The VOL. XIV. FAST PRACTICE ON. Baseball Team Working Hard for Sat urday's Game-Illinois Team is Strong-Season Tickets on Sale at Myer's News Stand. With the Illinois game ony thret days away, the baseball team put in some fast practice yesterday after noon in spite of the Cailly weather Contrary to expectations, Coaches Ut ley and Johnson made no change i the make-up of the infield and it work was especially snappy. Severa times the brilliant playing callet forth the applause of the few specta tors who sat shivering through th practice. Boyle, (# third, showed u0 especially well. Capt. Itedden 50n Campbell are working together henel; around the second bag, while nothil could get past DePree on first. The opening game with Illinois o0 Saturday promises to be a close con test with excitement all the wa through. For the last two years Illi nois has been the undisputed cham pion of the West so far as basebal is concerned. Last year Michigan' team was the only one that was abl to inflict a single defeat upon th men from Champaign, and this year' squad is said to be one of the boa ever turned out at that institution They have a great advantage in th matter of practice, as out door wor has been in order ever since Feb. 15 and they have had the benefit of se eral games with professional teams In Huff, Illinois has the best colleg baseball coach in the country. However, Michigan's team has mor than once been the cause of the down fall of the Illini who would rathe meet any team in the West than th wearers of the yellow and blue. Chicago's 10 to a victory ove Wi consin greatly pleased the 'Varsit ball tossers and they are looking fo ward to an opportunity to reveng themselves for the recent defeat. The season baseball tickets are no' on sale and may be secured a Meyer's news stand by the holders o Athletic Association membership tick ets. The baseball tickets which cos $1.50 are good for admission to si games, those with Illinois, Oberli Northwestern, Wisconsin, and tw with Chicago. MICHIGAN PRAISED BY ALL. From the flattering comments i the Eastern papers, the interview with prominent athletic authoritie: and the numerous letters that ar pouring in from Michigan alumni a over the East and West, Ann Arbo men are betinningto realize the eno mous gain in athletic prestige th has come to Michigan through th wonderful showing of her represent tives at Philadelphia last Saturday. Thad Farnham, the famous end o the football team of '94, '95 and '9 and who has several times returne to Ann Arbor to assist in tihe coachin writes to Keene Fitzgerald in part a follows: "Cleveland, O., 4-25-04. "My Dear 'Fitz:' "Congratulations, and many than to you for the grand work at Phil: delphia. "I don't believe anything has ha: pened which will give the Westa much athletic prestige. I made strong effort to be there and see myself and am still mourning that could not, but the personal lossi nothing to the knowledge that o Michigan loomed high above th whole country on that day, and th for once Michigan, and through hi the whole West, must get full cred for superiority over the best the Ea can show. I'm already beginning to feel goo over the prospects for next falla well as the spring. "Please remember me to 'Si' an the boys I know. "With cordial regards, I remai Very truly, THAD L. FARNHAM." The letter cannot be printed in fu (Continued on page three.) ichigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1904. No. 146 CANDIDATES AT WORK. TRAINER FITZPATRICK WILL MEET hERE - 'Changes in Registration Scheme Has His. Work as an Athletic Trainer at Northern Oratorical League Contest Caused Them Trouble.-Only Yale and Michigan-Six Years Will Be Held in U. H. May 6 Two Tickets Out. Of Successful Teams. -The Program-Lives of ---~ the Speakers. For a number of years the athletic Candidates for the various offices teams of Michigan and especially the The fourteenth annual contest of in the coming S. L. A. election are football and track teams, have been the Northern Oratorical League will e again working hard to insure support. remarkably successful. To no one be held to this city on Friday, May The new rule announced by the fac- else is more credit due for this than 6, at which time representatives frou ulty has put a new aspect on the to Trainer Fitzpatrick. His is a name the seven leading Universities of 'the face of things and makes it necessary dear to every loyal and enthusiastic West will compete for first honors. - for the candidates to do part of their Michigan heart. The contest comes to each college n. work over again. The satisfaction Keene Fitzpatrick was born in Bos-but once in seven years and is there- which a new registration gives to the ton somewhat over 35 years ago; and fore an event of no small importance. l many holders of tickets that were not in his youth was an athlete of re- Thirteen contests have so far been d registered heretofore, however, in- pute. He was well known as an ex- held, of which Oberlin won one, Iowa - sures the new provision of popularity pert boxer and a fast sprinter, one, Northwestern three, and Michi- e among . stuaents at large and will He first began his work as a trainer gan eight. This year Michigan's rep- make the election much more pleasing at Yale in 1890-91. The next two resentative will strive hard to uphold to all. years he was athlete director of the the honors of the University, and the y Thus far none but the two tickets Michigan Athletic club in Detroit, chances of a victory are especially g previously announced have entered where he established for himself a bright, considering the fact that the the field and it Is likely that no more national reputation. In 1894, when contest is held here this year. n will appear. Those tickets are as Chas. Baird was manager of the Uni- The program will be as follows: - follows: versity football team, Fitzpatrick was Websthr and the Compromise of Y KENNY TICKET secured as trainer. During this fall 1850.-James F. Halliday, Michigan. For Presidnt-Edwin J. Kenny,e was also appointed gym. instructor The Dash for the Pole-Chas. J. - 'Fif.rff Law. i J K He trained the track teams of '95 and Johnson, Northwestern. For Vice President - James L ' and in the fall of '96 went to Yale The Mission of the Anglo-Saxon.- s Freese, 'f sLaw. again, where he stayed until the sum- Aubrey W. Goodenough, Oberlin. e For Corresponding Secretary-Fred mer of 1898. The fall of '98 found The Destiny of China.-Henry C. s F.oButerCrs05 geL tyFdhim once more in Ann Arbor, as he Duke, Wisconsin. a H. Butler, f Law - had been appointed director of the Alexander Hamilton. - Henry G. R di SWalker. t e kf , v- s. e e n- r e st r- e w it k- Jt x n, ro in s :s, e )r r- at ie a- n '6, d g is .s a- ,p.. as a it I is Id he at er it ,st as nd :n, ll , F+or tecoraing ecrea yry . . Peters, '05 Law. For Treasurer-C. E. Blanchard, '06 Law. CONLEY TICKET J. L. Conley, '05 Law,-For Presi- dent. Leo H. Jonas, '06 Law,-For Vice President. Sidney R. Miller, '05 Lit.-'07 Law -For Corresponding Secretary. T. R. Waters, '05 Law,-For Record- ing Secretary. A. B. Lightfoot, '06 Law,-For Treasurer. The registration will take place in Room C, University Hall, on Satur- day morning from 8:30 until 11:30. CANOEING ON IN EARNEST. All that is now needed to make Ann Arbor realize for good that spring is here in more ways than one is the advent of a few warm days. The Huron would then be the most popular place in this part of the coun- try, judging from the early manifes- tations of the canoeing spirit. Once more the river is back in its bed and is rapidly assuming its normal level which will make canoeing less danger- ous.- The little boat house near the dam has been a busy place since the open- ing of college. A few of the more ad- venturous spirits frequented the place when the ice had hardly cleared from the river. But now even the less de- sirous for mishaps are to be found on the little stream whiling away a few hours with the dip of the paddle.. In :ther words, canoeing has begun in earnest and each day the lovers of the water pass their recreation periods In that most enjoyable of pastimes. The cold weather has interfered considerably with the canoeing, as few young ladies, in particular, really enjoy setting in the bottom of a canoe with a cold, sharp wind embracing them. A few touches of "real weath- er" will change all and the Huron will be the favorite retreat of many. The service this year will probably be much better than that rendered last year. Several new canoes have been added and the old ones repaired and put in excellent condition. When the weather "warms" excur- sion parties to Whitmore Lake will be in order. Even now plans are on foot for a few pleasant parties at this nearby resort. The boats and espec- ially the few sailers will be in readi- ness for the students. LECTURED TO MEDICS. The Right Reverend Father O'Brien of Kalamazoo spoke before the medi- cal students last evening on "The Re- lation of the Catholic Church to the Medical Profession." He brought out the customs of - the Church in re- gard to death and birth in a way in- teresting to medical students. gymnasium by the regents in June. He began his work in Ann Arbor in September, and has been here ever since. .His remarkable success is well known. Under his guidance the track team has won every western intercol- legiate championship, save one, since he became trainer. His service as trainer for the football team in as- sisting Coach Yost can hardly be overestimated. His work as director of the gymnasium has also brought him great credit. Just after the success of the track men at Philadelphia last Saturday, all should extend their deepest grat- itude and appreciation to Keene Fitz- patrick for his devoted and sincere work. A quiet, unostentatious, per- fect gentleman, honored by every- body who knows him, and admired by those who have only heard of him- that is Trainer Fitzpatrick. EAST PRAISES THE WEST. The Daily is in receipt of a letter from Coach Yost, who attended the Philadelphia meet. The following clipping from the Philadelphia Inquir- er was inclosed: "The West came East and the East was beaten. That is the result of the Westerners' invasion of the great re- lay carnival and special field and track events held Saturday on Frank- lin Field. The West was represented by Michigan and Chicago. It was the Michigan men that made the East ook like selling platers. A wmnder- ful place, athletically speaking, Mich- igan University is. They lead off by having the champion football team of the West, and if it was given a chance, it is easy betting that it would prove itself the champion of the country. That team is coached by Mr. Yost, who, because of his hust- ling abilities, is called "Hurry Up" Yost." UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAY AT THE EXPOSITION. The program of Michigan Univer- sity Day at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition will in part consist of a mass meeting of the alumni, at which meeting addresses of welcome will be made by Judge McKeighan, class of '66, president of the St. Louis Alumni Association; President Angell for the University; a distinguished alumnus, probably a former U. S. sen- ator, representing the alumni Associa- tion; and Mr. Walter B. Stevens, class of '70, secretary of the Exposition, representing the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company. In the after- noon, there may be, a game of base- ball between the University nine and a local nine. The coumittee also de sires to have a number of other ath- letic events during the da-y, in which representatives of the University will participate, Walker. John B. Gordon, the Pacificator.- Thomas J. Meek, Chicago. The American City.-George P. Jones, Minnesota. The tickets will be on sale after Tuesday of next week, from, 2 to 5:30 at the box office in University 'Hall. The general admission will be twenty- five cents but an additional quarter will be charged all except members of the Oratorical Association for re- served seats. James F. Hailiday, University of Michigan. James F. falliday is a native of Michigan. Prepared for college at Flushing and Ann Arbar high schools. Spent his freshman year at North- western University. Entered the Uni- versity of Michigan in 1901 and is a senior in the literary department. In January, 1904, he won the 'Ham- ilton contest in which eight t#niversi- ties competed. In February he won the senior oratorical, contest, and in March, the Uiversity contest, and was awarded the Chicago alumni med- al and testimonial. He will speak in the Northern League contet May 6, at Ann Arbor. Charles J. Johnson, Northwestern University. Charles J_ Johnsog was born in Norway. Received' his preliminary education in Chicago public schools, and graduated from the Academy of Northwestern UniverIt , and later iram the Norwegian-Danish depart- nent of Garrett Biblical Institute. Is now a senior in Northwestern Univer- sity. Is president of the Rogers De- bating society, In the Academy he won the senior class price in oratory and in the uni- versity won the- right 'to represent Northwestern in the Northern League contest. Has been pastor of the Nor. wegian-Danish M. E. church of Evans- ton three years. Aubrey W. Goodemough, Oberlin Col lege. Aubrey W. Goodenough was born of missionary parents Aat Johnnesburg, South Africa. He prepared for col- lege in the public schools of Massa, chusetta. His ;last year of prepara. tory work was done in the English high school at Worcester. Entered the freshnen class at Oberlin in 1901, Spent the next year at Wheaton Col. lo, lllinois, where he won the ora. torical contest. Is now a junior at Oberlin, where this spring he won the college, oratorical. contest. Is Ober- n's representative in the Northern League.contest. Has taken great in' terest in oratory, debating and dra- matic art. Henry C. Duke, University of Wis- consin. Henry C.rsole was born in Milwau- kee in 1877. Received his early edu- cation in the schools of that city. At- (Contitted on Page Two.)