Ar, f State Savings Bank. GEORGE ISCROFF, Correct Clothes for Men
SAID THE X ot:V r .Seea LO'I?,T
(i.Arnolid lDr V. C. V allghte
'sbtote'eir siiXte J COCCr fLO P15 & PLANTS OME yrJhHar' YE men say
1 ink P. Glaz e l. i ~i sue Php~r, oe t809 . ediiienthey can't get
at 8 in the morn, r-3o.3. f"o A ......... <+ r" L-+Fitted in ready-
to-wear clothes.
"I've missed my breaklast '0 evetyliere else in town and Whether you're
4 J have them show you sis for tall or short,
as sore as you're horn." $' Young Men. Then come stout or thin, we
/ here and we'll slip a College Brand Copyit3, A. B.&co. can either fit
Said the senior ''Cheer tip" 1 Sit on you. Vo'll1lbuy just about you at once, or, by using the
theii with wonderitig look- q ' " l' timesutore quickly than if yo y outlets, fit you in a few hours.
thadn't seeii hots utterly t-young- If your apparel bears this label
mc\4 anish tie other tgs are. N
You SUJR[[Y 4 oteeher garments in the whole worln dD " NWO
madt ii~te otly fr men of your age an d M R E OK
H1AVE IH[ARD d h e-piclea. tei ntl ty fit, style, durability, and fair price
itprce follow as a matter of course.
OFi ,'al- o'is a i/ S'ii'ip 'op Equal to fie stmae i allte but
Cos$100to $22,00 + price. Temkr'gaate, and
ours, with every garment. We ar
___________________________4 Exclusive Distributors in this city.
P n y O k TAElhIElt & W JItt'I I-
Pa n co UCUTTING, RYR&" . ".'tri .°.."'. .' i. .J.1..CO..i:yC
ises1+++0N195ENGINEERS NIOTCE-OEMvOCRATS. loiti i East Washington St.
ME e wcei'e t-ha i s ofthlie ( ilitlis Annuaiiiittt tii'll l ub i e't cti't'tot _______________________________
- - last yea. I hisyenr, tithIt(lis hrIrt t i mu ck itte at tlal convtntiooitt
o ut oti L heiXli'srit'es, ii'vewakttit i
ill ifili on I I tt. I ti o dai inhgh I School iyat. I ltdn, n Sew erru hlN
Or im itius . iic o eetia I ian tt lewillie lasscht mponsitpr 1101 t l ne'etis - 11. IiSLP N lry uuu I F'E;E;j J~
ur dneib irtrtes. a~l on theiiiuXXIort t erit nlat itthelasyM CA ND JVWhevrerdotosthl idiuut Chating itssosat Hailers Jew R1Ir
310tI3 12Ma acitStetV. Plotne 27-ti.o(t dl oaitttrnt antdtsee iwhati iyo ai___Store.______ t___ .__Oem' Owvn s Raautin
It -aioe'-' t-,tfi t le a)(li'e and(1 do eiertit yoin ititi iO'is Xnoi tutu Attin's tor niNby Spring Sirt-s. All- ysf,- 1.u 28c opo ued
Yittitt.of atiii tl tt il t .m Yur pesc e tl--214 Mai S. DEAN tBL CO.
___________ - __________________ will addiusiriXt, t the i 'ie.t Vit. o thaltig ises at Hailer's Jewelry
eati sltiiii you tlo tally li ott twit tug Sore. t. I
YOUCANGE A ngourbihtposetsinithe "plJOB PRINTING -MEYERS 215Ne Brllw kTbs
t oo M riaAprl 11 t e::t t .it. Main St. S. Pone 21.A
H o u i Ietiataitiforithis ieu-uwitt tueltu-- ____uer
tAt Ttttle's, 338 S. State 'id t tXhis meei'ti.Sulite To fi tItLarg osuite',si-le Fine Clars and Toaccs
lt'tY ltitiiitr. tibes, tath, gas, tirottet-healt, tle- JAS. W. REID, Prop. 32 Stae S., S.
-thetis. Onricisetshfro ttnt iip s. Now-
'. . 06 BASE BA LL.tapieiri tains tanil citelt. hEnuiir I a- I e eeied u'theXi' tan ins
'Ilhirs' whhi'll itpr iti' go t's - itithit'321 '2.Jeterson 1treet 22-tI it'ue i ipe
UNIV[RSITY DAN- n Iranh'airtruunls eser ot eioniiti pt-iTurkish Cigarettes andPie
CINGI ACA 11Y b 7 Sat tt'ih tro1111u ttiow tilt Lhit'spiing t anoimva1 . c. laig, ee treonlhtto Xiii' 'iy.
tLIJ I sii ci hi/ cI ei ititi I soutl titti' to hits 'tetichPre, iing ntl Itpairing. Clothes Fine Lunches in Conecin.
si ii I I X + 1111whi ilitis to ry Xii Ctir l e o tr ard delivered. Lave or- E iverytiinig Nettai 01iiii n
It- Ihnam rho'expir t tir t ry' ou0t tarsthiet'dor vrCsigs rg Soo r30 S. R. E.JOLLY
t'a eotfrprciatlatitc~ r vrC sig' rg Soe rbr nietF iday. Iti ase' litri-i'phone 582- r.
OHOCNRLLNSwill blit nsbleti~ourepoirt forpraciies Fresh LowneysAlgretti's Spar-
beoetaX imIsol cnie.i rows Hiylers, hocolates at Csh-
DIRET LIE a lavirit Itt'wiiilditsilnd e a s-it,
TOL DO TO OL MBU , i t i tgmehis nIhittnlt' sit X ionXiri- a
TOLEO T COLMBU luti iss ii' isht'sit ty tir. TicketfoePor shampoos-$t.0.
positionstthe,.wish 1s.tlAV I for. Solt water. iss Vaughan, near Quar-
11ll Wilad srtt. lt r. rys. i
The Prrofensonal Mair Dresser ITIt regularir ussi-ttlitr ii Cal oc t- 2iik resiulutil onstvienitin andi
322 S. State Street (ipstairsixed spca niaint h a ies t lt a t er I lir- eat I. ringr;; Ar--mtin Iitght tttn at clcii iitol lt- thu-rtt l ubit-.thi
lors t tietiiher nw iil it f ihi an i lit itnd.eviery tW u-httisdar tanditSatuira iiftiictrs, Sli4tua, Atritllt.
Try my Scieniific Face Massage and _______
lanicre. TONIGHT AT GRANGER'S Mandolin strings 211cenets er ull
- - ~~~IAcaetmsy Ort-hiisiroaill iro- set-Ann Acor Music Co..... ... ..
PICKWICK BILLIJARD ROOM ilit( evesrcttl wict- fmsic (finlil'ensat-- ishng'.- THOMAS ROWE, Proprieor
B3OWL~INGI AIaLEIY. Suite to ret-latt-iu itil, sin gtt'' GLEE CLUB NOTICE.OEAtIgrigta s-tltrXistuittotlltitiii hsthLUD Y
b_____Iels, hbathi , t5 tielihon . 1 )loitI iN lgil tur a fenonrhra
fot cti amusi. New i-urIainst andita-r(ofI XIli-' -Il. tiiiiti 1'C, lUn ielsiii r 326N. 5h Ave. Bell Phone 457.
121-123 South Mlain Street WAN[R CO.
EVEY PINTOFEXCLLECEof he rdnar fltmetal eul-attractive sesign, comlforable, sanitary, ligt, strong, rigid.
IIEVERY DESIRABLE FEATURE of a foltdiiiglied-economny of spiace, sinmplicity antd eause of operation.V
PERFECT VENTILATION1 easiest to handle, anti is
Absolutely Safe; Accidents Cannot Happen.
Ideal for student's rooms. Especially adapted to fraterisity houses. A bloon to thte hotisekeeperiou troulble to sweep unuder the bed. j
Iiiqiiire of
Henne & Stanger eg Martin Haller Mack &Co]
4 Or write direct to STANDARD. METAL FURNITURE COMPANY, tDetroit; Michi.