THE MICHIGAN DAILY : ?;.. I Tt Al a att BEWARE: BE WARE OI IMITATTJONS IN BUYING YOUR PURL "MOCULI TAN SHOES AND OXFORD.S TIS SPRING. DON'T BUY< SOME CHE AP, INFERIOR BRAND W'IT.H OUR LABEL ON THEM4, BUY BUY THE ORIGINAL. -_____ There is only one original Purilan< Shoe-nmade by George I. Keith, of Brockton, Mass, anti sold at the old stand which the comntiasy has osccupiedi for the pasat fiv e years. / iI I S. Main Street We have had a little trounle willh the copyright on or nanme a Puritan," and as a result of this we find people trying tool-Iioe oA represcntor goods, bit will ocroctisinte er nor 4 a $_______ atches, Diamonds " Or ether personal property of value. Watehes and Jewelr e lot t T e P T - N S OE O. paired. B'argains in Watches S The -'U ~i AN S GE O*~ and Diamonds. Office at residence. 331tl,.EL1 The Old Place 114 . 4 11 othMi erty Street, Ann Arbor. Hours8 14 14 11Sot anStreet to 11:30 a. in., 1 to 3:lt p. ino to I f9 p. mn. All Buosiness confidtn- 4 tiat. JOSEPHI C. WATTS. 1CHJ6} AN CENT'RU i 0R EN T SCH LE R For anything in the line of1 "The Niagara Falls deate.Mkr fPoogah raig al nRnieir 1Et 8IIOIT LINE- Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streeta. , t N"N ARBOR to I 'c CHICAGO F :i BUFFALO April 4, t904. UNIVERSITY DANCING ACADEMY,' NEWT YORK j Any artist cain he a photographoer 336 STATE ST. ANhOSO ut nist ieery phoitigraphler ass artist.$ - ANCOSO ailsait sc Short term, $2.00. April asid May. th diest eonnetions