THE MICHIGAN DAILY You Surely have heard of PENNYCOOK DEMANDS THAT YOUt EAT ONLY SUCH THINGS AS ASE D IGSE S TI BL E OUR SODA IS ALL TEAT AND MOSS, FOE TEE AD- DITION OF FRESH FRUIT SYRUPS MAKE IT DE L I CIOU S THURSDAY Lemon Ice ,s Fresh Strawberrys and Vanilla Ice Cream - FRIDAY F Orange Ice 4C Fresh Strawberry and Vanilla Ice Cream PRIVATEaAN Iffl AT GRANG[R'S, BY APPOINTMENT. Class pogres TaTuesday nothts. S t 0o'clock Closing Issne 14th. $YOU CAN GET A A ittie's, 338 S. State d2CING ACADEMY 0 SHORT TEIRM. f OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUM4BUS Parlor CarasollTrais PICKWICK BILLIARD ROOM AND BOWLING ALLEY. 707 N. UNIVERSI'TY AVSiNUS . Win. lbochrein, *an tar 3 r'urnbevi, steam & Gas fitter. Vbone 667. 303 Zi. Mtat State Savings Bank. GEORAGEBIHOF DIrGRS X.I. ooth DI TCO n o. V Shehan PLOkL5T. -s. It. Waile' K. 5. 511115 CHOICE CUT PLOW IGS & PLAN T5 \..1. yer Jhn s tarer Ino. ~ ichProf. IT. s. CarrtiC11tinlst., bisiseci 11o-oSt. aod .MilloeAve'. Frank P. Glaziesr Christiani las-ibi IlPhoe.Stil. ';+ y OU did right ii goilig to tlieA timlor. He chiligod yon u mr t ttantresit-nmade clothes cot he>li liii gave.,Tit snore of svhiat you wiantliti . _ lidisvidualdity anid stylec. Yos t r1paf *-4 'I, HOW when he gets your iorder. Col t" ii lege Brand Clothes are lie to take I the place of his clothes. Tlhe customI ii Ya. shops lunches and cutinsi edixe d-ii P. ti togs-timade jitst fior young fellows ntoldluacde their way. Extrecle cloths + 1 -extremle shapes-ntf extreme prilcs' ff~ff -, ;',".NEW LINE .RAINCOATS : $15 to $25 ' Staebler & uerth (Continued from paseone11.1 MAY PARTY. because it contained striing and tho- The lasot leap year party to be given roughsly ideservedt praise for the used-uder the direction of Mrs. Granger, est ilichigi~n trainier to whom so will take place at the Acaidenmy, Mon- much cretlit is due, slid Mr. t'itzpat- day evenig, May 2. The Academly orchestra oci11fornish the musoic. ricktaquossied that it he omtted. The Cartds can be procurced by the ladies tally is at liberiy however to print at the Academy. 45. the tentitment of anoothfer Michigan __________ gradulate, vwhii writes to a Michigan manO: "As for Keene itzpatrickc, jus~t NOTICE TENNIS MEN. remember that thc Michigan Alumni, not only thoisi'toho have worked tn- All candiidateosItir the "Tetinis der him, hilt also the older fellows, team hantd their nameis lto Ctwt. Lee feel as ait '86Hman said to me thethswosa5lSuhSletc't other day tinthoe train, 'There is only one Fitztatrick an1d whatever hap- The Sattirday mornin'g class at, the liens, we'mnit keept him in Anno Ar- University Dancing Acatdemny will be bo the rest iof his life.' " I idiscontinuied. Saturd'iavyoand Wednes-. Coret tCinches -for. Men LEASE bear in 'mind that our finest clothes are - special order by _ - _-ALMED'BENJAMIN CopyrighIt 1lt3 A. B3aceo York. Their Sp- pare) has been the standard for 30 years. This label I r jamin&~o M~it 0 NEW YORK'. is your guarantee, and ours, that both of us are getting the, best ready-for-service apparel: that it is possible to procure. Equal to line custom-made in all but'; price. The makers' guarantee, and, ours, with every garment. We are Exclusive Distributors, in this city. CUTllING,- REYER & CO. no9=11u East Washington St., MCHA AVD JAVA O0,au- O'o'm stin Alwysfr Zi 8Cspen" pondm 214 Idaho St. DEAN ra co. New Brunlswick Tables. ATr REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Finn Cigars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S.,: 1lhaeost eceedithe largess:anoltinest Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes. eel't ii'tlit ii0 the city. Fine Lunches in Connection. ° 'very tliig Neat andCleari. 308 S. State Si. R. E. JOLLY <: THE STAGE John W. Vogel's Big Minstrels-On Mondtay evening, May 2nd, will ho seen too the 11fth time in thin city, John W. Vogel's Gig City Minstrels, a vast organization with more min- strel talent than any other minstrel troulp now traveling and the finest pri- vate cars in the world. The conmpany is directed by the clever, wide-awake, minstrel manager, Jobhn W. Vogel, seculring for thin sea- son the greatest novelties in minstrel' sy. Manager Vogel has exercised his 11s11l1careslut gioid jtudgment in or- ganizing this compsany, which is by tar the largest, ciotliest, and possibly the best combination of the kind bookced to appear here this season. ALUMNUS HONORED. James 14.tB. Kaye, who will be at the hlead of lie Noriiern Michigan State Nitrnl schootl, at Mtarqttet, next year, is a graidtate of the tfniversi- ty of Michigan, in lbs class of 'SI. Sittce 58911 he has been sulperintend- day evening classes will citintle dutr- ing the month of May. 45-47. FOE SENT-I have a lurge houtse tin Noirth tDivision street that I will tiave retnodeled to sulit fraternlity or sortirity. JAS. It BAtH, 45-63 lLaiwrenlce tBlock. I will sell my laow libtrary tif abot 275 v oluimes, office fulrnitoure, inludli- ing ai $100 tate, anid agoitdlbotsitiess, tfor $500. A rare challce for an ac- tive yioung lawyer. Atddres E. 0. TLEWIS, Wetds-t3 Fcrry, Michl. Fottntain pens at Cushing's. t1. tiranger's Acatdenty closes the sea- sonl Mayl3nt. 'The' T'tesday evening piractice lirogram will cotntinuettoti Jitne 2st. The assemblies totJtine 25th. 46. NOTICE-COMEDY CLUB. 'The Comeidy Club will meet at 7 o'clockl tonight in the Adlelpshi rooms ~THOMAS ROWE, Proprietor1 4326 N. 5h Ave. BlPhnDR57 ent of schools at Cadillac, Mich. I insteaid of 2 13. Dl., as anniouined. EXCLUSIVE NOVEL lIES IN SPRING SUTITINJC o? 124-123 South Mrain Street WAGNER e4 CO;, R '- r I U licl2T A .' IK f old stoc'k a f.. BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE In the ORIGINAL and EXCLUSIVE designs, will now be found at 119 S. Mamn Street, next to Wagner &c Co. BETTER SOLE LEATHER AND BETTER STOCK THROUGHOUT For Sale by WM. P. PURFIELD, Formerly Manager of Puritan Shoe Co. It For the henefit of my friends and customers, I wish to state thtat George E. Keith never did and never will control the make or sale of Puritan Shoes, as developemlents will prove. I, alone, control the sale of Puritan Shoes in this city and Washtenaw county. Anyone deshiring to prove thle truth of thhs assertion may do so hy referringE to page 376, Tiber 7, of miscehlaneous records htn office of register of deeds, Respectfully yours, WE ARE NEVER UNDERS OLD-GOOD YEAR.'S DRUG STOKE