THE MICHIGAN DAILY G, L. Wild Comipally LeadingMerchaot Tailors SPRING WOOLENS For Suits, Top Coats and Trousers. Full dress suits a specialty. Let us show you our London Serges, London Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Kilowens Blarneys, High- lands, Edinburghs, Drum- tochty's, McGugors, London and St. Andrew Flannels, London Cassimeres or Amer- ican Serges. Please call and see" G. H WildCo 108 E. WASHINGTON STREET. 4 ~** * ** ......,.., jhe Great GameI I rim PT 4 Exciting Fun for Everyone Pocket War Maps for the Far East, 15c. SHEEHAN & CO., University Booksellers, Sta- tioners and Engravers. 320 South State Street. C. H. MfAJOR e COIPANY Secialty of Fine Interior Decorating Complete new line of Wall Papers, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. 23 E. Was hington. Phone 237 U. of IM, Antiseptic Barber Shop AND BATH ROOMS. J R. TROJANOWSKI, Proprietor. Face Massage a Specialty. 322 SOUTB STATE STREET THE MICHIGAN DAILY Entered assecond-classmatter at the Ann Arbor Post Office. Published daily (Monday excepted) during the college year, at 117 E. Washington street, ubasement floor, side entrance) Phone 892-3r MANAGING EDITOR: S. EMORY THOMASON BUSINESS MANAGER: ROSCOE B. HUSTON EDITORS Atletics. - - - ROBERT K. WALTON News,- - - - J. S. BALEY ASSOCIATES: Clifford Stevenson, Roy Peebles, A. M. Graver, Henry P. Erwin A. C. Pound. A. H. Ortmeyer- .Joseph Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. More. Ida M. Hrowrigg. I. Waite Jayne. Go. A. Osborn. Harold c. Smith. Harry H. Andrews. Thos. I. Sims. Thomas B. Roberts. Clyde L. Dew. BUSINESS STAFF: C. A. Thompson. Wi. . Lloyd M. S. Koblitz. H. K. Latourette. Benj. E. DeRoy. Thos. L. Fekete. Editor today-Harold C. Smith. Subscription-Two Dollars per year, payable ix advance. If delinquemt after Nov. 1, 1903, $2.50 Office Hours:-12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. Daily. - Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTON, Business Man- ager, 331 Packard Street. Telephone, 461. CALENDAR. Friday, April 29-C. R. social at Pres- byterian church. April 30, 3 p. m.-Baseball game, Illi- nois vs. Michigan. April 30-S. L. A. nominating conven- tion, May 1-Address in Newberry Hall, auspices S. C. A., by Rev. Spenses S. Messer, D. D., of Detroit. Sunday, May 1, 3 p. m.-Address in University Hall, auspices of S. C. A., by Rev. Spencer B. Meeser, D. D., of Detroit. Sunday, May 1, 6:30 p. m.-Dean D. A. Boswarth of Oberlin College will address men at the Y. M. C. A. May 7-S. L. A. election. May 9-Southern Club dance. We refuse to believe that spring has come. But then, how is one to account for all the new hats dis- played by Co-eds? Walter Camp of Yale has discov- ered that Rose threw thathshotdforty. eight feet, thus taking a mean advan- tage of the referee who was under the impression at the time that he was putting it. Far be it from us to as- cribe unworthy motives to Mr. Camp, -but how many gold watches did the Yale athletes carry away from Phil- adelphia? A week from today the annual Northern Oratorical League contest will be held here at Michigan for the first time in seven years. Out of the thirteen years the Northern Oratorical League has held its annual debates, Michigan has carried off eight first prizes, and everyone should show his appreciation of this record by turn- ing out and giving his heartiest sup- port in tendering the visitors a warm reception. (Continued from page one.) the room, where great arm chairs, up- leoni n holstered in Spanish leather, invite 100 Ais te ayarr otae iseae the wayfarer to lake his ease. On one side of the room stands the book case proclaiming the wisdom of the University, while opposite, a great davenport maintains the dignity of Perfect Balance. the situation. On the walls, spaced Best White Ash Frames. off' by paneling, will hang photographs of interest about the campus; but on Clearest and Best Quality ut the tables will lie the exhibit at which Stringing. people will look and .be glad. Over 300 photographs have been collected Workmanship a n d Finish by Professor E. D. Jones, who has Throughout the Best Ever personally attended to neary all of Put Into a Tennis Racket. the selecting, purchasing and arrang- ing of the arts and crafts exhibit. The colection of photographs is the Youll ind all of these good largest ever made at the University, pointsi n and contains four albums with their respective views of the campus scenes, THE PIM at$8.00 athletics, fraternities and sororities, and student life, which to the multi- -AND- tude is most interesting of all. In this collection there is as complete a SPALDING'S GOLD MEDAL showing of of what's doing on the campus, as can possibly be made or With Cover, $8.00. conceived. The Engineering department has on exhibition the model of a tank made - by Prof. H. C. Sadler and a collection of drawings in naval architecture. For sale at W. L. Miggett and C. G. Wrentmore have a big sample board of shop WAHR'S BOOKSTORES work done by the students and a col- lection of drawings from the engineer- ing department. There are also an in- teresting arrangement of charts and maps in wall cabinets. The Woman's Athletic work which is under the direction of Dr. Alice Snyder, will be presented in the Gym- nasium building. Three thousand dollars has been ap- propriated by the University for doing the whole thing, and the doing has 04T not consisted so much in exhibiting, as in laying stress upon the appear- ance of things which will make for ,VII .. the comfort and satisfaction and pleasant memory of Michigan stu- dents, its alumni and its friends. NOTICE. Registration for S. L. A. Election. In acordance with the provisions of the new constitution, it will be nec- essary for all holders of Student Lec- ture Association tickets who wish to take part in the coming election, to register their names with the Board of Registration. The Board will be in session in Room C, University Hall, Saturday, April 30, from 8:311 to 11:30). Immediately following the close of the registration a nominating conven- tion will be held in Room C. This will be a mass meeting in which all students of the University may par- ticipate. At this meeting any student may be nominated for any office, but the nomination is without effect un- less the nominee afterwards secures the approval of the committee on Non- Athletic organizations and presents his name to the Board of Elections. Any person not nominated at the con- vention may become a candidate by presenting to the Board of Elections not later than Monday, May 2, a peti- tion signed by ten members of the Association and approved by the com- mittee on Non-Athletic Organizations. The Chairman of the Board of Reg- istration is Professor John O. Reed. 48. Bought, Sold and Exchanged C. Tel. 761. E. BARTHELL 326 S. State St. "Pe fair to your face." Use Williams' Shaving Soap! Sold in Shaving Sticks, Tablets, Etc. mmeaaamamaaaaaaama*ma*aa*~nn -- www®w« Aw 1 j I THE: STUDENTS' (LECTUJREASSOCIATION TI1 SPACE BELONGS TO TH S.A. Season Tickets, $1..00 A A:Single Admission, 25c WUWWWWWU WWUS@@6 @@@@O@@@ @@@@OO- O@O-g- S D0AN M. 1ABOLT, Manager The Record Breaker and lYON AY Vi1 i Lx Pace Maker John W.VYogel's BIG MINSTRELS ALL WHITE A prodigious body of stellar lights of modern minstrelsy. A magnificent presentation of the newest, cleanest, finest, amusing, brightest and "best by tesi," forming in its entirety the biggest, best and most complete minstrel organization in existence. A gigantic concourse of minstrel per- formers. A bigger, better and grander show than .jce' was ever seen before. 1N0. W. SOGEL A NEW SHOW WITH NEW FEATURES free Street Parade at Noon. Sale of Seats Begins Saturday. PRICES-25-35-50-75c Seats may be secured by wire, mail or phone No. 34-2r. Don't buy tickets on the sidewalk ? - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - TINKER &COMPANY. FURNISHERS and HATTERS. 334 S. STATE ST., Phone 342-2f.