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April 30, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-04-30

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The ichigan Dail
Coach Uncertain as to Who Shall Do Account of Her Travels in England Games Will Soon Commence-Many How Some Firms Select Their Col-
The Twirling-The Line Up of Given to S. C. A. Candidates Out for the Various lege Graduates-A Hint to Grad-
The Teams. At the regular S. C. A. tea Thursday Teams-Rules Governing uates.
afternoon, Mrs. Jordan addressed a The Contest.
Today the baseball season of 1904 company of about twenty girls. Four In view of the present discussion of a
will be formally opened, when the years ago Mrs. Jordan traveled in The Interclass Baseball Champion- the value of a college training for
'Varsity nine will try conclusions with England, and her talk was a some- ship series will soon begin and at business men, it is interesting to note
the strong Illinois team which, last what perslnal receuntal ot some of ast two hundred men are hard at the attituie ci tne of the larger mm-
year, won the Western championship. her experiences there. Particularly, ,work getting in shape to uphold the cerns of the country toward young
The Champaign men arrived in Ann the schools which Mrs. Jordan visited, honor of their respective classes. applicants for positions in the busi-
Arbor at 4:58 yesterday afternoon. were the theme of her talk. Mrs. It is impossible at this time to ness. . The following is the essen-
They were taken to the Cook house Jordan told of the Oxford prepara- pick the possible winner of the class tial part of the letter received by a
and from there to the gymnasium tory schools at Winchester, estab- banner. Last year the strong team of graduate of last year's class at the
where they donned their togs and lishied nearly a thousand years ago ini Arbor High school were allawed University of Michigan, from the
rode out to Ferry Field to indulge in by William of Wynkeham, where now to enter the series and they won it chief engineer of one branch of a
a snappy half-hour's practice. Judg- the richest and noblest young men handily. This season Manager Lee great construction company. This
ing from the speed they showed, it is of EngLnd stiVe for a -ance to at- aenney has restricted the contest to branch is itself capitalized at fifteen
difficult to see how they are any tend. a the present time all the the class teams. The following in re- million dollars:
weaker than last year's aggregation, old buildings, the old furniture and gard to the Interclass games are ta- "Enclosed please find a sheet giv-
at least so far as fielding is con- dishes, and as far as possible the old lien from the printed booklet contain- ing outline of information desired
cerned. customes, are preserve[ and cher- ing the constitution of the Athletic from college graduates. Statements
Coach Huff, of Illinois, was seen at ished. Christ Church hospital and Association generally may be brief, but some of
the Cook house last night but he re- Eton, both also preparatory for Ox- Rules for the Class Teams. the subjects should be treated suffi-
fused to make any prediction as to ford, were mentioned, and the queer On April 26, 1901, the Board of Di- ciently at length to give us, as far
the outcome of today's game. He customs and costumes of the boys de- rectors of the Athletic Association as possible, what we would get from
attributed the loss of Wednesday's scribed. Mrs. Jordan was present at adopted the following set of rules for personal acuaintance. Some of the
game with Illinois to weak hitting. Oxford at commencement time, and the government of the interclass ath- subjects may strike ytu as decidedly
"But then," he said, "I guess we'll told of the ciotneencent exercises, letics: personal, even as being none of our
win a game or two before the end of on the first day of which Cecil Rhodes 1. All class games shall be played business, but ysu isst remember
the season." and Lord Kitchner received honor- according to the schedule establish- that beginners almost invariably rep-
All the men on both teams are in ary degrees, delivering their Latin ed by the respective football, baseball Iresent an investment-sometimes a
fine condition and a battle royal is orations amidst the derisive din made and track committees of the Athletic long-time investment, sometimes a
assured this afternoon. by the students, and the second day Board. bad one. We have no use, as some
Coach Utley has not yet decided of which the regular class was grad- 2. Officials of the game shall be concerns have, for beginners as cheap
whether Wendell or Nagle will do uated amidst the profound silence and appointed by the manager of the 'Var- labor. We take on but a few each
the twirling. They both look good the deep respect of the students. sity teams, and shall meet approval of year-try to secure only the best,
and it is difficult to choose between Mrs. Jordan concluded her very in- the captains of the contesting teamss and then feel a dersinal disappoint-
them. It is also open to discussion teresting talk by a description of te 3. The names of the players on ment in failure. Applications are con-
whether the right garden will be occu- caps and gowns of the Oxford grad- class teams shall be given to the fidential. So far as you can prevent
pied by Turner, the big ecx-Dartmouth uates; the students getting a B. A. 'Varsity nanager, and published in it, let no mock modesty, on the one
tackle, o tv Car,-other ,fif hut yiar' degree wore their gowns short, she the "Daily" four days before the open- hand, nor egotistical vanity on the
team. said, those only receiving the degree ing of the class series. other hand, enter into what should
Coach Huff announces Pfeffer as his of Master were entitled to wear long 4. All protests must be filed with be a plain, manly statement of your
pitching selection. This is Pfeffer's gowns, and candidates for the degree the 'Varsity manager or his represen- candid opinions, as to numbers 7 and
first year oin the team although it is of Doctor wore robes of various col- tative at least two days before the 8."
his third in college. the was good ors. first game. (1.) Date.
enough for the team last year but as After the talk Miss Cleveland, who 5. No man who is with the 'Varsity (2.) Name and address, present
Huff had plenty of pitchers, he saved entertained for the afternoon, served squad after the day before the open- and at hose.
Pfeffer until this year. Rothgeb, who lemon punch. ing of the class series shall be eli- (3.) College from which graduated
won the shot put at the conferance gible for his class team. and when.
meet last spring, will occupy left field. ATTENDANCE IS INCREASING. 6. No mnan having an "M" shall (4. Married or expected to be
The game will be called promptly be allowed to play on his class team soon.
at 3 o'clock. The band will be pres- The official figures foi the regis- in the same department of athletics (5.) Age, weight, height, complex.
ent and with good weather, there tration of the University shows an in- in which he won his "M." ion, nationality.
should be a large attendance as the crease of 165 over last year, and 7. ,A player shall compete with (6j. Health, past and present.
Illinois are very popular at Ann Ar- marks the high water mark of attend- the team of the class in which he is (7.) Hats, castes, thesis, ambi-
bor and never fail to draw a gootd ance at the University. The increase registered. The University shall be tions.
crowd. is due to the fine showing of the lit- final in all cases. Professionals shall (8.) Disposition and temper.
The batting order of the two teams crary department. All but the liter- not be allowed in any interclass con- (9.) Practical experience in engi-
as announced by the coaches is as ary and engineering departments atud test; special students shall play with neeriug work,
follows: the summer school show slight de- the team of the class with which they (10.) Practical experience with ma-
Michigan:-Redden, 2d b (Capt.); creases. The total is only 43 less entered college. chinery, tools, or implements.
Bird, c; DePree, 1st b; Campbell, S. than 4,000. N. B.-'This rule is to be constured (11.) Experience in any kind of
S.; Boyle, 3d b.; Aldringer, c. f.; The following are the figures: by the committee according to the manual work Have you a trade,
Kaufman, c. f.; Turner, or. Carroth- 1902-3 1903-4 circumstances of each case. what?
ers, r. f.; Wendell, or. Nagle, p. Literary5................195 1422 8. No class team shall use the (12.) Experience in supervision, or
Illinois:-Roberts, c. f.; Pits, d Engineering ............ 609 823 block "M" or the colors "yellow and bossing."
b.; Parker, 2d b. (Capt.); Zangerle, :Medical ............. 455 418 blue," for class insignia. Managers of (1.) Why took college course?
c; hill, 1st b.; Rothgeb, 1. f.; Cookl, Law ..................... 866 865 all class teams shall submit the de- (14.) Why took engineering course?
s. s.; Ensign, r. I.; Pfeffer, p. Pharmacy.-.............70 65 signs for the caps and sweaters to (15.) Why took electrical engineer-
Hoheopahic ........... 75 69 the 'Varsity manager of their depart- ing?
Destal.. ... 149 94 ment of athletics. His approval must (16.) Father's occupation.
S. L, A, DEVELOPMENTS. be obtained before caps and sweaters (17.) Have you ever worked for
The registration for the S. L. A. Total .............3619 t756 are ordered. wages ? Doing what?
electitun cakes paee this mornung Duplicate names ....... 90 97 9. No part of the proceeds of class (18.) Have you ever contributed
rlt 980 t k :ll it iom C, ni- Total exclusive of sui- contests shahll be given to the classes, toward the expense of your education?
versidy hall. All students who hold er session . . . . . . . 529 69 ut the class team winning the final (19.d Bu want work or oppor-
ckeds cur csuusns are w ummerSchool ........ 268 l 298 contest in football and baseball shall uniy i. e., have you debts or obli-
yrg rn h s itng. - ice given caso such swteaters, the tusm- gations to isseet which you must sac-
tic vote by registeringsthus seormnis Grand Total..- .792 3957 ber being limited to fifteen in football rifice the future for 'the present, or
Agreat chesS hifsneresishasIeen andvtwelve in baseball. are you in a position to begin at the
aroused over thistew restfration PROHIBITION CLUB, 9. Classes whose teams violate bottom and receive promotion as you
aod it is whouglht that mst of those these rules are liable to expulsion gain experience and find your work?
htdine ticheesi be oust. s 'lie nexi meeting of fle St u -.fromintercass contests. (2.) fconvenient, enclose un-
Alter the registrautin close there rohibitios League whli e held in 10. Any point of dispute arising mounted photograph and write essay
willIe a nmaso meeing, alsos t t i s' e parors Ou ce Memorial Chris- under these rules shall be decided equivalent to one typewritten page,
C, at which the nomination1 lio i- tian church, Sunday, May 1, at 3:00 by the respective committees. on one of the following:
cers will be made. Any student of the p. m. The Texas -Local Option law 1 . The literary classes as hereto- "Assistance vs. Principal."
University may attend this mass and its working will be disessed by fore, shall use class numerals on their "The Art of Self-advancement."
meeting and any person qualified to Mr. Worsham '06 L., of Texas., The team sweaters. The other department "Obedience vs. Initiative, a basis
ran for office may be put in nmina- lichigan local option law and its teams shall use the initial letter of for Compensation."
tion. The nominee however, must af- workings will be discussed by Mr. their department together with the "The Art of Executive, a basis of
terward secure the endorsement of Monroe, '04 L., of Michigan. General numerals as heretofore; provided also Valuation."
the committee on Non-Athletic Orgaui- discussion will follow. Everyone in- that the numerals be in such posi- "Egotism."
es sc yntvtelo.sti_.:_u_.. ndw:_o Vnt.s.efrlacaFco

acins te etediscorialy invited to be tion as to appear plainly and well to "Vanity vs. Self-reliance, a Factor
The situation has been one of de- present. the center in the monogram and pro- of Success."
cided interest for sonme time tn ac- vided that the medical classes wear "Tabulation and Graphic Expres-
count of the strife between the two PROF. AMENT BEING CONSIDERED the Old English "M," this if to be the sions in Practical Life."
opposing tickets. A new ticket ap- same fur all medical classes and+Typewriiten manuscripts preferred.
peared yesterday entitled "Dark Prof. Ament of the University is teams The almianaes eac Tysetsn ms rdets prs-
Horse Ticket" which created consid- being considered by the Wisconsin dearm. The Varsity manager in each Treat subjects in above order by para-
erable amusement. Beneath the title state board of regents as a successor department of athletics sh .ll deter- graphs numbered as above.
was the legend, "Honesty is the Best to President Duncan McGregor of the mine whether the designs proposed The letter and application show the
wasth lged,'Hnetyisth Bstic PeschntButisu M~rgue f hefit these requirements., recognition by this company, which
Policy," and following this was a list Plattsville state normal. A dispatch The following ruses governing class mayp s he tas a , o
of names of men whose first knowl- from Madison says that the sentiment te we pases therBoardcofss may perhaps be taken as a type, of
edge of the fact that they were can- of the board seems to be in favor of Control, April 1s, 1901: of the rightsor s A further pro
didates was probably gained from ap- a Wisconsin man, but that if an out-eca sn
pearance of their names on the tick- sider is chosen Prof. Ament will be 1. Resolved, that no class game was furnished by the kindly and yet
et. the man. (Continued on page three.) (Continued on page 2.)

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