Ave., Chicago, Ill. Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Flambing and Steam Work. All at Reasonable Rates and First-Class Order at J. F. SCHUH'S, 207 E. Washing~ton. O NN ® asa i Give us an opportuntity ho figure on your list., PRICEIS TALK.S ZWe caln save yotu money 011 "'~LAW BOOK&S-' INese or Oecoti-IIlsstdt CA LA H N C M AN , jw ji ,;erIndZd1 MIOWROR STREET, CHICAGO. mores ANN. ARBOR BRANCH-, 3db StateSteOpoieLwBldn RANDALL, THE I IPHOTOGRAPHER 1 21-rE. Wa shingt on St. ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +.s..aw. s..'... 4.,,,..+_.i__... .. . *1' ~~~~~~~+A A~s++.. l AC . A. +aS atrtoa9oei~tfdId rrNew Sleeping Cmr Line Between * DETRIT, TOLEDO, COL.UfBUS Leave Detroit to p. m , Michigans Celltral. Leave Toledo 12:30 Night, Hocking Valley. Arrive Colnumbus 6:50 a. in., Hocking Valley. PARLOR CARS ON THE DAY TRAINS. Say "Hocking Valley" to the ticket agent or write ' L. W. Landman G. T. A., "Detroit, Mich., .. I fi' { ft iF fsi i i, i .i_ aa i.: .. t, 3 t i i VW - - W47 -W W41 A lftrAtr^ A,,ena AiwayS Amead in Styles. MILWARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything- in Tailoring.: