THLE MICHIGAN DAILY. t r®1 t A ®AA ®®®r N . ®i ®t"'Jr4 i il l0 ® E } r NNNNri10 i f#G"W.vwvw.vsv ® i-wvw wvwlq ' ® T 't ip l7 1® eii' *PA LL'S NATTIE ST :NECKWEAR, UNDERWEAR, g BATH ROBES, SWEATERS, DECORATIONS FOR ROOMS, r IN ELEGANI SHOWIN LG -NOJV AT "IACK &CO' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *3Estal ii 13 Lblshed 1881 106 Huron Street, East Burchffield's Fine T"ailoring Trade WAe are prepared this season to moot every demand, as we have increased the nomber of workmen. As usual we have 96e Litie qf Woolen~s in the city. Art and Skill will predominate in our work as in the past. We respectfolly invite your enquiry. S. W. BURCHFIELD biNaHfik"O N INNN / NNINNN#!lINN NNN HH Hees +Nk o w s®o® aa a ouse oe ® ® sa ® I wvw"ww - v - IURIGAN CEiniT "Thew Niagara Falls Route."$ TilE 5111821 LI1NE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with mwconncins ait loceosfor Si. sari.,ilaeis.iis lily. St. P l Iad t-vhe Wst I-or info~rimaiion andw through ickes al oo isri1,teoilV. W. CAStE. Agent. Ass 1Arbor THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Trains ileacAsa Arisr ey Cntralsl Sisistird Efifective 151 sire2,102 No. 4i t 720'. ii. No. 1 9:0 i'. II. No. .I 11:33 . M. No.:)-.:01% lt'ainse No. 5ai u nili i ec-a laAn ro alan 4lrelssaly. Tris1,2 ,45111idl, edaily ee-epiSnay Fr-.eeir ---a~s on iNos.1ta.4 W.T1'1'I 1,ii1iS. Ageslt J.1. K tis 11111. A. New Brunlswick Tables REID'S BILLIARID PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. 1 h ve streeivedte l aret nCfns lini-e o Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes evrh~ l totee it y I. Fine Lunches in Connection. tiverylleleeNeawilsd lean. 308 S. State St. R . . JOLLY. TrheSchoolfo fun lrimers lIce-i. enm YOUGCAN GET A Hot ]Lunch $At Tuttte's, 338 S. State i.+ jI anGa oats:11 .*4. rTIIE YR R E.RIADY FOR YOUR ~ INSPECTION. ALT. THES NEW J AND LATEST C RE;A TIO0N S .'IN FABRICS AND) WEAVE S i+ +f $12.50 TO $25.00 f*. SOUTH MAIN STREET. Chieago's follosers illre simewhat. Pantoriom- -826 fS. Slate St.; truts- start l e verte liiihih siore wchlieiris tpressi-i, 1 Ie.; soil, pressedI, 251.; ill-etigau ran iiupagainistlit, Sal.- stine,,fi0c. Ticets giiiiitfoe$1.511 iii-eiy, aid theiy are1 not sii ieriiaiiiiof isrsthioftwort, $1 .00,1 is iiiiiiig ltiii lllnits 41 ving; lay claus aften all. All lie Cflilesgo regulars For Rent-To large anitics; all ixcepel Alilawdwe-i e'l'cre inilii gasin iiiiioieiiniimprovemeents. a.Call altlii2 11. agalstPui-ilue anid Ihie Marooni s i-iiiildMa(iisiii Si.t roll iiiiibut22 pintslli. Purue i _beat______________ Blibu.17 po11intsuiandiiy igni-lig JOB FRI Nf ING -MEYERS, 2 15 on thlesie liiies iti 111li e si-in Ithal: ain t S. S. Ptione 28. Siailg's 111n11reiigooilfor absout i __1)_____ ponsagainst;I lie- latteIr i-arniwhille- Youir eyes exallinledthy an MIiciliiliiieeidoilied-ltIhis ini Sall epert optician. All tie 1at- uirdaly'a gameli. est approedi-lapplliances anid methioids lii-heairstiopportuiitly toii t g el al kitown to the tprofession are emloliyed. hune iiYiist's scioriig saililile-i lie New eye glasses fitteid, lenses dupllli- offeed i th Minesot gae, Otril-il frames replaired. Hatter's Jew- :ai. Iii- ltiiiili-sbiaaloaiaAg;iii-r Stre t u-aiClle-ge Saitiurday 4lit iii0, aiiida no Sore tfar- hill s-ihoiicni iithealestiiiiiiiitasi ofi th lie ll'e riu levens, aniii lookuist Lost-Aei Alphla Phi pill. Findler as ilsiiiii lii heihily iup land w(icep lias( eri-iiioii1 21N. IDivisin St. iii uaalssi ia I iier proporitiiinii thiial andI ii eive r1 ewad. D1cr. 3 Iey ic-i- at AiiiiAihlati:dTliaul~- giulliit ly. Rooms for Rent--Oelc lik cwest ot Campuiiiis; vary dlesiratble- suites, large MEMORIAL SERVICES, Y. M. C. A. adsmsiall; single lbeta, lamge clithes- ill esilsi--iies cw-eld atiiliae-i-sies, grail-a, a stationary wash tiniversil y Y. i. I. A. laistiiit istandi, $2.25 up1 to $5.00; redaction to mni sry itf1E. C. lt'ssuali if tSieling, righi, sti i s; bati, gas anid tele- il. 51ItRalelwas aiii '115i-ngineri- e;i i iil.hatdIplanned t Ii omove, so we aid ccwa irowicsAug. 14 iihillie wre lale-getting reaidy, 221 12. letter- ciaiiiini a sitreamusiar that l ac-. siinsitre-el. tf it is siippioseiithal lie steppeinto a5 _________________ hh-eainiltihe-siiiidin shund:riaiused Fresh Lowney's, Allegrettis, Spar- il-art. failure. row's ani l Plyler's Chocolates at Gush- ing's Pharmacy. MANDOLIN CLUB. -______ Fisi;trial frtee li- laiiiiilin clib KOLLAUF, The "Tailor, w-ill late- place in roomuui2=1, luii-ersiir, 110 Huron St. E. JUDGE FOR YOURSELF the possibilities in ready-to- wear apparel by inspecting the garments bearing this famous mark ~I fed Benjamin&(,? IMAKERS- *,NEW YORK Come in and examine cloth, cut, fit, seams, collars, pockets, button-holes, lining, inside materials, the tailoring in gen- eral. Rip open BENJAMIN clothes---dissect them through and through---and when you have finished tell us frankly if you don't think they're eqa to exclusive custom-made that costs twice as much. The BENJAMIN price is right. Your mosey back it anything goes wrong. Ours is the only stare that satis them here. CUTTING, REYER & CO. 109.11 East Washington St. The Tyfold Collar The picture shows how the collar is cut otut on each side to allow for adjusting a neck tie without springing the col- lar open. The collar comes close together in front, it keeps the tie in place and you don't see the cut-out part. Besides the tie is retained jttst over the buttioneswhich is also tept out of sight. Your summer comfort ccill he iiicreased if you sear one, aiid you'll ihunt us for ihe style. Dealers sell them. Clsett Brand, 2 5c each Arrow Brand, 15go each Cluett, Peabody & Co. Younr clothes pressed and cleaned amid your shioes slined cor 25c a week. Pantorium, 336 5. State St. D ownTodw n. i PALACE L' PARISIAN "Iit111 lii Velc- lly.Cc. 1. at 7' At'IL'II' V o'clicki. KISTI2;RI2I, Leader. Ve sld your Gtrandflathecr goods I AUlilielnilieidlhis repairing cwhen he attend- C~iue675E~st iliamfi., 'loue654. Au exauninationiuofetcaindidates teen ed school here. We a-ant to hoep it Woerk canieCedurriid ediv ereeedI prnel y ti- Varsity Glee cliccill lee ihel iniup as oilisyoeurs. Hller's Jewelry friI. F. D W[[R, Aqt. riimeiitUnljilversity hull at 7 ocllck, Store. Meendeay eveising, Oct. 12. Yotur clothes pressed aite cleaned 12 0. PAR2KERt, Lendler. Lost-A peanl-set Jeta Psi Sun.Ito- and yonr shoes shined fsr Sic a week. Bath Supplies ot all hinds at all triuio Je-la Psi Houise and receive Pantorium, 365. Slate St. prices at tushings Pharmacy. rcwaad. Ml.ft. Verdier. WAGNVER & GO,,, ImprigTailors. NNN N N lN NN N 3 ifN v . NNN f 06 f NO O ON f®® N N NN O A OiN1® NN f N L I I - -W[A A DIA"'OND Barrios Diamnsds have boon svorni for years by diffierent niembers of the diplomatic corps frons the Sotith Amnerican Countries. Those Imagnificenst stones have beets the adlniration anld wonder of society swherever they were shown. Barrios Diamntds have all thle fire, life andu lustre of genuine stoles anld itt appearance positively caninot 110edistimtguishied frons them. It is a wanltoni waste of money to inlvest $75.00 to $150 ill a real diamntd that tuay be lost frots its settinig any motntt. You can wear thso identical piece in appearance set with a Barrios Diamotue Alr 1-20 THE[ C9oT.- tThese goods representt all of the latest nmost popular styles amid designss. They hsave the distincive featutres of jewelry worths nmany titmes their cost and from whsichs they cannot be distitngumished even buy thse most critical. We absolutely guaratntee these goods to be as represeted stud will replace any stone tlsat loses its origittal' brilliancy withmout one cetnt of expetnse to the purchtaser. Momney retunted witlhout Iquestiotnits case of dissatisfactiots. Thme Barrios Diatuond is beyotsd doubt thse finest, tmost perfect imitatiots ever discovered anud may be worn anywhere with perfect confidensee All tlme beauty of a getinte diatuotmd at a fractiom of its cost. I -I WE ARE "NEVER UNDERSOLD-"GOODYEAR'S ,DRUG STORE