The Michigan Daily
g VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 1904. No. 134
Gradle takes Championship from Na- An Opera Written and Composed by Churches have Prepared Special Mu- Time for Spring Concerts fast Ap-
gorski-Contests Close and inter- Two Ann Arbor Residents to be sic for the Easter Services To- proaching-Choral Union Working
esting-Gym. Team Perform- . Presented on Monday and . day - Morning and Evening Faithfully at "Carmen" and
ed-Immense Crowd. Tuesday Evenings. Programs. the "Dream of Gerontius."
By the decisive score of 5 to 1, Har- Ann Arbor is to have the opportuni- The local churches have this year The time is fast approaching when
ry Gradle defeated F. T. Nagorski and Ity on Monday and Tuesday evenngs made more elaborate preparations for strangers hailing from all parts of the
won the championship of the universi- of this week of seeing the first pro- the Easier services than ever before. country will visit Ann Arbor to attend
ty at the tournament of the Fencers' sentation of an opera, written and con The music will be the one great fea- the May Festival concerts. The num-
Club last evening. Mr. Nagorski has posed by two Ann Arbor residents. tre of all the services, both morning her of visitors promises to exceed that
held the championship honors of the The libretto of the opera is the work and evening. Many of the churches of all former years.
university for the past two years and of Mr. Theo Stanger, who is the au- will be appropriately decorated. The The program for the coming con-
the outcome of last evening's contest thor of several works of merit, among programs are as follows: certs predicts an unprecedented sur-
has been a matter of much speculation them being "The Man Mohammed," cess. The afternoon concerts are of
for several weeks. which received the commendation of Presbyterian Church. a miscellaneous nature. The first con-
The work of the participants was noted scholars on its publication. D MORNING. cert, on Thursday evening, will consist
decidedly high class throughout and ring the past two years Mr. Stanger Festival Te Deom............Buck of numbers by the Orchestra, by the
each bout was exceedingly interest- has been a member of the Flora Dora God so Loved the World....Stainer Choral Union and by two of the so-
ing, as the results indicate. and Silver Slipper Companies and he The Magdeline ............ Warren loists. On Friday night the "Dreams
Of the intense interest in the tour- expects to return to stage life after They Have Taoen Away My Lord f Gerontius" will be produced, and
nament, the immense crowd present the production of the opera. Mr. G ....-.............-....- Stainer "Carmen" is booked for the final con-
is sufficient testimony, as more spec- L. Gordon, who is the composer of the cert.
tators turned out to witness this event opera, is also well known here being EVENING. The "Dream of Gerontius" is a re-
than at the indoor track meets. Ow- a member of the School of Music fa- Godi ath Appointed a Day-....Tours cent work of Edward Edgar, who also
ing to an inadvertency not nearly ulty and also a composer. Choir. composed "Caractacus," which was
enough seats were provided and many The opera "'h Crusaders," which Awake, Glad Soul.......... Hoilden produced for the first time in this
were obliged to stand throughout the is to be produced -with professional Quartet. country at the last May Festival. The
entire program. soloists, is a piece that has won Solo--Light from Heaven. . t....ounod success of he presentation of "Carac-
The gymnasim team, consisting of praise from competent judges. Mr. Miss Farlin. tacs" established firmly the fame of
Dr. May and Messrs, Dvorak, '04 Law, Gordon arranged the music of the (Violin obligato by Prof. Hofmann.) the Choral Union and especially of its
Walton, '04 Law, Whitlark, '04 Eng., "Sleeping Beautiy," which was produc- As It Beganto Dawn ............Buck leader, Professor Stanley.
Weiland, '04 Eng., Walker, '04 Eng., ed last winter and created considerb- Choir It is being slowly recognized that
Terson, '04 Eng., Van Amburingen, '05 ble sensation. Violin and Organ, from "Die Meis- there is extraordinary power in the
Law, Cochrane, '05 Lit., and Anfanger, "The Crusaders" which is being tersiner" ... . .. Wagner works of Edward Edgar. Theo Thom-
'06 Medic., opened the tournament staged by Mr. Wm. Parry, stage di.. Cantata- The Holy City .....Gaul as, director of the Thomas orchestra,
with interesting stunts on the parallel rector of the Metropolitan Opera Co., ass solo, A New Heaven," Prof. asserts that Edgar is perhaps the
bars, the U. of M. band assisting the of New York, has some exceedingly Howland. greatest composer of the latter part of
performers. clever choruses and solos. Among Choral Sanctus, "Holy, Holy, the nineteenth century. The produc-
The preliminaries resulted as fol- these is an oriental lance which is Holy." tion of Edgar's "Dream of Gerontius"
lows: executed by six young ladies and both Trio, "It shall come to pass," is even a more stupendous task than
First bout-Mc Lean,-St. Peter; the music and the dance itself are ex- Misses Farlin, Storrs and Hunt. was that of reproducing "Caractacus."
McLean 1st, score 9-2. tremely good. The cast of the opera Alto sol, "Eye hath not seen," Ever since the Christmas vacation
Second bout - Butler - Zoelner; is as follows: Miss Hunt. the Choral Union has given their en-
Zoelner 1st, score 6-4. Count Egbert-Mr. Fritz Huttman, Ladies' chorus, "List the Cherubic tire attention to this work, and Profes-
Third bout - Soloman - Johnson; of Chicago. Host" sor Stanley says the rehearsals have
Soloman 1st, sore 8-6. Countess Mathilda, Mrs. J. E. Kerr, Bass solo, "And I heard the Voice really been most successful. This
Fourth bout - Gradle - Schmitz; of Cleveland. of Harpers," Prof. Howland. composition is an exceedingly difficult
Gradle 1st, score 4-1. Count Alfred, Mr. Kennard Barra-. Quartet and chorus, "Great and one, but the great enthusiasm of the
The preliminaries were followed by dell, of Chicago. marvellous are Thy works." Chorus members makes rapid pro-
the club - juggling of Messrs. Young Fr. Valentine-Mr. Gusta iter.- Organ-March .............. Vincent gress possible.
and Whitlark of the gymnasium team. neike, of Cleveland. The final concert of the series needs
In the second round McLean, the Otto-Mr. Fred Ellis. First M. E. Church no comment. The presentation of
winner of bout 1, was defeated by In addition to the oriental dance MORNING. "Carmen" bids fair to surpass last
Soloman, the winner of bout 3, score there are other very attractive dances year's final concert when "Aida" was
3-2; and Zoellner, the winner of bout and the ostuming which was done cs- trgan prelude-"unfold, ye Por-..-- given,
2 was defeated by Gradle, winner of pecially for the piece, is picturesque. tals . . . . . . . . . Gounoud it is a source of great pleasure to
bout 4, score 1-0. The opera will be given two presen- Quartet 'Welcome, happy Easter all concert goers to see the names of
In the semi-finals, Soloman was de- tations here and several well known Morn" -.-.-. - . . .... . '.'.'.Schnecker so many favorites in the title roles.
feated by Gradle, score 3-2. musical critics from other cities are Miss Stimson, Mr. Fuller Madame Homer, Anit Rio, Emilio de
The intermissions were enlivened to be present. Mrs. Gray, Dr. Keeler. Gogorza and Frederic Martin took part
by exhibitions of club swinging by Aitt stui-"ltsanna" ....... tGranmer in the last May Festival; Holmes Cow-
Dr. May, and by Messrs. Dvorak, Wei- MICHIGAN CHEMISTS. Mrs. Annis D. Gray. per is not unknown to Ann Arbor
land and Whitlark in tmbling stunts. (Violin obligato by Prof. Hofmann.) music lovers; and to be able to hear
The finals between Gradle and Na- The Michigan section oit the Amenri- Ofertory-"TIraumeri" ....Schumann Giusseppi Campanari in the role of
gorski proved the climax of the even- can Chemical Society will holdut a Prof. Wm. Hofmann. Escanillo in "Carmen" surely is a
ing, Mr. Gradle, who won the bout meeting here in Ann Arbor on 1 rid( (ly ireiuest.) great treat. Campanari has given re-
has twice defeated the champion of Several prominent chemists from lit - Anthem Victorty" .......... Shelley citals here a number of times, and
Harvard University. erent parts of the state will be here Quartet and Chorus. the Toreador's song was always the
and also Professor J. U. Net ofhit postludel-Triimphal March, Heintzke climax of the evening.
BASEBALL SQUAD. rago, who is to present a paper. The Mrs. Cross. - The Boston Festival Orchestra has
members of the society are looking EVENING. contributed much to the success of the
Unaffected by the raw chilling wind forward to an interesting meeting. May Festival. The Orchestra is al-
that hustles over the bleak fair Organ Duet................Volkmar ways engaged for these concerts and
grounds yesterday afternoon the base- NEW ORATORICAL OFFICERS. Mrs. E. Fischer-Crss and Miss is the best indication of the approval
ball squad put in two hours of hard Fern Hatton. with which it meets. Not only in the
practice in the endeavor to get ready The annual election of the Oratori- Anthem-' As it began to dawn" orchestra numbers does it prove so
for the spring opening game of the cal Association was meld yesterday. . .... ..........Foster efficient, but also in the aid which it
season to be played against Chicago There wos only one ticket in the field, Solo-"The Angel's Easter" ...Brewer renders to the Chorus.
on Marshall Field a week from next that headed by Allan G. Aigler, '05 Miss Leda Stimnson.
Saturday. The weather and the con- Law, who was unanimously elected Otferory-"Contemplation"..... Gaul EXPLANATION
dition of the grounds prevented any with the rest of the ticket. T. A. Cantata-"Death and Life"....Shelley -
extended infield practice but the men Sims was chosen president of the Quartet. The basket ball game between the
were kept busy after flies. The nu- Northern Oratorical League. This is "The First Begotten of the Dead" seniors and sophomores resulted Fri-
merous aspirants for box positions considered a high honor...........Blumensbein day in a tie, at the end of the second
loosened up their arms as usual but Quartet. half, The two teams decided to play
Coaches Utley and Johnson advised STUDENTS CAUGHT PIG. l'uslute-"Hllelujah Chorus".... the tie off in an extra ten minutes,
them not to shake out all the kinks ............... Beethoven and during that ten minutes the sen-
for fear that "cold weather" arms At the Athens theatre last night_ iors made one basket. The announce-
might repult. ' . the patrons were given chances iO St. Andrews Episcopal. ioent of Dr. Snyder, at the close of
The quality of the fielding was good real live pig. The lucky ticket was Processional tHymn, 112 ......... the game, that the score was still a
and the outlook from that point of drawn by a woman in the audience,-.-.--..-.-.-.-----.-.....Lyra Davidica tie, caused much comment among the
view is bright. whose escort tried to capture the por- Anthem-"Christ our Passover".. observers of the game.
A good many of the promising can- ker on the stage. But Mr. "Piggy" ... ... .Shepperd By way of explanation, the referee's
didates for the team are burdened was not in a mood to be caught and Glrias-.............. Giregorian Chant decision was based upon a rule made
with conditions and it now looks as he jumped over the footlights, receiv- Te Du---m ..-...-........Woodward two years ago. At a conference in
though the make-up of the team for ed from the flames a bad scorching Jubilate. . ... ....... 'Tours the gymnasium, consisting of all the
the spring trip will be considerably and fell over the piano. Some stu- Introit, 121 ............. ..Palestrina girls taking gymnasium work, the
affected by this fact. dents near by surrounded the pig and Kyrie, Gloria Tibi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . West rules which were to guide the play
after an amusing struggle took him Hymn 117...-. ............Neander of basket ball were made. At this
into captivity. Offertory--"As it Began to Dawn" time it was decided that, when an
CLUB.--UA--U-.....-..........-...-.-.-b.Foster extra ten minutes is taken to play ofl
PROHIBITION CLUB. Sanctus. . . . .Wsley a tie, two baskets must be made by
Notwithstanding the brisk wind and The meeting of the club on Sunday Communion Hymn 225 ...... Hodges one side, before the tie can be declar-
the cold weather Trainer Fitzpatrick afternoon, April 3. at the Christian Gtloria in Excelsis...... Aucient Chant ed off. When the two teams agree,
took the track squad down to Ferry Memorial church will be entirely de- Recessional, 125-..............Dykes before they come on the floor, to play
Field yesterday. The milers, in prep- voted to a debate on the quiestiun, Postludium-March Triumphal... only five minutes, one basket counts
aration for the Pennsylvania meet "Resolved, That local option is a bet- The choir will be assirted by Mr. to remove the tie.
ran the mile in 5:20. Rose is throw- ter solution of the liquor problem W. Wiley, tenor, Mr. E. Parker, basso, The two teams Friday agreed to
ing the discus farther. Yesterday he than Prohibition as advocated by the and F. Lewis, baritone. play ten minutes; during that time
threw it 118 feet and the big shot, Prohibition Party." _ _the seniors made but one basket,
weighing 17 lbs. 5 oz., he put 44 feet. Affirmative-Worsham and Brown. Tomorrow at St. Thomas church, therefore, according to rule, the score
Dvorak was with the squad. Negative-Gieb and Bowman. (Continued on page four.) remains a tie.