THE MICHIGAN DAILY %Vm. Ar You ' urely i'2. k ' Have Ho"ard ~ -of-w Pennycook. IL O ;Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCHOFF, oslcrCTokSc. v ac-as L0kIT. loldDr.V.C. Vaughai Wade E. IF. Mills CHOICe CUT FLOWrR5 & PLANTS 's Pof. IH. 5 Ca'iharti ChainSt, besisees 11mm 51 S. and Miller Ave. OstGisis tChi sians slMartinmPhaleo"0 'S~rinq C r1a I Spri ''~Rt oy fo Os, - inn Suits Cnivenettets r yonr inspeelioni. 1 Mlete Line of ing Hats r &Wuerth Gomp Sprl Staeblei 40'S *m~eege*0~6OO*0*@*0.0,S,@#S44*@*S.S*4 For informnation relative to dancing, or mosic for receptions, banquets, or dancing parties, call on ROJSS GRANG[R 310-312 Maynard Street. Phone 2-4-6. Granger's Academy, Office and Residence. $ YOU CAN GET A Hot Lunch At Tuttle's, 338 S. State UNIVERSITY DAN- CING ACADEMY 336J lsii ii State Si,. 4/Ut SO T IERM. { OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS PrlCr o a rii hs MARS. J. R. TROJANO WSKI, The Processional Hair Dresser 322 S. State Street, tup stairs), esxtendi stee" - ai leivitatilse to ie ladies ts call!ittIts-i ii larstin lspect her new lof hcir nctoiltt An aggregation of pretty girls, wit.- NOTICE. ty comnediasns, bright specially stars The annual Y. M. C. A. banquet will and nitvelt ies that allisar iniusoiliher lie s-li on Friiday evening, April 8, orgaizaioncannt fil o prve t- n the auditoriumn of McMillan flal orccielissicaniilfai 1 liote01Tickets can be secured at the office tractive. .bartin and MuIlsvey, those or from S. Terry Wilson. funny comedians, in thle best of all ___________ fatrcc comedy sccesses, "A Rtuni sn Fountain pens at Cushing's. tf. the Banik," is tse same piquatai, lisiely andt ialinisg shosw wrhichi provoileds Sitie To Resnt-Large suite, single so nsuch attentiso whets presentedi by iseds, bath, gas, furnace heat, tele Wardi and Vokes, sitd which was their like. One block from campus. New stepinsitcone to fasne. It will again pae utisadlapt nur 2 N. Jefferson street. 22-ti lie presenteid, osly sit a muichs larger _______________ and grandlir scale, at lie Athes Thea- Pantorism, d3l6 S. Mtate. Cleaning, tre oFridlay eveningi, twhess the pal- Pressing and Repairing. Clothes con st hisIsitsetril ietresel iicailed for and delivered. Leave or- one of thie rarest displays of thosrouigh ders over Cashing's Drug Store, or wi-il cisstriredei noymeni-st ever sects phone 582-3 r. on a loical stage. 'Te play has beetsn__________ esstirely renewesd Ibis season, ci en-ay'aaselprscn scope is giventsfor ft-einirisuioiesn (if Lot ad'tnslpuec- coghiet-, iunlimited ostiportunsities are taming calling cards. Finder retort isubssnlei forfunincing ntihig ornotify 642 5. Ingalls street. class vaudieville, lie crazs- of tile day Frs ony Alget'Sp- has notibeen negleciedI. If fistswousll yF rewshuyLoes, cAclaeret'ssar feast your 'yes isisisitheii-trs~asir:crws le',cooatsa uh that hare bees assembileil for your a tg'p hamcy-f proral, lie wosrlid wousIli e mitch Chafing dishes at Hailer's Jewelry brightesr ands belier acsi your nseighboiir Store. tf. stsch niore lovablesandssifhistworths _______________ stacy limes what iiticas liefoirietrhen Ticitet for fousr shampos-$.00 you enjtolthle frill ifs'esmagnsificeti Soft wtaer. Miss Vauighalsinear Qitar ces-Irtaisimient thai t. l sbenpepiareIdry's for yiusr enijoymeent. Don'tissuo it.____ ___ -- JOB PRINTING- MEYERS. 2i6 CLASS TEAMS PRACTICING. Ialts Si.. S ('ho', 581. Molist, of 1 i-la stasbllis-eams hsase got--slleni ti lth siindsirs' stitug NOTICE DEM OCRATS. to ptic -arls's Poiii f it humsrie qui - - - - - Correct Clothes for Mene 3 T last here are ready-to-wear clothes in the same class with jjfine custom- made and at a * price that won't Copyrih 19s3l.A...fto.e mp ty your purse. For years good clothiers have waited for this dream to come true. This label is on the highest grade ready- for-service apparel that can pos- sibly be produced. If we didn't think so, we wouldn't buy them; or advertise them; or sell them. Eqsal io fine custom-made is all bst price. The makers' guarantee, and oars, with every garment. We are Exclusive Disiributora s i his city. CUTTING, REYER & CO. iog=III East Washington St. COIFFEE MOCHA AND JAVA Oxas' Owrs Rosastirig -Alwa-ys fresuh 28Cper psund -21d Maits 5t. DEAN ft. CO. New Brullswick Tables REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars asd Tohasiss rJAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Stale St, S. I have usticeceivedithe largcst.a ine lstsi list of 1Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever licisis tehi it y. Fine Lunches in Consnection. EverythingfNeatisand Cleans. 301 S. Stale Si. R. E. JOLLY , I goods. stron 1i5 isyearisnd l~l iil isrisitilg -MotckiPresaidetiatl Cinvetntiontsansi Try my Scientific Face Massage and siries if gamelis is i'xpseir'si. '11ci- annuial eletionis of Dlemoscratic Club Msanicuree. scedui-lelosi class factss lesnot as ( iiffcers, Satriday, April 91h. ys-tiibeisnimadet-bhutwill- robislyiraiit)-I t H. W. MetiLitE, Pres. PIKWCK BLLIA D IQ 11Iheir ic a shunt tmis. All liii-moni PICKWCK BILIARD ROOMshldsilgiltisit andtiriy fur their class I('ousil-A giild pin, 'S. Li. S. 12-96" AND seams iii)isrler isto -smaliiiglesgmes iso11tti rssil itfroint. '"Folger, New York" BOWLING ALLEY. goidthis li-ar as posilei. - on b ack. Ownter may Isave same hy -cllinig at 12i9ll iiversity ave. Chafling dissnes at Hailer's Jewelry 707 N. UNITERSITY AVENUE. Store. tf. Allen's for nobby Spring Shirts. EXCLUSIVE NOVELTIES IN SPR AIN tG t21-123 South Plain Street aTHOMAS ROWE, Proprietor ROWE'S LAUNDRY+ 326 N. 5th Ave. Sell Phone 457. + WANRSUITINGS W NeR-6.CO. THE "STANDARD" BED H AS bEVERY POINT OF EXCELLENCE of the ordinary flat, metal bed-attractive desigtn, comfortable, sanitary, light, strong, rigid. i EVERY DESIRABLE FEATURE of a foiling bedl-consomy of space, simplicity aitd case of operation. PERFECT VENTILATION, easiest to hattdle, and is li Absolutely Safe; Accidents Cannot Happen. Ideal for student's rooms. Especially adapted to fraternity houses. A boolt to the boitsekeeper, tto trouble to sn-cop utnder the bed. Or write direct to STANDARD METAL FURNITURE COMPANY, Detroit, Mict. WE-ARI$ NEVERI UNDERSOkX.LD-00OODY-i$AR'S DRUG STORE"