SUITS JD ht 3 ?ki t)yur measure and jDo s r a 3 2 S.I Mn ,' K ad 6a e uses.l fryr .i k. A FIT GUARANTEED , " 'n sAT Q0 LHOW Ritllinnrrl {r g1 nI ' p Uder yew frlnagem 1. R i~ilard Out fi. ay UlullIIIA i . 1Chps qgn 0 rn he hous. Q - vLtl "' Ifree (nch. / CLOTHIERS9A . Hater~ and Furnishers. Forest Avn e Mot Market. Linen an CU F 109 and 111 E. Washington Stret, Poolry~fOomeand 14s . aso) A$30ABORRbrest Ave. hone 47 A1+E~ THE BES' . aker's Collars are stamped "Linen' A t'orP a e n t [ ea tl he r + o9 Other brado adretised and Sold a Linen are NOT stmped "Linen." Why? o tum dent (A L6B EzR.T L UVT Z,9Sad by Wagner & Co. 2 'foe 25 cs tee T THE RELIABLE SHO DEALER. 124 SOtTH MAN EREET .. , ,,i , II r t olr lstra t t iec. ire re-r_ ci rpr +RE N TS C HL ER For anything in the line of DR oLWELLS waieis Maker f Phtgraphs Framing, Call n Rentochler, 1, eir lere so rne le ut serfecian e "i* e Waie IrXOPhn38-. Corner Main and Hrn Street. i iael eeare e ,I },Inin f'+SaPnRISG NELGE SHIRTS Iii e1a%7lasa TOO COLD FOR TRACK MEN. UNIVERSITY DANCING ACADEMY, yriI, , iee:Hid rtcbliSA II inn ele ee titr pleasure tr t ,AOI idenerit. he The weailer wsrnecl4 yeterda 336 STATE ST. S it.ieeeelycerie-tr er lieeeicieC- that anty at fewc tracir canidales____ h. ties e rieltat aret face it irrthe airy track cer- Shr tem $20. A ilad My-d"'t Af ter usieee 1 a irde dieeI ee. eoloers, lit l I ia Jeay I$204. Apriisr~tt', -0 rrraito ren i n-hey" : . eIretelr =Ic- tetneh. Neverthelers, the :Plciy hrt tsona r wee nd ay . o Ifinas ii sterip esrre alwe.asiel tauerrri-reeiiiijil ela u tin to ciiii -.a airad cf nmiern ravail the eltatnnt i he arn e ei~enra n irari cilc eeelrii c isoreeI I tre ciii cre l e cetolstatheir at evere cworkoutelCeing Satrday nmoring and vnine iiiiii W ln re l c ie etiea il nyicieniled elecriie lc- lenc Steeanrh.Bythe improved m eeod reffilaching. l ieeeI ieielie>f ci c c. i-snie at- ric. i terhit iceri tir ee ii eL fercy al, CSrte andelStiectlny ran The average su rn an learn to SA n. liedor, a rllrl teota7u ecllr i e n eiiuiileie 011 Itra'stu en 4 crrehecen larmlli-elr er r t ,lne a stiff mie tiegther, eningithcdi a dance in ths time. ceeyui alyli neree ti, itie- herst of spedrthat areeoniheed the t yaln irte lt ci intiifc uiii cntaisettfra gtrCeatl H AMNCOCETAWAGNER & CO. ailieleili n t iireiel. Dine ran teh iemeve. D arniele ____ y Htr 1 ostnccleinatircr 1)ice iii witrlle thesterdy little frrhian fro Cratd Furnihs mriaHilealtrccarnna t hi vtrene Oy e l .ir ci i th i el arv teyurishseuscroiti ccsin. , wih cte teereuar gaetria t it lttie Ratids, i getting lIne race frritant hnamai peily.AderL iefkfreleec. It it do- i net uelnetuirn roiesrlrtic givc hisircmetitr a guie dtrt hurI~otle aid rr Will cataurilynrmereiy. rat-c liin Saturday. Iidlyfurmeir de-ir . Ba tes anager, 80 1S.Forthiave- Quary' CaI~u Drq Mre ared icyKeene Fizplatrirtar tobirte i n. 29tf .ae.s9.st44.44+S4.I4It Q~lary Call & ~q rlt~eetutfhecwhoets qeai, roilwith his - --- -- strongslintting ailitirshisnn chacer Found-A gold pin' S. H. S. 9296 ,a A. J.-WASON arciriht. HOevneer tieholetesqura marked on front. "- 'nger, esa York" art sir evenly matched theat a rcactri on back. Owaner ma- hve snoely t c as tee tie ietcoe- rf tiere Cmi alling at 129 E. Uivrity ave. -alP p r an sRtl tIomr hngesok o i itRoestDcorak, Hahn antISuele, cwi11 For the larecst line cfsit.u iaes, U g 1 and ~Oils alibetfairen tiliadtelphawhetngo to Allet'.trrer 141 flit eant leaver next Wednesday _________ [1 ast Iluron SIreeI. niht. OST- bul-terie ceilr..wi tei Somethin New it SCHOLARSHIP AT MIHIGAN bPuxesos eunt 4 ~mtig i ihyu erysbcito rr-Uiverity, and receive reward. nwlt h Lde'Hm ora, tdnsEr nea-oteLde'Hm ora, Stoeno-ar good umoney dering V~~l4~g 4o ie"aira vnn atvacation. Trading Stamp proposition, N0i i~Rti Michgan$1500 ito presand etablish eight territory in each of 2 dierent sttasa O TtAMP.1 'At Darling & Malleaux's $150 naolarrhips. In addition I will available. Call and ae mu-. F. J. ~~, lyve$5 tothAlc Freeman Palm- glen, 202 S. State tret. at N - IM N IGUS er cholarlip,. and $150 to the Mich- __________Nu trsuit si -- bFNt-enCu oo ud Mandolin strings, 20 cents pr fal Nt)1 f31itti;li I ~~~McNLDOWN 'Y~ '01 Law, et-Ann Arbor Mui olaC:12 He/fiitiii an rms 142-144 100 Packardi St. ._______'01d_________ Picursl. 1 Frme -Just received an 1ImorI order of ASK ITS. DE PkW5 ART S5TORE, Bath suppios of an kinds~ at nl two huderd bodles of finest vilin 217 S price. t Cuing's Drug ator. tf. strings which will be sold at print. 21TICE. Fourth Avenue.. lower than the lowest. -Came is andCa k n NOTCE see them-Ann Arbr Music Co. ',Slo T e - regiiarr ractice rf he S 1.906___________ 26,7.3797t.~ irbl auilte ci ehu pi Chating dishes at Haler's Jewelry 32.S 8.Sfate St. t LOST -Ana] 20. DoAVIDSON. IMgr. 2 > CU'Q t LS-niirtrkin pireatn.! Your eyes examined by an Z. . lllt, 1fnq. _rtlng$.0it ut#sntate-j -texpert optician. All the Iac crrs snt Smrk la card owith tnamu ef ai ~rsnlest approved appliances and methoda t 3fitt au tom 5 Ann Arbr.n ray reurnii 'am at 131 Wash- known to the profesoion are employed, ArknaTxas, exico t tenw aene ad eceve ewrd.tfNew eye glasses fitted, lenses dupli- d~S aed, frames repaired. Haler's Join and Caliornia...+ - -- -y- Fountain pens at Cushingas. I. ly Stre. t&f r bs ecle ~ O UR P OL I Y St Louis, World's fair City,t - The buitidig up of a Telepitone System weiti ery poeibira tori- the Iro floutin ertn imoprovemnt; the giving~ of better senice thaas en ever throught rponsible before. To e honorable, courtous antijoit ii es rtteti. R ut To anticipate reqirements. To overceacrptlidnnetm. ''o raenati- R u c fled withs nothinstghort of tie conidettee atd good will of evey ctizens 'oedcyt-rn o(nio 1 itt the county. -Twod'ir--dly tatins to alioa - WASHTE[NAW 11110"[ I[[[PIHON [ CO., Three-dauly tranos to Mtxico UPC til, tp eFor daily t alasto Tsprn TEMPORARY ht)C. inLibery sree,tnar Fortr. ordytantoHtSigs Sex aulyetraheinsctueLittle fRock IB PRESID4 EN T -' THE BEST OF EVERYTHINGO. Comfort, Style and Servienrrint~ uky ABSOLUTELY ?efcdin gp. 1 ' GUARANTEED #lnjoyed anAmerica. NI MULL 'OILLLES'PI E teaches *MGU MOKL MAKILLCYPTIAN S15 OLRSSr~ Trimmipgs cannot rust. - 4 flann olin, Banjo and Guitar. ColmWe and$.0,tnsy storeorma, prepaid. - --1s for 155cen. tni.' xihnfd r sint THE 1.A.,FD AUTOS MFG . 6O~s C oak Tips orI-an. 'O1: alin t w.73 a Boa 28n hiriry, Mass. Save the Coupons. .Ci e - o Brandt Mlandoiin, Fariand easia and Marlin Guiar. Always Ahead in styles. MILWARD, THE.. TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring