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April 29, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-04-29

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he. Michigan Daily
First Home Game-Great Interest The campaign-for the S. L. A. offi- 150 Volumes Written by the Faculty
Manifested-Michigan Picked to cers is rapidly coming to a head. A recent examination into the sta- Since 1890 to be Exhibited.-
Team Ar- Saturday morning from 8:30 to 11:30 tfstics of the engineering shops of the Unique and Tasteful Ar-
in Room C, University Hall, all stu- University of Michigan showed that
rives Today-Light dents holding tickets or coupons are during the tast five years, the attend- rangements of Floor
Practice This urged to register the same as this ance upon shop courses had increased Space.
Afternoon, will be necessary to entitle the hold- 262 per cent and that the value of
ers to a vote at the annual election the work produced had increased At the St. Louis Exposition, the
Tomorrow Miehigan wilt eross hats on May 7. nearly 300-per cent. The income from University of Michigan will stand in
with illinois at Ferry Field us the .Those personally interested are anx- students' shop fees is now about five the high place that has been given it
ith o ae eios to have it understood that not times what it was in the year 1898-9 in all things. The date for shipping
son. The exhibitiot hes fair to he only is the opportunity offered those while the in crease in the cost of in- the exhibit is April 30. Books, pin-
sose istestei irom start to finish, who did not previously register to struction is but 25 per cent greater tures, shop work and a small printed
Interest has been slowly centering on register now, but that all those who now than then. At the same time eirestar for general distribution and
lifeerestrhasiheewillowlye centeringeon o
this gane ever silee the return of the did register before are required to do that the total annual expense of oper- information will give the fillness 01
team from the spring trip, and the so again on Saturday morning or he ating the shops has increased by but life and work ipon the campus the
barred from'voting at the election. 50 per cent the income has increased underside of things as shown by some
chganiies seem Iltol beinfavorofa lmmediately following the registra- by 200 per cent. During the five of the photographs of student life, the
in past yeary, tichigan has usually Lion, a nominating convention will be years the five years $2,050, $550 of heritage of knowledge as represented
sfat tyeam M Cha mps uually onheld in the same room for the purpose which was for equipment for the in- by many of its books.
eeate r gtherend, frni nChamisgn of Illacing n nomiation the candi- strsment room, was expended for het- Over 150 volumes will be sent rep-
Ann Arer gre , aisnsince dliniis- dates for the offices. To this meet- terments. It is estimated that by an- resenting the "Memorial Collection"
was defeated iiy cisen sin Wednes- ing all the students of the University other year the student attendance of the University, which will include
sidered invincible The score in are Invited. All students present may will reach the ,1000 mark and that books written and edited by present
hee Wioninincihs. gTme wso iand participate in the proceedings and any then the annual income will not be members of the faculty since 1890,
the Wiscosin-lliueis ganse was 5 aiid ( also a collecion (ftond reprints
4, and Wiscunsin's victsry u-as largely person qualified may he placed in greatly helow the cost (if operation.as aclctnofbndrrns
odie to the aod swirling of Youg the snomination. The nominee must have In these shops stdentaredns- are taught and published thesis, showing the re-
duestohanotwrlthe endorsement of the committee on carpentery, pattern making, machine suilt of scientific research as carried
Treshiyiian i yycher.sNon-Athletic organizations before work forging, moulding, a0( design- on at the University. Of these latter,
The practire esday was their names will be placed on the in there are 110 volumes, 10 in medicine,
py, despite the cold, aiid the players gile nceity obtn,4i ol
ticket. 7 in chemistry, 6 In botany, 4 in zoo-
are rapidly acquiring accuracy in their ogy, 2 in forestry, 1 in geology, 1 in
fielding. Team work has developed IIICIIGAN BEST ORGAN RECITAL Economics. hees are all being bound
nicely during the last few days and at the University bindery for this oC-
something like speed can be seen inc a mvity hneery fti
the pulling off of double plays. In the Country as to Her Medical Faculty Concert Last Night in Uni- casion, and with the exception (f six
voles, wl ~coeapr I h
The practice today will be light ow- School. So Reads the Report versity Hall-Mr. Renwick Pre- 'Moemors will become a part of the
"Memral Collection' when they are
ing to the game tomorrow and only of Moseley Commission. sented a Highly Pleasing returned.
a general fielding "warm-up" will be Program-The Colum- Of the books selected from this col-
ordered. The report of the Moseley educa- bian Organ Heard lection for the exhibit, there are up
No change has een made in the in-tlional comission, which came to the At Its test. o date 127 volumes. But the list is
United States to study American not yet completed as each hour brings
any will he made this weefor Sat- schools has just been made. This Many lovers of the organ took ad- in something new. Nearly every de-
urdays game. aylvr fteognto d
The Illinois players are expected to document, a book of several hundred vantage of the opportunity offeeed by partment in the University had some
arrive in Ann Arbor on the 4:58 tain pages, gives particular reference to last night's Faculty concert to hear a original contribution to it by members
(his afternioun, ad they wilt establish the lUniversity of Michigan at Ann Ar- delightful program upon their favor- of the faculties, writen or edited
headquarters at the Cook house. blr. hr instrument. The audience did not since 109, and ihes' whrks, which
The references to Ann Arbor are nearly fill University Hall; yet there have honor in their own country and
umpire on Saturday. Mr. Byron is a chiefly made hy the men who are was no lack of enthusiasm; each num- r ake a valuatle collec-
tm L g mire o reniat connected with the English medical her was applauded heartily. lion, upon which Michigan may look
State League lunupire of Ireputation schools and the startling comment is Recitals upon the Cohumhian organ with pride, and the rest of the world
and is the well knolwn official who um- Reiasuo h-r u ra
pired last seasun's ganes on Ferry made that the American system of are very rare; at certain public oc- with admiration.
Field. The ganse will be called at medicine as taught in Ann Arbor, will casions a selection or two may he ren- A monograph of information which
3Field Ta cause the American to be recognized dered upon it for the aske of diver- tells what's what in Ann Arbor, is
scloek. as the best surgeon in the world, far sion, but these hardly enable a fair gotten outunder the direction of Shir-
The season baseall tickets are now outstripping the German. The Amer- judgment to be passel upon the or- hey W. Smith, secretary of the Alumni
on sale andl niy be securedtat jdmn o epse-uo h r
Mieyer's new-s stand by time holders fican s chances for displacing the Ger- gan. Last night the Columbian organ Association. It is something of a. sou-
Athletic Association membership tick an pathologists are also declared was heard at its best. The members venir as it contains half tones of all
Atshe Ascialn nieswhip tck- to be excellent. The reason for this were hap ily sehecteh, each varying in the buildings, the grounds, places of
et. are good for admission to six tis declared to be the manner in character so as to make the prsgram interest, lite ithin the study halls
games, thise with Illinuis, Oberlin, which the student is required to work exceedingly interesting. and life without, from all of which
Northwestern, Wisconsi, anu tw sout medical problems on his own in- Mr. Renwick was assisted in the the stranger gets an almost complete
with Chicago. itiative. In referring to the labora- Merkeh sontana, the opening number, ues of what life on the campus is.
tory work at Ann Arbor, the report by Mr. August Schmidt who gradu- The assignment of floor space for
SENIOR PIPES AND STEINS. says- ated from the School of Music last the University display at the Loui-
Tue laboratories contained acom- February. Mr. Schmidt is a very bril- siana Purchase exhibition is about in
There seems to be a quite general modations for c.emical, bacteriologi- liant performer and has a promising the center of the Educational building,
impression that the 1904 steis and cal and histological examinations, future before him. A Parsifal para- with the University of Chicago on the
pipes were selected for the senior Lits. and were in intimate association with phrase was given by Mr. Hoffman left and Yale oin the right. The 22
only. This is not the case. This com- the hospitals. Separate rooms were who alvays meets with favor before by 10 foot space is enclosed by a
mittee aimed at getting a souvenir usually alloted for the separate an Ann Arbor audience. All the other facade or wall, 16 feet high, made of
for seniors of the University; in other branches of the work and there was numbers were executed by Mr. Ren- burlap and paneled in oak in the style
words, an all-senior-class stein and ample room for the workers who de- wick; his ability merits the highest of the old English dining room.
pipe. For this reason no reference sired to investigate special problems, praise. The woodwork of the structure was
to any department appears on either Speaking generally, the degree of de- Following is the program in full: diesigned by Architect Albert Kahn,
stein or pipe. However, if it is de- velopment on this side of medical in- Sonate in D minor (two move- of Detroit. The exterior is attract-
sired, the monogram of the buyer and struction and investigation was high- ments)-G. Merkel. Allegro Moderato ve and artistic. Mammuutth pillars
the initial letter of his department ly advanced, and might be said to be -Adagio-Llewellyn Renwick and Au- form the entrance ways, on either side
will be engraved at a small charge. much greater than in many of the gust Schmidt. of which are two arched windows
Those who desire either or both of medical schools of this country. Cortege Rustique,-Eugene Gigout. which point upward to a straight
these souvenirs should leave their "The University of Michigan pre- The Chimes of Dunkerque-T. Car- stretch of grill work, surmounting
names with Mr. Arnold and Mr. Jolly sents a remarkable instance of the ter-1735-1804. which, like the pinnacle of the struct-
as the first supply is almost gone and American tendency to require working Persifal (Paraphrase)-August Wil- re, is the University coat of arms,
it will take some time ho hricume the 5n an unknown organism as part and helmj. carved in wood and set in a scroll
next order. parcel of the usual routine of in- William Hofmann and Llewellyn Ren- work of oak.
Me COY, struction. Here, I was informed, it wick . But the interior is the real attrac-
PARKER, was the custom for all the sections Legende-Frank S. Hastings. tion. Not so much for its exhibit,
BAULGER, handed out to the class of morbid , Three Oriental Sketches,-Arthur for that has not been the object upon
Committee. histology to be, so to say, unknown. Hird,-C minor, F. Minor, C minor. which emphasis is placed; but for
That is to say, their nature was not *Eurydice (A Phantasy)-Lucien G. the comfort, the artistic beauty, the
OLDEST GRADUATE DEAD. known to the student and he was ex- Chaffin. . 'ase of its leather covered chairs, the

Last week occured the death at pected by examining them and draw- Nocturne,-Russell K. Miller.. richness of its strong, vivid coloring,
Hillsboro, Ill., of Edmund Fish, of the ing them in the course of an after- Epithalmium (Wediing Hymn)-R. the harmony of Kzah rugs. Madras
class of '45, the oldest living gradu- noon's work, not only to record ac- Huntington Woodman. hangings, oak panelings and green
ate of the University of Michigan. curately the minute features of the walls, all of which lend to it a sense
In 1895, Mr. Fish attended the 50th morbid histology,. but also to arrive TRACK TEAM NOTICE. of beauty. a smack of culture, and a
anniversary of his class; at the com- at a knowledge of the nature of the All managers desiring to enter tone of elegance, which represent Ann
mencement banquet he told many in- specimen. teams in the inter-class basehall Arbor at its best.
teresting stories of the times when "The association of pathology and series must hand in their names and Much of the furniture for the ex-
the University consisted of a small medicine is also exemplified by the that of their teams to me at 604 So. hibit was made especially for the oc-
dormatory. Mr. Fish was one of the allocation in the pathological depart- State street, by Monday, May 2. A casion; some at Grand Rapids, some
charter menibers of the local chapter ment of accommodation in the form full list of players must be handed at the Peninsular Manufacturing Co.,
of Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. of separate rooms for the departments in by Wednesday, May 4 and some was ready made, but all is
of medicine, neuro-pathology, surgery, The schedule of the games will be massive, made of weathered oak and
ALLUMNUS DEAD. gynaecology, etc,. is enabled to work u d s meand no Flemish finish.
published within a short time and no
Word has reached here that Walter up in an extremely thorough man- ptayer whose name is not on bhe Before the entrance at either end
ner ith ll he rsoures f th paim o the facaide are two immense di-
McLauchlan 01 Lit. died Monday nec with all the resorces of the path list will be eligible to play with his e Ishile 6 t, ich wi
. ook ological laboratory." cas rector's tables, 3 by 6 feet, which will
place from his home in Ravenswood, A special chapter is devoted to the Signed; LEE K. JENNEY, divide the traffic from the middle of
Ill. (Continued on page three.) Mgr. Interclass Baseball Series. (Continued on page 2.)

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