THE MICHIGAN DAILY TAKNE ALOOIK At the Straight Front andC 4. Breasted Varsity--Hart, S ner & Marx Make. They a7 of the snappiest styles pmo this season, and many of th+ dressers like the douhie bhe style best toe summer wear. $15.00 to $20.00. Double Schaff-= tre two dneed e hoot easted Agency for THE OUVEIR $3 HATS . ThecNew Store-2175S. ainSt. $ TYhe Cloter 4 DRESS SUIT GASES THEE l.OW-PlflCliL),W10ITJlM ANl)IP I NEST MADEaJ- ' HANDBAGS, GLADSTONES, TELESCOPES TRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES -01 ALL MODERATELY PRICED MACK&C. J{.aa4 ~ aLr-J.a ..a J -a JL4J i 7 JY .arr-J .J J4J.. r. ,. J..J. J~a,,.J J/ _vJ..LJL . G . .N . 4 4 5', s . ....... - - - -"-- -----. . ....- - " " -- " "- - La -e1 e eO FolotbaflPoker has all te upFaedwith Cards itet aendmexctemnt ofthle toeL n. Eaylto Play Fll1fsectacrruncs; goals' S5 un fer Two-Fun for a. Crowdfron tienfield,lcked kiks, *q fumties, touchdowns, etc. IJ As rege ofFotball layedn a per"gridiron"'and min r leoknlbones. lPrice 50 entsatebookdealeersorfrm s pot- paid. Sample chrtnof gameefree. Yoengtandeold,teachers,ecollege O tds, soey-ever~ybodyis playin ng oobll-Poker. "All Ilartat 1 pl)-s rottl-Po1ker-note ragetwith studen~ts." - r "~An intere tin adinstrutveue. "-Direc-tor B airdMichigan. i ~THE REI LLY 4% BRITTON CO.. 84 Adams St.. Chirajo. Ili. S O a WE WISH to call your atteintiont to. the fact Itat our ott- tire litie of SPRING WOOLENS is ont the tables anti will furthter state that we are ini a positiou where we catt get all work out promtptly. The very fittest of tailoritng will pre- vail, as usual at outr establishmentt. t3 s BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE 106 East Hxsrovn Street ID ) . Ease F] j . lasp 11115 lireil liigl"ilc: ry lllit "I i i~i 11 I-l. 'I1']icycIt ;1' n 0 O r sll a t u5 is fact, shthing eto igetes 'up your reon,. gell is .hs e o ur display..., W A.5HTEIiAW" LICGHT & + POW ER COM'PANY. Co..Wealhingt hed 4th\Ave. Phts.5275 WE ARE EVVER UNDERSOLD-GOO DYEAR' S DRUG STORE~