TheMichiga Dil VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1903. No. 13 01110 STAT[ NORM1AL ... .. . 4................CPRES. ANEL ON RLSfl[S. aj The Michigan Daily sent "@ ~~ Plays a Mid-Week Game With the $'-D allh y t oradesfrte i l elrsFia ih' rul n balance of I st semesterDelrsFia NghsTouean 'Varsity Tomorrow-An Unknown Says That Young Men Arrested Team-Interest in the Minne- M'ail in your address to The Mrichgan Daily, or phone 461 WilNDobBeispind -sota Game Increases. Wil No oubtBe Dscipined ______Por of the students arrested in the The race for the Western football SEMrI [INA[ D[BA[S. BR[NNAN IS [L[CT[D. trouble between the officers anti fresh- ______ __inweludewyI men after Friday night's Fresh-Soph and wills each Satsrday's game be- Michigan Preparing to Meet Minne- Result of Contest for 'Varsity Baseball aush pleaded guilty to disturbing the comes more interesting. The struggle sota Jan. 15. Manager-David to be Track meae, ntdofe$15rfiesdcoilt. ay tor first honirs wulid seem to lbe be- ____o_$5_insndcots Manager. Say Baer, the freshman engineer tween three teams-Michigan, Minne- The preliminary debates, leading to ___ who was charged with striking the wfanChcgwtWicnian.Illinois well til, and with theote the final debate wihl will determine Franlt M. tBrennan, of Detroit, was 1blow which disabled Offier Isbell, ad~ members of the big nine and the Notnse the choice of orators o represent electedl Saturday 'Varsity baseball who was charged with assault with tonference clleges trailing. Nln Michigan in the sixhs anual series manager oc the season of 194. intent to do great bodily harm, less Michigan, whlo at first was countedl ut the Central Deating League, will 'Frank IL. Rain, his opponent for the than the crime of murer, was re- cmlth0111wl n shpoe rshning bywalle-sontkIlae Th society prelim- ofie,. was defeateld by a substantial leased on $00 bail, which he secured ams-ottier runningha l now iaies will be theldI Fridtay, Oct. 23, mnajrity, alhough the contest was in his hone twn, Arian. c-pthepstionlinreeesof, h the intersiciety deates will occur clse, and the resslt before the elec- Baer askled for an- examination, crmdteIoiticthtsol lwain te eyecliotde Nov 9, ndlltle two lscieies, law and Lion was mch in dob. and the date was set for tOctober 14. aYost teain. and is now recogizedl literary, wll settle the quetion Nv. Nearly six huiidred members of the The physician whl is attendiig Officer astems ipratfatri h 20 Athletic Associaton were present at Isbell reorts an inprovemet in the sitution. Thleii" fotr Michigan The tmestion for disictsion will be the election, which was hell in tUni- oficer's condition, but an examination Chiag, Ninest ndWisonin the folloliug: versity Hall The meeting was called revealeod a slight inentation in his treilctitoiwilsotahadeirgmsornResoledTi,'hat the adjuidication oftt oroer by President Sweet, and the skull. are alnetaliw o w is nd theigs fOr- disputes between eoltyers and em- miiiutes of the last session were read A umior was current on the campus oiler 31thtlat the race will in all prob- plyren shotuld te mate a part of tle by Secretary Roberts. this intrnig to the effect that an f- uility be marrowedt iown 1o two aminisraitn of justice. Granted T. P. Davio niiminated Mr. Rain, fort woli be maie to comprmise to-ous. t'hicagii stands the best show that special courts with attpropriate al J. H. Maidock placed the name Baer's cae with the officers oii a of wiin~g hier game( withI Wiscoinsini, rules ot proceiure may te establishedt li Mr. Bremnan before the association. promise on the part of the faculty to aud the most idoibtfitil gaiie sholdnif i desirable; grantd tat laor unins -111th canidiaies were loidly ceeroed. suppress the rush in ftitre years. te Mtinniesuota-Miclgian contest o may ho- requiredl to uncorpotrate if 'Te inber utfsties cast was as fol- Accrig toi Presiient James B. NorbuiFi'ne ntlnlaho~.Mci ccssary. lows: FortBrennian, 304; fo Rain, Aigell, whioi was interviewei on the gotatoan Miiiiesota are boilsieoy ''ewii'r fthe inlipeiedsily,~t~sbjc yesteriay afterinon, nil steps onduoithl reasiinably heavy, amnd it the repiresentl thin University of Michigan trennan's majority was 44. have been taken iii that directioi. gamet' c-re playedi this week itwiioul agaimnst the tUniversity of Minnesota For 'Varsity track manager Vernon "As a iiatter oil act," sad President te hatuo ickli-tohut'wiiier. Dr. Wil- titil'-15Sti9t4. t. tDaviod wao electedl ty acclamation. Agell, "the senateofttthe tUiversity lims siartli-i the seasoumi sith a large 'There are nany experionced debt- Mr. Brennain, the new baseball man,- his areaudy discutrageud te'ith, aid nnomiuer i ofvtorans toi draw uiponi, antd rs hero-tis yoar, and it is exiectedoltaer. has bemi a member of the ath- its efforts in that irection will be in- tho- scores of his team shuiw tiat he liat Michuiganmu silttescll repro- letic commuittee the pas; year anui has creased, if possible, becauseof t Fri- toos dotno' groutthlimgs. Onuithetther senteod.-Proessor'Truemootin, f the ail consiuderable experience in affairs ay's frcs. 'The' affair has act lo-nul Vust oot lo ulveluhinealy arotrmemntitfuratry, hotpos hat the outbaseball.Ile is mot oilypotpular year terminimated diastrouusy hum se- uhoei' neswtoum, amndlprogress the studetnts5 ill tmh umIit t suppuorth among his fellouw stuidemts ut is a ralstuemts auth the accouts ot the first tswo weeks was ecessarly tde debti ng team.,luecause he says e his cpabule mnmager if thlbetics. Bie will annual rusho girt' ousiders a false layed bytughu time' cotmsumtoinutsiftimng gre-ot conmfieonce isthis year's ma- miiiouthubhe a valtatle man at the imnpressionu of our tUniversity. I know I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~a toauwmut-iu.imi ii eut~b natdutknowsethotourucames fr htndothituivrsiy baseball interests. ofno steps being tkenty the facolty lou new tgnesal u throsultso'f-suctossosuildbeItomastrially aitdedl ty Mr.BDavid, hut'nmuw trck mnmager, to get Mr. Bker out of the hamds of stmuatiul tot eu-iem with his hlandoicapbon'iuse supi oumhrt. is fully couiletoni hto look after the tie police, th ta i uly ptote tadrdI - -- ___- dbttes of uttoifie.'The fatcthaI he "Sum uo'hntgo te sente maude a ot Mimnnesota ntl thicaot atite lues HUNT WINS CHAMPIONSHIP IN ws unimously clrced shows tha roling outhe effec that if studuents rittha. Argutimn, temuontinhe basis phe In well TNhS.fitel fr te ohtsitionm were arrested anti the'cargis againstlYstscneddaityoimrv/ / - _thmutieteyhudbeic- o teaml atuer thanum umytuotor coac-h T'uheas in tt' tennis touramentht / COLLEGE SPRI. led Ther' set-is to he nsreason isnliii'coutbry, tesily Stung not x- ysterdaoy resulbte min hututwningSIRT why umi exceptionmisoutd be made in reptool.,ichignmenmiart- itowngrio- [i hue a-omponushiphoutithe Uiviersiy u tmday's game swit h BeoittroughtItu' cast- ot thetuour suduemts reeasedh toggimtro-Ieoultha hoful fr arttherover he by blur scoreof -1, u -0-ut-. outt the dotlrale actbat Mchigan on paymnmtsot Sunes. 'The udenof champutinshipteluaml. Ihis is i mst's first year muit lge, rootinumg haocertaimnly uetuum'tu'u 'Thue the medclu, law smnt engineering de- 'Tomorrowcte 'Vrsity 1l1ys Ohioomnd for to irstytaruaoomiho- crtatimuly thoaset-msisto hrelrecaletthat ther mpartmnts, toswhicho the arrested tt- Normaol Scootl, a team ot amostum- shoves ce xr-lont form. Hit's mly s nut iet of systemaic rooting in udemts beongeo, will decido' whther or tnoswn stremgh.T'ftat hosweer, sAllowo individulity nit hinnspecialty gmes with ble smaler collegeshit nob they are to return to colege. thbut theoy rucmutly hebtterlindolowi is fiii lobimng thou-ball high ovr his lhiss is certaimnly a mistake. It in high Tho' cae of Mr. Baker whit is, tot u ie ganme wouldinicaetlhihat they iluloeim 's head. umeno fr every stuent-to turmi out ndl chrgeud with the sriotn offene of as- musbt hae- aistronmgideense, or Ober- 'T-e gamemo'yesterly wsuswelli emthuiasitably rotuwhether te game santlt am tutcr, cnnot be udealt in teamsto ore talws irsn lmb ssn. Fe'w plasye'di throughoout- and1e'o-lugumeto'too'a minortnt- tim with one out Mis- withs ty ltefacolt y or simioteuntil his swhoownitneiosoneillueMuchigan-Oberl-in hatrdfub ugh. Hunt's nskill countn- an's rivals for champuioshlip honor. cae i court inudiponuede o.The gaof otNovembter 22 latyorswheuo gluuty oallimng fothboemshinbio o a- Cataiin VWeks said hut year, in sectcle of a Univerity touent in blue 'Varsity ini the inkmbof tcomdiionmi.pausefo'tmntho' snuall audimncon t spte ioaing othble imufluence a hearty jail wih a chargelangumg over him, coutudmaebon tmlt 3 poituius in twit35oeanor. hioer hn on tie 1eam while tmugg- whirls na mean ahprsonomisentence, mtinutoe haolves uagaint tt' desperate Hut:bomeronen froum Caionia, nhero mg on ble griodiron, tatoftentimesnshouldhe a srog argumemntor the defense oil blurOhito mn,sill believeolho madeo-a ineu'rourud i u-mnis. oce hueblemen were almost dicour- abandonmnmtof theoeannual rushes, au toam wlich han pluaydthlemnt a agedb atblocmo iseosud uubtshnew ie whith art- oisrce- busMichigami. In- stdteisill nshouldhobehrheld likoely. mtthe ut'metutudIsy woutldl te abule ariabtlytbog rosult udsaarousuly to 'T'hero'foeitt' gameuto umsorrotwsnhsouldoh CHORAL UN IONbutoe thirop puo'nts withi new5 cn- lt-ebrticipamnadtheho-exanmpleitt oe a guooxhmbitionu.andh one in wschiTit 'heUniiveriy MusicalSobiety has rgy ndthie comivictionisof victory thingy yearnotannual ruhen causes becuscoftheshotnss f te alvsbegn is ears wrkundr vr 'au-Whttwse'wanmt in tht every man moo Ii giocetio u a conuluete ode- ble score is nmmiiikeoly o go very high.,pliciotin circiumstunmce. Mor tian shold0t11 ot a nud gain iieocringyell. nmmcatmoumi ofithemmiath a plea or Thu rmactiss ts scotIt sillhe lotn Jul11mr' applicatiSscoere rceiveoiotig atthe 'Vrity games will more worhyueneuaor inIthe part aetdhird. s Yosnt isnonuw emding thnusal, amndblot-e lart with (lIt- mubtumoe sysemticlly conuimuctdofoutllego' studenmst ohektheir war- every effot toutgt tim emcuits in I to' exceptionoithlit'firt andibseondumthaneerefor._Wthinadyorliktennces, nhapteo'tostndmtithe bardh conteist etusrncnt'full to ovefwig.Atwot yell maters willhe appointel sctibit oiuur. hc o uu ltou- ag nmeur f1ac bns'strad nilthur easinaneoutProtessor 106 POLITICS, wththe anoblernus, imhuirahs no unleomtavge ronimuber othato isemesr dumhdooowill sbut pcminbrm for next he latest tickt tot make is p-uel ofte blesonm. lpronpectorftne ot thur fimnsnutinirifSatu-cday's game. For te benefib tSfipcaunteo tbhi' campsloisithe Stimul. 7'h prctce as niht ncude n soietesMicign hs eerh blute freshmen lrofessr 'Trueblood is lnginering ticketthe names of ble crimumage scor.. Quick, antIever _The prohable cause for the large tel iiveylntoroihe asmwritlem l - be iatt'es ollo.Sw Nr: sn r; ie quicor inblur watchwourd, aetd befor mrhernhiiiuthis year is the two hour 'tciveyeliholdyell.itesnetobeasto president, CF.mueS. orcrsy, r.; vice- te emndlou thbleseason te t1903team ceduitsswhici Univeritystuents will Wsosnsodyl.I snels opeiet lueB ono;sce sclibemmi ist luwe' lun tsfu rcevefo te ea'snobo 'h s ay Mician succeeded. tay A. Young; tresurr Will Rfeed; willherno wit lowr thn is f- reeiv fo theyea's ork.Thi is The locomotive is perhaps the mot rak nranaer, It. Stewart; otbal irnous reecessor of 192.the first tiume that credit bun ben FakSow aeal-nn nemem.. osietific el in the West, the ~reat-mage FrioSnw bsbll a- gie o hrluin wr.T entsoimm fnuu emghruliehae.W ~ml monshers of the vespers choir, whichesvoueosonbigprdcdarWDrl. U. OF M. GIRLS MUST STUDY. ' -- by uhe leant effoirt. sang mnUnbliversity Hall in previous Whnaylmstriapotelt WILL GIVE READING. No nmore will the treshman ct-ed at rearsareeiveumastetrvot houtin'tcrelet thurttnvernty f thcun nohom yfo rreivoedathpacebi t ha rs rdt cveryone recognize him as such antI Prof. Thomas C. Trueblootd will give her t'hristmaus vucation auth regale bier choir was discontinumed hunt year ow- make his lanle an agreeable one byatia reauoning Fridayevenimgactlltei - -.heatil reoioningwhenvercaled room Gt of the Law Building. Miss stuy-at-huome friends- with u picturies- leg to lacko of members. Liucile Blailey will assist him. l'ho quh ealdacon fhpta The arrangement for the =.May Fes- reading will be free to all membuers ot andu theter parties, which wotmld ead tival are not far enoughu advunced to the Oratorical Association. Adlmis- them to believe that life at the U. of allow any public statement. One of NOTICE. lion to others, twenty-five cents. C. was a continutoums rusuand of pleas- the choral numbers is to be the opera The Sophomore Lit. elections will lire, with a few classes to serve the "Carmen" btut further uefinite infor- be held in room C., University Hall, OUT OF THE GAME. same purpose as pickles at a meal. mution is acking. today at 4:15 p. min.hDiky he'astyfobl Hereafter, according to an ulti- player, was taken to the. University rnatum of President Harper, deliveredu +++++,..-$0,Hospit+*e 4 . aal Sunday afternoon in the am- at chapel last Motodtay morning, the bulance from his room at 520 E. Jet- gil0il tdHesi1bot21 per " t 5f~T he Michigian Daily sent " P~db erson street. He is threatened with cetonh feha irsfiea aty F4J u~ o aur address for the. d' t.J30C typ hoid fever and is unable to receive autunin and that severe measures will netmohfr30cs visitors. This will probably keep him hIle takoen this year to cumtail the num- k'taiI in tjotir address to The "illcblan Daily, or Phone 461 out of football Stir the rest of the sea- her of their social engagements. s~:t stt ~I h f~- -4 t~i-I on. --