_The MchgDal VOL. XIV. A NN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL, 14, 1904. No. 143 PRACTICE YEST[RDAY. DANTE L[CITUR[. I 4IRLS Co"rPTE[D. [ INA[ D[BAT. Baseball Men Gamboled ins the Chil- Theodore Wesley Koch Delighted His Athletic Meet Endeo Successful Sea- Championship Contest Between Mich- ling Wind-The Prohahle Make- I Audience-One of the Best Lec- on at Barbour Gymnaseum- igan and Northwestern at Chi up of the Team for Sprint turs of the Year-"Dante: Freshmen Won by Two ags on Friday Night. Trips.-. Pitchers Thfie Man and His Points. Team Has Been Needed. Work.'___ Training Hard. The closeof a verr sucesfut Frozen to the marrow by ill(Cold1 One of the ost charming ectures yetr n arbour (ymaism waft- Tomorrow evening the final contest chilling wimd that swept acressf ,ryi ttve,, at the tiviersity this seson'itlogic ceetratedt Wednesday oter- to, camiinshitof the Central tLe Field diaond yeil sterdayatetriiion, I0wa- dtlive0red IbyAMr. Theodore We- iiiosicby tne o1 the[tost exhribiti otif toing Lage (ill ocur ic C]hicago Catpt.iReiei's mn-n tathrbogh ciyKichlinisSarah (Cawell Angeltl work ever "lvss in liegymnuasinnm.lbctenMchr nansothetr what woldin ailny reas-oiiable kid Ialolllast unight on "Dtante: The firSnyder 00(1 Attic Stseatare to debater. i'he ettin is: "Re- nt weattier he a gowl batsebatlIprac Maii antithis Work." gtginiitg withIihticon-igratlated uot~eieexeletcit teI, hat lattr utonssthod inaer ice. Fr thicfir ttie Ibis year ihew i eviivat of lte-altre in Italy doci- -Iowily of he girls. potae.' 'Ie ctnes will take place specaors coulditget-0S1n1(111kin as ii i' e thirenh licetory, Ie tsced iThe rotruamcnias it was gien at the 1in 1tle lMitic flail of the Sudeaker toi the probabi a kiteiuptioifi theli V rityt I, othIi.pa lion and ixilie of the, closing exhbiion wa00 s sfollows:- liiiliig,at S Iin. Admissin will team tot, lie spriig Iript i 51 il otiiandlgave .a scho~larly/ r- PAlTO I, be hy Initatons which will he girten ienitiliat t'apt. RIeddini-lit la1y(0see- viw)titis lmany Iisterltt(co. Dal- 1.Enrane-cMarch. AllilGymnas- 1(oall Michigan len 0n1(1hlier friends ((nilbooe r- iniiginext iCc 1sgps.( splticaltltcivity, whichre rted ut irols- el))oipply foi-them. Prfesorii-Tr'use- tie seeiis (litiaveci-ncsidet(rable iagility Iini cmilroiliing himsielf in fthe '_ 1(1cc-i- 2 Svwciish t 'ninst ics--'rshmn-iiloodtexelcccto lar' 0 liupply (f i- in the infieldpositiiionindiito sItill'- feti andoilhis subsequent exile, () xension rill-- li(('m: itations (today, bkt, augMichigan man the earliness of thesesionildthli weltc .0 iii eciaoly ocwl old. "The Di-Class CII It (S-li10in C'hicaotiwill findi n(o (iffi- seciod 110gwell. "Klu'" t'iibiif ilwill svir- t'medty"iwas the great fruit (f 1)1 1ancy Slept Ipulrer flss stlty in gteling in whether he has an he a shoitsitsot)againacd callbeus- i e liet(irs exile. Grs niaino o.Tedbt rm ]li tiio takre(arc- of his portioni (r Mr. Koch is one of the attaches of PARTi,ii.sit to hr le hoteitc-alntiest of the the inlield. tom l-ild lia or,itheLibrar-y of t'ongrr-ss, He it a . Miitay laciigFieshmen year. salreiiseciinidforth(10- li oi I Ill lelplilir by birh, lia giadiiae (IF vs. Sphlioore, Juiniors andiiiS-oils. Both eamllscyaveydeiamdisthico Iicn aiiillooks like a ceriint out rlitheI( theic(atral high schooi(l in 1885anid of 2. a yards Dash. is desr yuaiosvts spming tiil)behiiiiitclii-t.u t hei I Iiverity (f Pennsylvania ini . fat Riugs-Travelinug. Nrthwetrn idefea el t'icago. 0a(d Carruthers, teonohr r 1)111t0 1i!). He also) received-ilthe) degrecc (f Rings- -Sltinary. IMichigan, Mfinneota. 'The- Michigan year's M mreiloftitheiisqu1d,) will1againIiA B. trm rvll ssardin i18:1,1;A. It., flit IH(rsc. teIaim kas illen wring haid for somie cai- (I tie gst h ioiiili - il -r slitli i) sndo at(li 4.time, crreoin~ig wih employers lseire o teright 1.d10)wiichniiing9lugh .i wiichIheOilud( ('latothe 4.lit) RulningiHighId the lie fielddso competetly11(1 year (1 irii Iof Pais nt d lCollegceide 5. Potto RaHc-) ant wou ldI s i airIlslpars oflithe( Foi tie otherliplars teroae h'fanein 19tt00-1, luiiiinotaedl t110 6. Shopuit.woltpraethmlvsflyn nuimbeirlot goodl canidaHtes.( I ou let (11)' ipreseinted toICofr- 7. ilat - (clry (1etai l of1k)- qetioni. De~ie, comlii lb~uin On IviiDO] i Ilii -ciy Libirary lby'Pirofes'somr Thic flloig inumbeiorscore-Mili- I NorthuswesteIrn al was plas a sirong aema-sol)totamsirmises15('ou land1 (11(11( idt ,!-iilurd F1ish.'; ancoinori~ary miii- t ar y Sarr-hinig ash, Ifings iJump, hseatniltheiaselic alin botasollegtion forth hieri S hgofl atl(((l st ltheilo 21111 c coci-tis(f Ltndnii.P11(01o Hair.Shot 'ut andIil~tt-ay, invePiuthIdlic lmiascain 11111.tiYesteerdayigotastlti(1 t, thgos i ho waktI esingladli , 1)11(1Camiblridigeifasso.. TheI lucfirst pt Iof tho hI~ra-l tuO k 1(e(11 - which mall)-thec deate theiril. ~eih 'illl)i-,I Il t tc aut.ho(r (f numilirous1 wolrks aptalin-liiie fom(fIi enerallexhibiioth , lel hhe11r)- very Ineresing. Pnt es- fironi iait1 ulthl, llldltllIhe( ((sit i 111fu ((1otlolehorlutini Anulricaui andisecindiprt 5w10 i'~lly aI izmilititr(.hsoli''penll-helbloldyesterdsiudaytsxpressed-Il hI' yesterdlay. IlHe 5 ' ~(I,,; loo it iI 11and1iiopc(lilibrarnlI'is. imee'i IThe'etrall)Ie)'miiuciiwia550WInbhoint'hia il letomourowiguht o Wud aals lo w i-it well b hind)the bt.IIt is l ochi in ill n.Im g h Ie giea I(,red(1by sal Ihe gymniiaiumnl grs polssibl eyh e uedhi)'g Ir'i1-tmasi of t(le t'irnell IDaInIe'lii slatml' AMis idoxaIJlil ((11(1(1ito ilehim-c. att- 1 end h btil- i-ha rIdeur tosill)'thi' utlitiy mcan i, i('e'does(not ca(pre a-lit, ist o i-ly llmnne'has donec 0a oily tether li-. ''he i reg"' of te Iea i lot s ibet) acheveemnts.le- regular- )posi in tltest ,.t 5seydeItoscholarosti leSSwtrld marchlirhe''"'(-n-1() -1w11( i IllllUable'tl acmpuuanyIthrlteam ''finolean il ic-ky'' lieteems '(lot av a noeras faorab~lde com~menllotso his girls iitheir i'lios il oi.a ('t-s, xhal bt ri- hmee iing an il- nmori-gagecon ird bsel ori i (0) ()llie- 01(s1have appeaS e 01)'idi norench, 1Rug- ne mi- eii ctly lin lltep, I.madawocaebeltannIheta o enll. tiieis shor ill verit y I lit ad isit aind IstaIlian literary ' riews, 00 vry-pr(ettIs-pit)')'for tIllc-me'of('' thileiilst 11wo1weks will goi with hem. throwsofailywicll. Hi- llayedith e wetll(011 0o(11thi chsi'(f the ocean. a Iphtog'alhiem (ho too((l01)s-a illlIhctwill alsoitto edi at delegates InniranulalvucrhuglIfhistntaa 'nreu'siot t'fIfniduiaiuuutamiiilist s5 'I5nctaiuloigue ('I'lliin~iig inotes aniil (shuitsat ilci scni liii'w:srshiigvnu-teana etng fte;n ii illes Ill all lhainiig reviews of D-sis0) u '1 '11iioeillphebtinoLe Iiague. Kaufmuan, iiriumI th ac ii misn s 51.(15writiiigs, s wIel a05tohilei utiler class (icr ~ ls er n ey welld1mii'iiii 1h'I (ail team whchrdlefeatrebd douing well i c-I-lit -fie- ,a~l w at Ihiisvsic, has 1051 ne te -li uttcto 'aety s ep( 11(1 ich, l 'itby tiss t liii a I J (((nnroy e,; isl 555o a 1 (( apphausuto (ilo-(c((tabci le osniii iituui i-u-iei-n-mce- onu thlat ubjt le Steart cool SisEnyart -otilo-ol fuuhJ.Au Rper IC.BllndCiM o although'sthesiell ip-osionsoac I heo 11)11will hoeusefull to huunoredsolf mosl aplase. IcrnA iiu l12 t.ii nd1.M ol men cetlehr-osadhoohurs whoo Scll lev-r-nsi-c 1 he Coon- Te secondpa(01Irt he-program woos Juhn AiRippecomns from Laiurte mensgrieut SeOOnliSof he a I Il lbary. qit has emoI ao heiris:thelirls C i -no- I hee e as ieorn oion 1880. gal in seenmootoo-be i(h htthe aku1- idowliall theiooents. 'ilhr'sa- tIli-ulleiiep'rd t lure- [ilcle high pitches. Wendmeloll of DItoiolha-s -ot RAM EY THE WIN NER. temnhoof aringlw's15someirwat picu- (11(1(01of hi ol~rillo C huloerocnteedtCe chures andmair fu peedt billtuthis 11(1) op-__l-ial, leah i-lss e - in dg rece'vinumg CoI-go- mu 1011)1andIrccl the dge eoligreekl itc etagis oto..Ciag.Ciao oSrigCosCutyRc aGetsm rdt hg~ ere fecl-o h 3 n10 I h alo 42h lieyt >Success-Grimm Gets Second fencemiut neach oh hu eentreci vito r us hdepatmhnet oil he'Ui Other ithrsouwmhugo aeSyloimans ag-c' nuumiern otpoinis. 'c. Ih ms~ u tlcia Ote uihr hl-ui iSIl i 15 Place-Good Time Made. OI do ii llihs lub o ih O igagn. i r-unonim BerancMackuay Nuoi. Eyk, - ' ' t- eatu(in)-toil liii-olelush hiio 1(he1(hr is Almua ahte n muthi-sat sila~niad Mfcltohnlcku andihout' or two oilersho Horaoco 1. Ramnryholier of the IS~sodivihoo nosmoloedowithuanliot cimt-oouosotasomliofhei' W'hich of tese' will too-tahi il(I cthm-oiuhui nb ncimlw feolo accuracyusoptheIii ouslofirs atingho 1 ear0 niwhich luf-al-h'destern teae.rmidcuig- o I ~- ay's croos couuny racc easily c 05ci un i cho' tIllg i ushom ein ciei The toa ilchrg i n ctl i li 0oH oto(nnn07 ,scn.froshncuiwon by onou it, howeer debute 0e)-c sice his entranco into toy- amnolJoohimsonoo i l lav Ird y I e' ti ehs gvn th m fa po ts is oh 1::% oven (hrefichian Ce(11)1 forinf oh'sec IGrimuis 2h1huh. ,n72-5 (figins 't ~l u u o ( u heh llun iiiWstyot en is iii lHe Cwas Chicago. 'lo uo'iuh tomdaocsonr s ( hbh isuo-14 A:. iss It-le 'hi ( il o h oebate (f 10. in thu rlI inrim-es thi______ n. al sci., nmadety N. A. Relng secuolomiaucMunmuesube n-Ioi e'he asamh m DENHUCINsTt al. fouc-ominnsotl, ouiol deuos hos DEN UTHIS T . . .iithued.This gusve heIJunioriug- hth oaumiiimuitrof Ie Law eam nd ii lf'ouuioy'c toerfhormance- is exc-eedhingy oits Sis' 11( 0(110 and Miosfts I o huhehu, nter torIarmInI(deae-easily Dean Iluuchhubo lootih lo I ttocs-goodhw ion thie-mhddyoomiaos he coloth i, '0)hiIloni-ohio'taeinhmg rng e ~0 a deInthe lUniversity team. ini ataineo-garbholhst oreulr oinus wohio indauotho- fact hat lie oi- cest.; MotissoSta1kuon som sr-miet Johmn C.-Bitlls wastoucn at Alegan shuoumi ladle Ibeforeo-fit 'le u--si h-in Oid-t cu'0 is ot ohaldo hoslikimgar-cbpointso hoer claosby' so odoiug mand ihiacIn17.ii'l oaehtu weeki mr-clingofotIhuh;S. tC A ITahiuik.0 low hioconsidoeration. Grmimmcu's finMiss boy2hling ywon i Ikeu-u'.Sis Sitac's colleidge-aC the Alegn high schoul, en- for Ils sHbjedt 'Somco E uitils lithe. oos o s oswaa auprisoe too nosiof the (woll-Isoiibbo (flu'eItravolinug andseta-cl- ol oc th nirem-ity(f Michigamn Dlean the~dhiritlooy' uouotonhc is tOojii loll 101anduoit is guoo ilusraion fiomi-oy rnug oas iclxelg lent- 'ihoe' t mul eu h uene(fA i. inmg a usefuloSlife. oIthe vaslu'iofP coiscir-miihous womk. hore worklid hot cou slnt mu thurscoreo i1 hSlt. Afteri'm'hing ItwI)years he Flu-so,,of ott. h i tuulimeel 1 n-hllo eoh-foot limofoutthe role out too- mccilut 1 ih' oexuibit ion 500ausleoter Ikte lhoveparitmntialotex- mneancs icbmoeoIoto I niioilsip vsthou-fait ihut ur ~ister, a high co-y goodool fiss So-eart Msslou-clsotou gaduoae ini 1014. one lhue.[life menisalli ho' 11 col oy v nop tioelrace oncis hm~oAisInat'4 isHp ebsbe neetdi b whole strengthu, iuosruothy . ot oooll us iiown aitanduo lii-ednocey ahis O;, M1.tis liggn '4,AMiss 'line' te Iusbeenil'cslphi smui tooiowc'l tane0allhouoc'(It t ss Viyics ((AAhso Inur-eakin~lg i-err sincie he entereud co- hhysicatty. 1(1But n coooobolsho ii oh, tihou wsy.- Wishoing uclose'&oh.lis helsh. blood nhdos Ais'alooo-toooopatutin Icgo- ouLiookto 0(1art11iipubluic cn- (ho life mist too'liveout iicueoh iii iiihelou lsn~steri'has still twooye-ohs icc this. 'ihu-,Iunhing high ijnnipl toouktests un)it thu fall (f 11111,1when he with some. fixoedturtoss. hi(-high schouithol dhoutlo bucVrsityp mucoch time. 'Iswoogirls isoeu-u it oul lenterr-ite i ll imeinuiaies folmthe Mn- Sbmonf tthuer ssoul ts ih) lucy n tuotunb wbyheime(hel h cenrscol- roniueachh i-ssMist Yo-niuos amuolnesouaba lote.Hl otn firt place li-or aut osetch io- lno lti~il0cc 'Iithis 11-nnoum- '11 dlhocilooun nolin the uIn-sciet y anudsecond n the andl ocer- agalm.h min, butbean us iloumop ouuondItrinmwill 'hucawarodcod Sis'Wigginsi'0It ils lruuoorioge ouoteaulwscioelanrmo I heieves lilt c-lounIll-c-e lu it cob Ohtio fC. t. (f."andoltimo-firstivcrmen amd issxi-oran 'Oll, Ais Shot eli nodthu lr mosity deani which will rell- tuon often. 1Hr sail telirs Ii l wllboogirds) ribbhonms. f.X. Ross ws Ms Pontoon '07. m Iii'hefiasilosni-imt M icigan in thusIhoaie e- was ''ouosmi ighul ooi fzsliou'uduh hones ind,0louoRi.M.fTeeledd tourthk; anod W. C.IWigginmic ifi s Pnomllt (ndMAiss Sham-hots.n ty." Althis point0)ho toothoccii on ch htghtf ifth. tollremaliod. 'liii'scoruwas sill Clement M. Hoitunmn is a matie flu peadl forthu-iool duom vru, n he cour~se- ((cr which Ike race is lTons,4(1; juniomrs:136 frshnmen, 1 u uuiIfonhehnihanawhere especially- enmphasized ohehoc'es--roblinit orlous neveri-nomeoasurdm6,onNrt-Mnhetebutl is(;orlihnsos 't. Tkieliin lieight was hr es ((rumin 1877.lHe attendeod in college(lhays. A ango-nmied, I close ot (eieund' muthree-quiartermls t 1i.hepeaaoysho fMnhse large heamr-t tedwr'outloing a tli tti lnmg fromnithr gymo., lie'mn rla TheIIrelb ningnubrsofhu ee e plndenteedt(sh StafeMncom wuulduhahoingucosideraut io fez thi owntoEuch. Uiversiltoavenudow 1(1n In- wi-ni-huriieduuough id oly'Miss'Tenrre IHauteIndina when- he ri aults aindhmisloakesof thn-,is uuuilhcihnglls shiriIt-:ndl acrossfiels t ta tle'Luutz '(7 andMbuilsStar oGe'nllrull moo al~iniiu a ydar. ic- thin entered Ie essential. Noon shuohul55w',i-i'e forur lsot roi, sail rgitgtI oherrny el. Fron thusationary 'ig c-tleust.tBoth did lae ohoatonmt out the lUnivermsiy of seces aluone,-heu uyoed. I sc~ioooioul lu'rlmohby tprocededocloon Slobe sretco-y wlrit butthou-fislplac was Michigananud after one yar changeud our endheavuor oohr-itoour cionraei ' ylodthblur ailoadl Inocicthen wst 5lawoamrded o M ils L1.h is gcie lii-0to(1thelito-ary (deparmen, when- he his life. ohros lots lbliii- Saline ruadthuence fe tshmdnthurte1points . abrd uoln a combined literary-law 'The highest e soenthan, hcoe-sen is bnulk l ou ble glf links across the u.h - o.xi os tohv ih lott utdo im l~ moliuw h'tni iut is Gnu-en '16,1Miss luhuting 'li5 Ilu was a member of the Audephi would carry high ideltas oith.ioIhe tinny Puhuhld osState street antI haickallot Sits Whtmldnoe((4,o-tinore. Miss thu-hootimg team which won the cup he- wiurldunicersities swoumilnull havscthi'toothliiiyni., logthe same' rutmethey Fehling womn rsl oisiamuc-27 fItill in hateiuf 19112. In November,11110,he disgrace of seeincg gcaduatesidieply camine' MissGren-u n usi-i-nit list ant-i-23 win a pnlace in thoe Inter-idepartment mired in inunicipal dcrrution. ______________ ft. lb m. F~ist.ttl-duotcu ie-uout 1t a h nyrirsna ALLUMNUS HONORED. , secouni, three. 'liii-potalo ace dlvi- of mice literary deptumdent to Y. M. C. A. NOMINATIONS. 'limepooublican shale cincention of calusedt ncuch ncerrlnuu-m. Insteadl of makletho- University team which will The nominatiouns fur liii Y. M.H.v8. h Pennsyvania which met .at. Morris- bing an ordinary iphotto ace, just repurese-nt Michigan in 1kh- debate with A. election which with take polace at burmgh h, Wednmesdtay, nominatd by we- three icoutaues wi-ni usd,1tuthue comi- Minnuesoda, January 1. McMillan Mal Ibis eveninug aoh1:45 ilainatfion, John P. Elkins ot the class testants wi-ne comnuellid tou ticl these Northwestoern will he rep~resented o'clock, are as follows: Presidhent, J. of '8h. for Supreme Court Jusatice. 111p with a bleicspoton andl (dpoit hugJohn A. Blarnes, Johun Massen anud 9. Reed, H. J. Mowvard; Vice Presi- Sic Elkin js an ex-ahlsrncy general, (hem muin~ i libaskoets withut drlu-t-hhirace tO. Smith, the team which he- dent, J.A. Work, L. Ht. Hector; 'Treas-smith has hetl other important offices.ling them. Miss 'Bunleor '(17, succe--iui latuil thicago in January. crerR. A. Stowe, W. W. Teste; Sri- The term of the Suptreme Judgeship el in doing ho-n stunt; first, omitwon John A. Barnes was born at Paisley, rotary, Pant J. Vourheis; Euditour, . is 21 years ant the salary i s$10,000 four points; Miss Green '116, anti Miss Ontario, in 1874. He prepared. for Stanley Baey, F.N. Macregor. Ja year. (Continued on Page Two.) I (Continued on page three.)