THE MICH41GAN DAILY BEW .PEi BEWARE OF IMITA'TIONS IN BUYING YOUR PURI= "MOGUL TAN SHOES AND OXFORDS THIS SPRING. DON'T BUY SOME CHEAP, INFERIOR BRAND XII II OUR LA BETL ON THEM, BUT BUY THI ORIGINAL. There is only one original Ponrt,1in S11ot--in-ids ItsbyGvoigc Keith, of Brockton, Mass, and sold it the old sad '@ .? _which the company has occupied foi thicpast fire :nars. iIH S. Main Street o + We have had a little trotuble wilh the copyright oii our natne NAIAr '' Puritan,'' antI as a restilt of this nwt find people trying1 to inii- M represent our goods, ltit will overcome this in the ncaitfutiire.ON+:an _____________________ Watches, Diamonds --valu{;. WthsSt eei i. paired. Bargans In W ito. S The FUI(IAN "~~ ~'~ andD + i Office at residence, 3:31 E, Lib- erty Street, Ann A rbor, liners 80 * * 9 p . M. All luciness I onlideii I ____._____ ,.. 0- ... . . ttd . JOSIEP" C.MWATTS. - wICHBEN CETTS C HRNTSCHLR For anything in the line of T ' The Niagara Falls Route" i'4 Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Renlscbier, 44 THE SHORT LINE- q- Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. F ANN ARBOR to '9 'Si, CHICAGO BUFFALO SCHOLARSHIP AT MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY DANCING ACADEMY, I NE YRK Wih ou yarysubscription o~r re- 336 STATE ST. I ND BOSYORK ( newaitiot t e'1Ldiesittine Journtal,"H $1BOSTON or theIi"Saturday Evening Font" Short term, $2.00. April aiid May.t with direct cosnections at Chicago for S1 91.25: be-fore June 1, 1904, I swillinlO''hree leseons per sveekWednesday cv- Lois assCiy Puland the $leot Plitzcese aindtestabtlish eight ening, Saturday morninig and evening. $,0 o nomto n hog ikt a no nr write to W. W. CASE. Agent. Ann Arbttr. 01711 scholashsitt. In addition 1Isvill By the improved methoiis of teaching.+ ____-give 9150 to the Alice F~reemain Palm- 'the average student can learn to A * RIF irschtolarship, and $1311tontheliii ich- dance it this time. igen (C ltblhouse fuiid. Forest Avdlenue eat Mvarket, 12 41Ieil:_1OOVNiIY , '0t5 law,_1 THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. CIGARLTTLS Cjrokmn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Elnjoyed in America. LSMnOL MAKLS LCTITIAN SS5OKLIOS Cork TiorPlain. Save the Coponis. '"he W. C. Kern Co, 411 1E. 57th St.. Chicago. Capt~s antdCtowsnmade to or- der and rtoted. Pennoants for till colligesandoi fraternities carried in stotck. l;assPins,)CIans. antd Teaitt Patte Send liar Catalttes. rkansas, Texas, M1exico T nd California...} Are best reached via tLouis, World's [air City, the ron frlountarn Route t 'tt daily trtains to ('alifornia. hrtee daily trtains to Mexico. ter daily trains to Texas. tttr daily trains to Hot Strings. B- daily tralits to Little tech. TOE BEST OF EVERYTHINGI. 1 WRITE ME. L. D. Armstrong, T. P. A., 1231:1Waishtenatw Ave., 4' M1 SPALDSItO'S, OFFICIAL IIBTEE-COLLEGIATE I Poultry, Game and lfisnb in Season 030 Forest Ave. Phon4117 A. J. WATSON Wall Paper, Paints and ois 216 East Huron Street. Crean. Chewing Canty Salted Peanuts, Hot ButrdY Popcorn, Grackerjack fresh daily. 01 S.State St. F PU. GLBER. D,, Y., A. A. & J. RAILWAY sTATIDAP(D TllIE ForDetroit halfoueryfrome6:1.i.uni 0,:15p. m. Then heurly untit 11:15, hFtr Ypsi- tanti only, at 02:15 a. mnttod 12:45 a. m. her Jacksnshourty from 6ti5 a. mt. untit 7:05 o. is. Thes at 9s:15 p. m. and 11:1U- ist. Waiting Room, Heron St.. ,ogfSlain. MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 SOUTH frAIN ST. 0. D. KINN0, iHARRISOtN SOLE President. V. Presidentt. o. W. CiARN, ash ~ilier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. CAPITAL, - - - $10o,e00 SURPLUS AlND PROFITS. - $40,000 GLEE CLUB NOTICE. RehearsatlsitntRootmt C, 7 p. on., on Wednesday, 1'littrsdlay and F~riday. On F'riday evenintg, iantdolin cltita sill also reittrt ttt rt'htarse titter tine leatd- ershipt ot LottiseIlibt. 144 PARKER. Studens-Earn good money during vacationt. Tratding Stamp proposition, worth $7.00 to $10.00 a day. Exclusive territory in each of 23 different stateo available. Call anti see me. F. J. Glen, 202 5. State street. af Mandolin strings, 20 cents per foll set.-Ano Arbor Music Co. Bath ouppiiesof cati kindo at all prices at Cuohing'o Drug store. tf. Found-A gold pin, ".. .S. 92-96" macked on front. "Folger, New Yiark' on bach. Owner may have oame by coiling at 1209 E. Giiversity ave. For the largest line tif stilt cases,, go to Allens. 144. LOST-A btull terrier pup, white with brindle sitots. cetics to 644 East Univertoity, ond receive retward. .raa+?,4~ ,°aa 10.1. 1 4440+ +.54n5.'+n Che ATHE3NS PRESS *. 2Zid Flaoor. tAhn. There 114 1 4+5 44.nen~~g Furnshe musc fr al ocasins.FOOT BALL burnshesmusc fo si occsios. -- - Used by all 16e Leading Ounce music a specialty. Address L. Collegen. D. Bates, manager, 808 S. Fourth sue- FoolBallPants-hoce fot, nue. 29-tf h litt n ~d ktees podded with fits torled Ih-ir and thighs with eane strips. Tour eyeo examined by an A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. knon t te pofenin aeemloe'd tIer opor10 d exper optician. All the tat. Bew YorE, Chicago, Denver. est approved appliances and 'methods Sptatdiitg's (Ottit - "Fo, tBallitGuide knon o he roesio ar eplye. + fore1501. editedtby WaltertCamp. New eye glassesnfitted, lenses dupli- Prce10cets cated, frames repaired. Hailer's Jow. ++4+0.... ...+S++4.S4. I eilry Store. IC. Coilubia Ulliversity l0kass of GRADUATE SCHOaOL.S ttr I ,t tcut-esot Potiti- -t es ,, ciettifcshosareltthttt d,I it it Over en years ago Ponds Extract-the oil , excnitat~orstoldfailydocto-caesntoenxistence. SCHOOL OF LAW lITtteeyt eattorst. (t,tn- ODtrittg all thete yeaors it has been dilates for tn,-st-tmttbe t ttcno a,t t tihe lettding reomedy in ochool,ecoliege Collge r' wi itifc. cho l o sho= e de .ttitd i te, cur the relief of ali the scyo o EItB ptrptt atoos, ashen and accidents of oo fin- Caddae ttthtlt s tttt,,tt .,-tt, copetdoe er tfqentoccirrene. Ahbottlenshouldhbe wor il a olloe - sce nt i thooltoratusniIn tte room of overy student-handy pas tc,ttd tttettntrnttetttt,tott. frr quickione-and applied hefore SCHOOtS OF ArPLIED SCIENCE AND ARCHII- 1>,ndie td rmteban e TECTURE lu-erocit, iti, .M ptt die tuycoa iehai.Io aiur- CI<- tttt,,tn tt. bt-i t t ,anl lien-serah, toothiache, rheums. K1e-,,,i-- ta~icil,,--it,',,,tad 5'_,t,,t t iseootcurescuts,hbruises,hburns; ops Gradate ofcole_°e orscintiic shoos c tttbleding frm utatnd wounds, and iisialy eterthee curss ttlt datnartt sottes nll pain.'- A wonderfully ef~l- stan~lineacious remedy-pore and strong. TEACHERS COLLEGE Prtteit-nalttttt tttaa-nSoothes aod treohens itl1l , E tducatt i t of . ty Itt fte n, t i ttteaitt-t i L am - the race after sao ing. de recs nd ipoma. tudnt wil r cl IP~ie~,,,s.If you have neveroused due credi t f t- wor tttdone-atiothe lt-it.,S -r - Pond'sExtroetyou nay For nfom tu~nappy t th s rettryoftotrofusewuiered Witch Colmbi a l itrit tteew oteIt-iNita.ti asel when itis offered Cttttiitbitt~arotytttvtrts.2 - youiiassuhstituie; if F you htave ooed Pond's Exhitraet yoo will refuse * 0++ + O +i - !j ay to tahe 0ny substitute- = BAiILEY C1,k EDMVN~iPDR, ji . i ililnist on FISH r p 1( r aR~nswr'PodExtract.oe FIHNETS for1 Decorating t , odol nsae ote 121 E. Liber.ty St. 2 ' CCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. NOGI1N6 AI[[ ~y oninus ItsExcllent --YOU WILL FIND-- [OUR TRAINS DAILY FROM TILEDO Carrying Parlor Cams on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains .O UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO L .LNMN .1 . eri L._T.___________T.A.,Detoi Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plumbing and Steam Work. Ail at Reasonable Races and First-Class Order at J. F. SCHUH'S, 207 E- Was~ioigtori- - -------------------- 5 w 4 BgIX[[R'S PHYSICAL TRAINING IN WRITING, *the book for alt the people-alt im Ie, n. 0 i vacattios;fot barn imprtovement. 60 *pp. illustratsd, price 4. Touted B e a. Tbheimanths' t',rreapotlecocoorse by author $7. For a 'brief time I will sndeoib o tand coarse fttr $1. Witt lecture o physicsal trainigin rapid writiog for $10at' unitweekftor $5t1. (Ot dacire to heathl ad positire core for b-ad writin. Intdiriduality retaoined. Busioess Penoman and one lesson. 10c. Address Prof. G. BIKLER, Madison St. & Ogden Ave., Chicago, Ill. - T 0 -0-0-0- -00. Always Ahead In Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything 'in Tailortu,