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April 03, 1904 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-04-03

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'SUITS Dwight EWatkins,i
Made to your measure and D us a card o 2: 3nG c St
and have us calfor yourwork
.1AT A. LM La
[1itinr Prnrnn Q o' Forest Avellue Meat Market
UI1 DlhI,, P tlU. 3 oryt Game and ish in Season
53 oetAre. Phone 40 'ty WiLuh5O'"-
Under New franagemen. COLLARS
Hatters and Furnishers, New Billiard Outfit. Linen rand CUFFS
-109 and 111 E,. Washington Street, Chis given tood ore.anewhere
ANN ARBOR j [ree Lunch. ___
Barker's Collars are stamped "Linen"
A W rd ate t L ath r S oes Other brands advertised and Sold as Lisenare
NOT saped "Linen." Why?
To St dentsSold by Wagner & Co.. 2 for 25 ts
It is 1101ourt'osto A
5x+' to 'rcestsss o'od-
r-"'"5- i g m is e te o pot P RE N TSOCH L ER For anything in the line of Y+ V O etis srtsetstots
toseec tt ono W oe Maker of Photograph. Framing, Call on Retschler, +sis eluiepateresoin
w oee aekon- hn 3892r. Corner Main and Huron Street. s+e8+
A .. asy i ad nt +os+s+$+ Oil 4 OPRISE t..SEOLICEEc+ ++++ SHIRTS.+$111++t SRIG EGIGE HIT
i iatt ss rs- NOTICE. UNIVERSITY DANCING ACADEMY, j.isthara s e e sseen sr lrsr to
Iilj IL. ardtps'rs'ea is Wns AAtkinotn wilt speakttonight 336 STATE ST.5handloetl.Geeralystakinsg the
beta thelsenIsess a te s ss S otlldastrk colors,
ber asndi sesids , t :', te Y. M. C. A. Short term, $2.00. Atrl and ay. i asst sss 'ssrelrsst
P'harmacteuticlieoty. :s' asnasonor hesi- OTCE Three esons per week\\estsesday cv- 4 sgsssoandssslstiwsesalwasys its
toe otramsesto recomm rsends to oursiio OTCE eitgtSttrsa mrnss aitleeisg hissssss.ins s1 ttrsIs5 ssslt
souerior reersin arllsrsse s 1 ins heanulY. Mt. t. A. banquset wtttnn, audy onn adee ing.,Z r. e.have 'th -otalli.t-
es sore'rosats, lamstess,s an01 tsr et'i tt.behetst sossFristay eeigAsIt8By the improved nehosd tse Laseg. 5t<"r 55015 5en t see's at-
pitatios ater ymosats oe risreSeen, pil h aeaestd8tastam t t tt tdsera
erise. ft s a ighis ate pr- sssitte tO ?-it n tstheasdisitoriummsf MMilan tHall. edance in thisovraetimoe. 5
hotssadrsasstialsosi ssd stttt itt i"1ssstd -
tnd medicinal iiredietst s t' Tat isetis tossbe secsresi at ltseoffice
quicikly end alloy als~toseesta eos 555l55"+-t5orfProm S Terry Witson. WAGNER & CO.
ie, earin tethie andsd +clt~i tfsvs _______NOTICE-PHYSICAL EXAM IN.
stis. Ierriststt rcaet tsLilylndu tn
Dr. Colswell's ItagiEgtyptian oiLs Fossntain pens at Cuhings. t.AN... Habedashers .L e: Haters
welthore sariscoosidence int lr. Clwell'sa AN.
Mssie Egyptiase oil tiat we sell eersy5stttle The spring physica exameinations
wits the possitive guarantee t Iststitwilwitgeleiueer ateranssfrsssr
the kttle sod see wiii reund yer moey. (Cninevfompgeoe.,
saheclss s sdesst tO ttC 5~ Cntne fo pg oe) to 4 in the director's office , 44;.4444h.bB, rd~AdI4 34
Quarry's Campus Drug Store tnder the tdirection ot.,sroessor Ren- 30-24 KEENE FIPPTIK
_ wicklt.a the 10:301 service t choir -
will sing he mass iy Poniasowoki ansd THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA.
t- FINE- tetoffertory "Atirisia to s the King" Furnishes msic for ail ocassios. H y e~
P V14 1V nd Famesby Burl. In tie evenisog servics' ihe Dance nissic a siecialy. Airess L. H ye '
j eser b Lejar, and "Awaee Thissi . ates, manager, 808 S. Foutri ave
ohtSeps, yBcne' 2-tf
27SForhAeu. t Chaffing dishes at Hailer'sJelr Your eyes examined by an C andies
13.ForhAno. Store. tf. expert optician. All the lat-
-- ------- -- ----- -est approved appliances and methods
Suite To Rent-Large suite single known to the profession are employed. For
PHOTO RAPHS beds, bath, gas, furnace heat, tote- New eye glases fitted, lenses dupli
J71.J.~.J.JL'iiL. phone. One block from campus sw ated, franmes repaired. Halter's Jew.
paper curtains and caret. Enqire elry Store. tf.
CALL AT 21 E. Jefferson street. 22-tfEa er
S[EV"OURS STUDIO Negligee Coat, Shirts, Cuffs attach- La tr
Students-Earn good money during ed or detached, at Allen's.
Sl6 b, Pram St. vacation. Trading Stamp proposition,
worth $300 to $10.00 a day. Excuive Fresh Lowneys, Alegrettis, Spar-
t Iterritory in each of 23 different states rows and Hylers Chocolates at Cush-
Something New nl avalabte Call and see me. F. J. ings Pharmacy. l
Glen, 202 S5 State street. f
P~n'n Dil ow s__________ Uiniverity students desring to se-
Will .1111111 [IIWhenV in neetiof ia brass or iron bed cure positions to teach will findsitFt
When their interest to write to Jameo F.
tr a comsplete bedrosom suit with a McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi-
At Darling & Maieawxs cmotable spring ansd matress, we ago. t.
- -showng yosu what we can offer. Our Bath suppies o atn kinds at all I 34S tt t
A.J ASN asssrtment is good and the pinces are prices a uhngo3D4sSg Ssore.Stf
A. J. ATSON satisfactory. This applies also tos the, $ MAOLIN AND GUITAR MUSIC
Wall Paper Paints parltor and dining room furniture and $1. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO.- = ---
awe can frankly say that it is the larg-
et line that we have ever shown and To Kent-Single rom, bah, gas,f
an iSin price more reaoonable. furnace heat, 224 . Thayer st. 32-14 Arkanss as, Mexico
huron Street. K~espectfslly,_________exs
216 EastHuo Ste . MAKTIN HALLE, Chaffing dishes at Hlers Jewelry and Caliornia...
2234 112, 114 and 116 E. Liberty. Store. f. , Aets ece i
v OUR OLICYSt. [ouis, World's air City,j
Thse buildng tsp of a Telephosne System withs every possible nmod- iron frountain
ernsinmprovemntl the gvng of better service tban atas ever thoughtt
possible before To be honorable, courteous and just in retry detail. Rout
To anticipate requiremnt. To overcome impediments. To be stis- te
fed with nothing short of the confidence and good will of every ctizencss Two daity trainsk to Caifornia
in the county Three dalv tras to Mexco
WASH1T[NAW HlO"FZ T[[[PHON[ CO., hosur daiy trains to Texas
TEmPORAKY O~raCH Liberty street, near Fourth. Four daiy trais to Hot Sprngs
Six daily t as to Lttle ock

Gsve ad TakeWRITE ME. "
Pr sd n LQTU L 1N @i. Irrstronq, T. P. A.,"
r CIGARETITES Ann Arbor, "ich.
Susperders in Turkey.
WhatoneAdej~xs te oter idePerfected in ,Lgypt.
Absoutely Guaranteed. -Ejye nAmrc.ALIfrIUJS A. N1AIIZ,
ansi $1, any-saore, or mailprepaisd,.10a or o15isent Vssews osty sesO campus. Flash lights, In-
C.A DAROeF. O ok Tis orePlta terises, Groups.
Box__286,___Shirley,___Mass.__Sav____the __Coupon____ 316 S. "rain Street, Ann Arbor
With Seymour Studio. 'Phone 981

Always Ahead
In Styles.


The Best
of Everything in Tailoring.

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