THE MICHIGAN DAILY %State Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCHOFF, Correct clothes for Men OI5OCTO5(lo W. 1.loolh ibo. V. Sucor IPLI-,5T. vm rnold pr. V. C. Vughn InS1It.okae . F: mills CIICCTLO 3& At OWN to the mn. PrfYO.U loholCapcI,,b lr or 1al Miller Ave utest details the correct. The (3.0 e-nilc eelsei10to11 aidmaes ro lie1011.11the fabric and il el),111,un C lie o me ea r o rrec 003A .& Co. make the gar Ha e;k Ysll5vosjso ment in New York. Rain or shine Suit 11i11n. u 11110n jus abloit -morning, noon or night-the ° " entinle-, molre quiekis than if yo ea round-it's the proper caper. mlii sen mss O~leY 1ll-yillig- It bears this label iiioniishi the other ol~s are. No 4olier garmeuts in the swhole sorld +p.ird~eiai ® - male on~ly for 111011of yourllage and .tAER' EWYR ' style-ideals. Extremle ill all waystNWYR -q I but price on the hanger or inside coat. ______________________ :~pocket. If it's not a BENJAMIN, it's ot a " ..dRinl(01at10 0l,S1371-10 c * t'Tntonp s . Equal to fino custom-made in alt but (Wecta, $10.00 /11 I$',Z1. 0 price. The makers' guarantee, and _____________________________ ours, with every garment. We are -i t Exclusive Ditributors in this city. Pennycook S CUTTING, REYER & CO.~ (Cotinued from page one.) LOST--Fbhi1K011p1 Psi pin, et with 10=1EatWsito . ____________ 011 01 ter at Par l lenl igh i am~ll~odsand 1)0111ls. ThIk e,10 V __________________________ c oadNothi aadeiny, were le C.David, enlgravedllon the1111 1100 P RI VAEDa til tbe botcldebates 0011 Finder pleae all nil te 11wner1at COFFEE LESSNS I A I of Do 0111 He e 011edcollege in19001)1, teeP1101Kappa Ft ousi15 isSS 50sereary ol thle Nothern _MOCHA___AND__JAVAT ATGRNGR YlPPINMETLeeal ogue- as well as presi1 SITE TO RN lre:l,nilsigle 11, o 11th e ilill elauss and loraorical blS ob w oibn. 01 (las 1110111 0 I ,111,, ,,e 1 , a, lio111 t01 Noeltboesteri.ohens 1a11 (11 tlephne 101,One Rnutm . le111.ollov a. w1 li e wsaobaein in 188. cuetainso 01111carpel-t.. no eelsln- .nf-n 2 op~p u s -- -___---- Ho 1 o I dNorhellsteern i110 111hbov- able. Endire o'Mrs. Olareow, 210 Mail S. DEAN MI. CO. S~ w i s w "' I r pared at lis hoone ighlo olo. 521 E. Jefeson Sit. 141 I YOU CAN GET Aa1111iiotdlieadeliila ic l.Chafing dises a- Hailer's JewelryieW Bllwik1vb fI h 11thi 1dlnemhlel of the team or i- Store. f. H®4 un10 0 0Ilel. 11 (5 0111Ielaso ti anilon, ea( -1 el-I RIDSBILARDPROS $At Turttle's, ..3S.Sam Ill ien- an101 repaiirl ea rasomindo ui - assat alpiea Altnos. lwl of11 1 the111wiin1101110 loon einteiier- Fine Ctgars and Tobaccos - 11 Iic i 11111t. lie eitereid Nirt-l- Alletn's ior noliby S1p01000Sirt. JAS 5. REID, Prop. 312 Stae S., S. 11a.... oo I m mio I Chafing dishes at Hailers Jewelry Iweotr-soellelret010 il~ " "'-°°" "-'-'°" , ~~~11-e10 -10110 hlloa raternoity.Ihaeutrc vdtelrgsan fie, 4 _____________ Store. f. t, lise of (I UNIVRITY DAN- NOTICE. Turkish CgretsandPie GCINGI ACADMIY p (1 I ites for ie ii 11beween NOTICE SEN IORS vCibogart tes Pipesy } 11111 alo-- .51 v oel boesi-n and Micheligan at (hi- Will all senior Midis idll igi- Fine Leches in Connection. - SORlIo-~t.. ~erelloiro Net ad Clea. f io 1-lnar obe-e1e L ohnm oembeis otneetrow s to rent0illg11015s iifo-r +.++ =te-...10thetea 0orMessirs. Snlnensce-i andi - omn nit- ei-n-owseek or 110y. oreMay 308 . Sate St. R. E. JOLLY bo11- 114100::!80 today, loy any 1w1111 , 1ki01l10call at biss lls an0111 le R0will I-, inCicgok a t ha t 101tim. neor- etiocrlgV~kill O OHIO CENTRAL LINES meaoo sielalorOltCat,1 nsefob e prig acatioti Sar TOLEDO TO COLUMIBUS odr CaShrounfoatc-igs Pharmacy. - f eordetached, at Allenos Ticket for four shampos-$1O.00 THEo MARKal ran. JOBrPRINTING-MEYERSo215 Soft water, Mirs Vaughan, near Quar- OF THE BEST HIKIKBLae\I OIM(ain St. S. Phone 21,t~nodriigt e S LI I [R. '1 PIKIK1I,Ash OM nvrst tdnsdsiigt e- Fresh Lowney, Allegrettis, Spar- cure poitions to teach will lid it to CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. BOWLING ALLEY. rom's and Huyler's Chocolates atCush- their ineret to write to Jameo F.MAESo og's Pharmacy, McCullough, 639 Fire Artr Bldg., Chi- CLUETT AN ARROW COLLARS cago.i. 1 ,1i Aii alligtlIohmskin. prse c11- 707 N. U 1tO~IiiSii5A'S INrtlO - l11011 05$01 i money an0111a0d1-1 Fountain pens at Cuhing's. tf. 1.1--511si- 11 pt oii First Na ioiia ______________ y B~~n1 al~s iooic1011 sii iame f Miss f 06 Wtbcr la eunt aea ah eBASE BALL CANDIDATES, W ,lbc r, ly (llo1 snea lWs-We swil loosve atprac-iceeganme- silk THOMAS ROWE, Proprieor Z nitarr Pl~um-ber, 1105 100001 e--rsa th UIe 11gb e eryon Vitiiaoay oitttt cti0R OWE' L ~tcam &N Ga fitter. Ven 'sAademy Saltulay after- 11u11 to hefooi ouniii1suoonas 1110s Jnosdrng vaecatuio andtidancet-friinisible after ib0Io'loek.326 N. 5h Ave. ell Phone 457.1 EXCLUSIVE NOVELTIES IN SPRING SUITINGS 121-123 South f"ainStreet WANER dE' CO. No ® SBETTER THAN ______ _____EVER BEFORE A In the ORIGINAL and EXCLUSIVE designs, will now be found at 119 SMamn Street, next to Wagner &Co. BETTER SOLE LEATHER AND For Sale by WM. P. PURFIELD,. .2BETTER STOCK THROUGHOUT. Formerly Manager of Puritan Shoe Co. For the benefit of moy friends anth custoumers, I wish to state that George E. Keith never dtd and never wtll control the make or sale of Puritan Shoes, as developenlients will prove. I, alone, control the aale of Puritan Shoea in this city and Waahtenaw county. 1 Anyone desiriog to prose the truth of this assertion umay do so by referrinig to page 376, lifer 7, of miscellanieous records in office of register of deeds,- Respectfully yours, W ILLIAM PURFIELD. WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STORE