THE M-ICHIGAN DAILY Full line now in at the popular $05 price - - ALL [[ATI1[RS TAN, PATENT COLT, FRENCH CALF AND KID ~ fk; ~ ~ ...~ inada im I MOGUL G;rok'n in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. a' ''MOGUL SMOKE MAKES EGYPTIAN SMOKERS Cork Tpoin ~. Save the Coupons. -- - G, _ 4 1'f it ,. ..' del [ J e 1 V . ++ . tir """.., .. . rc SSE T S "rt - -.... i .. .. __ The W. C. KernlCo, 4t11 E. 57th St., Chtcago. laps and Gowns made to or- der and rented. Pennansefor all colleges and fraternities carried in tuck (lass F'i ns, (lass and Team (US fiend f(or Catalovues. + wu Talulut Auu*iI -spiniau vriJI E U + foa ed ;-. "+ . . + ..+ TROUB~LED WITH SORE "if[ELS. Our New Oxford M1V oney L a e Arkansas, Texas, Mexico +Last entirely overcomes this trouble of former yas , ONanClioi.. _____________________________________ Watches, Diamonds Or other personal property of Amrent reached via A bor f r S. aln value. Watches and Jewele he- An"r o t r , IIIS rdn paird. Bargains in Wlate s St. Louis, World's [air city, Office at residence. 331 E. Lib- the Factry-Bocktn,' a!-.. + erty Street, Ann Arbor. hours 8 * .to 1134 a. on., lito 330dp. in., 7t-- ron M u t i FaetoryBroekto, ~'Ia~. . 9 p. in. All Business I uhfdtn I u itl. .... ... * tial. JOSEPHl C. WATTS. W 1 C H f ~ A C E N T ~ A 1 0 R N T C HR o u t e ______________ ___Twoalyrainsto(Clfona "TheNaaaF a l ls Rote" - Mak HLE R Fofanything in the line of + ('hieetdailytrtoains t eio 'rl sMaoierNiofraPhotographs Framing, Coil on Rentschler, ' TE11OTLINE- 'Iq Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. P0tour daily trains to Texas. ANN ARBOR to op + lotne dal ly trains to Htot Springs. CHICAO '6 *4. oop ep14o.4 * *'*** olel '6oo_ isty61ilsitrains to Little toec. BUFAO BFAOCROSS COUNTRY CLUB. UNIVERSITY DANCING ACADEMY, THlE BEST of EVERYTHING. 1 NEW YORK - 336 STATE ST.WRTME AN OTN Alta ieeg10(i' fte exsecutive coat- Short terim $2.40. April suil May. I .Arsrn,} withdiret cnnecion at hi iiile e if (lie trims (oinitry C(uilst: alThree (cssins tper weeh\Vculnessly ev- Louis, KtS sCity, 5t. Pauli snd lie (Vest, eveiiiii sdcdd tohl h nn, audym rigan vnn 2: W stea v. For infotmmtilon and throu-hi ctets en ii on iie annmal -are\Weidnessday, April 13. lBy (lie impsroved methosioif leaching. - Ann Arbor, Mulch.4 writeito I W. W. CASE. Ageet.. Anii At-tot. Thei race will lie aspiecial one. No! The average stuidettcanbarn to- Ni]( 'cltirfth le IC. C. C.", itt 11'will 1ance into his tine. -- _ D, Y., A. A. & J. RAILWAY 0-als-lo is oson-ti-}. Thesm sill lie ________...._+4 . .4e.4.. 4 i TANDACDTibutbinesiiihanicsapm. All havinig insigna NOTICE-PHYSICAL EXAMIN- ~ lGnO~CA sseAZ IM rcanidmatswsill siarn i siath, 4' IBTEB-COFFIAL For Dletrint half horly tenem (1.a. n. untili n-ils- steiit tdii iei~c~lm l!A IN .YiFOOT BALL at1 t . n muryandil11:1.05 to s- ( w ill hasve- a.tiiie allowancem-of one She spring lihynical exooialiuns an onya t : ii ,m. d1 1:5a Co rUsdb lle te ain Jakson hiorly fo 5a. n.until 7:15o. ni. linsuil.'te.iTwoC. C. C. swill bei-awarid- will behe ldilevery afterosonsfromt 2 C-oedalle tegeain '1h Vatt igpm.itoandt i. n - h wne. Rn ite o e, o4i hedrco's ofic. FootBallPantsLaceti-not, Waiting Room. Baron nSt..Wof Main. tr(i tliit liissi -lls ettoo0to e r t.hips andiilbn sPaddeidwith osn silih iai h- itng 30-4 11 KEENE F I INPAT1tRICK. fine- euriedir sand thighs so n sn 1:8551)-a. ________________ ____with eane strips. nfl-h's-u .A.0G. SPALDING & BROS. 1t '-THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. Ineorporutedt MANN'SDRUG SuORE ENGINEERING BANQUET. I"tiurotiine iti Neal c-nsus ew York, ChicagoDenver. - Daintei-tsic ai specially. Aiddress L.t Spain s litmic l issiWoo l al (Gide TIhe eneri ng s-iiis (sis-ty cats-itvery U.lBstenstiatager,88S Forha + fr o ti(. -sit-mI y A5ateiutan p. 213 3SOUTH fkJAIN by. intir -ting lbanquitlasal eveninig. e000 Ts-tt-iasts eerspondiedl Is) by is-ioti- - ' l +4 4e .tiit>.i iKisreif lii-siseely ansI(syYour eyes examined hy an Iresiest. V 'retsi ent. oit s-ioili heis fsi ulty. seew. nosoiss. aShiter. expert otptician. All the lat- e ^ Chffig asnesat ailr's ewer Iest approved appliances and methods FIRSTNATIOAL BAK SJee.elry knowni to the professiion areemployed. r (O ANN Alil(Ol'1,,ttll:. Sne New eye glasses fitted, lenses dupli- SAPITAL, - - - $100,1)00 Suite To Keont-Large nuite, snugle rated, frames repaired. Hailer's Jew- URFLUS AND FROFITS, - 000,000 Iesl bath gas, furneheiat, tele- Ielry Store. if. _ lliphone. Onue blocs frsit canmpusi. New (-_______ A. ltSLlpape cuirtsins aud cadlet. Enqiuire Negligee Coat, Shirts, Cufsa ttact- S.121 E. Jeffernssn sire'et. 22-tf ed or detached, at Allen's. lcssfacide t erybody manitesto p [ ippt ( p desie tobe f sistance. A otchtien Forest Avienue Me}at Market. ILnst-Gldmwateichliarmi. K. of C. Freshowneys, AllegrettisnSat' the (ielfunssassrtsitslfbto l'insder pleases-oifiy It.:L. OBenson, 427 row's adHuyter's Chocolates atCs- (snte rngting i stoe itrgh nt Poultry, Game and Iisin Season (Mnynar-ilstreet. :31-33 ing'n Pharmacy. schintven t isintomsicklyimmd Ionicyaply 530 FOreit Ave. Fhone 00'7 _________recistt sogne im e si rmedfunoor-60 - -- - -- $5 MADOLIN AND GUITAR MUSIC tuniversity students desiring to ne- cincbyseonmmlssnsidn- A.J WTO $1. ANN ARBOR to U S IC CO. crmpositioons to teach will find it to ciita Eyst-iudeont soutliavea l t'&III PuiI'e r, Paints iho~~~~t~bir interest to write to Jamen F. i os5sosonstmol.odp-- T ntt-Sigle roomniah, m cCtiloltgli. 6:39 Finoe Arsds g~ tChi- vsoiisimuseecmimcng soenefrtemgyn- f uicnace hrat, 224 5. 'ITlayer at. 32-34 cago,.t sasinmneecses, re- Cn iI l________ ilosos earoncne, tonthache, nQ- P eOcnuo. reain smwand0 olpaios. Chfn ihe tHiersJwly Bath suppitesorocall kiteds at stlSootme and ftetOensthe Chafin dinho.a(tHaler'seewelry00 ohaving. Watered 216 East Huron Street. Store. t prices at Csshiog's Dreug Soondti tc h Kavelo00 ea s eou- + '.**.f + ++. .' . 544'4..+.'.opophas oedicinal value-is Cra hwn ad,~ BILEY ftEDMUNKDS. leAHN RS s onsitively wohless. Pond's SatdPaus o loteei~ FISH NETS for Decorating , rimnters So'ldionly iseated.bottles. daily. 4 121 E. 1Llbn.-ty St. 4+ 2nd Floor. 5thso Tkcatr0teds AC111<1USTTUE Casdy hKitchentCETN-SBTIUE 3)ll S. Stato' St. if ". " -" . - - .+ -4 . _-"-f*.e.e.*. ' i 3++'4''.5t * +"I + + 5«'3 +Zt+I Yed 1, I Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. finimhlng and Steam WorIk, All a1 Risabto Raths asd First-Class Order at Ji. IF. SCHVJ.IS, 2017 E. Washsnstoaz. EIIUJR'S PllYSICIL TR klNHNG IN WRITING, p. O L1Onrl ed-t~ , priLm t . 1 tt"i 5 e tery i. u t mos)t-yr. .t n maino manrse y I atat- r$7. hFor-a,0bieftuneLa wilsmolthItotliok n on rs,,n a r-' $t i lleiii e I aii olitioeat fontinoSd wrtiootoinhilas lo nret thi Llilamne-.-. 'srittiand 4 moo e 5 i-. 1,. Slit-na -'rot lt. ( . CT , 4tis) -i. 1 , iigAs ve.,(ChicagoIl. HIOCI(ING VA L[[Y fRy Continues Is Excellent -- YOU WILL FIND FOUR TRAINS DAILY FROM TOLEDO' Carreying Parlor Cars on Day Ti-ains Sleeping Cat-n on Night Ti-sins .A ND C LUMOS IN TOLEDOS L .LNDMANG. . A, Detroit Always Ahead in styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring