THE MICHIGAN DAILY DO I T N NOW State Savings' Bank. GEORGE BISOHOFF, W.J otwo . Sh5eehan5 rLORI,5T. l.II. Wade iFiP.\Mills cmoicr 'CUT PLOWTEt5 & PLAN-t,5 Ino. KochProtl tlCrat ai it,btwen lai olasn it. andiller iAve SOME PEOPLE Prefer to pay 6oc a pornwd for factory made CANDY, o0 er utwto months old filled witlb preseivatss es to kepliti fresh. OUR CANDY ts 5isc a pound, Made Fresh Dotlyoo very best materials Before sendiiig your Eaister gifts coiie in and be cois viiiced. DoffPII iS ring COOtS Sprang Suits :4 Crdvenettes I-heRady for your inspection. a Complete Line of g R! Spring ]Hats I r Staebler & Wuerth Correct Clothes for Men OUR good judg. ment should 7prevail in buying clothes; it's as important for us, the seller, as for f7 you, the buyer. caceriuc IV0, A.B.&VCo. Long ago we decided ALFRED BENJAMIN & CO. Clothes were best for both of us; for you, because they look better, lit better, and wear better than other makes; for us, because their name adds prestige to our own. This label Afd Deni~ainH ] MAKERS ,s NEW YORK means "Correct Clothes for Men." Equal to tine custom-made in all but price. The makers' guarautee, aud ours, with every garasent. We are Exclusive Distributors in this city. CUTTING, REYIER & coo iog=mu East Washington St. COFFEE MCAAND JAVA Ox I n oasting~ /always f,'as x 28oper poundQ 214 Mai St. DEMAN r. CO. New Brunswick Tables ATr REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, FineC igars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Slate Si., S. Ilimve usteceied thetai-gn'st ndifine'st lice at Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever blougltht ci ty. Fine Lunches in Connection. Eeeetiiig Seas siilea 301 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY r L 11i , 1U 1 I GORTON'S MINSTRELS. f i106BASEBALL CANDIDATES. Iwoultitk ue to nec a good ''Puch' (-iiiGoInn's Faimotun sMinst rein will of you at lise fair griiiutns tay at 1(0 Foe~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~cm aiinisi i tihiaite eto lithe Athens Theatre on next as I wantts to ietsaa leant to tiaya orni for Ieei5,av hitquit , 'iT hiursda y ceetitg. his cimptany itas itrattee gante witlt the high netinil itt iie danin ; i -teset. collsun the itistictiontof tetig theolidest , as lie afl~erittiii. RO SG A G R well 'ias otesifthe hest, uminst ret tic- DAVIDSON, Miugr. R0~~S GRAN~i[R ganivaliits onttheroail, aitltndumeros __________ 310-3412 Mayoari trei et. Phine 2-4-6. nuttng its perftirmsers stieh well1. NOTICE. Gertoge'sA c oDir tice anti kumotwnuindtiattble airisis anWelsy lTe tannital elt'ctti if isloffiers fitr titesidee. nd st elets rt*otnsiatsittLee, thle tare- lie (Oratosriealassocatin trill talke ________________ -velosisis Macdo tittuie tf aerobaots, Jere itlace Saturday fircm 9 to 12:30intO Sanforde, thle Crescet'Cit fty Quintetterol~o17, University Hll, "Ilistih r. 1 Bby lieRsic, the wonsritteftil Fartin :12-3:11 SHAh5EROG Pres. YOU CAN GET A Tioiiandt other iterftirmers of ablity. ____________ H of In rc io3t'itenion has iteen given to Y'. W. C. A. NOTICE. Ho iii li~ the steitct itn tf the vocal cotingett ann beadnt ac s+ Tti~tl~s_ 33A S Atugartindoghhtistruittta musiasalasualig UNIVERSITY DAN- CINGi ACADEMIY2 1$2 3xiiMsate so. IL2 OHIO CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS ParlorCaraon ali ri ha-.o MARS. J. R. TROJANO WSKI, Thu Professional Bole Dresser 322 S. Stute Street, tup stairs), cit 'tills spic- ial invittiinito tc dises Loi iallilit hl tao to lspmeetirneiineso f he irtientol. eost. Try my Scientific Face Massage and .Manicure. PICKWICK BILLIARD ROOM AND BOWLING ALLEY. w sis tuis ciumpatny, trill tiecif lt'ehigih- eat: tircl.r. pty 5515llibegivenSta11 trday after- nooi at the Y. W- Ci.A. houtse loni 1. uivo-ersity avinste. lise svitiullike ltollthe' attessntin if the reatders iif lieiMichigats Daily Lessons 1ain lancing atl Graniger'sAca- t t'e(ties that sri'noiwitave sitsex- timy'. Clans osr private lessiins can tie hitit ouscnnw spriing lust' ofcar'pets, arratigesdfor' by elinitg as she Acasde- rigs, drapstries suit oatting s. The as- toy. Private lessosin will bie given ssictttsnt in thin class if gouodis excels throusghoit the college yiear, alsoi an- ail ifisir isceviouss efuorts. It is larg- semhties. Class lessiins clune, May sr aind moreccvacies than ever before. :3rit. 33-34 Althoiigh shere has becen an asdvance othese os for ticsome' tote, we inn Pantorium, 336 S. t aor. Cleaning, offer tuhas at prices ltha 't nw will Presoiitg and Repairiog. Cltheo sacs' yisi money atnilwoiulilceerfultly coiled for anii delivered. Leave or- silicit a call frsioyoustoli cvi'us the deco over Cuohingos Drug Store, or oppoitrtiuity of demontstrating 'te ( 'phone 182.3 r. abovie statesme't:. Rliespeictfultly, MARTIN HALtER, Lot-Lady's tan, sa] purse, din- 3i3-3t4 112, 114 andI Ilt E. ibterty. taioing eatling cords, hinoder return or notify 643 S. Ingolls street, NOTICE DEMOCRATS. Moick'tPresidlential (onvenition anit Fresh Lowney's, Allegretti'o, Spur. annusal eetiso of Denmusratie Ctuh row's. Hiuyler's, chocoeis at Cush- officers, Satitriday, April 9th. tug's If H. W. McClIuRE, tires. _______________ IChofing disheo ot Haltes Jewelry F'ituii A esilsd pits, "S. it. 5, 92-9(6" Store.If, mackedl itsft'iiit. "inlger, New Yorm't" io sails. Ow'ner insy iav'sante iy Ticket toe four sampoos-$1.00 callitig at 12019 E., University ave. Suft owater. Miso Toughon, near Quar- ry's, Foitcain pen0 at Cushing's. tf. THOMAS ROWE, Proprietor ROWE'S LAUNDRY, 326 N. 5th Ave. Bell Phone 457. IJOB PRINTING- MEYERS. 2186 707 N, UNIVERSITY AVENUE. jAtten's for nohhy Spring Shirts. Main St. S. Phtone 281. EXCL USi VE NOVELTIES IN .SPRING 121-123 South Maiin Street S UTITING S WAGNER &. CO. N N NNO N 9NO NNN N +. ®v i~v ~s o.+ss®**** o a***Or ; ~~* 'e ls. -' a .** N NN*N**l *NN .*....*A*,..*****.,*****..*A***v**4 ******************************************.... THE "STANDARD" BED HAS EVERY POINT OF EXCELLENCE if thte ordinary flat, nmetal beid-attractive designt, comfortable. sanitary, light, strong, rigid. EVERY DESIRABLE FEATURE of a foldinug bed-economy of space, simpliicity aird ease of operation. PERFECT VENTILATION, eausiest to hanudle, aind is Absolutely. Safe; Accidents Cannot Happen. Ideal for student's rooms. Especially adapted to fraternity houses. A booms (c the hscomsekeeper, Ito trouble to sweep ismder the bed. Inqumire of Henne & Stanger Martin Hailer' Mack & Go. Or write direct to STANDARD METAL, FURNITURE COMPANY, Detroit, Michi. I I I *************************4 a s o H f H " WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD- GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STORE