The, faiqtgfro i t Varsity.... LAdie&'. Cultw r I ailoring If yon wan to see thi snappiest style evesr 'plftdu+a #>lUoihes, you wanlt tosee the new-E 5, S. M. 1$44rolht Front" Vanity: of it than give up the clothes. I "9 3 WaIts, Skirts, A146o a nw line of Blacks in Vicunas; TedQ at ,JJ7 Ceit n'n' hdwrSOUTH Made in finest Werkmanship and Best Styles,: $ts.~ te$~4.O AMiNT The AINto Your Measure. Guyer 11~s for Spring, Now'Its y ST, 'rA~(~6 ~t '' ,t P~R# EWS ocl~oratnint then~U fatIth5 our~ en, tire line of SPRING WOOLE NS is on the tables slid _The Greateot Gamne Oct Football-Pokeowhssslrthe w+ill further state that .we are in a position where wev can get Mimic Football Played with Cards toloessu andadscteaaoa - all work out promptly.: The very finest of tailoring will pre- toei "soe x ayS ee-o to l ola alpseciclrs osais. 'Vail as usual at our establishment. Fsun for Two-Fun for . Crowd feote field, blocefdhkcas Aessesest Fsebtip y g a ae gndirse an soslots los -"osea Pet ets ts at bo dales orfloe usolpoohgtu ^Pod Saaeple chart of gadme free.' sgsslltahrs olg otdcstviet cdyi ltg Fah1.l'oer: - ViD0ChFiELD'8 FINKl TAILORING# TRiADE - All Haorvard plasootbal oe- nwhes-o a ge wihsvel "As ictecesecea i 5ol~oaea e ., .400rsA"s R s~t Ihxs7e S3ret Fresh Lowneys, Aloegrettis, ,Spar- DIXON LECTURES -FI1NISHED. LOST-Phi Kappa Psi" pin, set with Ladies and gentlsoon Wi haeta& row's and Huyler's Chocolates at Cush- .Professor' F. Ui. Dixonr of Dsrisactt diamonds and pearls. The name, V. I Granger's" Acaemy Saturday after- ing's Pharmacy. college finished his course of lecture)s C. David, engraved on the back. noons during vacation and dance fromn ________________yesterday hefore the'ciasses ift lIu- Finder please callitup the owrner at 4:001 to 5:41 'clock. 4841 tria-l History sent CorsasratiiFlon I . t e:PhI Kappa-iPsi house.: }w[T( He ha-started on his return, tript o J U iV the eastern" college where' he' w ill re SI 61hTLag asnl some his regular work. SUTTOOETLagWnie n yoQ ° 01Dl ' Professor Dixon has--been delivering., b d, bath,' gas, telephone. One A = e l -""'T ualectures before .these c asee in : ced block from "Campus. New paper, nomics for- the pat soontis and >M en a ~ius anod carpet. Terms reason: Rlbt' BILLIARD PARLORS: gym eroad a re otati "fo himself amas a a. Enqunire "of Mrs. O Harrow, FIse tSara snd Tobsecos '!the students as an interesting lecttirer, 121 E. Jefferson St. 141 tf 'jAS. WR rl) Pe p. 312 State S. S.. a . ad a strong quit niaster. i1e made __________ -- --- thsuzbjectsv Weryi Yesl fgb trett sshling ,dlsiseo at- Hailer's Jewelry I have usat receive the largest and aisess in the m in a hroad "ii 0,~rhn pir o "-ow aie oner._____________ Turkish igarees r id ps IisiellC slofe ishian ma alumnus-of the University -Is botha roa af ihgn rdaigwt h ls JO8 PRINTING MEYERS. 215 ever taought tot salty, a lthn hat meaaie .o 9.I a duasterng Mwt teD iSli St.. S. .Phone 281. -Fisne Lunches in Connect.: Dail for iana- yesterday, -he saitd: "Most of the _________3__8 S. 'ieeSthsgNatndCa. Eae oal dents are not aware of' thte fact Ale'tr ob prn hrt. 38S.SaeSi .H Jt'A onrralthy I am an old Michigan man, at least Chafing dishies at Holler's Jewelry ms eip._ Ijugsofo th. uetosthyask as to how I like the University. _________ N When I say tha :tok both my de- green here that ought to be sul.1 NOMIE SENIORS. B R IG H TO N dent. Will all senior Medics, and Engi. Flat Clasp teI ha ae found the students both'in-. neers who wish to rent gowns fory Fla Clsp eretedandinteresting.' They have commencement week, or day, or May GARTERS -hown considerable liking for thet 1 kindly-call at Miss Lovell's and be 'work, and have please me' w' h their ta ota art cl gartem, 15y SrIgit-ee knowledge of- the -subject." measurc fi bfore spring-vacation. tf. right and wear rilht. They sapto aoff, While, in the city, Professor Dixon SI easily, ye iii aynae Neverb,,,dpnicob was the geat of Professor and, Mrs.. Fresh Lowneys Allegretti's, Spar- _ aa lipa usti mfrelst srigt. leof R W. Dow. row's,-Irtlyleree "chocolates- at Cush-' s- Psosao si c'SDRO~l oass aoraaaai rhalpbs. '04 LITS. ( hray t Aow f i-e S-lras -asa " '04 Lits are entitled to free sittings Ticket for four: shampoos'-=1.04, at Randall's' for class pictures which Soft water. Miss -Vaughan, near, Quar. PI VAT[ will be printed by May 1. Those wl~ WS. .lIi.- , ~ z~. LESSONS IN DAN CING have not attended 'to this will do sot.1141oat100011oigot LONat once. Randall's work only goes in Usilveruity- students. desiring' "to se- MONEY" LOANIJ ON AT GRANGER'S, BY APPOINTMENT. class pictures. WEIEKS. cure' pbsitions t0, teach will find it to their" interest, tor write toW James F; Watches, Diamonds, Class erorect Tusday sights, 8 te IS o'clock eorgo aelahr'o' css oMCullough, 65Flee' Arts "Bldg., Chi- Jewelry, and all igh to Allen's. 144. cargo.t Class Chattel and" Cleslag Ise cab. Collateral Security. BUINIESS STRICTLT CONFIDENTIAL. "!rv +w v ti tA LL EHN' 'S, F' R Q'U'A' L I°T Y" W. J. LOURIM. YOU CAN GETA Sppeliol es ; . ot L n hWe glve th'e best Clothing Values; saving, you the ofv OoffietHa s~is, f s1o 45 y Af t - TstL u nch355.St dollars on your Suit or Overcoat. Spring linte now ready 7:0 o ta30 -........_ $fIiO nd $1-iV.OO DAN UNIVERSIRTY ALLat PfIC 'v-IOYSTERB AV $ sotv3State SIt. -AL L EN, TNfl C LO Tf111fR;; MAICN STfR EE G ATE RING- CO. - CAFE OH IETRA L S BANhE HAILt 6 a 01110CTRA LINES TheQE U14Arst I~hcg TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS - Specli DinnsesI 12o110 p W. Parlor CGr. a.1al Trains _ :,Dailu3 Cents: MICH IG AN MVI CHIGAN BANR nCLR Medicine" For Ladles 'and #' (entlimenl Schou of ~ EOEE8CORNER STORE. IiTheolo y ~ AXIOJGA C"W I 'ILLtCThJC P'MI3 "27ssliaa Falls Rsute." Educato tcti C'f1~ I~ THE SHORT 'IINE- tkQC' .i T8Lati +4p t )5 AN ARBOR to CU AGO Each arhitodllha a spieij Cluolar of Information which will be stit 50 request. is f.oe,' .htt ts ietea s~h wp'y B F A OThe Courses Isa ediblas ass gteea is cosnnection with t.e work 'ofRUSH EDICAL I rost", call to afnd so .r ijy.,... NUEWAO R College. SND BOTN SUMRKURE THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, lW5TIiW~(K withi direct icosnectiuons at' Chic ago tar' it QhUARTEllnos.R-rn COP'A.IY' t~~~~saulo, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tn Eons CIy.-Ps e h et Js Septembers a Cot 4iallsss atAePot 7 5'ur safuematlia nd through tickets cal useor write to5 W CASEn Agent. AnnArbor. ':.r, ''_ _. "" '."' ' WE ARE YE.R LT Q~~O~.A' RG S1Qt