THE MICHIGAN DAILY - G. H. Wild Comipally L eading Merchat TailorsI ISPRINGi WOOENSj fFor Suits, Top Coats and Trusrs Full dress suits a speialy. etus show you our Loudon Serges, Lodon Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Kiloweus, Blarueys, High- lauds, Ediuburghs, Drum- t ochty's, MGugors, Lodou Iaud St. Audrew Flaunels,± Loudou Cassiteres or Amer- icau Serges. Please call ad seeZf 0. . Wild Coimpally ? 108 E. WASHINGTON SREET.'* T he Great Game s r ITI0 [xciting Fun for IEveryone 45c. jPocket War "ras for the Far East, I Sc. * ISHEEHAN & 0., _ Uiversity Booksellers, Sta- tiouers aud Eugravers. 320 South State Street.j The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Capital Stock.$50,55. Surplus, $175,000. Resources, $2000.00 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TANSACTED. Orescrs: Charles . lisock, Pres.; . I. Harrimn. Vice Prs.;0M. J.1.Frio. Cashier. fo esChoice Cut Flowers and Plauts il season COUSINS & HALL? Cr. S. Uiv. Ave. sod 12ths Stree Telephoue 15 1. THE ICHIAN D ILY (Continued from"puge one.) - -- -Stafford '05, carried their potatocs Entered as second-class matter us the Ann without dropping them and so won Arbo Los Offce. one point apiece. iullished doily lM,:,dayexcepted) during the The most exciting event of the meet college yeasr, at 1157 E. Washington street, was the relay. Onlythoe juniors anid (batsem~ent floar, sidc entraonc)phene 892?.-r freshmen tooh part in this. Miss Staf- fordl. Miss Snover aiid Miss Dale run- MANAGING EDITOR : cing for the jtiniors; MtisCrate, Mis S. KEMORYT 'IIOMASON Shartell and AMiss Yorkser, tot thc BUSINESS MANAGER: treshmen. The treshmein won the RIOSCOKEIt. IUSTON race, hot only b~y a small margin, EDITORS: t hankss in the good wont of Miss Dale. Attitletieo. - - - ROBnnRT K. WALTON 'rhe final score o:f the mcct was, Ne,- - - - - J. S. BALEYT freohmen 64 points; ju:niors 62 points; ASSOCIATES: senio:rs 46 points; and solphomores 45 Cliftord Stevenso, RoSty Pebles, pinits. In every respt b oth meet A. M. Drover, Henory P. Erwin sod exhiitiion were a very great su:c- A. C. Pound. A. H. Orsmeyer. tess. A large aud:ience was lpresent Jo:seplh V. Kerr, Stoddard S. More. andi many words ot praise tot the Idn ld Trnwri o sT_ .,P Jane.... work were heard. Gieo.A. Osbo:rn. Harold C. Smith. ha:rry 11. And:rews. Alfred 0. Koch. 'Thomtas It. Roaterts. Clyde L. Dew. BUSINESS STAFF: C. A. 'Thoms~o, Wm~e. tLloyd M. S. k:,hlitz. HSt. CLutourette. tooj. t. Dltlhy. Thus Lechoic. Editor Today-ARTHUR C. POUND' ,Satoripti:::--Tio:Dollars pot ocar, payable is advancce. If delinquen:t oftlot Noc. 1, 1901, $201 Office Hours:-12:30 to 1:3S and 6:30 to 7:0 p.,us. Dully. Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTONO, Business Man- ager, 331 Packard Street. Telephone, 461. 'filestab~lioshmenttsot a "Senior lench" b~y till' iembersofo the Sen- ior L~iterary class, otarkts the revival ofa va:lu~ale tradit ion. The oeno:rs "hantg-out"t''uinlg 1110 11ex1 0101 weekso and:1t111(0asIs it 011 1o 1110pret'si Jun:iolrs. Scvrtal mtteoibers o:f the class, when 11spoke'n to, de'clared itat heir putrp~oe in etablishiing th~e bet1ween'llth:: up)per1clases, or 1::ox- c'ltude:01111of othe1r claosesfom0:111the beonch,1bu1 tt:'er'lyIto estahliosh a con- venen 111111nll'111place lfor Senors. In ve oftis iofact, it is certainly to be0 11op1ed1thot loot year's miotake swill not b:e rpea'ted1, and:tha1:t this bench will become thte tradlitonal rend:ezvouso of the Sen:io:r clas, Dere 10 a chtance to revivbe a 5good:I Micitigan tradtion: adit sh~otuld not:lbe lost. FENCERS' CLUE ELECTION. The Fenc1010' Cltuh last ntight elected officers tfor til ea01o00110 19014-5.'T'he moent cho~senlwere thooe who have evinced1 exceptionial efihciency in the artlof fencin and 1:r 1 a s fllw,:oes P'rc-ideltt. ai-VGalI'0U.Sc tird:membetoc I:be set:ected. phi snc. odal IsnvitdRo::o14ass'te themsld il, th1 4 o11. Ap0. ton Aprl)\illSd-Lecturelyreorg.nKeighard saona"dthe Lamekinasandpother aottctoto inEvolu til on ituse-n umrl 4.Lecture boom. Rigar April 15-7 p.m., Dird Club Meethag. AN INFI[[D[R'S Made of selected, velvet tann~ed butckskill, huilt 011 Ii m e s tlhat wvill appeal stro, ly to Sloe players of experience is our No. sxs. It has 110 heel pad, is mnade extra long in the wrist, is lined and slightly padded slid strongly and dtirahly umade throughout. It sells [or $2.30. P0K PALE AT Walir's Book Stores. GLEE CLUB TRIP. Thio year the Ciee ('lubt will spend the opting vacation in toulring a part of the states of Mich~igan a::d Ohio,. 'The trill is mainly tfor pleasu~re as the J-Hop: concert madle goosd the loseo oft the holidoy touri. Saturday evening the cltubs 'ill give a concert at Detrolit. Monday night a concert will be giveni in ~l 01111 and Tuesday evenin:g the cltubs will entertain an atidielnee in Dowsling Grteen, Chilo. Ao tis io the honte of "Bobt" Parker, the leader o:f the Clee clubl, an enjo:yable ente'rtainment boo b:een prloised the men. The clubts wsill be assistedI by Louis labtel '005 Law, pianist. wollis knowno~ as the comitoser 11f "The Victo~rs." Tickets torthito Detrolit concert 1110 te obtainedi at Wright. Kay & C'1. It_ is hoped that many appllicatilIostrom stud:ents willtbe 100111'at1101c11:in 11rde t1) secuire the best seats for She Mich- 1551n men: and w:oen. ALPHA NU VS. ADELPHI. tht' Law' Builing'occulrs the oem~i- finals betwren the Alp~ha Nt: andl Adcl- phi1 literary societil's leadting uptol01 the anntual 'Cu1pIdebate'. Laswrence C. Hutll, Jr., Vs. St. Sc'hroe-0 toe- and Ausotin L. Lathers. 'i'hi Al- ph1a Nu: team consoists of St. H. Fole~tlr, J. F. Lewis antt C. 1E.Still. The qutes- 11111 for deb~ate is: "R4esolved, that la- tter tUniono SholdlInllcorpotrate," andt te contest tromises 11to e exciting. As both teams are colnsidleredt as h~aving mote than average ability. All lie mnt have had extporienice in do' selveos1full cretdit. 04 L ITS. '04 Lits are entitled to free sittings at Kandallos for claoo picttires wvhich will be printed by May L. Those who have not attentded to this will do a:: at onice. Randiallos work only goes in class pictures. WEEKS. LOST-Between Koom C in Univer- sity hail, and the corner of Monote and Twelfth treets, a gold shield, shaped pin with red enamel cen- ter and boating inscription "Pomo- na. '99." Finder please leave at secretary's office. 141-143. WANTED-A student that can do1 watch repairing and would like to work part of the time. Inquire at 340 S. State otreet. 143. Chafiing dinhes at Haller's Jewelry Store. tf. Just reteived an import order of two hunderd bundles of finest violin strings which will be nold at prices lower than the lowest. Come in and see them-Ann Arbor Music Co. Not a three-dollar lost, hut lthe.ttltee-dollar lhat. I lThe "VARSITY"t The distinction IS InI thle difference. GOODSP[ED'S1 HatersII S.r"ain j You oweC it to yourl face to ttse WVilamns) Shaving Stick. 2 ®N i: ®NN NV N N ' rN aN o AO OeNN NNN i 2 ITH[ STUDEZNTS' UECTUR[ ASSOCIATION 5 '2 I TIS SPACE II[[ONGiS TO THE[ S. L A. ATHURN TEAL DEAN M. .5IAIOLT, Manager FRIDAY, APR. 151- J" Coleman presents Mr. flarry Beresford in J. M. BARRIO~S MASTERPIECE The Professor's Love Story Asuthor of Maude Adam's "The Little Minister.:" Prices, 25c to $1. Carriages may be ordered for 10:45 Season Tickets, $1.00 oti Single Admission, 25c NNe Z+NN NNNNN N N NO N NiON N NNN HENRY & KYER, MERCHANT, TAILORS .UIVRSTYV