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April 27, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-04-27

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The Michigan Daily



No. 145



Michigan Won at Philadelphia on Sat- Entird New Registration to be Made
urday-Seven Firsts Captured for Election of Officers for Stu-
by the Team-Thi Great dents' Lecture Association
Relay Race. -Previous Registra.
tion Declared
The University of Michigan track Void.
team crowned itself with undying
glory last Saturday in the Pennsylva- The faculty committee on Non-Ath-
nia games at Fra'nklyn Field. The letic organization today publishes a
great four-mile relay team composed notice elsewhere in the Daily stating
of Kellogg, Perry, Stone and Daane, the necessity of a new registration of
won the championship of America Students' Lecture Association tickets
again for Michigan in the banner in accordance with the provisions of
event of the meet. Hahn won the 100 the new constitution. This registra-
yard dash from the crack eastern tion will be held in Room C, Univer-
sprinter, defeating Shick of Harvard sity Hall, Saturday, April 30, from
by five feet and Blair of Chicago by 8:30 to 11:30.
ten feet. The announcement of the new reg-
Schule won first place in the 120 istration was somewhat of a surprise,
yard hurdles in a runaway race. and those interested in the coming
Hose created the sensation of the election immediately started on a gen-
day by winning the shot put at 48 ft., eral campaign among the students.
2 ii., tying the world's record held The provision of the new constitu-
by Horgan of Ireland, and later made fion means that the Association starts
an exhibition put of 48 ft., 3% inches. on a new basis entirely. The regis-
DVorak was unfortunate in pole tration of a few weeks ago is declared
vault, but managed to get fourth void and the routine work incident
place, clearing 11 feet, 3 inches. On to the coming election must be done
one trial he cleared 11 ft. 6 in. with anew and in accordance with the re-
his body by at least 5 inches, but vised constitution. Therefore on Sat-
knocked off the bar with his arm. urday every member of the Associa-
The winners of firsts were given tion may register his ticket or his
gold watches and the Michigan ag- coupon (if his original ticket was pre-
gregation brought back seven with viously registered) and may then vote
them. at the election a week hence. From
The story of the meet is vividly de- this explanation it is seen that all
scribed as follows in the Phiadelphia members of the Association may now
North American: register asud have a share in the se-
The four-mile event is always the lection of officers.
great feature of the Penn. relays. ItT
is worthy of note that it has always
been hard fought. Last year Kellogg pect of the campaign materially, since
won it for Michigan by beating out it was expected that only one or two
the great Franchot. hundred members who had been rug-
This year proved no exception to istered two months ago would be eli-
the rule. Michigan only reaffirmed its gible to vote. Now every ticket hold-
title to the championship ater a mag- er has a chance to cast his ballot
nificent struggle that kept the crowd when the election takes place.
standing in excitement from the time -
the pistol sent the ncn " heir jour- STUDENT'S SAD DEATH.
At the outset, Eisele, Princeton; Welcome J. Tinker, a sophomore
Armstrong, Yale; King, Harvard; homeopathic student, was drowned
Daane, Michigan; Hoskins, Penn.; during vacation, while visiting his
and Hammerslough, Columbia; ran grandfather in Cheasing, Mich. The
pretty well bunched. At the end of circumstances surrounding his death
the first quarter mile Hoskins had were very sad. He and a friend were
dropped back to fifth, leading only out fishing in a light canoe which was
King, of Harvard. On the second carried rapidly down the stream by
time around King passed Hoskins, the swift current. On striking a snag
and from this point Penn. ceased to the stern sank and the boat began to
be a factor. fill with water. Tinker jumped out
Michigan Led First Mile, and began to swim for shore, his
At the end of the first relay it be- friend remaining with the canoe.
came evident that the battle would be When a short distance from the boat,
between Michigan, Yale and Prince- Tinker turned back and both boys
ton, with Georgetown a promising tried to cling to the canoe which had
dark horse. truned bottom upward. The boat
Michigan led, Princeton was second would not support their weight so
and Yale third. Tinker's friend struck out for shore
They maintained those positions for and upon gaining it ran along the
the first three-quarters of the second bank keeping up with the canoe as
mile. At the end of the second relay it was carried down by the current.
Stone, of Michigan, had taken the tinker was doing his best in his ex-
lead; Alcott, of Yale, was second; hausted condition to balance himself
McDonald, of Columbia, third; and on the top of the canoe so that his
Swan, of Princeton, fourth. Harvard friend might rescue him when the
and Penn trailed hopelessly along in boat came to a bend in the river.
the rear. When Tinker's friend reached the
Here Perry took up the battle for bend he could not at once see the
Michigan, Hail for Yale, Fulton for canoe which was obscured by some
Columbia and Chapin for Princeton. bushes but when it came in view Tin-
Perry led at the first lap, but his ker was not on the top. On looking
advantage was slight, Hail being right a little further up Tinker was seen to
at his heels. go down for the last time. The young
Fulton of Columbia, had spurted man's grandfather who had been fish-
and closed up the gap between him- ing further up the river saw the canoe
self and the leaders. capsize and rowed down to assist the
They continued in this order dur- boys but he arrived just as Tinker
ing the second quarter. In the third had sunk for the last time.
they were still bunched with Prince- The young man was a member of
ton forcing itself into the select com- the Alpha Sigma Fraternity, was pop-
pany, and at the end of the mile ular and well liked, and his death
Perry led by two yards, Hail was see- is greatly mourned by his many
ond, Fulton third and Chapin fourth. friends. His home was at Pittsford,
Stars for Last Mile. N. Y., but he was burried at New
For the last quarter, the one that Lathrope, Mich.
should bring despair or joy to those
who had already battled so bravely,
the stars of the six teams took up the MUSICAL CLUB'S SPRING TRIP.
Michigan's hope went on Kellogg The spring trip that the Glee, Man-
her great champion, who won the dolin and Banjo clubs took during the
event last year. spring vacation was in every way a
Starting with an advantage of two decided success. Every concert was
yards, Kellogg opened out and led for received well and the trip was also
the first quarter mile. Parsons was financially successful.
right at his heels, and about twenty The clubs gave concerts in Detroit,
yards behind, running neck and neck, Toledo and Bowling Green.
were Taylor and Williams. In Detroit a good crowd turned out
In the second quarter Taylor and but in Toledo, owing to the stormy
Williams spurted magnificently, and weather, the attendance was not as
actually caught up to their fleet Yale large as expected. In Bowling Green
and Michigan rivals. there was an unusually large audi-
Th'ey came in bunched at the end ence. This is Bob Parker's home town
of the second quarter mile. All and he made a big hit. Prof. Denni-
through the third quarter they ran son accompanied the musical clubs

so closely together that it was at on their trip.
times hard to tell who was ahead. The management expects to give a
Caldwell, for Harvard, was battling popular price home concert to wind
nobly in a lost cause, and closed up up the season in the latter part of
May but the exact date has not yet
(Continued on page 2.) been fixed.

Varsity Baseball Team Makes Fine;
Showing on Spring Tour-The
Scores-Changes in the
Team Probable.
Michigan's baseball team returned
to Ann Arbor Saturday with a rec-
ord of five games won out of six
played. Director Baird states, that
within his recollection, this is the
best record that a Varsity baseball
team has made on its spring trip.
On the first Saturday of vacation
the Varsity ball tossers went up
against Chicago, Michigan's traditional
foe, and took the Maroons into camp
by a score of 9 to 4. Wendell, the
freshman from the Detroit University
School officiated in the box and his
twirling was of a high order.
From Chicago, the Wolverines
moved on to Madison and there suf-
fered the only defeat of the trip, be-
ing shut out by Wisconsin 3 to 0.
Nagle was the Varsity box artist and
his pitching was good enough to win,
but weak stick work lost the game.
On Tuesday began the tour of the
Michigan colleges when Kalamazoo
went down to defeat 6 to 4, Albion
was defeated 17 to 0, :Hillsdale 9 to3,
and the Michigan Agricultural college
7 to 3.
In Wendell and Nagle, Michigan has
a pair of promising pitchers, and
Ward's work in the Kalamazoo game
was also good. Campbell did the best
hitting on the trip and his fielding
was first class.
The fine showing of the team makes
the prospects of winning the Illinois
game on Saturday appear somewhat
brighter. Hard practice will be the
order for the rest of the week, and
special attention will be given to bat-
ting and getting the infield to working
together. Every year, there has been
a change in the makeupi of the team
after the spring trip and it is not
probable that this year will prove any
exception. Reinger, a fresh law has
been showing up well and he may be
stationed at second base in Saturday's
game. Capt. Redden going back to
the outfield. If this change is made
it will leave Aldringer, Carrothers,
Turner, and Kaufmann to fight it out
for the two vacant tioutfield positions,
and the contest will be a merry one.
Bolin has been doing good work at.
short and it is likely that he will be
used as a- utility infielder.
'The Varsity Track team settled
down to work yesterday after the vic-
torious Philadelphia trip, in an unas-
suming way as if nothing of note had
transpired. The squad is increasing
in size every day and with the advent
of settled weather, training for the
Varsity meet on May 14 will go on in
None of the Philadelphia victors
were out yesterday except Rose and
lie confined his operations to the ham-
mer and discus. His hammer work
was of high order, at least 15 throws
exceeding 140 feet, the farthest meas-
uring 157 feet, 4 inches. He is rap-
idly improving his form with the dis-
cus and yesterday made two throws

University Hall Now Considered Safe
for its, Large Audiences-Two
New Fire Escapes Com-
A few weeks ago University Hall
was by no means the safest assembly
room in the country, but a great
transformation has taken place since
that time. On account of the near-
ness of the May Festival, which prom-
ises to be the largest ever held, the
work has been rapidly pushed in the
erection of fire escapes and the hall
can now be classed with the best pro-
tected ones in the country.
The Iroquois fire, which brought the
people all over the country face to
face with the problem of fire protec-
tion, also benefited Michigan in the
fact that the large assembly hall has
been made safe. It seats 2,677 people
but there are now 30 fire escapes by
which the building can be emptied.
The main fioor has three exits at
the back, two fire escapes on each
side connecting windows of the hall
with those in the wings, one under
each end of the platform connecting
with the ground floor, and two flights
of stairs leading to the ground.
The gallery can be emptied by three
exits in the rear, a flight of stairs on
each side leading to the lower floor,
three windows on each side to bal-
conies, and four windows on a side
opening on to the roof of the wings.
A walk with a railing has been built
along the iron roofs of the wings to
small pilot-like houses connecting
with the two main stairways of each
wing. The doors opening into these
are always unlocked. At night the
stairways are lighted by incandescent
When the news came on Saturday
afternoon of the victory of our track
team at Pennsylvania, the enthusiasm
was unbounded. A bonfire in the eve-
ning was suggested as a method of
jollification and speedily the word was
chalked on the walks and signs.
olon after night fall was the gath-
ering of the clans and, for a town
that for the past week of vacation
had known its most important inhab-
itants no more, the pibroch was an-
swered right merrily and with num-
bers. The fire was kindled in the
middle of North University and was
soon surrounded by about 300 stu-
dents howling and capering with joy.
Wood was had in plenty from a neigh-
boring house that had been partly dis-
mantled and from the construction
timbers of the new engineering build-
ing. Several barrels of tar made the
scene conspicuous by their presence.
Someone turned in an alarm and
soon the clang of the fire engine and
hook-and-ladder was heard. However
the fire was not extinguished, nor was
one fire considered enough to properly
express the enthusiasm of the stu-
dents. Two more were lighted, one
by the gym., and one by the new en-
gineering building. These were speed-
sly surrounded by their own howling
coteries of devotees rendering homage
by burnt offerings to the athletic
prowess of the victorious team.

fully 120 feet. 'his would have won
the eVent at Philadelphia. In the final debate of the Central
Johnny Garrels is also regarded as Debating League, Northwestern de-
a probable point winner in the con- feated Michigan by a divided decision.
terence meet with the discus, as time The question was: "Resolved, that la-
and again yesterday he hurled the hor unions should incorporate," and
tour pound missel over 118 feet. Michigan had the affirmative. The
Garrels throws average better than decision of the judges was two to one
those of Rose. for the negative.
Last week in Detroit Garrels made The judges were, Comstock of Indi-
one throw within six inches of the ana and Bunn and Butterfield of Wis,
world's record. consin.
The squad of half-milers, number- For the last three or four years the
ing more than a dozen were led two final debates have been settled by a
fleet laps by "Mother" Hall. split decision, the two teams in the
The stove installed in the rubbing finals being so strong and so evenly
quarters is proving a boon to the matched that it has been almost im-
men, as without it the cold in the possible to decide, and this last was
dressing room would be well nigh no exception to the rule. The crowd,
unbearable. 'hough strongly partisan, had no idea
as to the outcome before the decision
of the judges was made known.
SENIOR STEINS AND PIPES. The Michigan team consisted of
The Senior steins have been re- Ripple, Holderman and Bills and was
ceived and can be obtained of Arnold, one of the strongest,'if not the strong-
the jeweler., A sample stein is exhib- est, which has represented Michigan,
ited in the Shehan book store window. and they have worked hard and faith-
Already the majority of the first lot fully since early last fall to uphold
ordered are gone, and those who in- the honor of the University.
tend to purchase a stein, and desire
to receive same before graduation, Ann Arbor, Mich., April 25, 1904.
should leave their orders with Mr. Ar- Ann Arbor Water Co.
nold. A second order will be placed This is to state that repeated ex-
immediately. - aminations of the water supply dur-
The first set of 25 pipes can be ing the past three or four days shows
had of Mr. Jolly, Thursday. All of that it is now free from all suspicious
this order is sold and a second order organisms and may be used without
has been placed. Names should be being boiled.
left with Mr. JollyV.C. VAUGHAN.

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