THE 'MICHIGAN DAIL'Y %State Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCHOFF, SAID THE w.2113lth n. .She ehan PLC)kL5T. 1Vin rnold r. V. C. Vaughan *ias. I. Ilade E.1P. Mills 0CHOICCUT CLOWER5 & PI.AN rs * 1J.1Dyer John Raurer 'rbtote'e ior' ano Koih Pe-af. [I S. Carhari Chapin St..hbetwaenIlaron St. aidlMillr Ave.+ Fr sank( i er Christhian lartin I'lane" 809. at 8 in the morn, I I"'I've missed my breakfast as sore as you're born. Said the senior "Cheer up" then wtith wondering look- HIAVE IHEARD For inforimaticarelatieto cdancing, or mauiic r inception-,lbaniqets, or danigagricties, call cc R ; S RAN EU 310-:312 MaynarSatoe . 'hone 2-4-6i. (Gianger's Acaideacs Office and le-idealc. YOU CAN GET A of HtLunch At TAttle's, 338 S. State CiNII ACAII I i 2 UNIVERSITY DAN- '1610 ta l ii4i 02i 01110 CENTRAL LINE DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUtAPIk MRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, The Professional Hair Dresser 322 S. Staie Sutreet, (up stairs), spec.- ial inv~~itt ionot1wlaies ocl at h, pi r l oinlspece r new line of 11i1i1 and11111 111 t odds. Try my Scientific Face Massage and Mhtanicure. PICKWICK II~LIARD) ROOM AN]) BOWLING ALcIEY. 707 N-. UNIVERiSITY AVIlNUNl. 9A i i f ' I C J, + " " "S' ' 4 " 4 t+*r+ +e*rs*++a+4+ ts +,+a+, aityt+ +++ae+'* ++ +f++ ,r++4a+ tJata+ t * + r+ +r++at+'+Fi+ ++* r + ei*r t+*++ + r+at+ ++, r t+ w a+*r+ t +f+ , r *+ *r Jyr+ t Ar 04f 4f i=e * t * *f if f f 1 . G O everywheire else en town aiid liave tlieiiishiow yiiiits18for -Youig Meis. 'Theiiconie herre iiid ste I sliip a Ciii ege lBraiid Suit oii yoi. Y i I biiii just about leii tithes more quickly than if you liadii't seeii how utterly loio-yoiung- niweinisla the othirr togs are. No ioiler garmaents ill the whiile isorldh niadeinily for menhoi your age and style-ideals. lExirellen l111ways but price. I ± t**414*4+ //ode b('ca 11um1(1 j li/'ITop ("oafs, $10.c00 lio $2.0o STAEBLER & W UI 'R-t2'hl s*to*r ti,° tJ *ri*t ,° a *t *+i+rs*t * w*t-r *t *ra *t *r +t *r *ti t Jr+ is s r+," s, .rr r ,''+s wta ts', 't yit *''#as fi*t+#ai*ti * +4 t i a THE PROFESSOR'S LOVE STORY.( LOST-Phi Ktappta Psipini, ant iwithi If Thea' ~ Little Mieister'' ail 'Qual- tdiamniiidcpwaillucis. Ticeiiame, V. ity Strenet"''were tdelightfusetoage tile- CI. David, engravdcu liiithe liaik. tarts, theii J. M. Barrie's iither woeS, hinelr lplease' railisp the oaine at "aThe Profnesor's Love Story" will be the Pchi Katipa tPsliiiiise. a delightiul revelation, plartieularly to- those also have asee Harry lBeresforud, SI TE aOIiET-Larrgie "sitle, singe lihi young5 mcii who will assieme the beisilah, gas.,ltelephon. tOil- stellai- role, 'iniithier interpretations. lblock iiiiiii a~llils. Nest sine, In this threr play, he will have a cuirlains anid eartet. Termls reason- ehaiaeri-suited to his persoiialiy alel. Enqiuire of Mirs. 0' Hare-uw, aii is liacoeneeptive eienality ail 520 E. Jeferison Si. 141tf thriiiigh it, lie will noidoubt wiii lii liiaproatiion of the intellectiial llay- Chaffing dishsa at Hailer's Jewelry guie of the Souitilanid with the same Store. tf. degree sif earestcness anid warmthli Ihal wass gisvei hiei in the North aiii Suit lasts at. all haies, at. Allen's. aiid west lanid. r. Beresfuiealwill I 144. hayv' a miagnificeet produectioei anid an Allen's foe nobby Spring Shirts. e xcellent; comepany. Maenager Seablit, ___________ of the Athens theatre, hiavieig eso- Chafing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry ally wtitnessed hila heaiitifiel aiii Stare. tf. iquaint coeuuduy, wishiestii assiere his _____________ platronis that nothieigimore artistic has JOB PRINTING - MEYERS. 216 bii'n witnessed in this city since the Main SL. S. Phone 281. lays of Siil Smith tRissell. "The Pro -___________ iessoe's LuvStoiry" a-ill lie seli at Panturium, 336 S. atate. Cleaning, lie Atheiis iheatre eon Fridlay evenig, Pressing and Repairing. Clothes Aepril 15. 'The sale ofi seats wiltlibe called fcr anti delivered. Leave or- openc Weudnesday mneing at 91 o'ilocek dens over Cashing's tDrug Stnre, or at. Stiifflet's news staiii. 'phone 5t2-3 r. Foi giid iile lealthirisuillraces, gii Fresh lilt iii 3, 11 i-gs:ietai' l 51 cgs I'llieiii1ii'1 'I Correct Clothes for Men o.i SN'T this the bes the best clothes at the best store in town? Here ' value for your Cayrieeeu1903. A.D. & co, money; not nothing for something or some- thing for nothing. For example, this label IMAKERS :: NEW YORKI marks the world's standard ready. for-service apparel. We can sell you none better, because it is physically impossible to make better. Equal to tine custom-made in all ut price. The makers' guarantee, and ours, with every garmet. We ar Exclusive Distributors n this city. CUTTING, REBYER & CO. 19Iii East Washington St. COFFEE MOCHA AND JA Alwsfrewseh 280per-pocund 24 Maimw S. DEANM(Olt CO. New Brullswick Tables AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Ciars and Tabacas JAS. . RED, Prop 312 Sae S., S. ishive ustreceiedeeslarigesianeafinest line oi Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever brimght t te city Finn Lunches in Cnnecin. ,verey tigNat and Clen 308 S. Sae S. R. E.i JOLLY THOMAS ROWE, Prprieor. ROWE'S LAUND RYI 326 N. 5eh Ave. Bell Phne 457. NOTlZEI '7 LiTS. s'he '107 1,it. bha ll t l'emwsiillll-at'- l iii' 'n he factorey grouissiis. near iii tisfiel, its's; ateiua-sia at 2:01 oclioci. 'lisettieo noitir liiailiiiis--;1 1111 Slit wstler. l:lis an auic ii. i zrce (1 SPeldiis pecesi, lI Icusi.s ll NOTICE 1905. thicerIleague' Balls ati'Skinnsic w1(1 'ilic'elcelcionfiiecapitain ofstIhe '05 - Lit. Sawn halltemnwill be helid in tleiversity stuldenits desiring to se- WV1dslesilay afternooiln at 5 o'iclc, in ciere positions to testis will finid it to ihe gyisnisiusm tropihy riioin. Al their interest to write to James F. biasi' hail canidiates are uirgedl is at- McCullneegh, 619 tine Arts Bldg., Chi- iiid. VIIIER.. cago. tf. Novyloc focep fo Hitolgy nd acehail lss asitocsinibgs $2.75 No; el frcpsto iicolsg asiaesd sillst Skcine's. 40-41 Blacieriology, 51) cents at Skinner's __________ 410-41. Fountain pens at Cushing's. t. EXCL USIVE 121-123 South Mrain Street NOVELTIES IN SPRING S UIT INGS WAGNER e. CO. I _ _ .1: -I if No old stock pQ ITAN - QES Allnewgoods In the ORIGINAL and EXCLUSIVE designs, will now be found at 119'S. Main, Street, next to Wagner & Co. For sale by WM. P. PURFIELD, .+ i-3, -i4 For the benefit of my friends and customers, I wish to state that George E. Keith never sale of Puritan Shoes, as devehopeneents will prove. I, alone, control the sale of Puritan SSI Anyone desiring to prove thse truth of this assertion may do so by referrieig to page 376, Jibe register of deeds, Formerly Manager of Puritan Shoe Co. did and never will control the make or oes in this city and Washtenaw county. 'r, of miscellaeneoues records in office of - Respectfully yours, WILLIAM PURFIELD. WE ARE NE'VER UINDERSOLD-GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STORE