THE MICHIGAN DAILY *~~******~*. ~ THE, P'ublisetd i0 3 collegebiEU S PRIN6 WOOENS Adl Iecc, For Suits, To1) Coats and 5 0 .- Trhousers.Ioil dress soils a +_l'iosed sp~ecilty. Lettus0showtyou A. C. 1o Sor London Serges, FJondon d osp SChieviots, Scot(,h.'' xtors, Geo. A aIrr Kilowens, Blrney-, High- ~O I * * Thiomas lantsloidiiinirghs, IDrnmit I oclt ''s, McGogors, t,01onhm *1.A. iThioi Iand St. Andrews'71la i I Is, S Lond1(on Cassiiires iir Aiinei- * Edits lian Seiges. T" cis 11all nd see - o .Oe'ripti G. HI WildC llpll Address- 08 . WSNOO ro.i ~Iheeredt Apill 0 I Van * 0 the * Ang *Apiril 9- 10[xcitingj Fun ror [veryone h r A t0 aho *Pocket War ~ads for the; 'ii 'l, Fa Fo ast-, 15c. oplililili MICHIGAN DAILY rsecsndcliesilmatter at the Ann As tsr Post Offce. daiy (Moidayseepted) during the year, atill7 E. Washington street, w. flooe, side entrance) Phoned))2-3r MANAGING EDITOR: S. EMOiRY THJOMASON BSUSINESS MANAGEIR : iROSCOEii. IHUSTON EDITORS : - - - ROnEnRT K. WANTONs - - - - J. S.t PunY ASSOCIATES: Stevenason, Roy Peobles, raere, HenrylP. Erwin aond. A. H. Ortmeyer. Y. seer, Solddard S. More. kririlgO. I. Waite Jayne. Olorsn. Hlarold C. Smdth. Andewis. Alfred ii. Posh. 5 1. Robierts. Clyde L. Don. 1 BSINESS STAFF: 1)15111. Lloyd )lt. H. K. Latourette. E. Dec~oy. Tiros. L. Poelee. ar today-Harold C. Smith. iuToollrs poee, payaleois *If delinqusent aftseNsv. 1, 1903, $2.10 ounrs:-12:30 tos1:30 and 6:30 in 7:30 p. m. Daily. ROSCOE B. HUSTONI, Business SMan- nger, 33i Packard Street. Teiephone, 461i CALENDAR. 1 ip. ii. IDenmocratic Club coii aducoenieitioii in New- ry Hall. L-ass Sociol Club lance. April 8-8 to l0II)p. nm., S. C. -8 p. ill. Lecture by Professor a Tyne ill "A Canoe Trip Down Dasnube," at Sarah Caswell g.11 Hall. -Woman's League Leap Year \Vi'inesilay, 81p. in., in Sar- tCaswell Ange.l H-all, Lecture 'l'li'idiiri' \. Koch ttn "D~ante, .Osii 0a11 the Poel." wso itemi in yeslerday's issuie 'ioa if lthe tori ihat tonighit Pnit iivilwili livir his leture Con e rig ownilthit'Daisube. The lnii)) is oniiiho) shold lie ta- o unutge 0f by every student n iessibili'atteiii. Iltewil) ntie 'a Itcia)t.as11nin)ter'tiinment, 11ibe ills)rcieias well. Alpha Niu liierar'y siiciety is' 'omp~llientedl fur its luro- lisi'n1)uaranging 511111a gooid liore li ro) meetinggoc tlhis iii'l thatsociet y has heldl ibis miii) lgs sold~i becomse a set- liev. I)tCi)u1d1immeudiately wid- Sphlere it infliuence which the soiielilis ae. It would1)1bting iii'eties o re closily in touich ))iveroilyaciiiies. the University, ht will be appreci- 01011 in theofules) exent by every siii of Michigan. who happens to be in AN St. Louis next ummer. THE WOMAN STUDENT AT THE INI[[D[RS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. L V The University of Michiga's iprios- O ent ideal for her women studeits, which has been evolved from the three decades of co-euation, is fair- ly well known thoghot the West. Md fslcevle Some phases of it can perhaps be re- Md fslcevle slated to advanage free) ime 1o ime tanned huckskin, built on as conditions vary. The type o o-li i ii e s that sill appeal nien students at Michigan has saedinii sotmewhat since:'82,d 1ing 1hlst Strogly 1to e plaIyer of decade teslecially. When Mic~higa's, exeri'en'c is ouir No. 'x. tdloors were firstopeedo l 0wiimen, all who came, came for studiy,, tor wr. It hato no hel d,~~ is With the growinsg poplritlly ut ed-I Imadie exrailoug ii the catitoflr swomen, and wih lbi' pros- svritlis linisd ac1rd1slightly plerity of this lar) litthe countl)ry, 11)0 ''hoarding sehollt ype"o"'fllgirl 1)as laddiedI a1)11stntgly aiitl come on tht' scene. Till'o1111r type)'is dutil 5lly made, 111,m1 'lloil. no) tewer in nuimbeirs 11011 tformerly. it ell though thie proprionl is leo. Thei boarding schotol girl, the girl woii For $2.50. needslo 1ble madieIto sd11yewhioini'i'is a considerable number it rles laii l __ dlownl for her guidance-grnilg thal a coisiderabile nmber ot rules for condor) is ever valable for an ed)n- 1FOR SALV A catittnal insitntion-is forunalely in1 prety small aggregae, anilthibi'1lioi- W h1 JB o_ t rs line a) Michigan loll reasonab~li5ly i aber's B ok wres fixed it ih a view t10teloe ilr 0111 better type: Michigan hbs ovgldrn- iment on lbseJeffersoniian riicipli, that in geiitral the fewevthin lawssthelr'- beteriff the communiity. Al Miu- igan ihe wolmans buliling is cmig bo (x(ri t) otee 10111 play0anmore' aindlimiire 0important) lerienceedltrial lsyer, o/ ll pul'ullg arl in lt'lifi' f 1tile. wi~oman. lihi'-iiisLl'ti'iiiito the yongstr in the present swoman's Idean, 110 takingupu bt'r du)tiis, maide )the 5woan's builidi- lrofessindoiiee 111/11 l11011 11/illtr- ing her oficial hedqiuarters. T'elueci- (0/1(1 ayoeie 1c to te eerlast- 0111) ias beetn beneficiao 111t1111)1 ing ~ humiian tdramii." anilwoevlmn. There cn libe 1 ii) no iilCsdoubtNItiUess ho) in their Iown bulildin~gcihiia I C ClU EVN GPOT large offhce, andlIwiltho t iisurb ance cedoby pth('men siient s cumt Teert o mng andi ging, tbe lieal an) lith0e wAroo men sudents hove coeintoilin h clser relaonithan ever ini lbeIpast. Cross-[xamination In every sway i 1)00 ben sught.toi) Ill 'make lt'building le heaiqaters for all the solcial lite of lhe Vier- BY sity in whichl the womilenl taleiploc. FRANCIS L. WELLMAN 'The wvtmnI's bilduing,lor Ba~roulir gymnasiumn, as i is inerchanlgeably of tie New York Bar, called,. is opieiedlfir ny l~ivcsioiy fuinctioinsuich as class tic rganizatonu ~ ''i'CR0-XMIAIN socialsuor 11111), andl tere is no cbarge 011 I 21't)'AN'i' ITNFISIiS for the seof t Iexcephlt-ir jaolr fs's. As i) is lunexcelldlt'irushll 111- INSM CXERT uoses lip Oiy ihalin te ilye,in(u s EDi)CASS. 'lthe expense lot using it is almous nothing, i). has becomlecthe mols),11(1)- 111ar' plact' for sucbh ues. 'Pie hurl ull 11nd1 in udaskitedlollth, with 1of isstse can b)e cnrolled, 1n11)aoe gilt tps1, So, $2.50 net, (pst- controlled. A limit of tweve o'lckil agie Mhe.) is fixed fur the coe ofi all i-nllrtin51- ___ ments. 'the wolmen's dea'n is alIways iresent. As ruii'suppiollliredi 119' C E. BARTHELL pubslic sentiment. are atsays failures, and as a healhy pubhlic sentime'nt: W& EICLBOK amolng the student beody cn he grea- N. 326 Souh State Sreet Sly futhhere'd andi much more' eaily_______________ ________ mnaintainedl by the cloe relationohip between those re'sploiblei'for the girls. andi tbe girls tbh'mselve's, and as the wovman's buildiiing is ledily and ill a really rl'narl ablieudegre Ke o serving more and mure 05sit means ot bringing the women othe Umnve'r f air. Use Williams' sainding withthhe wvoman's ean,thi'Stc fqueistioln of cnroling the scial lie f the w~toen atMichigan seems ill he ffairly well setled. ISHEEHAN & COI Uiers ~ity hBoIok'selrisSta-e I tionersIand IEigiavers. 320 South State Street. C. 11. IAJOR L CO14N SlOe 'ialI of [inc Inte'ior De corating ken)1 d) wholuui iii onlyi lbe iutu wil) 'le climuuildi -,ruseo} 1a1 1151 W1 (!Ii'ui1 ii literiiry thos (ur with101'I0 11~pet110\ ~iii iii0of0-il I iO15, 'liThe ulniir'r' which bhias in charge I Loe, tllsasii7'suui~lo'. hlii' 'ni'r'roity uof Michiganosxiit.i 23SF.Washington. Phone 237 a lbsC Si. IousEpsiioilunreports II Dnhatn:1the1 rr anl'1ge'ment~s are sedl U. ofM.Antilseptic Birber~ Shop urglessileg 11)111tat0 Michigan will be uvruihily repire'se'itedh 01 the fair. Eve- Ary AND emleaI,5 c 'iii'vorn is binig maideho moire J. R. TROdANOWSKI, Proprietor. lihe .Michilgani exhiituileal toi thot of Face Massage a Specaty. ,any Iiivi'rsiiy I ieu'he contry, and it 322 SaUTH STATE STREET will 11111,lonly upholuld the prestage of - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- - - Al I ~k~ hoI e IZ I' TI1[StIs:WNIS' [[CTUJR[ ASSOCIATION TIlS SPACE BELONGiS1T TH s. L. A. DE'AN M'. NIIABOLT, Plnnngnr' STONI?4GHT 9 PERCY AND HAROLD, j ARUN ONTHBAK I 20 CHTORUJS [ADI[S 20 10 BIG VAUJDEVIL[ ACTS 10 Prices,> 25, 35, 5O and 75c Season Tickets, $1.0 A jt Sinole Admission, 25c TINKER & COMPANY." FURNISHERS anld HATTERS. 334 5., STATE ST., Phonle 342-2r.