' THEMICHIGAN DAILY "+ffff+ +fffff f~f THE MICHIGAN DAILY /U Abo os OicG I W l n nnu Entered as scndelas maste at theAn -_ ___ W ild --. -pG----b- 4 Publishrd daily (Monday ecseed) during the e ~ at Ucollege yea,at11i lt.Watsigton street, Leadillg MeIrchlantLTailors (asmet lioSleide citrane)rlPhoe 912-3 * MANAGING EDITOR: S ESOIY TIHOMASON BUSINESS MANAGER: Z ± ROSCOE B.HBOSTON SPRINGi WOO[[NS EDITORS: Athilics. - - - itOnER K. 'iATON For Suits, Top Coats aod News, ASSOCIATES: . BLEB Trousers. Foil dress suits a Oliffcrd Stevenson, Roy Peeblen, A.M.dGr-acer, lHenry P.Erwin *specialty Let us show you A. C. Pound. A. ll. Ortmeyer. ±our London Serges, Londeon Joseph Y. Kerr, Sto:ddard S. More. Id-i M. Brownrigg. I. Waite Jayne. Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Z eo. A. Osborn. Harold C. Smith. Kiloweus, Blarueys, High- larry H. Anidrews. Alfred B. Koch. * Thomsas B. Rioberts. Clyde L Dew. lanuds, Ediuhurghs, Drum- BUSINESS STAFF: toht'> Cugr £ odo . ATh~omplson. Wm:. R. Lloyd roctysMcimgrs Ludl: . , -.Koblitz-. H. i. Latourette. ±aud St. Andrew Flannmels, Ben-js. E. Ilelly. Thos. L. Prkete. London Cassimeres or Amer-* Editor Today-HARRY H. ANDREWS' lean Serges. Please call andr see : SabcriptonS-TwcoDollas r yr s, payable in: advcance. f (Iliacal fter Nov. 1, 1903. $2.59 Office Soars: -12:30 Bo 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 G. H. Wild Comlpanyp .Diy 2 * agee, 331 Packiard Street. fTelephone, 461. 108 If.. WASHINGTON STREET.* fff f f y u . y4 UNIO1 {.Ic) (3E5 * A***..*...****.********** The f6reatdm E xciting [un [or [veryone I Sl 45c. Pocket War Mlaps for the Far East, I Sc. * I SHEEHAN & coal University Booksellers, Sta- tioners and Engravers. 320 South State Street. A!A!AlA 40 4 0!40A**! 0!4!@l 0 The Ann Arbor SavingS Bank.. Capita~l tocka,$520,000. Surplu:s, $175,00. itesoarces, $2,000,00 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. 0::: ov*ns OmlesP li.:Hisoc.Pres.; W 10) Ilsr:: an.ViePres.: ..1IFi ,tz.:tasir. Flowers Choice Cut Flowers adPlants :mn season: COUSINS & HALL, Cor. 'S. Univ. Ave. and im7th:Stre e Telephonme 151. CALENDAR. April 2--Fencing Toarnamoent. April 4-Rocky Miiintain Club Party. April 9-WomnasLecaguc Leap Year poarty. April 9, S p. m.-Lectuire by Prof. Van 'Tync on "A Trip tDown the Dan- u:be," at Sarah Caswell Angell Hail. As antihruoological tripo throosgh the W~est is b~ein:g lannled by a Harcardl pirofessor, Or. XW. C. Fiarabee. Hc will conidoct a party wichebwill visit the tohokia mndi:igroup:, the modern Puebilos it northerno Arizona and New Mexico, the tranid Casio::, the shell formations of California anod the Cana- diani Rockies. Menmhers :of the eingineering faculty and the enlgineoering stu:dents them- selves constriueted miniature models lit the steam lahoratory and the earn- pus5 at the tUniversity of Wisconsin. 'These models are floe the exhibit at St. Louis, soil are ciomplete in every detail. 1904 LIT MEETING. The meeting ofthIe senior lit class which was called for yesterday after- noon toi discu:ss thoeeap and gown quest ion, was polstpolnedI to this morn- in:g at 9 o'clock. STUDENT VOLUNTEERS. 'The Student Volointeer Band will hold a special meeting tonighil at 7 o'elocks shari: in rooin C, University Hail. Everybody invited to: come ou:t amid hear abiouti"Some results of the Missi:oary Enterprise." GLEE CLUE NOTICE. Clee Club meeting in room C, Uni- versity Bail, Saturday afternoon, 1:30. PARKER. EASTER SONG SERVICE. Elaborate preparations are being made for a service of sng Sunday morning (Easter) at the Unitarian church. The regular choir consisting of Miss Laurel Thayer, soprano; Miss Louise Stretch, alto; Dr. J. B. Pollock,' tenor. and Mr. C. D. Frank, bass, will hr asisted by Miss Ribet of Ypsilan- ti, Mrs.5Hastreiter, Miss tDepew, so- prano, Mr. Benbeau, tenor, Mr. Ellis,' baritone; Mr. Edon Sunderland, vio- lieist, an:d Mr. Ericcson, organis. The program follows: Prel ude-Schubert's, Aend Lied for Violin and Organ. Mr. Sunderand and Miss Snithk Easter Caro-Alieln::s. It. .owe Unitarian Choir. With Verdure Clad.......Hayden Miii RibeL. Anthem-Break orth Into Joy.. Rogers ...C..Uitario Chir Response-Holy, Holy, Holy... Shelley Soprano Obligato, Miss Rile, Chior. T Hark, Hark, My Soul...Chadwick Alo Solo, Miss Sretch and Double Quartete. Lift Up Your Glad Hearts.... Dresser Soprano: Solo, Miss Thayer and Choir Recessional-f(Kipling .... DeKoven Baso Slo, Mr. Frank and Doube Quartette. Postlude ............. Bach Mr. Ericson. BAPTIST SONG SERVICE. Sunday fEaser night at te Ba-I isi chorh, th~e choirs 'of the Baist sod Unitarian churches will unite in a reniditionoflo Duley Bucks Sarei tantsia, "The Bory of the trss. The various lantssill lbe taieby Miss Laurel Thayer and Noss Elza-1 both Camiohell, soplraos; Miss Esher Selzer soil Miss Louise Srech, al- los; Mr. Barn:es sod r. Polock, in- ors; Mr. Frederic( TDaley, larione, and Mhr. Coman I). Frank, bass. When in need of a brass or iron bil r a compe-te bedr-oomo suit with a comfotalie siring sod nmatress, tee wou:ldilike ito have the chancet-of showing you: what we can offer. Our assormsent is good:i soi the prices al-I satisfactoiry. This appllies als: to the paror sod dining room furitre aii we can frankly say that it is te arg- -'orline that we have ever shown and in price more reasonable. Respiectfully, MARTIN HALLER, 13-34 112, 114 and 116 E.. Liberty. In fairness to me, please sate in your paper, that it was not:1n em- count of the size of 0:anger's Acaie- my that the freshman banqe was held in the Barbour gym. Since the academy has been enlarged, for hn- dred persoins ran be seaed st anqet table, andl eighty couples, if fair dan- cers, would find plenty of room on the dancing flor. t3 ROSS GRANtER. NOTICE. Pennhylvanla students are requested to attend meeting of Keystone Club in Newberry Hall, Saturday at 1 a. m. Sudents-Earn good money during vacation. Trading Stamp proposition, worth $3.00 to $10.00 a day. Exclusive territory in each of 23 different states available. Call and see me. F. J. Glen, 202 S. State streeL. at AN GLOVE Made of selected, velvet tanined buckskin, hoilt 011 iin e s ithat wsill appeal strongly 10ottle players of expcrienice is ouit No. 2xs It huts 1n) heel pad, is made extra long iin the wrist, is linied amid slightily padded aid stromigly an:d duiroably mcadec throughout. It sells For $2.50. FOE SALE AT Walir's Book Stores. I Ntot a three-tdollar list, but thfeuthreedolla:r hat, The "VARSITY" The tdistmmnctmomi s mmn jthcedifernce. I GOODSP[[D'S HatrsI 117 S. Main Si. You owVe it to your face to useC Williams' Shaving Stick, I THE11STUDENTS" LECTURE ASSOCIATION ,DI!A Y M~. .5rABOLT,lManag~e TI1URSDAY, APRIL 7th ' 6 0O RIO 0N'S Elegant Now Mi'nstrels TIsS SPACE BE[ONGS 1TlT S. [.4A. S 2 Z EXT.'AAOUDINALIY COMPANY. SPROIAL ENGAGEMENT., BIG EUROPEAN NOVELTY ACTS, THIS SEASON EVERYTHING ENTIRELY NEW SEE THE FINEST MINSTREL PARADE ON EARTH Prices, - - 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c Tf44 AN N N® ~O i N i Season Tickets, $1.00 A N,A Single Admission, 25c [HENRY & KYIER; MEiRCHANT'l TAILORS ,, N.UNIVERSITY AVE