he Michigan Dail
In spite of the disagreeable weather _PRACTICE.
Annual Spring Contest Will Take and the wet track, Capt. Kellogg and The Annual Official Publication of the Jupiter Piuvius did his best again
his aitul band of milers Put in at University Engineering Society. yesterday to prevent Michigan's base
Place--Min m ii toiiitit. sire ins aiternoun's practice at Fer Will Be Published inMay ball team from getting in shape to
-List of Officials. ry Fiid yesterday, working out a This Year-The Con- meet Chicago next Saturday. Pain
good stiff mile. Only a fewotherh:men tents. has interfered with practice more or
Tomorrow occurs tIe spring cross were out and they didnt work mch. less all the week with the result that
country race given under the auspices Schule came ont but did little except The Michigan Technic is the annu- the team has not had a chance toim-
of the Michigan Cross Country Club. limber up at official publication of the University prove greatly during the past week.
There are already many entries for It is extremely. doubtful if there is Engineering society. Its purpse is to however, the men are strong indi-
the contest and it is expected that a better bunch of distance men at tarnish a medium of publication of vidually and have the right kind of
Ltie number will be greatly increased any college in the country than the the engineering topics of general in- spirit , which is expected to fkeup
today, since the entries close at 6 one now in training at Ferry Field terest to the engineering students, fac- to some extent for the lack of team
o'clock. The men have been greaty and Trainer Fitzpatrick fears that it ulty, and alumni of Michigan. ,As work.
hampered in getting into condition by will be a long time before h gets this is the seventeenth year since its JUNIOR ENGINEERS' ANNUAL
unfavorable weather, but they are together another such an aggr tion- first issue, the Technic is the oldest
now all in fair shape for the tlong With every tay's practice, o nmes student publication it the University. T HISNYEA
bruising race. Capt. iKellogg has been more apparer: that there i ng to The Technic is printed in magazine THIS YEAR.
unable to give any attention to the be the flercee tort ef a fi, it r the form and contains from 100 to 125 It has been decided by the Jun-
men this spring, and appointed Wait. fourth place on the .elay team and pages. It is well iltistratei with ph- or Engineering class that this year
a member of last yer't cihampionship the race next Saturday afternoon will tgraphs and drawings. Usually 1500pc ieic e ition. It hascalwe-
relay team, as acting captain of the 'be worth going miles to see. Hall, or 1600 copies are printed. This year peence expedition. It hass always
Cross Country Club. Wait has been Stone, Daane, Stickney and Goodwin 2000 copies will be published. Its e optional with the class whether
prevented by the prssure of college all have a chance and it would be the time of issue has been at commence- the trip was taken or not, and this
work from again trying for the relay height of folly to attempt to pick ment. The editors this year expect year s many wished to attend the
team, but has been working hard with the winner in advance, to receive it from the press by the Sth Louis exposition that it was
the cross couuttry retnn rs, antId is first of May. h rpwl etknnx er
largely due to his efficient leadership. L . A . ELEC T IO N . T he T echnic is distributed to the T e _rp _il _ea en ne t_ e r
that they are in any condition for to- members of the Engineering society
morrow s race. Conley Ticket Appeared Yesterday- and to its alumni and honorary mem--
The raceiPromises to be an Exciting Af- bers, and to the faculty. However, Mid-Semester Exams in Full Swing-
and all men who have won the right air-Will Occur May 7th. the greater part of each issue is used Plans of Students for Vacation.
tut serar the "C,. C. t'." are tiarred,. in exchange for the publications of New Exactions by Rail.
The list of ofials for the race is S. L. A. politics are already waxig the various state and college engineer- Nw roads.
as follows: warm and the contest this year prom- lg societies of the country. Each or-
Clerk of the course--Chas. E. ises to rival the famous campaign of ganization exchanges with the others The characteristic week-beforeva-
Hayes. last year. The election will not be as many copies as it needs in order to cation atmosphere has struck the cam-
Assistant Clerks--L. ). Etirsney, F. held until May 7th, but already the suusly each it its memuers. Pis and "work" holds the stage of
'. Emers, C. 11. iFwler, G. P. Hall. candidates for the various offices are As stated above, the Technic serves college activities. The dreaded "mid-
.1. Diane, D. A. Warner. hustling. The election will be the primarily as a medium of publication semesters" are being assiduously pre-
Refere -Keene- titzpaturic first to be held under the new consti- of engineering topics of interest to pared for, and every one seems am-
Judges--I. K. Stone, .i A. Hall, W. tuition. However that feature of it Michigan students. Its articles are bitious to clear up accumulated work,
B. Perry, G. L. Wait, A. A. Rebstock which provides for the rotation of the largely contributed by graduates and and leave for home with mind free
'timers- 5. L. , C. Lb . Hrttant, Presidency between the literary and professors of the engineering depart- from the worry of work undone.
I. L. Cite, V. L. Mitr. law departments will not take effect' ument. Some of the best graduating Colege closes Friday for the spring
this year and this fact gives addition- theses are also printed. An an en- recess; re-opening Tuesday, April 26.
SENIOR PIPES AND STEINS. at interest to the election. gineering publication, the Technic To many students this means a home-
Mr. R. E. Jolly ill have twenty- Yesterday the ticket headed by J. lakes high rank. Some of its contri- coming, but a lage number, because
five senior pipes in thie ueels. Al- L. Conley made its appearance. The 'utions have been widely reprinted of their college work, the distance of
most all of these have been spoken ticket in full is as follows: and quoted. their homes or other reasons, will re-
for already and a new order of twen- President-J. L. Conley, '05 Law. The editing of the Technic is under main here. A great many will remain
ty-five has been sent in. The inlaid Vice President--Leo It Jonas, '06 the supervision of a board of five edi- here purely from choice, for there is
silver work on these pipes is done Law. tors, appointed by the engineering so- plenty "doing" about Ann Arbor about
by hand and takes considerable time. Corresponding Secretary-Sidney R. ciety. The present board consists of this period of the year. Others are
Therefore, those who want a pipe be- Miller, '05 Lit., '07 Law. hi. Ross Fraser, Jr., '04 Eng., chair- planning hunting, canoeing, and "ho-
fore, or immediately after, spring va- Recording Secretary-T. R. Waters, man; W. C. McBain, '04 Eng., E. B. bling" trips, and other pleasure ex-
cation, should leave their names with '05 Law. Arnold, '04 Eng.; C. G. Dooge, '04 peditions.
Mr. Jolly this week. Either rubber Treasurr-A. B. Lightfoot, '06 Law. Eng.; and R. A. Stow, '05 Eng. Among those who remain will be
or amber bits, with or without case, Mr. Conley, the candidate for presi- The contents of the next issue of the athletes who are training for the
can be ordered. dent has never held any office of im- the Technic are as follows:: Pennsylvania games. These men will
The steins will be at Arnold's in portance since coming to the Univer- Biography ofu Prof. C. E. Greene, be kept hard at work, as the meet is
about one week. Twenty-five have sity, but he is generally considered late Dean of Engineering Department. 'ow less than two weeks oh, and it
been ordered for the first lot and al- Ione of the most popular men in the Biography of Prof. M. E. Cooley, comes on the second Saturday after
most all of these are spoken for. junior law class. The vice-uresiden- present Dean. college closes. On the first Sat-uday
Names should also be left with Wm. tial candidate, L. K. Jonas, is a fresh- Biography of Prof. J. B. Davis, As- will be held the trial race to oher-
Arnold, jeweler, immediately for the man, law from Centralia, Ill. Sidney sociate Dean. mine the make-up of the four-mile re-
stems. Al busuiess mstu' be done R. Miller, the candidate for recording A Draughuing Room System, Geo. A. lay team.
through Mr. Jolly andA ir. Arnold; secretary is a six year lit-law from Big I Wrden. The railroads this year have made
tis committee receives no orders. Rapids, Mich. He has always tak Switch and Panel Board Construe-- a new regulation regarding the meth-
'There seems to be an impression an active interest in class affairs but tion, Arthur Frautzen, '92. tod of obtaining tinkets. Each student
that these souvenirs are for senior has never before been a candidate toi Gt tRoads Who Shall Build desiring the reduced rate of a fare
Lits. only. Such is not the case. The any office. 'hem? J. N. Hatch, '92. and one-third, must sign the apli-
pipes and steins were designed and '. R. Waters, of New Matrid, 'to., Locomotive Rtoad ests. J. C. cation blank in the presence of the
were intended for any senior of the the cndidate for recording secretary Thorpe. secretary or his assistants. On ap-
University. For this reasot no em- is a '05 law, and a memtr of the The Value of Gas Analysis in Gas plying for tickets the blank must be
blem or reference to an ydepartment Delta Chi fraternity. EngineT ests (with a method for fig- again signed by the student. - By a
appears nlitese souvenirs. A. I. Lightfoot, the aspirant for the uring the theoretical temperatures of correspondence of signatures, any
NcC0Y, reasurership is a man of considerable combustion) A. H. White, '93. abuse will be detected. The new sys-
lARhRER, experience, having been for several The Manufacture of Portland Ce- tem will cause some inconvenience,
1>TLt-R, years commissioner of schools of Me- sent, Prof. . C. Carpenter, '76. because each student must aply in
Committee. costa Co. The treasurership has ac.- A Base Line Measurement. '(That person for both his certificate and his
quired additional importance since the .of the New York tunnels of the Penn. ticket. Also the system is apt to
The concert given last night by the new constitution requires the giving R. t.) A. H. Bennett, '02 cause delay at the station.
Presbyterian choir was well attended of a $5,000 bond. A Few Reflections. (The value of Col- Certificates will be issued Thurs-
notwithstanding the storm. 'tlhe en- Edwin J. Kenny, president of the lege Education.) W. G. Salter '95. day, only on excuse, and all day Fri-
tire program was bright and enter- '05 Lit. class is also a candidate for Experimental Verification of Ran- day and Saturday. Return tickets are
taining and the numbers were all en- president and it is expected that his ine's Formula for Earth Pressures, not good after April 26.
thusiastically received. thearty ap ticket will appear in a lay or two. --Thesis o F. C. Stevens '03'a nd R.
plause greeted all whotook part, and 'The h ttest fight will likely be waged h.. Goodtrich, '03. PROF. STANLEY'S LECTURE ON
the soloists, Messrs. Howland and for the presidency and the crrs- Tests of Lubricating Oils-'thesis of WAGNER.
Berry, and Misses Farlin and Huu t ponding secretaryship. The latter if- F. S. Pamenter '03. 'Professor Stanley delivered a very
were recalled. Their songs were de- fice is of g'redt importance since it in. 'he Aluminum Carbon Cell-Thesis intresting lecture on Wagner yester-
lightfully rendered. volves a trip east to secure speakers. of R. P. Jackson, '02. day afternoon in the museum lecture
The nominating convention will be A Kerosene Engine Test--Thesis of room. The lecture was illustrated
Dr. J. U. Neff, of Chicago Univer- held in University Hall, April 30. L. N. Udell, '02, and W. A. Detwiler, with a large number of stereopticon
sity, lectured here recently before the '02. views, but there was not sufficient
Chemical Association. In the evening Brown University has set about this --time to give any musical illustra-
a banquet was tendered the distin- spring to put, a strictly ameteur base NOTICE, C. C. C. RACE ENTRIES. tions of the great compositions of the
guished guest. ball team in the hfield. Summer ball All entries for the cross country German master. Professor Stanley's
players will not be allowed to play race must be in by tonight at 6 o'clock lecture dealt principally with Riega,
Professor Herdman lectured on on the team, a thing allowed by most without fail. Anyone who does not Die Meistersinger, Tristam and Isolda,
"Radium" last night in the medical of the other eastern universities. enter on time will be placed on but did not touch upon theTriorgy of
building. A large audience of medics -The Yale Glee, Banjo and Mandolin scratch in the race tomorrow. The the Niebalungeslied. Those composi-
and other students was present. cdub give their annual New York con- entry blanks are now on the table in tions will be considered at next lec-
cert at the Waldorf-Astoria on April the director's office. ture. There seems to be no falling
Miss Tel Morita, the little Japanese 22. The receipts of the concert will G. L. WAIT, Acting Captain. off in the attendance at these popular
lady, who was a student at the ni- go to the Yale crew. lectures. The lecture hall of the mu-
versity last year, will be married in The Wisconsin Alumni Association NOTICE. . seum was well filled by the audience
Chicago today to Mr. Sueji Miyamore, of Chicago will hold a pre-jubilee ban- President Angell desires to meet which braved the rainy weather of
a student at the University of Chi- quet at Chicago, April 29. 1200 are the class in International Law today yesterday afternoon in order to at.
cago. ,f-'Aexpected to be present at the banquet. at the usual hour, tend.