The Michigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOF, MIlCH., FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1904. No. 138 RIJB3N~iLIS POSED. Y. M. C. A. ELECTION NO CHANGE IN BASEBALL. Tl UNLSSUl The annual election of Il envr IThehbae hall sqadolpt in another ____ At Ferry Field Training Quarters- ity will le held Thurs ay evnn, ilyon the "ai gotndtdiamndnilye- A Description of That interesting but Relay Candidates Ran-Good Dis- Altf1J- 'The jelow it 'i n at: tdat IThe usual -routine belt" o- cu Throwing-Dvorak Clears tieheniale Little Known Part of the Univer- hav bennuac:i erved 'IThle oachers are waiting Eleven Feet. Preient-i.. ROtiS eIt ar lI itI the htt't of nat week beforsal- sity Which Lies Below the --Howard. lyi forth on Ferry Field. The turfs Ground. Captain Kellogg haa potedl at the Vice President-Jo. A Work, Letis o tht Va-sitydimond ia still a little training qtartera at Ferry Field the H. Hettr. isottndit i is thought aviale not Few of the visitrsr'to he ulver: list cit iieiientitled to a rut at the Treaaurr-fialph A iStne Sit Tf(,ti ftit ustp tit much at fist. ity, who wal alog the haded walksa Itatlo sit the 'Vacity rubtbters. They Seretary---'al tD. V titrlicit . .. 'fTh tacitetdis( ntinelutetitagaint of the campus antI amnire th- btildi- are forty-seveninitnutimber aisdt1eatas Eiiitti'-J. Stainley tBaleetutu CMet ch othter utmerelytprcticedl hat- iga and flower gartets,knw aoutt toiws regor. igant ieldinitg.the thingaitt intereat taidter their Koisogg, Dvoak Hahn Hall, Perry, __________________ feet. Brewer, Mtillerttehsttck, Schile, Tn feet tnder the surface itt the Stewait, Shank. Stone Rse, Read M'OCK CONVEN ILION. ANNUAL BANQUET. gritud ares large tntinels citine-ting H-arpam, Norcioss, Keller, fDunap, the idefferetilbuilintgs. There is tne Keeler, Sis Withey Gotdwin, lGar- Democratic Club to Nomitate a Cand,- University Young Men's Christian As- main tninel and seeral braneses els, Bston Walton Edmondis, Stur- date for the Presidency-Spirited sociaiin give Their Annual Ban- The main tunel starts at the tpower geton,,Cie Hugg, Hull Henidry, Nictl, CotsitoeiorsutToih-Gotrgrm h se, gtes west acros the camuts, Mintr, Stickney Daaie h e tec, itamey, CnetLoe orqe aat- odPorm tltttst tt theunetin, teitus anti IlitelwI tit atilllTatenKe-and Music. passes though this basement ofIfCii- ant, Kale, I titten'iWariter, Bes- Ant utcitiii-i twl t, vesity hatll adtil litithle basemeneti ler, Ititmo ysenitle ii alt espects as tte Ior coltli-i Tititpitt eight o'clctitcts the itt the law uilintg. 'the it starts yesterdlay the fouruile' relay candti- ty plitical conentinwill bl anualt anquititt oft itthis Univesity ack seast, passig tundter the titmei- iates ran their quartets of a mile at y helDemoratt oalfit it'IUnivier-sity iitin Mn'sthurisiatA-ittcat intiattatice attiiental buittinglos tuntil it ahoutita 4:40tgaitKeente itatrick at NewheryHall Satiday il intuit itMftillni INall Iamsit aSt lti tcirsunsreaches theigynnaimn. 'Ihere it hitaset the (late for the ial tiattitI I wiltle iii i ts a cnectitiediiteaoft troit 'ins isill ast as acsasqretnadrtusto at a seektfhoit next Satrdia.Sotame lelctceti h c iiitl u1'i itot/aitt end'titit tiSai' Ste t. S telpcwea aosqu as in'thaough eel itt the mne'art' shotwitt'-utltsoitwell hld itat theiisameti llace aidattt a li iI'a t W.(.Coe atIHt Stmithft'04ibaenntiof themiclthal buiilig. It tat it isIoible that toe awill have Itheisameii iteI I gI tis tted, andAIBPatsnitus ahatt a miletio"gail is titttntgh is rn t o o t amn a placte ticthi Ieato 'het'varioiusaclasses tof tei t 011 t 51iwill s itak.a i e.til'nouitthito llti on ii-iii wal. Rotse extendedlcis cdisctia ty wil1atte1d ie iltnventiii tutu- I lBeitttes 't'e eni udei. .I throumghuit with uat- Itsshapitie is 121 feel anditiittthe stiot a numbmer itesandilwill cast ie'vesfi'a iiiI- L111,It.tColandiitandti otersa(if the thatitt a htrsshoeiTc' 'floor t eis iof oft t iite s cio ot47 fet lieb s tack hett Ileuart i tiior iima i siniiorli tatllaitIy i oifSthe AisoliBarsArN t i 1V-------t cirneit withbric tk iwalla. [icing47 fet. 3 icheslikly canidluael reslidenutsotheMilo o Ciagan thrswll'Th prosut h Bunlist cr flat-els phltfle shut4 t Ic2 in.Dmcaictce-itesm s lolbpeet y seactpipeisa ani leci-ic-uui ight uies The hurdulesandi spr-ites -iii'in itutti i attor atown ls ipsr sact is oidIit Fromisuti730to8:0 ' c15 tloc-k tutu-u- will t lt'e diffetu- .-iib uil ig a tulthle san- gooudu tutrittandutattltearfclay in contusulit loinia staleior toutyi ctoun itvtetiobe aluliiinoml ret'ioin iilttue orniahu lllimhast itipatollwe et-atile ittintlut a lT tuouje lttuis ttu intes ti-t m nof I ciSlitlaiih ll l whi s-ichtil tc' speti- gtelcil ii iesat'uuwu- itic e~ales-otmbycs.t'isa eats-ilrlitelialitlutietsamietipow-e-r Ousitsei. Dvorak yIsttdas raisedu-le'ebarituior-pflitdntsofthsiit ttd Sla ite ite - rsc of thesli ouca Atote lewall tin tte-sie' ofthe tutu- eecun feet: andutclearedit itwith ino andtu im trmete ttsofba il tlt iii prset.liTo thtis ri 5 t i itut-i-ee'rranged iiiu-aces which pteat. uihcuit tlt lHe idint Ify it iat t tieustuetsioiMim-tigat', tresp-ec sts u f'esiafst hi'Assiaion ttuanI ofihtld tec lulls 5whichi cnuct the 'Tlitjuipuers lasede ntoi' w11srkcl -s 'lTh vatius fatious ae5ar a he banquetwill sart-itisi stAt Sat tah setopa.reltheirethraoa uhlwichtu yet ut will probtably taritutuon. 111rk cantvaassi linsg u ivi-c lit-toteist u itii uu--iiforIt'tuu tht111hetilt'tutcs hu'uupu whc or______________ t t- at ut ltis-t lii-t ilts ois ii Si Silt ii liall Itt' r- theiielectricuty itrtatsmitte. oria lgatllltt ic-id a-mprs-sntisithlations chestr sill ttDii-ls stiuu huiigti heIt int'whn st--tutu is COMM ENTS ON THE UNIVERSITY Olwl eb enlh ertmsitu su te tit-ccamsaonuu-ut onithe tiampuis for healing ntl BY A WELLKNOWN JOUR ites andth te Patites - h boahsh Ie NALIST ittitare wll org aulif, uetoi sthir Asdefrtoitthis hut. Asscitioto iwrIs(,tunluiuiaaveu-y sarmii Ih Atsdet fvariouseledig lus.Thtolowrsonts RRe alhutuigcco hue f esrsBerstilts I i lgheacey l ohtganizaltins in ltse Uiesity a..a re of it te tutuinintt litthusyshuv t it i I tir Ku-u-I--c andthSul t scll snaut t ,vro spit aln he id ae dre-usseduonetofttthebtssc oswniof Newtie the it b iest iii Iuutias ilssoft uituiitutitciaiisa liiheiruusih ath eliehs tbyehicdhtitm uaid u rntit-sontf Yrk's 5jontatitssauthlectures ns olderi-andtheythavtact-lu-fheiru'ui stru- tlu- is-uas belit-u- edoo c-u us-of IIua u uc repoa on oha tins hi eltl uterid tin alst-muthuimelauhemicassi-i-itAttaths-u-Iv-c-caul pointsuitarelbamichtuls 'I specnt a lay iniAnti AtrlimitI coun-iittfa victimr-, "dutommt heit-aiMrtle Wion u-lu-irmaissttfat a the tmaniunel.she'Ii-engieeriin was thseture itIRtwtel, Much.,and I leuririty" oheli iridtiet tsittithequit tcommsiittu-tiwtuu tiltalltP - -stimuls hatmaty ad tgymaimiae spenit a ay i youruutomwns utflirttieprsay.lit ilg ets i had, as ro itItorsit cnected. A mati outit Ichn- tuutse iof t-iin'- tieCclleg' I wai-T h'lte cnvsenhion isill bhu e t huling I t surumi tdeco- atiunm lls ii tlie-waly Iof n-i lu- "-niii h mc sh~Bwr n ls adtehl ok eussl abouituthe. grusmall ay askc--ney uniqueicalei rcle--uu ~~ snt ssseiutsuptuhsis it i pt atichstital Iis as litl us-tr tus0 ing all stutssitf fooi iuemmcstionms I sl-it prliiinttcemeat ingcs idumuser ale ilter bright wiuh ihissyeullow-anurili, ath hi utlo g pose, andthee--silvd'genealy cmiii an-jest I The outcmcuns-wilhis-watcedtheIusr clors. hueteyvstm' eu-atu su u swers. .I weutnomsan imuhcs'-a ciii wihh iaei-euss'by the is'nauttuer cifi --- tIehint nel Iwith gm-at flumutm utlmiomw lege nesspapmerofficein the nain the tate cempmaigns ofbmus'He at I A LU MNUS IS EXPLORING. mng tthus- Iractim'cl f uut ioft the buuildimg it, atppeared, whene them-u'wssanuuitPIamkehisAt s i-t t rt ltestts t iitia-shswtthts leadingpthumhtml'st's-urathbuid- a crowdt huhsituentsa, humask thtemsas ____________er____ ''a returnI ing fomi t.iu Johnsuis, N I., tin s ts giatingiomitthis piil-iege a strangtesromNetw Yorkefortimefolsr SENIOR SW INO OUT us-uleportt1111 I euniuhs II umiuam mlJrInhas besenetrumctd nuation anthwas toml humsum umo ueto 1hueSesuu wsegmmics;ummtuu mul 7, tt'is ll t uditormef "ul' n i t- ii nt-lacynsomm I - ac osS ihethaltmI ss-sin mum mueutiaofftce acrmuts;thusehumla.iIi wtnt hst ,nt te aihuttriiisa itt Ialumatormm GREEK READINGS hiee andleaneil that then- was tois5thletalc- agre-mupon.mumirhii'swhiles- ee iiwntfe ies-i--Igitllwith Tefltanmus Ameti-natre-mss,.u- us' alescture'-ointsoamctology tat p m it was Ithomughth thaI thus- udsci a . I e -Iudiuns "ude oil aili plthi nhut lit uMalow piduua high triute m t o in-'Tatptanshalt, was it nmmmIi hwent cncenigcats andilgwnwichtha ls ait.ull IHis iet i115'ionwsto hi et h'mmPrfssore A IIPatenil-linmumaitar themet2 'coc, ametob2amngbenucig nfo teuasi theresIino humldrnssfathuehn nyfacaeniteangeUnvesIy Ia friends i1null aemuatniances hbutheliieciin the smciii class woiulduf muciate v ito t ibad us eu-n tue.Tuh'l t'portmuantheu-Driama"In speaingmmpofithis was tutulecture. So ater soms' amless a poustponemsentmofiiihis 1i1111otillfe.-ch hslist ortululllu aussiti tiing axelyupowe hucm mndmlhi' audien'ce whie wandei I ,,came away huh au th -t umeiitheo mmfisnum s-u i 11111 a anth aiqulta-cult-i-H1s' le wa-s readinmgtGretk clsisesmu omut soumeihn" t tmenthuen Atn Aubomutt hthe' c-as xcumumi situliii 1 1 utt n Ifrut-mus tinkuti stlily dathelii-c'shla tent Mshus Halowe sal: ''le' ha by Thesomnethins" was iemkisly adaredttete hi ifeecsnaino hspoogdI hasences talcum thisnmitomlt tc' hiustmitan Attic smile antinodsofita gentle odmulinan, antiKs-emsc&Co'panytoiiwhum i - e, o-oli - - 1 --hswrk uincmdete ha tssot onte of tie profesoris, I takei t,whomcasanunws -e rrd hut tutu tas u-timhiiu Iu stui stitchfr- f cchermae them hiapitsheml I pssdma hecapu, ndwhstints t gt htherebytcamr.! hum!Ianhioigantian cntwt pinedinenio oate raatstwh bcmnign hpresence whites-ehe is, must ,ofItheimgnt hun hm h eilu a hted.luuuflit uua~nu-a'htumus ufrsomte wrnemtfmlirtosenamot ucannaittlhy Pe 'a perrennial hblessingp tintthe sem- Thussesmm wl ml scmmut'i s i ucS mauls-Iuuhuuauuhlustutliwsaperimialt lsumsctatuts'' tutuntmatnglumae sno in-uiscmn'tbedents itt Ants Arhbor.Perhaps yourecneisuetd mu alththe dathmi-its a ts wuu intAnnArborSttutnudmiDetroh it f ill upoun tits"iftshut'says'Hwi- 1m knouw hint a regulartartftha ale ii'cmmmencemet'5s-I.. culetslutist us-itsmu-u-tau-tm-rPvalualec wulditbete shirici- such a festivities aosut~list'iiwth" multi leiisltt man couluturenderitoIhule Anmicans PROHIBITION 0 ATORICALS. fetvte an th swnothistgweeleaetonprellU- The annual emntest fuse the eihigan fnsbyeangrusetrcu'tnumbe f I cek fth oselesetcuitfas mmcc's st me werehhiseowtimnmtuimcalteh - Ineclcgi r .agui h se m alme I I' I Situr inu s nue.beganm homalt affectionmate apreicatuionmuftie earti-u withhe eldin oomaH mt te Lw -Iti customar y simitits i cla liii(hli'atch'resnei'lyhIover e ilsi-snumthe master wormks iii thisdrama huilding Saturday eeninp at 7:30 0' enior classes to turim tisu-ps aemit Sli lchitavemg luau andsthmilli clock. L. CHiown, E. M.H Hallitay, -tittrmster ub]thiit'al Butjush he SENIOR MEDIC BANQUET M. W.City, G.Coths, antiE.N.N lar- dgw ns ttoaassemble mnmi tuee sy I itc trheein teseirIedccls nardl withltcompete All tiesorationa i ~oiu r-teyugwie a agto"i - - - -ae, tie main featurme omit cis ! ~INwYok ndha useeda'u it gpve5a ibanqueutIattyse ay, -at n-un uts 2BCeuulee . tAngell. Afte-r the-eerci-se's it hut Nt-s-chuaits e-' it utondutioin ha lstd muuu umis ttmettsswss Wedemeye and DthE. D. iBrookis wilt -n tonasvr a ~c;oftpodpre-sent.'ft-eEcu-i'phrofessosue were act as judges. - thewhnng praomatteadeandsu'thmetcinmpi tutuevei tghl uu 5t-eu-eu 0it!, iii tos-uhuualsom ic attendmansce. Musical slesctions wilt receis- a prnize of $25 and repro- ---iu -ntteiam-u htm twi-encnduhseedthuruumughtsum the evenimng sent Michigan in a contest with At- ETR N"AT. o nhi e~ gih ondtead h farwsvtda mes hion, Otis-el, M5. A. C. Notre Dam-c , staffol t mu,wit h hih lummticastatssaucscess.- Indiana and several mttens, which oc- Mr. Thueodore Wesley Kotchi nonlin'ehaubo hfr ibutthreeru-'s-iue ODTNIHMIN WIE citron hn May. Adtmissison fo Satmur- him the whole woss-detof u-it citamlias usuu"Ps m-r'ILmD-fue11ENNciINSUHAINE RTE dlay's contest is tree.tiy 1cpwrepainh ingcu,'thus' 5 iii)"' lc'uultom oh 'ciclis fume othues~er mun lamc thn usLIEth INSUsfuEteI of the tDante librarys-omniConelt-ti Imum s wrigonahsorcl" OMEGA PSI DANCING PARTY. versity, will lecturue un "hanmto thuo t1 iu s etmg i utumstnscthrcc years tan waun this western col- The Omego Psi secret society com- Man and thus Poet,"in Sar t'Cswellh is-gi tcnnis champhionmship fuse Micti- psod of young ladies from the Deto AngellHa11l11WeudnesdiayApi13at MDOK T LI. gnhsivnuhspoionsa Coma, Alphil Phi, Rappa Alpha Theta S p.nam'fTe lectumee wilt heiutrs'ated tutu- Maddockeft I yein et y usia s - ters-olingsalcsman amid with work life and Cama Phi sororities with give a b y lantemn smidcs. Mr. Kocuh's I sluice utu 11mtheituttiiomumomitrinersomni thei' nticarcc in Wayne- antIWashtenaw dancing party at Cmanger's tomorrow is given umder the outsilts of te Albuinctacktietaim lute the meat oh the .countis.h-he 'ill represent the North- evening at eight o'clockc. Philohogical ChumP cl slege year. western Mutual.