THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,_, ,.r,._...... a.. -4-0- .- a 0 ... NOTICE Spring Linle of Puritan Shoes and Oxfords now in. See our new S Tans in window, button or lace, in the " New Spud Last." For the benefit of our customers we wish to say that the Puritan Shoe Co. has heeunimaile very much stroniger by going into the hands of the factory-Geo. E. Keitha Company, Brockton, Mass. George E. Keith (toes nout control the namue Puritan, but he tdois 0own analcouar~lthe lasts, patterns aud fJ~oful, which mtude the nmce ''"uPar~tn o ul~is. tielhas always had the ex- clusive right in making our shoes. 'A laen buy ing your Puritan Oxfords this spring he sure anid huy the OlRIGlNAL., and not some inferior brand with the Puritan Lahel. Stock is all fresh; ncew shapes and styles arriving (laity. 4 _:-- l 3 f ji f 1 /', °! ! < w t _ _ r 4 Qrokmn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Ehnjoyed in America. "MOGUL SMOKE MAKS SEGYPTIAN SMOKLRtS Cork rips or Plah. Sav t opon. l/ ? W-; A Money Loaned ONL Watches, Diamonds t +1 i THE OLD ORI( 4The Old Place. 11l } Or other personal property of valu,- Watches and Jewelry"'tte- GiINAL PURITAN pairedBagins in Watches + Office at residence.3381 t,. Lib- I South Main Street + ety Street, Ann Arbor. Fonrs 8 to t1:30 a. in., 1 to 3:30 p. in., 7 to 9 All Buniness Confiden- ________ tial. JOSEPHl C. WATTS. ATe NagaFolRof, aRE TCLE orayhigi telneo4 "Th Nagaa a ls Rut." ' RE TSOHLERFrayhn nteln f1 Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, 0 TElE SHORlT LINE-- 0 Phone 389-2r. Corner Hain and Huron Streets. 44 ANN ARBOR to 'I' CHICAGO BUFFALO VOLUNTEER BAND. THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. NEW YORK AND BOSTON Tahe tidnent Volunteer B~antd will Furnishes music for all occasions. hold a speicial meeting in Itouni C, B ance music a specialty. Address L. with direct conocetions .Platuthicaon rho Wes~t vert. Louis.,iKansas C'ity,.,Si. lUniverdhesity .Hall, Salurdlay eveiig, D. Baton, manaer, 808 S. Fourth ave- For inforsmation and through ticetisecali oncer April 30, at 7::80 p. us. MilasFlor- nun. 29-tfI write to w. V. CASE, Agent. Ann Aerior. ece H. Pomeroy will (alit on "TheI Ediaioinal Conueast in thcelFar Ticket for four shampoos-$t.00l. A.[ FB[, 5ast.. Invitation ((leunito all. Soft water. Hiss Vaughan, near Qiiar- ~ The W. C. KernuCo, .a 411 E. 57th Se., Chicago. t ails and Geoens made to or- bder and ct~ed. Pennasorflpall collegec and a fraitenities earrieid (lass Pin.. tas and 'leamn a Stend tor(Citalogues. Arkansas., Texas, Mexico I and California... Are brst reached via St. Louis, World's Fair City,I the Prow ountd t) Route toiar idally tralins to Texan. L ordiyaroinsto H ot Spinais. Sixi ly traias toii ittle Rocka. I TIE BEST OF EVERYTHING. WRITE NE. l.Arnmtronq,T P A., 133: 1 G l iiciaii* Ave., Ann Arbor, Milch. ® BAILEY l8. EDMVNKDS. SFISH NETS for Decorating " * 121 EC. Liberty St. VeATHENS PRESS +'ZA° Fi .. Ah . .... 7,nai Forest Avenue Mdeat M~arket. Poultry, Game end [lsh in Season 530 Purest Ave. Phose 407 'i'het.ccftt. (Coaeidy Clh lve de- cidedtolutpin ciaAlias Hiibs at (lie Athenas in abiiutitiree weekts. Miss Nillie Vanl Valtenlieg will play the A. J. WAISON tiile iiile. MW a~ll Pa 'er,Paints JiiiiaW.Vogel's Big City Minstrels a nd Oils sill appear ai ihe AthieiisThatare on niext Moniday evenling, and wiltlipre- seanciilo(lie naost aovel, interest- 216 [ast Hueron Street. inc ani leasing entertaiunments ever -- - cffred the amuiiseimeint loving pubhic. CreamilChewing Candy, thIiref sorlnaciwithwtd C rapid fireIfaanid genuinae surprises, Salted Peanuts, Hot tutueied cal effects.Siiiis aiii dances form Popcorn, Crackerjacktfreshi daily. cal ipla laii riof (he eatertsin- CandyKitcen if B. cii mii, bya proiiois holy of siellar 301nSy Sttce . 5.G I R lighitsolfiaioiernmunusrelsy, iiicluiiinig p___________- lie iriginal Less leiiedict, TuMoiny D. 1, A s rAse&ue AI AY 1-ayes, Arthur Crawfoirul,John Carl- I , Y. 4n 1& t, IIIY I cvl, tBownman PeavesCraorduiai d 5TAfiOARD TIiME Finnintg, itie iarvilciis"Knetzger" I, hoe Detriiit half hiiirly frima6:15 a. n. antil S. lioits, larcrytLeigiitoia, Jakte New- 8,11 p. mn. Thon hourly sutl 11:15, Far Yvai- man, (George WV. Kerr, Joe Eagen and lanti only, at :15 a. a nd 15:48 a. 10. liP Jacasiin Hourly fromi6ala3a. ia. until 7:151pitm.iaay iiihers. Thena so 9:15p. a. and 11:15 p. m. The eiitire mamnmiiiiha prcgram is Walling Room, SuoeS t., W. soMats. everywhlere praeetdin absolute pec- fectlioniaiver curtailed in any detail, MANN S D UG S ORE a fuel thal molten thia organization MANN DR G ST RE. inu mre successful each successive seasoun. The managenuentasinatto has bieeia"Perfectiomn makecs Perpettial 21<3 SOUTH MfrAIN SI. Popiularily" E. D. KINNE, tHARRIS ONSOsies~ President. V. Poesudent. A lady w ithout encumbhrance wishes 5.IWST CNATIONALS (51N1Cr position for next year no matron or FIRS NATONALBANK hioase iteeper in fraternity cr aarori- OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. ty. Thoroughly competent with heat CAPIAL, $10,000of referenices. Address N care Daily. SURPLUS AlD. PROFITS, - $40,0004648 Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plumbhing and Steam Work. All at Reasonable Rates ad First-Class Order a1 J. F. SC;HVHI'S, 207 Em. Wasiinstoni. PHYSICAL TRAINING IN WRITING, the hook for all the people all the thie, In ala vcatlio; fir hoine improeenst. 15 pp. illustrated, price 51. Tested .t5 yeasrs. Three- mont hs' caresscnmleon- coarse hy author $7. Fr a brief tuset will send the hbals and eciurso firhi. (Fail lecture an physisal training in rasid writing foe $101). or sac woeSi foe $501. 0 inalocive to health nod positive cure forbasd welalug. tudieldualiame retalii OcoinessosPenmaan and, sue lesson. 10c. Address Prof. 8. aIlCLtl, Slisosa t. & Ogdea Ave., Chicago, 1i1. ry's.1N Frenh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar- row's and Huyler's Chocolates atCiush- lag's Pharmacy. Fresh Lowney's, Allegretti's, Spar- rows, Huyler's, chocolates at Cush- angosPharmacy. Cf. A painter points swith color, A mu- sicioa points with sound; but Alex- anider paints with sunlight. Get a suil- light portrait oc yourself. Studio in Athens Theatre Building. 147-152. S Your eyes examined by an ~y expert optician. All the inc- est approved appliancos and inethods known to the profesion are eniployed. New eye glasses fitted, lenseo duapli- cated, frames repaired. Haller's Jew. elry Store. tf. I Bath suppiies of ali kinids at all prices at Cushiiig's Drag Sr'c 0. tf. Chaffing Idishes at Holler's Jeweley Store, i f. Chafing dinhon at Hailer's Jewelry Store. tf. Mandolin striegs, 20 centspee full net.-Ann Arbor Music Co. Chaffing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry Store. tf. JOB PRINTING--MEYERS. 215 Mlain St. S.- Phone 2851 College Doctor Pond'soFxtiactuos n everyday stuod-hy among eollege ntudens.oThey know that ilis ansovereign remedy foe the mnny accidesnts Incidental to nchool life. Pond'sExtat-thie old femily doctor-nmigbt weih eqoal propriety he cnlled the nld college doctor. Foroe h0eyears Pnnd'sExtrnct has heen doing a woeS of meecy-cueing cuts, Framses, burns; relieving aches and pains; easing suffeing, and snaking 11fe heighater. It is last as effcenntis-day. A hattie nhoulld always he kept cove- nient. Soothes anld freshens the roce after shaving. Don't expeeimnent with so-called remsedies said to he 'juutlasgood ao Psnd's s'P oet: Extract"-thaereisono eahelsbsitnte. lWoeredWileh ~ Huzel, a wenk solution plain of Ponds Entrant -hasnonumedieinal salon-is pusitisvely worthless. Pond's Es- p truet CURES-thereforA luiEtSWI is priceless is emieetoilim lo uner bff' wrapprr. ACCEPT1 NO SUBSTITUTE. I IIOCKIN6 VALLEY Y Continues Its Excellent TRAIN SERVICE s ---YOU WILL FIND- FOUR TRAINS DAILY FROM TOLEDO Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains n ENION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO LWANMN6T..Deri ANDl COLUMBUES. L . ' 9N .T.ADeri Always Ahead In styles., MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. N The Best of Everything in Tailoring