The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 190)4. No. 140 ANNUAL BANQUEI. S. C. A. SOCIAL 0__ The social at Newherry hall Friday Young Men's Christian Association night was well attended though there Banruet a Success. i..s:en -,,a.n'lot as omaiy Ihore a:._.t Progiam. Jarnus Scher- !he various classes of lihe literas; merhorn 'toastmaster. department gave entertainments o1 an _____unique character. In addition to this, Last Friday eeaing the Universityj Miss Laurel Drayer gave a reading Yonfg Mon's Christian AssociationI and music was given by Mrs. De. gave their seventh annual banquet, Reed. in ito Iillais halt. After a recepiin lastinlg alioiit an hour, everyone ad- ST®NS UNION. jouned to the banauset halt which was ____ artistically (deeoratedt with yellow and Executive Committee for a Students' blue bnnting, Micigan banners unit UinPadaBgBnie flags, anid lie Stars suit Stripes. Al- to be Held in May.' ter itoing tutl justice to the floe trust the banqueters sang "Ann Arbor" anti 'ho members of the faculty anud the enthuisiastically gave the different cot- delegates appointed by variotus college loge yells. Thaen came an exception- organizatiuns in ptirsunce of the ally fine priigram. Michlganata resolution, have meet Mr. James Schermnerhorn, of Do- sait organized as the Executive Coin- troit, acteid as toastmaster and itoe mittee fur a Sttudent tUnion. 'The oh- certainly upthold his reputation. All jelt of the resolution of Michigamua the speuliers gave fiue respionises to was the formation of a committee their toasts.unit the Association qur- which should have threepuos: tette retadered soveral selections, be- Fistthrpalgrasoefsn:nna log encoreit many times. banquet which should be to the mom- Following is the progeram in full: hers of the faculty stud the tinder- 'The Law andil C'ristianity, Pr'tof. gratulnutes, very mitch the some as the Frn . iSagi. alumni lianquets are to those. who Post Coll-ge C'o-eiducation, J. Ross have gradutated and left the tUniver- Iteod. sity. Second, the organization of a Music, Association Quartette. Stitients' Utniou along the same gen- T1he C'butrchi, lRi'.'. S. liatttil oral lines as obtain at Harvard, Ox- College Friemdshipis, Artley it. Par, ford, Pentnsylvania adtither Utniversi- son. ties. 'Thirdl, the seculring of a Miclh- Music, Association Quartette. igun Club house to be the hotme itt the Colege Athletics, W. C. title. Union. .'Ihose thiree purpoises have Lotokinug at 'initgs inite lie g. Carl beeti aidopted by the Executlive com- 1i. Smith. tittee and suh-romnmitteos have been Blesides tilt're'gular poram,'iTast- apiteto iurls out each inidivitdtul VanTs'yle ofit eroit, unit Mr. Nuthiati Al the lust meeting, Aturil 8, the Mcthesney otft'hicag'o, Stir roemarks. etimmittee appoiinteid to repolrt ttn the Mr. Van Ty~le ciongratiulateid thi' Youing advisabtility of a bianqutet t be heldl Men's thristian Assoicitin til their this sptring, repotrtedl in effect, that it grotwitag influtenceitt theU niver'sity. is advisabile lt holdl such a banqut Mr. Mct'hesniey, whio graduated trout ott tir about May 21th in Waterman Ltl AIUII Ut7 d.LIIUIii ii "ymnasium. c stptikeoithttt interest C'hicago Aluit W\hilo every stociety and college or- have for their Almia Multratid on the ganization will setid an official dote- grist needl if stitients rarrying their gate tot the banquet, it is alsot intend- collego ideals itotittictal lilt in it that it shall be informaul in char- botb the business andittitlitical wiotld. actor and the general attendance lim- After 1he' progeratmttas over, a flash- i'edtonly by the capacity of the gym- light ?picture was talien andtIhle ban- asium. At the icincltision oif the eve- qitet brokle til after giving lao U. of( ning's prtogram tif music antd speeches, M. yell..- the banquet will tietitrnitoli a gen- Tlhe banutiettrioimtiwasicriowded ianit i-al nieettig fori'the liermatietlorgan- tatting all things tnto cutisideration, lout(itt ofa Studtentstniotn. it was tne of the most successful tan -_____ ____ qutets the Associaltin ever belil. CONCERT PROGRAM. A concert will ho given at the Prt's- WEBSTE SOCITY BAQUET byteriati church Monday evening tin- Satutriday itight lthe Webster sticiety lir the diriecltiinitt Prif. Hoiwlandi, as- held its tinty-fifhiaittital banqit.. -sistedi by' Prof'. tenswick, uatd Auigut. There wus a gottdly attintdance unitSchimidt. 'Thi'econce-ri will bsegin the' reptast waus heartily enjotyetd. Mit-Itrotniptly at 7;:301 o'clock. sic adtded a dham l o the gathering. 'rhoetantire trogram will be sung in Under tho excellenitinastership lit English. 'The admissiton is 2t cents. H. t'.GCubithetotiast s were u-ill cre- 'T'hecfolliowing is thelproigram:. spondtiedl to. 1F. t. DeNeffe sitilit' tn Organ solot: "Fantasie Tlrioimphale" "Daniel tWt'isler;" L. S. Eation, "Webti- - - - - --............. ubis sternslottot;" WV.if. Steveins, "The Prof. Llewellyn Reniwick. Occasiton;" Jitniti init, "Wsoman;" (trestral purts itlayetd on Itianio by Miss Margaret icktinsoin, "Wominen in Miss Painter anti Mr. August tho Practice oif the Law;" J. it.Fluff- Schmitit.) man, "The First Xear's Practice;" W. Qitaruette: Spring Sting ...... Pinsitti B. Leslie, "The Beitchi andtihtelBar;" Misses Farlin anti Hunt, F.fP.iGtib, "tOur Rte'iaince-'i' l aw Messrs. lBerry andtHilwanid. yers;" F. A. Baiter, "Trite Patriot 'tenor Stilut:"D~ear H-eart" .... Mattei hum;" M. A. Seitz, "''hrice Chamitions Mr. Josetih Berry. itS the West;" F. H. Jontes, "West Sipranti Sots- worth, Ho!" F. C. ('tus, "''hoeiBest of (ua)-"Oh, Sitea hay in Slicing." Good Feeling;" anti J. M.H. ie, Andrews. "Mug-wumps." (b)h''hiree Greeni iBonnets.... The committee in charge itS the boan - D'Hardeli; quiet wore W. H. Stevens, A. F. Ailyni, (c) The D~anoa-.... hiadwick D. C. H-utchins, L. S. Eutoin, 1D. I3. Miss Leila Farlin. Cottioi and J. S. Broiwnlee. Organ Sotlos- (ua) Le tygnte ........ Saint. Saens FORESTER feHOSEN. (b) Rustic Wetiding....Wt'st Wesley Bradfield, a stuident, of for IbMiss Myrtal Palmer. estry in the senior class of the hjni List the Cherubic Host" ("Holy versity of Michigan, has been up ('ity")- - - --......... aitI pointed forester by the Michigan Mr. Howland unitLaidies' Chorus. State Forestry Commission. He will Iteading: "Timothy's Quest" Sceno II. servo on the state Srest reserve in Miss Florence Galptin. Roscommon County. Fifty thousand AltoSolos- white pine sedlings have been pur (a) Irish love song -.....Long chased and wilt be sot out on this re (b) Thewiooing-...,.Sievetuing serve in the spring; and in addition M iss Nora Bunt. seed wilt be soiwn ftfiurnish the state Baritone Sulos- with its own plants after this year (a) B3id me to ive - Hattoin and nexL. (hi Thy beaming eyes.. Mact~owell (c) The pretty creature.... Storace 1904 NOTICE. Me: William Howland. All candidates for the 1904 Lit. base Quartette and chorus;:"Tis Thy halt team report for practice at the. Wedding Morning" (frofn the fair grounds Monday at- 4 o'clock. , Rose Maiden") ......... Cowen BRUM, Captain. Presbyterian Church Choir, INTERFRATERNITY BASEBALL I PARKER NOMI1NA [D. An inter-fraternity baseball league ___ wil prbaby e etabishd ucr uterBy Democratic Mock Convention, for the spring vacation. Several of the Ipeieto .Mc ihenn o fraternities havo teams and hove at- rsdn fU.S ihenDel- ready exercised iacr mnon tin i l egations. . Nichols Ticket monds. Two games were payedtiat Given Offices of Demo urday,'Sigmia Nut defeateud Delta hi Icratic Club. t5 to 9. Delta Upsilon won from By the ovrwhelming majority of ISigma Altpha Epsilon bg the score itS 140 Judge Parkr of Now York was t0 to 9, nominatedulfr president of the Uiteud States tn the udemoucrati tikeS over ORATORICAL CONTST. William IfIHearst, t fle mich con- ventitn hel at Nwberry hull St- Ernest M. Halliday Wins First Place uraya fternooun. The tita yue In Prohibition League Oratori- stuioiu. Parker 2111, Iearst 54, seat- cal Contest, Milton W. tciring 6. Te rconvntiun was tne of Guy, Second the mst siritedt and enhhisisii'ass The ourh anua oraorial on-sembies which have been held this test of the University of Michigan yer rmtemnt-h etn Proibion eage ws hld ast nihtwas cleud to torder until the n- Proibion esge ws letu lat nghtnouicementitf the final vote, it was in the Lust buildinug. 'Thri' was a tne continuius struggle between the tiglarge nesttetudancees ha nclusepsit riner-laed followers itt Parker and .Hart, and osugcits ahbunpumsithe party spirit which was shown and the listeners 'wre in no way uis- would have doue credit to a national appointed in their expectatiuons. Allcovtin five orations were good, the firt twiu ightteu deegautns in which every being so nearly equal in exceluncecasofiteUiestywsrpe that the judges had suime difficulty sit th eronthierslooy waserepro- pl ac ws ecdig ccrddbetee hweer w rto r o tisbanersuof thir reptetie classes. hostH. ailllaywhuie uraliuuow~ riseciting attorney uffey was in- "TestPH.ramliuntyi'roseuoun."iMnltasntrouucedl by President 13. W. Mthlure W.T(eilyramunu euntwt t- it- uf hu e imcrti cluhis thli resiu- hi~ y rnke seondwit hi Pr tuig officer. in acettingehis position, hititiuun the tet Solutioutn A pt di he sltatd the obiject ifthefi'cnvention list- fact was noticedl in thu e uucsin io theu'wrus: "We have come here to itt the juduges in gisigtIalliuay iiuntteamnfriuiunttShu cihee three firsts o irstilivon while Guy e- tnitedt Stats on the idemocrati tick- thuii ndmsitioin. 'hue uortioins f Edwardt 'tian if the '5111 tW class, wass Barard Lonad Bow an Loisel-cteu-ilserttary. Thu fliwing tell- elKatzsow sillshwed'inco'eiii hretiraltiio r u-ves wert' app~ointed: Sunner, '5 L.; wu dessdt i ulivery, tut. winout Kizer '14, L; fluwshe, '14IL.; An- l otwi.t, ehg tnado h istbro,'t.M.Hliay h inro h o_ It was decided by the convention test, receivt'd a nrzeof uS25, anti has lut the canitue whit received a tmajiority vioue shouli he ecare'utnom- h hoic epetttgth Iut-inatel. It was also ageid that och vt st tte tt rtubiincn iminatitn speech soutld nutSexcedt testt atuing, tutuAtriritl, sit muttofivu minutes in lengh. have a chance ftu partficipate in the +acit f the deegtionus eectedl a contests that foliw. The jheieguon chaiuman tanunouce fbi'results it thouight unitd comtuiusitiuuuiwert- 1evtevie ecenut J. . Ctarliu. 1)U., Itiinuratle te -ot'sin the tdeegtion anto i W. W Weemeyr ad Dr E.D. reside at its deleibertiin. !ach del- Broks.Thejudes n dlivry ereegatitn was entitled ft mae a num- Iicuuis. Su juuigs ii ttiurywur- natitn stueuih. Jutniuts E. Buea, l eurg'X. Sampili', Somu' itSthe stiuakes wtul tucusi- Pr oresr. t. Ihwles nit Frautkiably have convince'deveuuirpibiaus A. Slivtc.had thle)' be't'n tut thu ristrum at a - campuain time. 'They pictre te WAGNER OPERAS struggle which the agytmustt sur- t'onurruiw au 4:11(1 p. n., ini thi' uni- vive nd il he necssity fr rtncutei setm letuuriutuom Pt-it. Stanley will actin. 'h'ey tracu'u the witcing of give a teture uon a numbnler f XWag- the last twti campaigns, shiwng wiy netuopeuras. 'Thei'illustraitionus will lu'(hut'iiumouurt ii: lust-uthailbelute t- tug lantern, thte sids ri'pru'se'ntg fetedu, andulittcocudsiin, och spek- scunes in thae'histry anduli'lprusen- r shiowed-linsuly awhy litthutght tatitunoithte oturas. that the maui whiomle wotulnimi- Similar leeru rs tug Pr'it. Stanlu'y nate, wotulte huest fiteiidt occupyu tutu'prvedv'ulimmnisuly poular ; pe- he hpreidentiltuc hair. butts thuenmtst intrsting ouShebebt- Atic t hu'nominatitns hau loeuseu, uiug his recent toture tn "Parsifal" thevtofit the delegations was taen wvhich, whenu retutateud, was Otilli- wiuhi theufollwing result mentout bynmutsical itlusratioins SuatumtPlrker Bearst the scoure. It will hut'ncissary, lit'014 Laws. cause itS thu, universalie-si. tken st set ion........25 5 in those lectures, fr alt whit wish tus Situsictin.....2 gain autmissiontutoi the museum lcture '(It Laws. uroom, t gut very uerl. A nurunbter uS 1st scitn', 8 Ithu opetras will hut- disciussued. 2ntlsectitn.......17 10 ________ ___'0 aws st siction. . .( 10 KEEP OFF THE GRASS. Suitsctlinnd ......8 4 A ntumbeur f complaints have Itt-u-t3rdiisuctioin.......12 3 ret ived tug Keene Fitzpatricki lately '14 Lits- - - -'1 0 in the'-'inrm uSfloters cmplainitug '05S.Lits ..........101 1 ht the Cuoss Country clib men wre 'Ol Lits ..........10 5 damaghig the laws autulaswnexuen- 17 its- - --........2 iosubs tuninigutcrtss them tutu the 04 Ntug- - --......... 3 1 daily runs. As a numbuteruf threats '05 Eng. . . i ft prusecue have lieen madti- hugthu 'Of; Esg.. ... 9 3 'porutytouwnero it Is urgddreou tc- '07 Eng. . . ..17 3 questiud that henceourh the mnnIikee14p n '1rMiic . toi the rotadsos much as possible. '0 antd'17 Medics-...11 0 Failure tut otbeg this re'asonuabtle re- Toutlt- - --.....200 54 quest is amust certain ft subtjct Preceouing the convention the an- some- lightly c-ailtutuambitious athlutist election uS officers of the demoi lete i-ua fine. cytic cli was held with the result '- ____-- hat the tentie Nichiuls ticet was puntt TALK BY DEAN HUTCHINS. in. 'The result ift he balot wis as Sevocal weehs agot DeanItutchins follows; consented to adidress the S. C. A., ut For President, James H. Nichols, 270, wvas unable t seaki because itS an at- D H. f.Cowley, 1:2. tack itt ]a grippe. The large nuimbe For stot Vice President, Gis. P. Shid- wthich were disapupointeud then wilt e, 277; G. A. icks, 125.' have an opportuntytoihia,' him n For 2nd. Vice President, Wi. Y. Stah, next Wednesday when he will spsai 564; L. C Lewis, 19. on "Soime of the Essentiols." As the For Secretary, H. Hill, 275; F, A. meeting closes of 7:30, there will be Diel, 128. ample time to attend the lecture on* For Treasurer, Don. M.. Eggerman, Dante. j2S3; C, wW-,Gust,18.