THE MICHIGAN DAILY t~t, ' a, i >4 ' o ' * 'i' °'+rv r+°fi+*°'+I r '',,i 4 'ist@ i i'a',itJs4 -+ '*S* ® 8S ' b4 ' * *@tse + . ' 6+ c The Straight Front Varsi If you want to see the snappiest you want to see the new ITf S. & i noarderito ethe ouis as it and tan beorethe ;asyou'll . of it than give up the clothes. SA'so a new line of Bl1ackItoitn icas toi, Titibets, Cheviots and utitinisheod woo's- teds. a $1S.00 to $24.00'A SITI 4Guyer Hots for Spring Note iR tdv 14 ~ locc~o .Il ty .... iLlths adie&' Custom Tailoring style ever- produced i lths v. Stiaight Front" Varsity. e' reallytis, you tooed tontry it on, ®.. SW il a d S ir as much, ruttier give op the price 9 rsWliqadSi as 21 7 iCoats, Waists, Skirts, UT Z SOUH; Mad' itt fittest Workntaissiip and Best Styles The Clothier MAIN,~ to Your Measure. AC Suits &CO* a : ~.5. ~ ®3POKER ® rWISH to call yotor atttntionto o tite fact thoot our ett- " Itiol ott of SPRING WOOLENS is onteta 'bles attd j 'o-stol a e t FotallPeketcotltlo * wtlllurtit)tatetttat we are ita position wlsere VtefBttt get * inu otb II ftayed with cardserstaexctiotement otfthe S all work ott promtly.I the vet y fittest of lolttg "ill pre- a y oo tY t lY V tllo1sotal ungotts * Vai as usual at ottr establislilesot. R Fu st'ctettvtotoe-nec'odonnoTwa 'an tfora. Crowdfroo the fied, bookedhkicks, tob oetc t __________________________________ opti.Oame scha t o ae fre. oYougond old, tonceto, college studects, society-eerybody to p ttyng ooobt-Poke. ± B U KCH FE LD 'S FIN E TA ILO R IN G TRA ID EC SAc intereting adctrctegam e.,-IsO 1c oBa, Mciga. S 106 Mee st IM aroes Street THE REILLY 41 BRITTON CO., 84 Adams St.. Chicoago. 111. Fresh Lowueys, Allegrettis, Spar-I row's and Hylers Chocolates atCus-I iog's Pharmacy so Flat,.as For informt itonreltiveloto0totning, or mnui o r 1 tcloon tnnuts, t o dc ingn.,patrt, clion Rio SSGRANER 31011312 May nardi Steet Phone 2 4t. YOU CAN GET A r 0Hot Lunch 0 At Tuttle's, 338 S. State j$2 UNIVERSITY DAN-. I$%CING ACADMY 2I t, cs St ttSt. LI/Li11 OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS P.O.,c C-o. I , 1 - o~ MICHIGAN MICHIGAN BANNERSifl C OL OR S [OV[LS CORNEiR MORE. :IACHIGAN CENP 1, "The~. Niagara Falls Rute"~ THdE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct conetos at Chicago for St Loals, Kansas City, St. Paul and the Wet Forrinformation and throgtckts cl oncer worie t W. W. CASE. Aent. Ann Abr PROFESSOR HONORED. Prof. WV. V. Campbell, director of the Lickt observatory in California, ovho weas an instrooctor from 18iS to 1891 of astronomy at the Michigan tooiversity, has heen elected a for- eigon meonher of the Soieta degli Speiirosesoisti Italiani. Tis society cootsists of thirty Italian members and thsirty foreigneos. iProf. Campbell loan heen requested to serve on an honor- ary committtee, presided over by tile minister of public instruction for France, whooe putrpose is to forward the project for erecting a monoonot to the emnient astrontomer, Jerome L~elandte, at Btourg, the place of his birth, anti has also Peon invited by lt' Britisho Associatioon for the Ad- vanteentoof Scietoce on attend its an- notal meetintg, lotbe hldtIat Cam- oritdge, Roog.,too Auogust, as te gooest of teittcal conmnoitee ofCambridlge untiversity. Proof. . Motarteno Scihaeberle, of Auto Arboor, was a colaborer wiih Prof. Camiohell'at ihe Liic observatory. Fttr gtootistole leathter soil: cases, go tt Alleto's. 144. 'It BASE BALL CANDIDATES. We weill have a practice game witho the high school Thcursday afternoon. Lei: every man make it a point to get ototoi the fair grouondt as sootn as pots- oillyafter 3:00i c'clock.. DOAVIDSON, Manager. Negligee Coat, Shirts, Cuffn attach- ed or detached, at Allen's. JOB PRINTING-MEYERS. 2116 bMain St. S. Phone 281. LOST-Phi Kauppa Psi itin, set with1 LOST-A hull terrier pup, white with diamonods anti pearls. Theoc name, V. brindle spots, return to 644 East C. David, engravetd 010 te Itack. Coiversity, and receive reward. Fintder piease call 0010 tteowittiat the PilKoppa1Ps1 hotuse. S [_ITE TO RENT-Lar-ge te, toisngle New Brunlswick "Tables bdbath, gas, tetlotoote.On"toT block fromo campoos. Newv tptr SBLLA D PROS cortains atod carpet. lToooos oeason-'E ' ILIR ARO S able. :Eoqoure oof Mrso.OtIiarross Fine Cigars snd Toboaccos 521. E. Jefterso t. 141itf JAS. W. REID, Peep. 312 Slate SI., S. Chaffing atones at Hailer's Jewelry Ittoo st c seive!o]t'the reso ttoldfns Store. tI. line ot ___________- Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes Sutll cuos at alt pelt-os, so Altltoos. eve bougot-,tothe lot- y. ________________Fine Conches in Connection. Allen's for osobby Spring Shirts. 1i ocyttoito. NoeotandooCleatto. _________ 308 S. Stale St. R. S. JOLLY Chafing disohes at Huller's Jewelry Store. tf. NOTICE SENIORS Woill all stooior' Medic-s 05and5Eott- neers who swish to iroot gons Itt ettnoneoteto w etkotr dtort 'May 1, kinodly roll at Mtiss LoslII sootndPtbe T HE MOST tosre efoore sotritng v2cato.tft.OUL Fresh Lowney's, Allegro too' Spar-C row's, Hotyler's, choocolates at S H IR T ing's Pharmacy. tf. CLUETT PEABODY &o CO. Ticket for four shampoo-$t.0.MAER5O Soft water. Miss Vaughan, near Quar- CtUtTT AND ARROW COttARS ry's. University students desiring to se- cure positions to teach will find it to their interest to write to James F, McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- cago. tf. Fountain pens at Cushing's. tf. soeeeeoeoeoeasee oeseooHOese®oe®oee® ®oee o 2 " A L LEN'S F OR Q UA L ITYV4 We give thoe best Clothoing Valuoessavoig youo three too five dollars osn yotur Slit or Overcoat. Spoisg ignsocnooo'ready $ 10.00 and $13.00 TROUS[RS, A[L PRICEtS ALLEN, THE[ C[OTHIER, WrAIN STR[EEI ®d Ak6ld The University of Chicago Law Schools of Medicine Theology Education Each school has a special Circular o Information whith wilt be sent on request. The Courses in Medicine are given in connection with the work o RUSE MEDICAL College. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, SUMMER QUARTER Chicago, Illinois. Junex 8- Septemhera2 MONEY LOANED ON . " o.o<)tovloytoord ill f:iogI .5 :. BUSINESS STRICITtY tONFIDEN'TIAL. ? t W. J. LOURIM. ,. Oppost ook Hoane (tmllnite Booc Ihn 4, .9 Offoc i c orsO9to l1:40, 1too4::50. r:to:30l EPALDINGC'S OFFICIAL FOOT HALL 40 - Used by allth5e Leading - Colleges. Foot Ball Pants-Lace front, hips antd bkoees paddted with Oine varied toil and thighs - witht vane strips. AG.SPALDING & 5BRO1. A. noserporaoted. Sew Yook, Chiscago, Denver. S1 padicg's Official FootBll Guide.. 4 flo 1903, edited toy WalteroCamp. t Priee 105cents. 1 FLECTkLIC PANO5 Electric Ckinfioog Dishc,5 + Elctri'c Tablg Lamss I Inface, ncyO'oits to lgtehoupnour-' room . Call Oc and see our display... WA.51=TENAW LIctIT & POWER, COMPANY. Coo, WacO, note acld4thAve. Phche 2 y Win, lbocbrcrn, steam & (Bagfitter. O bonoe 667. 303iZ. State St, WEB ARE NEVER UNDERSOL;D-G'OODYElAR'S DRUG STORI$