THlE MICHIGAN DAILY ~Dwight E. Watkins7~i TYPEWRIT ING Made to your measure and. Drop us a card to 323 3. Main St. r' 1ad have us call for your work. }A FIT GUARANTEED j/1 >/ . i.AT A. LEiB1[[ 4 l ti l l , i s o '~ Forest Av enue M Veat Phoet / a W HO WLLM 0' CLOTHIERS, COOK HOUSE BILLIARD HALL , Hatr iFrihr. Under New fraagement.CO L R H tes and unses e Billiard Outfit. Linen and CUFFS 1O9 and 111 E. Washington Street, Chips given good for anywhere the house. ARE THE BiEST. ANN ARBOR Free Lunc. ___ -- _------Barker's Collars are stamped "Linen" A Word Patent Leather SIhoes t rns advertised and Sold on Linen are To St dentsAt[.Sold by Wagner & Co., 2 for 25 cs ALBERT LUITZ, THE RELIABLE SHOE DEALER 124 SOUTH MAIN STREET++4an.I+oenoll+I Ioa~a t i5* t *restm olog-le:nhc 1111. -,R ENT S CH LE R For anything in the line of &1 ] ¢j( or r n Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentshler, + we~ ar sowioctelictseeto h,,ec' oli cownto Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets.4 + of exclsiecptters i0 I. SPRNG NlELIEE SHIRTS Dre teld t IHIGAN NOTES. UNIVERSITY DANCING ACADEMY, 'n___ph_____________an__is-_IIt fha e er ben or pleasure to IliHSt lidnd bhris alhee I 336 STATE ST. hndle. Ocra Ily speig the ,o..o<«..1.her SnSlyo Short term, $2.00. April and May. 1pa1terns 50h111ttorl dark colors, lie I~tck! in t u "ntlers SthaL aclass hat1sutchc as d0uthot ilnoa. lconser atie, small5 0110 1n el , ,1cStat asa1d11111oSly 1ice Three lesons per weeliWedneday v- 11110 1110111o I/ythearmy, he fi0uses 0110d riscaarc always in t.n. n w 1 01 1 10151010-110'elSySc'01100ur50adclassu hal ascuoing, Saurda- ncorig asd eveniog. doll. W aetldallidf s,1t1 r00 .0nn 1i S eamt 'for t0.1 0 e 0101 1511a1t)11W. y te iplel llhlS fSa ig. M . feroo;lIegth cf sleees,cuff's at- rIll Ic'i1i1 i 10"001101111011110t ltr.o l The average studen~ft cue leantto '5 tled 11r se ae 111110 111ivi s nd l b11111 t15sdoia-Janset,5' car asS, night be- NOTICE-PHYSICAL EXAMIN- WAGNER & CO. 0"(- skin ant < SonIlot, ' 1110the Fe llorftt 011111of tDetroi. . s lae cat e 1n 11. A 51ood11audSiece wtas present11.Mr. A tNS 1 Haberdashes .9 t At Hattes 11101 e e ll eiCru t l 1 n 1 1s en1abedgtoS 11delit'er letures inor 'The spring physical examinationo u~ Illr 11110 Ir t 10111i 11'ileeghtl daes will e held every afternoon from 2 o s not1111yon e an r10turn-to 4ino the director's office. 1, 'I'M refund y1 ~c00our moy Slr.James tGloveoS51lfeOsso1f math- 3034 KEENE FITZPATRICK. o 4 t d -n iS Drug Store 110- (11on hoe engiering faculty --. lhasOentered inlosmunicip5a plitics THE HARMONtC ORCHESTRA. 01111a1d is 01a.1candidat for0101erman 11 the ,Furnishes music for all occaions. -l';10111 S ixt ard. Dance music a specialty. Address L.n -1n a --- 1). Bates, nmanager, 80 . Fourth ae- H ye' a dW tp. Framfes DR JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE. ( nHuy 29-t I ART 5TOk , Dr. SekylS and ~. SHyde. will be Josreeived 223 Mandoln and 1111t111 '1fferinofthlie HendersonS Stok' Guitars that we bought at a remark- C...anies 1 0 1~th Avenue. 11115ornaly at Siho Athns Shils evening.1 aby ow price and witt sel them at Mri Richardi Hensderson is sailS to e oe-third the regular price. Thin in -- -- ry stong 11 the du101 ole of Jokyll an exceptional bargain. Attl Intru- OT GRSH ad IBlcd lonSSsiering tie fact metay on eay payments. See or Fo0r ;.H Ih11 all special scernery and electrical diaptay in window-Ann Arbor Maic astico ae crriedclle~5Ste a very in- Co. -CALL AT to rein g lcerormncle should b10 gien., aster. Tihere will5 be n10increrase in prices. Your eyes examined by an Eatr 5--Y lR'S STUDIO- -- exprt optician. Alt the lat- 31 60n, ain St. Chaffing disnes at Haler's Jewery est approved applance and methods Store t, known to the profession areemployed. ---- - New eye glasses fitted, lenses dupli . StSmlcttOSng scw 1i1 Suite To Rent-Large suite, single cated, frames repaired. Haler's Jew. heds bah, gas, furnace heat, tele- ery Store. tf. Pillow sphune. One bsock from campus. New rp f1A Saler curtains and caret. Enquire Negligee Coat, Shirts, Cuffs attach-ro sre. 2t d rdtchd t le'. ak n sEUO Lost21-Gefeon tcree. 22-ti ed reah we,atAllenrts. pr AtDalig Mllau s fner please notify R. L. Benon, 42 row's and Huylers Chocolates atCush C lk n -______ . --- Maynard street. 333 tgs Pharmacy. 34S tt t A. J. WATSON $5 MADOLIN AND GUITAR MUSIC University students dsring to se- S b L $1. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. cure potions to teach will find it to _ Wallr'Pap er, Pintsli their interest to write to James F_____________ ToRontlSi51g10 rom, bath, gas, McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg Cht- and Oils furnace heal., 224 S. Thayer st. 3234 cago __________Aknss.Txs Mx 1 216 East IHuron Street. Chatting dishes at Haler's Jewelry Bath supplies of ass kinis at all anClioi.. Store. tf. prices at Cushing's Drug store tf. uiirla. ---- Are best reached via (1)V71? JP(OLIC Y - ~St. [ous, World's Fair city, ____________the Teetbuildltig up of a Telephonie System with every possible tod Io lbufIu ern improvement the giving of better service than uas ever thought ir n j'o lt n possible before To be honorable, courteous and just in e'ery detail o t - Puontiipate reqllretn utls. To overcome impediiiens. To be staisR u fied withs nothinig short of the confidence and good will of every citzen 1"its the County Two duly trains to (alifornia - AAS~I-EN~AWL,.0"rsb..ELo O E Co Three daily trains to Mexico. ee'~n7uuu'~-~e E~F0U U~kE.5EfprLPour daily trains to Texas U ~MPORARY OnFFICE Liberty street, near Fourth - Four daily trains to Hot Springs. ______Six daily trains to Little flok. -----THE BEST OSF EVERYTHING. PRESIDENT . WRITE IsE. Sus end rs I O U L H. D. Armstrong, T. P. A.,' EGYPTIAN 1233 WashtenawAv. work In perfect harmony with CICGARLTILS Ann Abr ih Comfort. Style and Service Perfected in Egypt. ABOUEYEnjoyed in America. A Mr1UJS A. HIALE, GUARANTEED "MOGUL SMOKL MAKLS EGYPTIAN SM'OKRS Trimins cnno rut"Viaew Photograpoher r mmi nd s00 an n toeot ai, rept . tos is ens. Viewsof city and campus. Fiash lights, to- eToeSonuC.s.soys sosselul. ,prpt.CorkTipsor Pain. terios, Grpups. THE 286.SA. reyATOBMF&&c& ,Save the Coupons. 316 S. Rain Street, Ann Arbor With Seymour Studio, 'Phone 981 #Aiw yvs Ahead MILTwJKA flTHE TATL(RP The Best ill Styles.W.dV LLL AAA~54L*of Everyl~~I a~rn