THE MICHIGAN DAILY hz- T -4, w C o*@*@Oo @@@@a ~s Ho* est9 The Sraight .[ront Varsity .. If yon want to see the snappiest style ever produced in Clothes, you.-want to see the new H. S. & M. "Steaight Front" Varsity. In order to see the suis as it really in, you naed to try it on, and stand before the glass, you'll much rather give up~ the price of it than give up the clothes. Also .anew line of Blanks in Vicunas,21 Thibets,: Cheviots and unfinished worn-SOT 404300 to. $24.00_ A SUIT C~- .~ lothier MAIN .5, "I. ' Superb Sho wingQ of Beautiful creations, displaying in every line nethe mnaster milliner's art; new dainty effects in; soft, fluffy laces, chiffons, malines, light and ,aily straw hiraids, the new small flowers with long stenm,rep- resenting this season's most popular ideas. All af moust fastabt j, -ices MACK &Co. 10*0 ® lON4 +®O®NMNNN N" V N i S The Greeatest Game Out Football-Pnoker tasnaltthe Mimic Fsotball Played w'ith Caeds interestiand exitemet ofthten a Eun for Two-Fun for a. Crowdf ohthfitCell, lice kickh p Areal gamenofFootball played onnaper"gridiron" and minus 10 brokenhbone. Price 50 cens tbok dealerss, rfro uspt-. 0 paid. Samplte hart ae nfree. Yug nd old, taes, college stuidents,scety-everybosdyis pleeisgFootball-Poker. -Ciscago T.,.,e. r -y Aniintersingansdinstriemeo."-Director aird, Alic~tis. 5 THE REILLY 41 IIRiTTON CO., 84 Adams St.. Chie"ags. Ill. b 0404b a#e**®a®®H.H*"e**e®a*Doo*04 ® ***e*c2 WISH to tall yotur attenitiotn to te-act that oir ;n- lire ImeC of SPRING WOOLENS is on-tetables,"Itnd xxvilitirtlir t elte ttat we are in a .position whlerese ciii get all CCII Ic tutt pi ply. The very finest of tailotring will pt e- vil as ustutlat ouitabismet I a I B&VRCHIFI2GLD'S FINE, TAILORING ,TRADE 106 EMast Hxsror Street I . _.....,., .a.,.. .........,,... .....GOSSIP 0OF THE COLLEGES. UION -, Thirty-eive undergradttates itt liar- vartt haveforoitd a cotmpatny ot itit THEOOGIAL ia and wilt prohably he msoirred i- ,. T EOLGICL - tothe state service lbefoire ltong. '- SEMINARY In .. 700^Par-i. Ae.,NewYor .. The girls at Mtinnesotta wiltl5sotn 00Pe- Ae. ew give a slicing carnivsal. Twelve 3FuPaty equipped for sehola.ry and prait-3 bioths cacti replresentinoneii of t hr tical work, in the midst of the Cthris- t! tan enterprisesefa greatecity, i lose ; months of the year, willIt h iii efe xacademic relations with Columbitia ad leatir of lie cariial. ;vNew York Universities, efferxso ppsr-If, ',tanities forthe degreeseof B. it,. A.S 3and Ph. D. Opn oii equal terms to l GORTON'S MINSTRELS. stadents of sit Chiristian hodies ,PCorton's Famouis Mlinsi ts wiii SIXTY-NiNTII YEAR ==cometothite Athenis fhiatre ion nest SC elgimeSept. 28, 1904 3tThuirsdtayeveinitg.'Thils rcmplanlylhas ~c Address the President of the Faculty, 4 the distinction itt beinig theColdes~t, as 4the 91-30 i welt asttne ofthfle iest, miiistrlot- PRev, Charles Cuthbert Bll, D.D. rignctosiilirilal ti ill~r ...................e.....e....,.eeersr.essere.esamongito s iperformiers such wiell ________________ knowti aititcapablertClist s as Wi hyI anilPearlGotionC atid LeeC, lthe iCCr- Bruns Iinhl veloustardo t rouipe of arbtJr A e1 Tabes anfortd, tie Cresicet it iy Qointeile BtiBobiy tDeRite, the wxonderfuli Faront REID'SBILLIRD PA LORSTrioanid other performers of ahiity. Flee CigartsadTobaccss the selectioin of the votlcoringient.l JAS. W. REID, Prsp. 312 Stale St., S. anti the itnstrumnent at music, as usual -with this rcompjany,xiii.tie (if liie high- lin have at received te largest anddfinest est order. Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ROCKY MOUNTAIN CLUB. ever hesaght tio the city. Will dance Monday, April 4, at Fine Lunches in Connection. Everything Neait and Cleas. Granger's. Ticktets are giting fast. 308 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY An they are limited secure themn early ___________________________from committee. For information relative to dancing, RL. H. R lIH. or music for receptions, banquets, L .R . CH. G.R DFOR. odacnpateclon1.ROSS GRANG[R You will Cond the heat strings for 3t0-312 Maynard Street. Phone 2-4-6. violin, mandolin, guitar and hatijo at Granger's Academy, Office and Roots Music House. We malts a Residence. specialty of the best. Try them. wfn t N'fNN NN*t ® e8' 4 $ YOU CAN GET A W ietebs ltttgV H tLunch WegvthbetCoin a $At Tuttle's, 338 S. State $ dtollars nit1 your Suit or Or eri { 0 0.5090.59 Lessons in. lancing alt Gratiger'sAca- demy. ('lass iirtirivate lessttns can tie arratigeidi for hy calling at the Acade- toy. Privais lessotis wilt he given 11101 ighiiiiitle college year, also as- smlieis.('lass lessons close May 3rdl. 33-34 Pantorium, 336 S. state. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Clothes called for and delivered. Leave or- ders over Cushing's Drug Store, or 'phone 582-3 r. tLost-Latdy's tan, seal purse, con- tamning catting cards.. Finder return iior ntify 643 S. Ingalls street. Fresh Lowney's, Allegretti's, Spar- row's, Hutyler's, chocolates at Cush- isigs Pharmacy. tf. Chafing dishes at Haller's Jewelry Store, tf. Ticket for rour shampoos-$1.00. Soft water. Miss Vaughan, near Quar- ry's. i N JOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 216 .Main St. S. Phone 281. NOTICE DEMOCRATS. Mlorck Presidetil atC'omvention and sitinntal electioin sitDenmocratic Club oficetrrs, Satuirdny, Aprit 9th. tf H. W. McC'LURE, Pres. Vi'C nidii -A go iiilait,"S.1-1. S. 1)2-9(1' mailrkedil onfriitt. 'Fiulgit-, Nt'w York" oni batck. 0"stie- may havi' saute by caslling at 12091117. t'iicrsity avr. 'Allen's for nobbty Spring Shirts. ilites, savting yost three tts five Coat. Sping litie nose reatly nad $ 15.00 AL[ PRICES SMONEY LOANED 0I' Watches, Diamonds, 4. Jewelyand all High Class Chattel a n d Collateral Security. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. W. JI LOURIM. Rooim .1-ening Bleek. Phne 49. fficcHous9stoi 11:30, ikW 4:30. h3I 7:00to 830 ++ t. 14 e4, . 4 o1, 1 44++ -y ~ ~kC1AN Eletric Cka f iig Dise Electric Tabl~e Laiix~t5 Is fac, anything Ctolgh .s s5 ynd Csm ri I nd.s our 'ltplay.. WA5HTENAW LWHT & POWER. COMPANY Cm . W.".ing tsh ans4i e. 0.Pons, Z SPALDIN'S OFFICIAL INTE-COLLEIA FOOT BALL * Used by a11 te Leding College. - Fot Ball Pants-Laicefrnt, hips and knees padded with fine curled hair and thighs with cae strips. - A. . SPALDING & BROS. Incororad New York, Chigog, Denver Spading's Ofiia oot alt Guide 4 for is03. ediedhy Waieramp Price tO cents. Pbone 82 R Pantariu n. Cleaning. Pressing. Rearing. 336 . STATE -ST. l.Avr CauoebImg 'el Clothes called -for and Delivered. Phsoe 5V E Wit, lbocrcin, Za itarxrIl~umber, Ztea n .R .tas fitter. 1fd)oiic°667. 303 Z. Sate St UlINIVERSITY, DAN- 1 CING ACADEMY '$2~ 336 Stste St. SHOR1T TERM. OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLUDO TO COLUMBUS Parlor Cara n h aYesih MICH IG A N MICHIGAN BANNERSlfl CO LO RS, LO ILLL' CORNE.R STORE. "The Jt~igowe Falls Re 5ff." THRE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO N~EW YRKi AND ,BOSTON wIth direct connetions at Chicago fer St UsouismKanoas"Ctty St. Paul and the Went Forlonformation and through ticketsncall sone writ e to W. W. CASE, Agent. Ann Arbor. .~I 1FeF*FUEd TROUSERS, A[LLEN, IE CLOT" The University of Chicago Law Schools of Mdcn Theology Education Each school hon a special Circular o Information which will he snt on request. The Courses in Medicine aee given in connection with the workc of RUSS MEDICAL College. 'SHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, SUMMER QUARTER Chicago,. Illinois. Jane s8-Septemher 2 WE AORE NE.VER UNDERSOLD---GOODYEAR'S DRUG :STO1RI$