THE MjICHIGAN DAILY. THE REGAL SHOE All kinds, all styles, always up£ to date, the most durable Shoe made and always the same _ price, $3.50, three hundred and sixty five days in every year. I. .A . . IMeyer's News Stan d, 61 6IEAST WILLIAM STREET -ANNARBOR, MICH. Our- Geiltileen's Furnlishillg Departument JUST1 RECEIVED y A large assortment of ifShirts and Ties ~ i FOR THIS SEASON. 1 The Effects and Colorings t' ~1 Are Beautiful .1,< SPECIAL UMBRELLA SALE for $1.00 ZACIHiYANN&PEREj 10(S 07i t rsrc"3'"rt'sir{Vterv ":r' z ert z-{r sris ;c' ""vt'"'.''z*4-crci{ss- iit 1905 ENGINEER'S ELECTION. Everything to M~ake Your Roosni} ',, 4' R E N T S C H L E R For anything in the line of , The ]1590 engineers held a class A o, Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, ¢r meetileg yesterday afternoons in the c S honeS8-2r. Corner Uain and Huron Streets. !y gineerinig btilding antd elected the ~ftollowintg oflicers for the' year: At LOVELL'S Corner Store. c, 4 yktris ~ o -te ,y rcrct r ;fir ry, t. 4 yy iv, 's 0gi-0 tot 01, 4 i0 ter 'resiide tt H. Coitting!,; vice-Itresi- _.__lent, It. Sltwe; secretary, S. ID. tChtse; GLECLBtreasttrert, S. Witlsttttfootiball tiai- Dwgr ho first trial fotr candidtaes fttr thte ;ager, It. Dletwiler; track, ,.Ic;iae DwghE. Watkins 1Jiv r gallNomanager Mr.lulFry. tiCliss rl(clittt 111)5 ]Lit.,SWedneisdaty , ,ltttlubwil take Ilace tn ro tllotttaCrM, ry TYPEWRITING 110Iltt. ltto C. iv Iblittitlon lonay, Oct. 12, NWSPRTFO-.' .A Itttttttt', a: Idt,, 323 S. Maien St. I.St)NNI3NSt'IEIN lIat7 otclitck. All canidtates atire N lte afIRsT FtS C.l A.s It it to ' ti ittll f ''Itt tV t ____l;._Withtthetatfairs oflttt t. 'tleilt l 'A A 'i s.""r''NOTICE, FRESHMAN CLASSES. iPARKHER, Letaiier.ChiiaAsoatnudetema -p/ In tirder to drrlolte the All-tFreslt ______agett ottf a tie' pisaeretary, a DARLING & MALLAEUX, fooltall ticantot the highest possible MANDOLIN CLUB. ne1w lifte s1111msItibe ittftuseit theii iit'gri'i', tt're 'sill hte notifreshmnt I ±lirt s tIrial forte' ttMandlolint clttit ortttniiattio. Newbterry hal is lt be- Pillows, Penannts, Fancy (Goods ltttis inithe elits sseditle. All first 'ilai'llc nrtit2,ticiiycitmelt'inditiof litttit'for 'ill t'ouslt and Notions. ye'ar tmtenwrit are fototball catntidates }Tal, on edneday, Oct. 14, atildets, sa1110')'eiwhere ithey nity lindi sitoutldr'eport'tfor' the All-F~resh leantto'c'lock. KUS'lI'RF'Ltleatder. gamstitsfor tatituseent andtimusi'clto 226 S. STATE STlt 'ttsr'ltitihnsontsevery tafterinoonitat 'entiliveniandticietrieii'dull housrs of :15.A vniito ifcnltae irthe (lay.'ITe patrlotrs tatndreading Flt.M .FNi~R.,TIIOS. BII ltt)111'l'S, tl( Vtri yLc hiiwlloomt'l itsttisare' alwttys itpen, andilthey will GYM. SUITS AND BANNERS. 'obilVatg room C, Univeritiyl hall at 7 a(ochc,~ at ctl'vlft h ttet NOTICE. H ft. 1'AIKHII, Thteer sscition t~ttis ilini:i.mtech to Allsiit'tits de lingto_________compete_ tilli tolti ltld poyttt Ne'xt doior to Etdwardsl lrotliers, ever forpliar'sont lihttbsiniess siaff of the Y. M. C. A. NOTES. ;athti e ri't'tstit s 5(1.ftar titikt' a ciedit- Shieehattus's', 1111k Store'. \liigtitl ittily repolrt to lii t iiiiisin'ss Rev,.'. S. Patttn of lie Firstai ot e Shoitntg. iti~totg'r'a 1StPaktrsiciii this ri'egtiiotil chutrchs till addrless li i,'ttitheltglil(l t O'stZ PALACE 6 PARISIAN week. Ii''iigtatgissiI:10 Ii litsitilotis ini thei'iffi' itiHigh A E C 1 will lie ''Sialily itt Itelit'ittn.'' ' i Sihlt s ofthelii'siaitc>'anitfaitt veittt'hem ..AIINDRY InECLASSnaccordacelEMSNOICtEru!s jott;erfromt hi' numbersrowho > i-v r " I. [. DW[[R, Aqi. tii'tt bei handedi(toI ii lii'by the tmatna- scooono__frmnnAboHg gi it s-teote six o'clocks Wedniesdas fi'siln vty, .1' isit111 yi 1lr't .1lt niA v itmeettg unda, Oc. 1, wil ItolbNticorfref5',ittien A cilL i tt.1'' th'.ly o fhreshden- sit btortAti Aitiboyst i iss.itii iltl'o'cig trt'ttt oi. a. aty7 Dj r1 wllbealoedtoenert- 11111tl t friestintertssesiotll v isiitIattng sirbortigotittiftwttas.ttaeislacy hi satt A IILOc't'S14, a -40___,__.,_, _ isuot e l ntivie tribes sit'tt'' ior'.: Comfort Dan McGugin says President Suspenders are the easiest he ever wore. Guaranteed "All Breaks Made Good." 5oc and $1.00. All shopikeep- ers in Ann Arbor orymotpaidIfrom C. A. EDCARTON MFC. CO. Box 286, Shirley, Mass. 01110 CENTRAL LINES bits, Aths'ns, (ialliplis, tChtrlestonl, W. Va., tand the South. Asti your111' tiori apiply to L.. P. LEiuws. I'. A.,, 7 tort St., Dletroit, MiebH. OsLTON lOUt'., C. P. A.. Toledo, t). Cha. r11o's American & [uropean Hotel OPasr Day and NIghIt Privatie .1)1t1tu1" Ituunis ad i ne ROOMi'ltuS, BIILLIARDO HALL, BOWLI~d ALLOY AltO DAN1Lr HALL.~ Tr'your fautsstenid'erltoinstieakis 209-211 N. 4th xAsias, MRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, The Professional Hair Dresser 322 S. Stale Street, lap stais), ct "'ilt'sce ittl itisitlio ilthiitthe t' iets t a t ti0, ,'e 1par- lotin~ltsct'ihetriewiil litti 1r atiet gootds Try my Scientific Face Massage and Manicure. c ititttleliniie ll IIIresli te'sam.____ ' Th's l '~b~t Ie lBible coturses ciii meet for t110' Pantoriom P3 t) S. Stile t'..; itilci' 001 'uMadison Street. first, tinets'Ioday at I9:315.Anty w elsl r's',Ilt. st i'stt,2 All111 i's. yearLi.s asditu ngineers cc-liehave'nit.l yetsigntified thitir i sineti, l~lt. 'Piiitsitt tod for $1511 titlstItoe etaminedsh ysically lietore t-ii ithtiofjiitig sny iioft 'itheourssrlrtittfelici, $1 .()(). Niovutet'ie All others not till ititer. tmtay itbtaintiniformtationi hy st-eiteg Mr. For Reint--'i'wo'i ltrge sttiW; tall Hotitrs for exaiatioin, 2 it 4 p. i I. J.IHowardin itMSc~ilanthal this imodeltrn iirti ut-iletssCail it 6i12 1. andtot7 9 p i. mt. nmorning.Madionw St. if K~dhdNIS t"I'rNItA''ItiCK. '1he.fotllowitig courses are offeredl: ______ ___ _______1. Studiies ini the Life of Chlrist. Stoot's Orchestra, phoine 9:32. Strict- Canittis fur the Pl'lips' Classi- 2. Stuiess ini the Acts anidEitles. ly up-to-dale andl first-cltiss. Any coin- cat Schotlarshtips will he exasmiri 1.OtsisineOddItla' ti;ttt binattioins of intsruments desired, 'raps Saltrda~y, Ot. 7, roiiim3, 'Tappant acters. atid sling hits a spiecialty. halt, it 9 a. to. Appilicationts for this I4,"'Teachtengs of Jesus andi hits texaminiatttt shoulidt be ileto once 1Apotstlets., JOB PRINTING- MEYERS, 215 f ini lieitt-tn's offlice. 'rho meeting Thutrsiday was a toe- Main t S. S. Phone 281. M. L IlOtige, Ynorial nmeeting lto Edweard C.Itatidall,, -rano ___egner'0,whasdowels Chatosa 01Cut enetter '1. ho ws dowiid ast Your eyes examinietd by an ____stitmnet' near hits home in Stelintg,' xetotca.Altelt NOTICE 19016 LITS. ill. L. II. Hectoir, '04, Medic., spioke, exproetptcian.sall mtehal- 'hue:191)1) Liti, citass electiont tiill lie briefily itf Hanitall's tiolltegie lift' aniles liilt ii ouni , tiivrsty to, rus-character. Itrwas votetd in the last knownitot the ptrofession are enmployedl. hedy, om C2,Uat :15 .UnivtioetmeetnghfatleYH1 u 10Ne's'eye glasses* filled, lentses duplii- da~, Ot. 3,at :15p. . abiet eeingof he . . '''' ca ed, frantes repaired. Hailer's Jew- NELLIE E,.SIHAVER, tdraw up fitting resoionsthaet sed enil Sore Vice-presienot. them to his paretits. eySoe We sold your Grand father goods aid diii his repairinigtrhtent lie . ttentl- Pat n eat er hoe edschool here. We 'sant ho heep it Pate t [4 ather S oesup antd dii youtrs. Hailer's Jewelry A L B E K T L V TBathtStupplies of all kinds at all THE RELIABLE SHOE DEALER. 124 SOUTH MAIN STREET prices at Cushing's Pharmacy, TGive us an opportunity to figure oen your list. PRICES TALK. b~l L W We can save you money on ; z ,/ AW B OKS;- New sr Secsnd-Hatsd)l CALLAGHAN & C tAte, LawImporters an 114 MONROE STREET, CHICAGOI. 2 ANN ARBORBRNH34SttStetOpoieLwuldn Your clothes pressed and cleaned and your shoes shined for 25e a week. Pantorium, 336 S. State St. Your clothes pressed and gleaned aisd your shoes shined for 25e a creek. Pantoriom, 336 S. State St. For Rent--One large single room for gentleman; all modern improve- nments; 120 S. Division. 11 KOLLAUF, The Tailor, 110 Huron St. E. Always Ahead In Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in' Tailoring,