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April 05, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-04-05

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______ _ _ail
For the Pennsy Games on April 23- I Enjoyable Affair Given at Granger's Opera Composed by Griffith L. Gordon Great Improvements Sine 1875-Great
Dvorak Does Well at the Pole Last Evenisg-Miany Novel Fea- of the School of Music Given lastI Need for New Wards-Crowded
Vault-Hammer Throwing. tres-Party a Great Success. Night to a Large and Appre- Condition Interferes Seni-
With the Pennsylvania games lesse The dancing prty given ly the' dtv uine osyi ecig
than three weeks off, eene Fitepat-
rickc is pstting the candidates for the Rc'Ilonsi lbatevigws ''t tisadters" an iopea conmposed toteUirsyhsialtAn
tea thoug astiffcuof train- aninlnovtl~ion in th lice of c'lubiby Mrl. Grifiiih L. tGordlon of the School Arbor the main waril is at the right.
dances. ocvewasnarely sscchrsnf At.ly e pre- s the west pavilion, and
log. In addition to Kellogg and Perry, oin the windss and anceasyfuwestern
one thebe forcileyconcesded a ibrteins a dantal'ilstsyvhet alr , cdlistngt tte'AhesTeabetween the two appeas the Palmer
plconhashefopractilel yta.bezns rae tewoef i r.Teauliee vswhiciilel the ward. iBehini the Palmer wari is
pl aiace sfo elateram. ronsthite st~sllof (thtsanetso1houttst'sayvery aptrei aiv, aplad-i sitaei the Nrses' Home anlthie
Thtaddtsfrteohrpaehe ladksifdany attempt111at tdecoraion. xatngseealpavilioni connecting the east anuwset
will probably run off for the fonrthineiqetl tl xctn eea
position the last of next week. Yes-it tools ut a litt lttebhiof teinscut ncalwoarts. At the extreme right is the.
trathnsnciastfthequa-aginatilisto IIthinkis 51115ll at alhott office. Just beyond this the new psy
ters of a mile, Kellogg setting the dttswn ini "Rilkt ilt"tsleist~ o s i I i.ostnteti ioiictwshxee-choiahic sward has now been pra cti
fo h is aPerryfor the e toiu wsentw. rc1si ally comptleted. The hstital stands
pace frtefrs a, Y frotm hmitths&steVtsstti'vfiledtheis' mir~t t vwlit'hetbsiatoMari.'llseietsmna tluff, giving a magnificent view
second and Hall for the third. sil1t ~t iiitl ltstIvtvisawsel ta vs a~s ntlwas aproptiriat- tl ms iw h trt ie aly
Rose tried hs hand at throwing tee to 7875 the hutipital facilities stf
the sixteen pond hammer and hurlet istme Ittof mttiiotflverbstieis Upt5ttttti tiiqitt1875itt'a tra theehositah iit eremad
the missile 143 feet He islt the six- flanetilacfthlstusual eeriss"tr'slsngit vIt t ir iistlfs emae I 85telgsauegv
teen pound shot 48 feet 4 inches. lnishirtst siitrt'r'St hap iequatesiIt s1i.875 ttert'egitittlist flit
Fitzpatrickc is coaching him on the wertell 111 Ilt'e rdr -f he ening. t t'ttvttv' st-styrIttit tirtittnd'cistiltbt'r
turn n thediscu thro andhis e- evelhtit'nnK t'eicssanganwith the payment to the University treas-
forts were all over a hunntred feet. tipirtnsnd st'eetietstMr. ttttttutttelyn 4811b h iyo n r
RanadKee rcie trsSttntof tenl, too ot 151to b ttsItt bottit ~e t s i ~tls trThe citizenssebscribet the mn-
Hahnneand ReelerepracticedfrstartsspIttimtesanslithstllsnstehiexression.i syant te medical faculty was at-
bt did not work net for the ftill him- tittn itthit ii 1 itltititi I tt'tit l 511.
drdioa titas tretsugtertis o te lin '' st itesttt5sstue iyli I ty~rized t aocpt pluansfthettta ex-
Dvorakc id his first poe-vaulting cf ''c elleniiitl t''i it l it is ~t."''tt I tr I ttii it ttt nditre tt bet liittut to $1,00l.90.
the year and srprised the spectators ittlghatit atdy tst 1151swt'rt a atts'v ttt'tt tics tory177ios of setcial interest in
by the ease with which he cleared 1(1ity fortthir s ortsishtintot5 httatit Clotrtttreive d 5ian senthsusiastc lsthieuiy fAmericanioptlcfe nhs.H i o hubrteocsoontrlpiilaolsa:nt~ alan eprdetwl'arifadmdca col.Inta.ya
feet 8inche. He dd nottry wfsrtecoeditid themt'1itto the sati emsits' ttttt oftankit siMt titil stii rithI oitisnHetis avthisis.eIn tairear
height ht spent the time in perfectwet ttittttHiebttlltbhee1011o,1 -wr.soneerlwit ui~yhep n av hrenarso
ing his false off. From his showiisg the iatss itt tittits s'swthilt',suiesiltsit i sti lta li tttililaissito the crty of alimoreanti twt
mire setiginasiliitied aidray. Ist(' otits. Fronltisishesarts' re litmillions otedltelars sonineraset to
yesterday he is in better shape than Lio1111 stittigt tre is evsry lioticatiemiitsyei~n nana n
ever before and it would seem that Virgiiia Reels an Sir httrRsotsIss ii'it'rttnowschtigstwilroemlohn$188i888inr anhianpial and
he stands an excellent chance ton-etiely tabset fromi t''iavt'rage h e rys- t' itresstt.tasiisciolfrnrsowhte
ly to carry off first place at Franklin dance carth wre lithfe'itur'tIfte'tann olfrnrewt h
Field on Apri 2i but asto to beak evening, andtwevs titest're'd intoIttit puriuise that tht instituition shiuld
tewrdsrcrof1fet112in. a ehiaeeciis tee wstern esi 'mstnit INERIGfliim harteel a medicial schoolet
the worl's recodEofGifEeetI10 SOCIETY BANQUET Ntttdism'yd bithte iffrence ee
505'int.iiNoistesiig t Ces--idts
ANNUAL BANQUET OF Y. M. C. A. list usualitanithctappnget cotest ste SPECIAL MUSIC. ttnlsthemunficet equest of the
Next Friday evening, April 8th, the those of tach itasot thei srhestrtam w__re east erei milinire amd their own mmmi-
annua1 banquet of the University greetedsiafis ttecmtteitono a 'iinurntemtiAetsa taeime hees aitalwo tarmUivewith uot iti es
Young Men's Christian Asociation er- by a chorstietofi war awhoopss swishTheFutet nuaIaqeifeece w adwihohrros
will be held in MMilan Hall. The seemnit to raise t' rooti li siot Itie rhIi's' ingieriug, otteets, helt at the ctumuleting thte in 187. Thrse- frame
committee has hbeen fortunate hn 5- affair w'ssa "hotwling" secs I 'u1isuotley'Ihuts Frdtay'veningstaoa buitinmgused sie 1,811hy the thn-
curingffir. James Schremehorne of D-He- alyansfgraivly teGiwu i s'i eer rsetPlacs wre tat tfacults' hat otre bencriticizes
troit am toastmaster. March wvas led oftfat nnte 111111 1itty-ti-itlustrsixty Att'rthe reeption emsas inst oh place in a Uiersty timn-
A good program is being arranged MrSthnmidt and 'Miowd,5 lst eticlos thsue treettok seats ed as a permannt isiution. Such
by the Social committee. From 7:30 att this banueutt tatles The rooms criticism is baoed on inorance cut the
to 8 anm informal receptitun will be wsre'lst u'tuls tdeorated; s tramersohisitoruy iii hosila-halct iee. Ahen
held. Tickets will be 75 cento and GOOD BASEBALL PRACTICE tf siltowssadhblutis-dueed~t the ccii. built they rs'prsntdi avtancedh ideas
mybe bath at the office in McMillan enouuragedt by te ssat n sutssiuir ils i-st flowters andtic ansdle lights on accotrdineg tswhide it, was better' to
mal fysedy oc e ragd he allis'saddtoitt e itbeauters'oiisrctchabsaleluuracks tha culd, with-
Mall, ~ ~ ~ ~ hst mecrund',theaiiditsmonasuf,sthe ttiescee.uA tutuasant, housetsaypa-osutikratpecunimay'liosbe burnt in
EASTER SERVICES. Farteulltt uhsasurnam 010 ongtt"etihes', attnwhh Toas- a feswyrs whn thry bcame, as was
At the Presbyterian church Sunays' tinrslute eartittissaouamstelxiiIt ieumsom intuehuhcesh the nevtabrluhouelessy satsratedi with
night a beacutiful programo of aster s asiltaker s ofthehiseveningthet prgrant disease The buldngs haul uomn, fr
music was given. A portiuon of the v- Oibetin'mastfllws:s'fits' patents I reetwas at first no
eing was given ver flu a sacred 'the men weret narys'l'mit n 1r ien.stal -A CFnme cinical amphbiheaiter hat heng built
cantata, "The Holy City," in which tcances at thseir vartutus pustssios u~ls in 1879 an toiu thae hint the cin-
Mr. William Howlanud was the chief bu iti- u ai w'nn uu-t ctsi7 iiuutu uuis wet' het, as beure in the ueeter
solmis. tith poer ntiexpesouinseeoitedu Iyits'hiseuaces.sThiss, 'iTetteshin C;LF thuappmel e etre rutim it the meical building.
he gave interpretation to the music iofield wrwuu a u s itt a lvluyt Vhtl 11t5' In htits hspitalthe service rapiy in-
antI the choir, secluded near the- pipe hu ritutr mi ltlt 5 u uiti txr cmased, andti wthi a very few year'
organ, sang the respanse, as if far Tiaei cgiwils hauls at tuuo. lustscame stbvuousathatttmiietrtil
tou basrs. IThe meunut ii si uuir u i 11the5 ,1~1 ui i ArG uchins if bas net vue s tat ntce ro
in the distance, Tha effect was very -'tt.elii Ihm hmis wsmtnTrt1he wardshonorgnally in-
impressive. Miss Farlin, the leauitg wrleulaues bust"ht' tu' 5Irde orityucpbts'iaens oten haul to
soprano, sang wih exquisite feeling, hltcating thee tas,s otutonhuhos li Mst t lt hleusgifwt iresotight
a beaeutiful solo, with violin obligatoTh'lstspicdesimbehntt'reduth hir o-hullttu'anlovsIut s t C.ttHit. Fllr thfclty in ventilation and auminisira-
by Professor Homann., arm in guuodsateacdusevse511at ufti sirue sesProf. t. C. Adseronu.Linaswlasituvodbei-
The urogam incltudedl a numer of tiem exhibiitedt considesr'mble vlshp ililyhipstat ass inthenighi-ii'uf ctunfort to the pa~ints, antiimiossi-
chorcus, quarfet, anti solo selectitons. bilts' f the bet results in teaching.
intoisetictstitemkup to th teastill hutHaiiirs' L-stilt H. ht neutuntil 181 was another hospi-
IMPROVEMENTS AT FERRY FIELD. gitu~ fi isItl i itI lt -'' 'tis ~tslH albuuti. 'fli new billing, the larg-
When the- candiuates for the trackt snetheofutFosce-siltrof.siGhut-s suittter- mstt onemitof the pesietngroupi, was vi-
team assemble afer vacatiton at Ferry genly plannediu as pat of a large ss-
Si 'ieFed hywl e upiefa h m or ftaewn.o.tm, antI the failure t puroviuesoume
provements in the training quarters. _________________ '1, ht uttstsihilme ohacf the other buidiing, moult the hus-
In auddition to the large sotve shich FIRST BATH OF'TH E S'ASON '51151W.Ct Smish, A. F. Filnruep. W. litaloemnlsstommuuenodous than the
has lately en installed, Director tld tne.The atter had ben forced
Haird has promisedi to place a shuowercfloatinmg its EasiterSunday' he'ld its I," heress 0[to eights' butus at times, yet the new
bath in the quarers. Thiostl fill11Pusnishment for fouur botys anduth e'The lues1ic1t vsas nixedl hutnmuely with tuilhiting woopluanneul for only sixty-
a long-feif want, as in the pastthe ay aternoosuinamusmuenut ra'ded ithmu shutash s utt sddedssuc uuh touthel-gait-fivt.The resul wao that before the
aspirants for the track honors have a opung iof gunger ealu's authmetiht t heocason Te inl tun tsnw itoprsiwas furmaly oupendt, in
beeun compelled to dash buckets of bssve be's." I hitppeneduneas.Iii, I atis 7ht uWene at itthse 182, an extra ctow of bed had to be
cold wafer over each oher or eleg otgu hsleart wee thus'rvtr his rsrthotsps' ntu'unpassedsut.h, useryhuttuy patuintuu the wauds.
to the gym for a bath, esides ihese- highs smiththe currene tay tt"lstI long. '1thniMr i 55thatitw,;tt finstotintthe Nevertheless thes netw hospital epre-
additions, water pipes wil be aid to pleasuren otrosing ailteesitrrutut-i t lst i ii thi socitetys. seatedepruogres. The inrtoduction of
the back stretch so that this pat of ed until tt c iet nudintd the is.ttu.e a training school for nurses (181
the track can be ept moist and soft. hoash itttll omunner o ersCo was perhaps the most important sin-
Lat year it became very hard antI as the shore ant intou an ovthsansgig" CROnSS COUNTRY WORK. ge otep in the history of the hospital.
a result, there were many cases of tree lmbiusbchthretend eli hump....s.eThestreu's usegua udatofiniterest be- In a small rootm a clinical labratry
sore legs, the boat Oneofthlit'bits'ssseidthe ing ,tat, munmum croisocunutry running wa ittethiu, anti for several years it

Captain Kellogg is not at all pleas- limb iltouolshth othaswas',ushen 0it ti- issp'tinhstutr sixty-ittn htbeisleot gave stuedents facilities such as they
ed with the condition of the track, as- wswhiritledsiudenly'froiuunderihitimlbsI ;u-t ttt hts'As fault. Kelismadet'vu had never bad before. At intervals
pecially the straightawas' Demingihe and he was udanglinughftum ltelimbit Ighuts attu-nstisuito hut istmulay ranim totherimprtovements sueggestedlthat
football season two or threepots of for a mines-and' hifuesnudruopped.'Be-h s'tat.svamt 1Iourry ieuu'iuthut'has apmitt iht mis' ot1876-i.8811 were not likely
the fence surrounding the gridiron log able to swim, in slietotutcotldtandue'itDhiS.Wait 'is actinug cltiusi'uthue h;ht' becrpeteds. The uoffice buimlding
were sunk on the track. These have shoes and cuat, he ceachedt this'ottitieu'mui'htu 'latteur deitwedtuy-'vterutmy 118961 gast' rotomnfour a better clinical
now been tak en cup and the holes filletd and was towe tofitshiure. He stoppedtt' hthitIiwssuldetut hut - -i tsI t,) etuhi' aboruatury 'n tfloulinficts,anti amutch
hut it leaves the track in a condition bitt one place btee'n thu shore a .ndi t- omutt-ustotuwIod itu-s-mi nt' usu' meteudeud roitm.off the morn's waru; the
which is far from. satisfactory. Heavy his home-that was at a negcuu s cult- queniluy thutre' sill be a hash anth a sit u'stnt tarluors 11871furnished an in-
wagons have also been driven overthe tage, where the woman gavi' hensuui st 11 , theifresr ins cit utru' uhf'Wait 5(hurlsme adiioun; the numrses' htome
tracts leaving deep rots. As the one steginger tea anti luerehushanutgaveilemu-un"time "ynmat 4.15 whsie thO lat I (1898)' uermitted etoenemre rtoom in
at Ferry Field is the only 228 yard him some gootd advice, vine, thou thiat's tru e e wi tit'lt vs--iuills 'us Ott4 .30,;thue oldhbuling tuo he usoeudfor ether
straightaway in the west, the 'Varsity what he gut fur going hosting Sutndlas.'P'heurace wis eth hut'htdu nextsweels it!purptses, eseides bringing the nurses
Captain thinks it would not be amiss Dut the boy's versioun o tel i s, If that s tou he a nove reartdusuronse quent;usnudemrieee root, and- it also supplied a
if It weno kept in a little better con- girl haul kept her dates, it wvouldun't ly thureinus a gooud chant"ehiur new men' dining room. 'lhe- transformatiosn of
dition. have happened." to win the much covceed "C'.'C' . (Continued on Page Two.)

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