THE 5410141GAN IIAILT A Word l® u ____ ase i t ~viI -6vi i.405i-p vi "_ i~i I rvii i i vapc ivq 'iyi I II I i t i !i t ti-.c v iv c esad ni Stan. I c ii i _ tlii vIit liigh' , ° vi.. ( i.h kr.v Co'.iv avifi . l i i.,ii ie Ei v er W 10kvhi tica -dtai t il if i iliv Quarry's Camlus Drg S Sonletliiniv New 1in Michigan Prubo At Darling & Malleau2 --lIN-- Pietllres and Fra Dc Pr=3 AR~T -)TO 217 S. Forth Avenue 71. ]1. ZIsit, Dl o. A. J. WATSON Wall Paper, Pain and Oils 216 [ast Huron Stree SUITSDigtEWakn Made tn your measure and Drop usa ard iii 3 S. Males St.s, \ ad haveus cal or your rk. A FIT GUARANTEED ; ' "~ ~ } AT COOK HOUSE BILLIARD HALL Z 04 7 1 Under New Mranagemet. $ Cllq l ~OS New Billiard Outfit. O 7 Ichips given good for anehre Jthe house. 4 OL55 CLOTHIERS7 lree Lunc./ CL T I Hatters and Furnishers, !Forest Av E 1 M elue Meat Market, Linen andLCU FFFS 109 and 111 E. Washington Street Poutry, Game and ishs in Season A E T E B S s ANN ARBOR 535-Forest Ave. Phone 4t7 .R ~T E E T Barker's Collars are stamped "Linen" a te n t L e th e S h es Oher brods advertised and Sold as Linen are NTstomped "Line." Why? A. L B E W T, L 'U T Z, Sold by Wagner & Co. 2 for 25 ct THE RELIABLE SHOE DEALER 124 SOUTH MAIN STREET d0 R EN TS CH LE R For anything in the inoof + Ie 1iii-. 5 Maker of Photographs Framing, Call onoRentchler, 0' 0 a'eWv or-wviilgliiii i esccilo w5 i Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. + ii of i.sicpat cnsin i 0' SPRING NEGLIGEE SHITS a GLEE CLUB NOTICE. f(UNIVERSITY DANCING ACADEMY,OZ Te.l ht heisiails in Roomi C, 7 p. in., on 336 STATE ST. I adleiii.(sucially paviiig the i0i 1 \\ile inap Tiiiiviilay anailFriday. I Ivtivms iileanitoward drk 0'os liiOil (IrIidny eclvening landiolin club will Short trm, $2.00. April and May. 4. biiiihlineat.i ioiii cciliiiismll~i vii.a l l iiportto rheariseindr the Ilanl- Threelassouns pr weakWednesa l- ish iiiiindistripesv arc aiiiy i ,, - vhip (of Lois Elbie]. ening, Saturday morning and evning. A i iiel-n. itiliv scIh ciittitaiiii-' a 141 PARKER. Iy ha improved methds af teaching, lcvviii liin iti l i -ves i, ucsal- i Tha avraga student can learn to I illcli 14 LITS. dance in this time. '1104 Litsoe nycvthitldto free sittingos ____________ a WAGNER & CO. tioIRandall s for class pictures which ee ilhetint hed liy May 1. Thoae who THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. 0' Habrdasoers .g Hatters lilaiI ulii Inot il illvo this will ldo soa i viiit oc. lanrncl's work vnly gas in Furnishes music for all occasins. 0' ________ D. Bates, manager, S0S S. Fourth aveM. wo..Tr ov; s c;4 pF lore) SCHOLARSHIP AT MICHIGAN nue. 29(1f Wih yoiiii yerly subscripition r re- newval is ihev"'Ladies' homn Journal, Your eyes examined by an 1.00(; or lhv iSntirday Evening Poat expert optician. All the lnt- Ill1.251;befoetl .Jusne, 1914, 1 will wish- et approved appliances and methodso e el p n IAJ $ a1,510 ini privies and etalish eight known to the profession areemplayed$10sharip IadtonIwlNeeygassftelnesul- hiv' $ 1511 to the Alice Freviman Palm- ated, frames repaired. Haler's Jew C' o schlarlvship, and $131) to the Mich- elry Store. tf. anCo huIliaIsevfelnd.achi .5colIWNEY,, '05L aw, Students-Earn good money during R ___________ worth $3.00 to $10.00 a day. Exclusive rues' LOST.--Between Room C in Univer- territory in each of 23 different states NODR O(M sity hall, and the corner of Monroe available. Call and see me. F.J )Rol ail Twelfth streets, a gold shield, Glen, 202 . State street, of NC) I E (N. ~"s" shaped lpin with red enasuel ce- NI) HOT)1 1 (51 icr and bearing iscription hPom- Mandolin strings, 2t cets per full NO STINIS (ON INCES. na.'99." Finder please leave at aeo-Ann Arbor Music Co. secrearys ofice. 14-143. __________ OSEN1111 I~S WANTIA-A soiliit hatcando Bath supplies of ais kinsol at all .0 watch rvi pairing and would like to pie tCsigsDu tr.R A01iii ~iliil work part of the time. Inquire at ASK US 340 . State ytreet. 143. Found-A gold pin, "S. H. . 9296" _________ marked onfront. maFohgeNwYorka he,3 Chsffing dishes at Haler's Jewelry on back. Owner may have same by aStore. t. calling at 1209 . University ave --'You will find the het strings for For the largest line of suit cases, 324 S. Sate St. violin, mandolin. guitav and banjo at gol to Allen's. 144. Rtoots Music House. We make a its specialty of the best. Try them. wfsj SENIORS-NOTICE. Just received as import order of Do you intend t teach? Secure aFy two hunderd bundles of finest violin position now by writing to or calling Arkansas, Texas, Mexico srings which will be sold at prices upon A. Pearce, 65 . Ingalls streeL. s.lwer than the lowest. .Come in and U. of M. representative Lewis Teach- and Caliornia...+ see them-Ann Arbor Music Co. ers Agency. w. S. . r ea ece i (1) R i PLOLI(CY1 , St. Louis, World's Fair City,# ____________the# The buiflding ttp of a Telephone System withl every possible niod Ir"" fltlm t+~r ernimlprovementl; thle giving of better service than wan ever thought possible before. To be hottorable, courteous attd just itt every deail. Rout To atnticipate requiremuetts. To overcome impediuents. To e satis-e dled witb notlhing short of the consfidetnce and good will of every cittzen# 115 the countty.* Two daily trains to Calirnia WASP Y NAW H ME TEEPHON COtour aIdiii tr usi, (it T exs. # TEMPORARY OaT:ICE: Liberty street, near Fourth. Four daily trainsa to ot Spings. ._ Saxxdiily trains to Little ock. Ru4 THE BEST OP EVERYTHING. 4 OGULWRITE E. H'. D. Armstrong, ToP. A., 4 EGPTAN1233.13 A itetsAv Ae., rro'm i Tury .Ann Arbor, R1ich. to Crotn in urke. Perfected in Lgypt. Lnjoyed in America. ME LL G ILLESPI E tenches r4 "MOGUL SMOKL MAKLS LG'?TIAN SMOEsS Coka~aa. ela'ndolin, Banjo and (Guitar. to for istiiynis Brasdt Masdolis, Farlast Banoisasd Martin Guaiar. Always .Ahead in Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailortng