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April 27, 1904 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-04-27

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SU.II ' Dwight E. Watkins, $
Made to your mneasu re aud Drp s c Wnd10323S.Mw at
Iitinr Under New Nsogemet. .
9.tI1[[I l.lChips given good for anywbere / /
~,Hatters and Furnishers., Forest Aveule Meat Market. Linenan CUFFS
109 and 111 E. Washington Street, Poultry, Game and IFish in Season
-ANN ARBOR 530 Forest Ave. Phone 407 ARE THE BEST.
---- Barker's Collars are stamped "Linen'"
W ord IOther brands advertised and Sold anLnen are
F uenOI RXFDRDS ~A.LERTJ LU Z bOT stamped "Linen.' Wy?
To St de ts, ETYO Rof Reliable Shoe Dealer Sold by Wagner & Co., 2 for 25 ts
i 124 S. Main Street
glctwt.-. etitt-. Ot
,ons ___ t~gaper
DR~~ . ~ ~ Ic~0R E N T SCG H L ER For anything in the line ol $F4'e atesto enathe feest selection
~n, Ittctst Ittttt. Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentshler, Izotdlss t loals in
t(opls0-sct Phone 3t9-2r Corner Main and Huron Streets. :t
o* oe + ,+ ,,+ * ***** * .&l*+o+IfiE~, ,' SPRIG NEGLIGEE SHIRTS
f91 jai i ot to COMEDY CLUB NOTICE. 1UNIVERSITY DANCING ACADEMY, 1itlhs svertt ssour lasre to TeU fi oeyCu ilhl adeGnrlysekn h
tirteS Ofist ral itse I lse 22 STATmST.tottrts learntot nti(lark eolors
It. inoto o sI d tsiv sit alt, Wednseday, April b ttShot !nervtv, m l
se2o'loctk. The play. "Miss So t term, $2.00. April a od May. j tiossoco atd stipes aset altsays so
lLots t io etestat eeyThree lessons per weekWediesday ev- 34 ut ti-so r-b5a1r5 e Lct tllttin5
III openItyts t I tt to tcsltcandiuaes. Ittview ening, Saturday morning antI eveoin. A itIt-it,
tobIe fac11 t Ist tat tiany tf tetltmino- By the improved methods oftacig nr' osera.
t.otc l 55leae55ollgethis er h Cu h vrgesueteulearn t
lt. 11 's t tit axiouts t seceure new ptlayerddne io this time. WAGNER & CO
y r, t, 1I t tldt fIa ttiltanste wit e is veg o ttall
ot ttlttoitt 1 ~ ttltttto THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. 4Haberdashers a o4 Hatters
t the. ctha i tttt 1 G BSEBLLCANDIDATES. Furnishes music for all occasions. 4,
tls tttt. tttnttt t outt 5 "' ]hertsesoilie lratiee games at te Dane music a specialty. Adtress L. jS
the u:. , ,<< wereai r.un yag mi -' ir Grt os trottnssw tuntil the lass D. Bates, manager, S0S S. Fourth ae-a
Quarry' Cam hus Dre StoBerie soegi. iLt every sasscome 000 2-t
in st e lieu ' is very short. '2-t
L. R AVISON, Manager. Found-A gold pin,"S. Hf. S. 92-96"
Special Prices on --- marked on front. "Folger, New York'
"ade up Plilow, Pillo MASONIC DANCE. wl on back. -Ower may have same by
The Manasono ic anin p Ha wll. calling at 1209 . Uiversity ave.
'OIO SWI I N ;AT I into f mt iistaksein the listoaiimeLOST-A bull terrier pup, white sith
ittthe siviationts were nt sent out rnl ptrtr o 64 at
At Darling & Malleaux's itiutlstmetmbers are invited tot attend' brinestandrcv rtrto4ewast
- A ttittecalto wih ettti, A ts-Jsh received an import order of
010101 iaints wsithi ound; butitAlex' p
Pict(ure e and Fra es aittlercpalnts witstnlight.Get a si- two hnderd bundles of finest violin
lolitoritrtait of yturself, Studiot in strings which wil be sold at prices CTLG
Aits'fTeatre Building. 47-152. lower than the lowest Come to and C/1A OO
D 1 I ARTs'.,- ___________ see them-Ann Arbor Music Co
Dt PIL75 ou ~ 5T~EStdent-Efarn good money during
217 S. fotrthi Avenue vacation Trading Stamp proposition, 1
worth $3.000to $10.00 a day. Exclusive 0011mffbl VUIIiVer~ltv Are
-territory so each of 22 different states V 15A5 1d!U5 1716J
.., «4.4.. . .N..4.4 g.4.... 4.4g..+.. avalable Call and see me. F. J. GRADUATE SCHOOLS '[h ti 01ns o i is
O r len, 202 SState street. o a ol sietc.tPhltsoh, l t istt s
4.~.~ Your eyes examned y an is t so A . Isi. .tscschsi litait. t I " Ith
3 E -, 1bt RcdC " expert optician. All the laot- SoOLtFtAT hre er olsttCr
A ittss'st. :.est approved appliancea and methods dilates for admsptliieon mut ~a of
''knoswn to thprfsinn
' V~~~ew eye glasses fitted, lenses dupli- SCHOOL OF MEDICINE I'ou-Ica u~e
-- -- - ely Store. f. ePass ticsttedt c tstrcse c't~ssstto-
_________________ SCHOOLS OF APLIED SCENCE AND ACI 34SStt t
TECTURE tsouryetsccootcsooii inr at 1r
A.si WTONBahsupplies or mu kins at nl lm-giscy Cletosity, isi, lccit-ottan
prces at Cushingas Drug store. f. MOeladtttcs57 oeasse soir stusan'dslotst -otto
Wall Paper., Paints u~~sssslllylyotoete ttiusestoss hcrsesvWillsa)atod t
WdIP ~ r dn s Chafing dishes at Haller's Jewelry s COLEGE55y55fl5.
and1 EOi& Store. f. let dscssia ot f-Nryittylerois l ealistytoo
orditfor iotes tiusooto s Arkansas, Texas, Mexico
216 fast Huron Str eet. Mandolin srings, 20 cents per full syissssfsrteteinintof fechetsst
set- Ann Arbor Music Co. F' o iformationplt tssy to teS Peetot and Caliornia...
CoumbistUiesty Nwssysy NY
F ,e 5 iiJ Are es reached via
- '.5' (.7® V 1It 11)11iJ( jSt. Louis, World's air City,
The buildiing up of a Telephsone System with every ossibly ssood
erns improvement;l fhe givng of better service tan was ever thogt Irol) frountain
possible before To e honorable, courteous aulo just in sverey detail.
-fled witht iothinig short of the confiden5c and good will of every citizeti
is the cutnty Tso dtiy trins tst Califori.
I WASI'UI[NAW I1O"I[ T[[[PHON[ C ., Three daily tains to Mxico
Four saily trass to Texas
TEIYtPORARY 0 frCCE Liberty street, siar Fourth. Pour taily rats to Hot Sprigs.

k " " y '' d. '" ''- '.c .:: .c . Six d-aily t rains to Little Rock.
r iHa D. Armstrong, T. P. A.,
EGYPTIAN1233 Washtesaw Ave.,
Qrolon en Turkey. Ann Arbor, Mich. $
taks.Cofotstye ndsevie:Perfected in Egypt. *~---
Absoutel Guranted.Enjoyed in America.
Metal trimmsinsannot ut.5)C " '' MOGUL SMOKE MAKtS ELYT IAN SMOKS M L ILSI ece
and$1 iystoeorsen.prpad'f andolin, Banjo and Guitar.
Bo $6 tir aSnCr isPlain27 e litepn. Fi . Wsington tsS. Phone ff3
I n ih a e St as agentcy tar
sI Brandt Mandolin, larland Bania and Martin Gaitar.
Always Ahead MTTXIADIT E'TAT, The Best
In Syle. ~ E1'J..,.'~I~.of flverythinin n toTailoriug

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