- THE MICHIGAN DAILY aG SG, Ho Wild Coilpall t Leading Merchant Tailors; SPRING WOO[[N IFor Suits, Top Coat- andr ITrousers. Full dress suits a specialty. Let us show you ou r Loudon Serge s, London ,Clieviots, Scotch Mixtures, Kilowens, Blarneys, High-: Slands, Edinburghs, Drum- tochity's, McGugors, London± Iand St. Andrew Flannels London Cassimeres or Ainer lean Serges. Please call and see: IG. H. Wild Comnpally 108 E. WASHlINGTON STRET.* SThe 6reat finlle t s " ! o xciting [un for Everyone Pocket War MIaps for the3 Far Eaist, 1ISe. ISHEEHAN & Co.,l iUniversity Booksellers, Sta-± I tioners and Engravers. 320 South State Street.* The Ann Arbor Savings Hank. Capictal Stock, S50,00.5 Surplus, $175,000. IResoces. J2 55)01)) A GENERA! BANKING BUSINESS TRASaACTED. OFF4rt: Cha(tries IE. Hisc'., res. ; . 1). Ifarrioin. ,Vice es.: M. j. 4. (1. t er. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Etered as sccond-class matter at the Ann Arbor Post Office. Published daily (Mionday excepted) duelng the college ,year, at 117 1E. Washington steeet, (aennflose, side etrance) Phone 8112-3r MANAGING EDITOR : S. EMlORtY THIOMASON BUSINESS MANAGER: ROSCOE R I. HUSTON EDITORS: Atleltic. - - -on E~RK. WALTrON News,- - - - - J. S. IiAr~nY ASSGCIATES: Ctird Stevenso, Roity Peebles, A. M ravr, Henry P. Erwn A. C. Pounnd. A. H. Ortmeyer. Joseph Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. More. Ida M. Brownrigg. I. Waite Jayne. Geo. A. Osborn. Harold C. Smith. Harry 13. Andrews. Alfred . .Kcil. Thomas 11. lRoberts. Clyde L. flew. BUSNESS STAFF: 1. A. Thomon s,:. We:. It. Lloyd M. S. Kobllitz. IT. K. Lattierette. Benj,. IK iDelloy. Thus. 1L. Feketr. Editor Today-I. W. JAYNE. ,Subscriptlion-Two:llars:per year, payable in: ,cadvace. If dtlinquent ,ofttr Notv. 1, 1,903, $2.20 Office Snare:-12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 Un 2:30 p. m. Daily. Address-ROISCOEBS. HUSTONi, Bueineees Mae- ager, 331 Packard Street. Telephone, 461. CALENDOAR. April 11-I p. itn. Demeocratic Club eliecttsionad conve-ntill in Ne- ber-ry lall. Fridlay, Allril 8-85to1.01 p. mo., S. C. A. soi al, Newrberry 11011. Aprail 8--81p. 1m. Lecture by Professor Van Tyle o00"A (C11)noeilpIDown the Danoube," at Sarah Casweell Angell Itoh. April 9--Woman's League Leap Year party. Aproil :I..-2londay. 4:111 p. In. Opecras lf t XX gillr. Illulstr'altdlecturel 11y Professor Stanly in Mu~lseum~ April 1.:1 WIlnt-sday, 8 p. in., in Sar-- ah Caswelil Angell IHall, Lecture by Thecodore XX. Kdoeh on "Datle, lie Mali aed 11e Poe.'" April 14--Annual election od Y. M. P. A. offices. Tilt iaih roois at.lie XWaermaln~ (z1S1222 are i~~iIl~' 1 1210noxtlrt-nily tO- &tnila ryconldiio. 1)o:t1112Sunldayconcetls beld at Itie Uillversity (of Califotrnia su~ggst ally- lt ichrigan tudi ientsl? W~II11Oith llo ditio1n of sleepling ears to, 111-heYsilani 1line, 111re will 11n- dubllltdly be -alollelilarger all~emnle It is-vloy :gratifyilng to Ihe Uiversi- ty10 Itllnotfttel manly 11(1n10sewhith havt- 111111 sho:win lhe-ireiden1t on his exltenideidtrip. lie has spoenllat the nacot imorlitnt lfunctionls iofse-viral of t11e XWestern unliversitie-s and lhas ively willre11)1111rece~ivedl will)en- We are glad that he is able hi take a holiday and to no it seems only right that he should be accorded the honor which we can but feel he oo richly deserves. PRESIDENT'S WESTERN TRIP. President James B. Angell, who has' been west (10 an extentded tour, is ex- pected home about the middle cit next week. President Angell has bern vis- iting the Pacific Coast ulniversities and has been the gtuest of variouls educational instittions in Califoria. Early in the we-eli he made a trip tii Los Angeleo. The president will probtabtly slop at one or two western tuniversities toll his return acroos the continent. and will arrive here about: Tuesday next. Everywhere on his trip President An- gell has been shown great honors cod! hal npoken at several important col- lege affairo. This weekt the Satutrday Evening Post mentiono Presidlent Anigell as onle of the few univecrsit y presidet-ns who have helid their oiftic-es ftir thirty years conl over. A PERSONAL CAMPAIGN. 'Thce cntest in theDemcitratic ele-c- tion and cinventitin totday iproises t) lie a clttse inte. T'he Parker Itic-tet, heatded iy J. Hl. Nichiils, hasitc titett thte campcaign ttoantoppostitt ilon fXV.E IR. Hearst'seaniitacy.'rhte 111-cool men say they are colnductting a pttrtely personal campaign, without rtegaril to' the itreferences fur tpresidetil cit i-~l idates. In tileecnventito whicht tftliows, hotwever, thi- politicat trieferenices ofi the Iwo fioltns al-e-expectedto aIpii- ticar. ENTERPRISING. An cotetrprisiiig ptpc l ubilt' lDtan Htchltits' spteectih i int-XXesi. b-eanI-utcthits sasys list, 111-il)not', mae t1hte speech reolsrted 1011his stib- je-ct was an entiriely differet on(tt, than that givin in the hater. GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. 'Te crewrice-btiwrt'nXWitctinsint anid C'orne-lltshiichtwas t be oin' ti tic mainit-attures of lie jubtili-e'st-i.ok at M~adiscon has Itteen: declareid oftby thte XWisconsintBoalrtd tf Controil if Athletics. As lie- jubileit- omitt o ieitusedto ttgtuarante-e $1 2)1)1itr lt,' ox- pense eti bringiiig the Cotrne-llI tr-i west, the IttardtfeitItit coutltd nt;af- foid thiadi that amottt to its tre-stI deficitiof $tl0tt0. Alsothi' crtew-ohitct wotuldlrepre-sentCortiell wso tto itbtt the regular 'Varsity ieightbt'tthit sophoamtore crew, in which tact- Wio- consiii woutl nott gain mtuchi by bettt- tug it anti wtttld lose a g~rtat ittal if tdeieated. C'rumley, the great itcer orft the G~eor'gtown tInivirsit y ttase' 1all team1 has, beeiinsspenllddtill t-etcast-oftI ptroftessitonalism charetIagaliost ti is defieatedl. A freshman at Wisotintit the1 naioe of Jibotsn is thitiwing IteItamt- mer:tve-r 111 fetldaity in itacti'e. Anttthter freshinan itircw tlb isost 112 feet. AN GLOVE Made- of selectedl, velvet taiiietd buckskin, huilt- on lii nces that xii appeal stroiigly to tile players of expeelice is our No. 2x5. I ttfits 110 heel pad, is nicoe extra loug ill the wvrist, is lined and slightly padded aiidlstronigly aind dutrabhly iiadle throitghioi: It sells [or $2.50. 1FOR12SALIO AT Walir's Book Stores. tt'ttr e;oltr hat The"lVARSJTY't Th'le disinctioti is ini thte differeince. GOODSPEtD'S I alters I7S. "ain S1. Hot races cc cjled .:lid Choie Ct Flwer ttttsiasm. lo esCocflowers owers ov- er thirty to-arc ntow -he hans aiid Plants in season tee-n citlthe-heof t the Utniveisity of COUSINS & HALL, tiiucit ntn titiring lttat tinme tas seenI it ltpe its lplac- amttngthe gret- Cor. S. Univ. Ave. and i 7th Stre es ct not only ttf StteUniiversities bti Teleptione 151. (el:nttf all tuniversitie-s ini the cotentry. WEBSTER CUP TEAM. retreshedt. U -tl3 nn1S' After a lively sc-I of ptrtliinarieso Shaviuo' Sticl the Webster Society haicosenuoo'tile 1- coltwing team tt repirest-it it in thtt anuial ('tp Debate. 5. tic-ruiere.' F. M. Do Neffe and Hi. It. Atherruon. I? '...*.....****....*********.****....***********. i ;. i lILE STUDENTS' [[CTURt ASSOCIATION TIS SPACE BE[ONGS TO Tilt S. Lo A& OCrANt 1M. .StABOLT, M~anager FRIDAY, APR. 15 J'J- Coleman presents M1r. flarry Deresford in J. M. BARRIEOS MASTERPIECE The Professor's Lv tr Author of Maude Adam's "The Little Miniater.e" Prices, 25c to $1. Carriages may be ordered for 10:45 Ai si ei 0i ei si wi Season Tickets, $1.00oot4.j Single Admission,, 25c - - - @ -@@ - - -@ -@@ - - S - @@ -u* *9*d****di*did..*id.diddi.i......... HENRY & KYER, MERCHANT TAILORS, 7y9UNIVERSI7'YAVE