TH-E MICHIG1'AN DAIL'Y 1 11 L'i 171 l \.l 11 1 \. ff~+"f~fffff~f"f:THE MICHIGAN DAILY G G H.Wild Comlpany fAbrYs fie f* edn olg year. at 117iE. Washingto street, Ledn Mlerchant TailorsA7= lbasemtenttoor, side entrane) Phose 892-3 f* MANAGING EDITOR : *~S ENIRY TIHOMASON f -BUSINESS MANAGER: RIOSCOEC B. CRUSTON SPRINGi WaOO[NS - EDITORS: Atletics, -_ --= isROT K. WALTON For Stilts: Top Coats atnd 'ewts,- - - - - . 5.Eo f ASSOCIATES: Trousers, nill dress sitits aB Clifford Stevenston, Roy Peebles, Fpcat. e sso o A. M. eraeer, Henry P. Erwin specalt. Le usshowyou A. C. Poued. A. H. Ortmeyer. our London Serges, London .1osepi: Y. Kerr. Sto:ddard S. Mtore. Ida MS. Brttorigg. 1. Waite Jayne. Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Geo. A. Osborn. Harold C. Smith. Kiloweus, Blarneys, Highl- Uttr 11. Antlrews. Alfred B. Koch. Drm IThomas B. iRoberts. Clyde L. Dew. lands, Ituiuuurgiis, Dun BUSINESS STAFF: ttochty's, MeGugors, London * 7. A. Thttoitsos:. Wm. it. Lloyd *. . 5.lottlitz.. H. K. Latoorette. and St. Andrew Flannels, : llt1j. 1". Iteloy. Tho. L. Fehete. London Cassimleres or Amer- Editor Today-Stoddard H. More lean Serges. Please call antd see * Solttcripfittt-TwoDottlarso per Sear, psaale is -advace. If dielin~quet afte Nov. i, 1903, $2.50 f* -- - Office Hours:-i2:30 to i:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 2 p. m. Daily. , H Wil Com any * Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTONT, Business Sian- f ager, 33i Packard Street. 10i8 E. WASHINOoN STREET. Z =__ - ± * CALENDAR. tThe 6ireat (6ame iThursdalty, Altril 28, 8:3(1 p. m-a O Socil lubttparty. * * April 28-Faculty concert, IUiversity 0Aprtiill0S. L. A. nonminatingcovn ® thmu Sundayct,55May 1, 31 p. m.-Atddress in lnvriy .Hall, atuspices of S. C. A.,117 51ev. Spenser U. Meeses, I). .,ofDetroit. May07-7S. L. A. election. [xcitingqFn For [veryone *f v e realizethat it noay inot be be- Octinit n us It glottaover ocir ath- leirlacievemients, bttthe chance is lt gotobettittcssed. Never have 45-Got 1iehigant athlttes coveredti hemselves i tion has been granted the IT. itt M. _____________ aiid students once motre have re- tureed. College life seems 1toite a A su~ccessiotn of revelry, sports and va- A cation-a strenuiou:s existence." p We wish tot cotngratulate the etditor 'N ' ® I of the Press on his imptortant disco~v- cry. It requires a man weho has never GL ' seen the interitir of a tuniversity tn tell all abou~t one. (Continued from page one.) quite a part of what his teammates had lost. Made of selected, vs The Conal quarter began will: the tan:ned bsuckskin, huilt fou~r leaders strung out, Kellotgg lead- ing by-five yards, Parsonst second, l i n e s that wvilar Williias third anti Tayltor fourth. stron~gly to the plays Rou~ndintg the gymnasium the Princeton and Coltimbtia men catight experien:ce is our. No. tilt antiutntil the fotur reachetd the nmiddlec of the south stand they were ft has n:o heel pa( going totgether. made extra lonig in But the hlue anti White anti Orange and Black had shot their bolits. wrist, is linecd an~d slip The strain ott the sptirts hatt ter:: padded and stron:gly too much for tiem. Here they dropited out, anti Kellogg anti Parsotnsdtiralbly nmade throngs began the fital despterate fight. I el At first it looktied as thouygh Par- f el soils wotuld win. He dashetiahteatd, F r 2.0 and at the turn was leattdig byaotitreeyards Hcut Kellotgg was notItti e tdeniedi In thse hom:e stretcht he crmtleo:- ing down like a race horse, andttiore post the strtiggling Parsons as thottghiFOld SALE AT the latter were standig tgDil Atthte finish he led by three ,Yards. It was thte \Vesterners endutranceWh okSo in thte final spulrt that landedt hini a W l sB o winner. T1ht- 120-y-ard hturdlles tfurnishietda hartd race. Sectile andu Catlin, Michii- I______ gait anti Chicagot, were ipittedi against Easterners Birdi,tif Harvartd, anti Asht- burner, of Cotrntell.A 1 'The W~est wonttfiritisot andt sectondi11 pltaces. Sceltrani in ibriliant form antd justifiedl his reptatiton. L i ~ i t Roesamazing shotpu::t creaitd a ~~ sensatin amton:g the siltcialtr adi his fellow athletes. Therei is tlit toute (-ctt-efoin heta leves co wllege D I A dittheG-otaihtalftr h matwill put. E I A the metal spthere stomewhititntear thie 4 -foott mark. Rose is as toll as Plaacke whitrt- rently foutght McCity, bitil.t ulie h Hllandter, is marveloutsly mntctilt I IdI anti is very quticktforfur chilta ig . n ~ U ~ Rtios' is a Califotrnian. B O O K SN NOTICE. 7elvet- pnpeal ers of 1,is the ghtly 1an d hott. res. IPocket War M'aps: for bew Far East, I Sc. o I - SSHEEHAN &CO., 4 IIUniversity Booksellers, Sta- tioniers and Engravers. 320 South State Street. C. H. AJOR 4C. COM'PANY Sisecialty of nine interior Decorating Copete new line of* Wall Papers, Paints, O~ils and Varnishes. 23 E. Was hington. Phone 237 U. of M,. Antiseptic Barber Shop, AND IBATH ROOM.. J. R. TROJANQWSKI, Proprietor. Face Massage a Specialty. 322 SOUTH STATE STREET andtihir titiversity swith ouch honor as' didiKeene Filcitatricic's charges at Phtiladletlhia Sattirday, and never wao .llichigait's athletic pritwess broughtj soft itll7 to the notice of thoe cast- ern: coliegets. Even the eastern itres was forcedto i depart from its eotab- lishted ptractice anti give Michigan and the wesi the credtit that wao doe. Sttrely we have many reoaonosIt: con- giratltie otirselves anti the athletes twio: so nuobly replresentedl us. 'T.eitlan tif placing soime perma- n:1:11 eotitrial to our .Satturday's achieveentso in the troithy room has been stiggested and has nmet with con:- siderablte approval. The troiphy roito couldt be made dioublly interesting and uts stalls itt greater value tto the otu- dentis it recotrd of ouch epochi:incking feats as Saturday's ettuld be placed TPhe sutccess of the baseball team in its tdefeat of the Mtichigan colleges andl itt thicagto, aitd in ito hard fought batte with Wisconsini seems all the more remnarksable when we consider the tailttatthere hadi tien mitch leso time luanutstial for otdi~oor prac- tice a:nd ftr perfectinig the team work. The fotllowving item appeared in the Jachon Preso of Monday, April 1S: "Another Vacation-A week's v aca- Registration for H. L. A. Election. In accotrdan:ce withithli'protvisionsl oftthe tewiconstitution, itstilt beteuc- essary fo~r all holersofittStdent Lec- tuire AsoctiatiottIickets wbho wish lt false part in tile cotming elcittn, tt register their names with the tBoardt oft Regisirat ittn. The Boiardl will bteit sessiotn in Ritom C, t'niversity 1halt, Satu irlay, April 30, fro~m 8:3111 tt 11:30 Imnmediately follotwing the cloeitt the registratiotn a nominating cotnven- tion will Ste ieltd in thoo C.This will 'be a moos me'etin:g in whichi alt sttidents itt the tUniversity mauy itartic-. iptate. _Al this meting any stde:i may be :nminatedl for any cofficebuit the niominatioin is without effecitiiun- coos the nomilnee afterwards secutres the aiproval of the conmnittee tin Non-- Athletic organizatiouns and plresents his n:ame to, the Board of Eltectioits. Any person not nominatedl at the Con:- vention may become a cantditdate lty ptresen~tin:g to the Bloard of Elections nott later than Montday, Slay 2, a pti- lion signed by ten mentbers Cit the Asouciatiotn an:d approvedl by t~le citni nititeuon Non-Athletic Orgaiziations. The chairman itt the Botarti of Reg- istration ic Protfesoor John 0. Reed. Fountain pens nt Cushing's. tf. Bought, Sold aild Exchanged C. E. BARTHELL I. 326 S. State St. Tel. 76 1 Irritated faces soothed and healed. Williams' Shaving Stick. *e@ mee.m NeeN..e ® TH TI[STUDEtNTS' LECTUJRE SOITO TISI SPACE IBELONGS TO ITHE S. L. A. . i .. v v :ATk CMD jTHEATHfLt, DftrAN M~. SrIABOLT,lMananger MONDAY, MAY 2 The Record Breaker and MAY U Pace Maker John W. Vogel's BIG lYINSTRELS, ALL WHITE v ." o+eeeeeveeeeeesoeeeeeeseeee se.eeeeeseeeee Ne , A prodigioums hody of stellar lights of muodern nminstrelsy. A magnificent presentatiohi of the newest, cleanest, finest, amtusing, brightest and "best hy tesi," forming in its entirety the biggest, hest an~d most coniplete mistrel organization inl existenlce. A gigantic conlcou~rse of miinstrel per- formers. A bigger, better amid granider shiows than wais ever seen before. A NEW SHOW WITH NEW FEATURES Free Street Parade at Noon. Sale of Seals Begins Saturday. PRICES- Seats muuuy be secored by swire, mili or phono. u364i-2r. Donltboy lick. f 25-3.5-50-75c els on lie sidewalk. . Season lickets, $1.00 Ap A Single Admission, 25c 4H ***4440 ***********. ALI& TINKER & COMPANY. FURNISHERS anld HATTERS., 334 S, STATE ST., Phonle 342-2ra